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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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11 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Sony Santa Monica: We're releasing just a little God of War DLC for you for free. Enjoy!

Me: Nice. I'll play that.



I mean, I wasn't actually crying, but that's the closest I've gotten from a videogame in a while. Note that I don't play many games though.

The closest I ever got to crying from video game was Lost Odyssey on 360. The main character  Kaim and his wife Sarah are  immortal. I won't get super deep into the story but the immortals have lost most of their memories. They both have sad memories of their daughter dying due to the antagonist. During the game, the end up finding out she's alive. When they reach her she's dying from disease the antagonist infects her with. She dies with her parents and children at her side. Shit was fucking sad man. Gongora, the antagonist, was a bitch.

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33 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Sony Santa Monica: We're releasing just a little God of War DLC for you for free. Enjoy!

Me: Nice. I'll play that.



I mean, I wasn't actually crying, but that's the closest I've gotten from a videogame in a while. Note that I don't play many games though.

I'm still cleaning up stuff in the postgame (Berserkers and shit) but as soon as I finish I'm gonna jump right into Valhalla. I thought it was just a throwback to classic GOW?

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36 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Sony Santa Monica: We're releasing just a little God of War DLC for you for free. Enjoy!

Me: Nice. I'll play that.



I mean, I wasn't actually crying, but that's the closest I've gotten from a videogame in a while. Note that I don't play many games though.

The one that absolutely wrecked me was GOW: Ragnarok.  It wasn't until the funeral that it hit me. The answer to that riddle shook my entire soul.


"A hole. . . gets bigger the more you take away". 


For context, this was about 7 months after my Dad passed away and 8 months after I lost my dog. 


I legit sat on the couch and wept the entire way through the end credits. All of my grief was expelled at that moment. 

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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Saddest moments in gaming--- so far nothing has topped those moments from the Gears of War franchise for me....

  • Dom finally finds his wife Maria
  • ...and the ultimate conclusion of Dom's story in part 3... Dom's "big scene" as the instrumental of that song "Mad World" 

...and of course the character was never quite the same after this. 


There's so much going on there, and with some great pained/panicked voice acting from the guy playing Dom...everything about that scene in part 2... it was surprising to see this in a game at the time, imo.


There's another emotional scene near the end of Gears 4 but I think this stuff from part 2 and 3 ultimately stands out a bit more.

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4 minutes ago, MillionX said:

Saddest moments in gaming--- so far nothing has topped those moments from the Gears of War franchise for me....

  • Dom finally finds his wife Maria
  • ...and the ultimate conclusion of Dom's story in part 3... Dom's "big scene" as the instrumental of that song "Mad World" 

...and of course the character was never quite the same after this. 


There's so much going on there, and with some great pained/panicked voice acting from the guy playing Dom...everything about that scene in part 2... it was surprising to see this in a game at the time, imo.


There's another emotional scene near the end of Gears 4 but I think this stuff from part 2 and 3 ultimately stands out a bit more.

The music in that scene is top tier as well.  It's a really powerful scene as a whole.

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On 12/13/2023 at 2:28 PM, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm not expert on animals but I'm pretty sure Panda's don't eat fish and eat bamboo. 


On 12/14/2023 at 9:19 AM, Hecatom said:

Pandas are still casual carnivores, they eat meat once in a while in the wild.


Somewhat off topic but I just wanted to mention that Casual Geographic actually put up a video about this subject about a month ago.  Pandas were included in this.

Aonuma says that a Zelda maker would not be a good idea

source comes from polygon interview







^mostly a celebration of the SaGa serioues and a Q&A with the devs

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown's World is Full of Surprises

This Week on Xbox 12/15/2023

Homeworld 3 - Behind The Scenes Documentary

Food Fight: Culinary Combat - VSC Early Access Launch Trailer

Diablo IV Gameplay Guides: Midwinter Blight Walkthrough Ft DarthMicrotransaction

Potion Craft - Launch Trailer

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Shiren the Wanderer: The Mystery Dungeon of Serpentcoil Island Pre-order Trailer



^I'm not going to say whether it's true or not since this is the first I've heard it but it both wouldn't be surprising if it was and that chord progression is pretty convincing.


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Curse of the Dead Gods---

Surprisingly I've already made it thru the 2nd tier of bosses so I'm up to the top rank/tier of boss/levels now.

The 2-hand weapons like great sword are just too good to pass up; I'm using that most of the time because the damage is just insane every time.  Sometimes you still need to use the regular main-hand and secondary weapons though if an enemy or boss is simply too fast to be be effectively killed by the 2-hand broadsword or hammer....found that out the hard way against one of the final bosses just yesterday.  


