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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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So I've been back into the world of Skyrim yet again on Steam Deck lately... so far so good; it's actually been a stable experience, surprisingly.... my character Lucien (Imperial) is still fresh; just a meager level 6 at the moment. (at level 10 I can start the Dawnguard story and get my awesome vampire lord form and powers asap).  I found that tower on the way to the Greybeards where a woman stops ya, asking for a toll of 200 gold to pass; the option to persuade came up and she agreed to let me pass for only 50 gold instead.... once she turned around I pickpocketed the bitch and then killed her...took all her stuff and killed the other people in the tower as naturally I got my money back and so much more.  See, I never get tired of playing the bad guy/asshole in an's always a good time.  

Edited by MillionX
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FFVII ACC is going to US theaters on Feb 21 and Feb 22nd to promote FFVII Rebirth, supposedly will have film for FF7Rebirth before the film along with interviews from the Rebirth dev team and AC creators


Not sure if I'd go to the theaters to see the movie or not.  Though I am curious about the quality of the 4K release for the movie.

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I am surprised they decided to release the 1st game, since TRF2 is superior in every aspect to the 1st game.

Not that the 1st is a bad game, but 2 invalidates it.


Also, I would be interested mostky cuz I like the game, but seeing their approach to making the 3 bosses dlc chars at like 5 each, makes me think they will do the same with this by making Greed and Hazama dlc chars.


Not to mention that the ps4 and 5 versions are separate entities that you would need to buy separately to have them.



I don't remember if there was crossplay between versions.



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I just finished Like a Dragon Gaiden.

It took 13 hours for me (without much substories)




The gadgets really spice up the gameplay. I love the ROCKET SHOES!. I mostly stuck to Agent Style bc of this.


Decent story with a touching ending. 


Lots of side content as is the norm.




This is technically the shortest campaign for a Y game. Most seem to be 18-20 with Y0 and Y5 in 30 hr range.

That being said, there is a point in the story where you are told to get a certain rank in the coliseum and level up the Akame network to 10 and the immediate concern seems to be lost. It feels like padding and could have been removed.


Music was mostly solid with the final battle being great. I wish the OST had more catchy music.


The number of Heat actions seems relatively low. Y0 and K2 had a lot especially from the grab, or near a car.


Overall: 7.5/10



Edited by DangerousJ
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and so it begins... my Skyrim character hit level 11 so the Dawnguard content can start now.  