GEARS talk again **spoilers for the end of course***

---as I reminisce on the greatness (please remember this franchise exists, MS.)

It also leads up to an amazing grand finale in Gears of War 3, culminating in Marcus killing the Queen up close and personal, as she was still giving the usual "final supervillain speech"

Marcus--*stabs the bitch with a big-ass combat knife while close face to face with her*--"YEAH! ....feel that?  It's for DOM...and everyone else you killed, you bitch."  

The Queen would fall over, bleeding out on the ground as we finally bring an end to this war.  The Locusts are finally beaten; completely wiped the fuck out by that superweapon.  oh yes....we're talkin' good ol' fashioned  genocide.


This is one of the most satisfying finales to see....I will forever love how awesome the franchise was in that moment as a trilogy of greatness....even though I went on to also enjoy parts 4 and 5.

Edited by MillionX
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On 12/13/2023 at 6:30 PM, Jurassic said:

I bought the Pocket 3+ earlier this year. I actually find these devices are more convenient than using emulation from a phone; the buttons and layout is fine, and it is capable of tackling whatever I want to play without too much setup.



Get it before Nintendo steps in.



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4 hours ago, purbeast said:

If you are a parent, and didn't get choked up at the start of The Last of Us, then you aren't human.


The first time I played it, I wasn't a parent, but it was still a tear jerker.  But going back and watching it (when the show came out), it puts it on a whole different level.

Not a parent. Balled my eyes out and started having hand tremors. Didn’t pick the game back up until a week later. 

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5 hours ago, purbeast said:

If you are a parent, and didn't get choked up at the start of The Last of Us, then you aren't human.


The first time I played it, I wasn't a parent, but it was still a tear jerker.  But going back and watching it (when the show came out), it puts it on a whole different level.

Yeah dude, that shit fucked me up a bit. 

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Splatoon 3: You know those games where you get an undeniably bad match up? I had a game on the Robo ROM-en stage in Turf War. On my team was me with a Tentatek Splatershot, a Neo Sploosh-o-matic, a Heavy Edit Splatling, and a Splattershot. And on the other team? Three, count 'em THREE MF Enperry Splat Dualies plauers and a REEF-LUX user. I took one look at the enemy team lineup and I'm like, "Really game?" That means we had to deal with a ton of rolling players and that annoying AF Triple Splash Down special. We got cooked so bad it's a miracle no one on my team rage quit. That was trash tier match making If I've ever seen it.


Fred Savage No GIF by The Grinder

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Well, it's a bit disappointing to find out there is no variation in the "final curse" for Curse of the Dead would be interesting if there were variations of what could happen there but it's always that same one.  


I just re-downloaded Skyrim to my Steam Deck, so I'll get back into those adventures eventually.  On PC I only had 1 mod enabled on it--- the "Better Vampires" I'm wondering what happens since my character/save had that going on, and I'm assuming a re-download to the Deck doesn't necessarily get the mod as well.  I don't too much care at this point if that would break the save and I'd have to start over since it's been several years since I played the pc version.

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On 12/13/2023 at 8:39 PM, RSG3 said:

Well he was saying to get a second phone, I would assume this second phone doesn't have service and is just for gaming/other time passing activities but then I think of the cost of phones compared those anbernic hand held type things or even a PSP/Vita and it seems a fools decision, to me. Strong phones are expensive, most people have powerful phones because it's a part of their phone contract, they didn't outright buy the phone. Like before I was on a my girlfriends contract I had an 80 dollar smart phone because I'm not spending 500+ on a fucking phone lol. I have a decently powerful phone now because it was a part of the contract sign up we decided on when getting new phone service otherwise I'd still be on a cheap ass phone. 


You misunderstand. I don't mean get a second phone or play with the touch screen, I mean that basically these portables emu systems are android phones with buttons already attached and am wondering what's the point of spending $300+ on a device that's weaker than a phone from 3 years ago, especially when you could get a used phone for even less than the cost of the emu console and  would be better future proofed?


For the cost of a used S21 and one of those Razer controllers that grip your phone, you'd be spending less money and have a better device. Even if you don't use the phone as your daily use phone, it's still a bargain. Tbh I've been thinking about getting one of these Razer controllers myself: 




If you already have a psp or vita then I can completely understand why you'd stick with that. But for someone who already has an android phone and is looking into something like this, I don't really understand why.



Oh and @Darc_Requiemmost phones have a game mode that will block calls while you're playing a game, at least all the ones I've used anyway.

Edited by DoctaMario
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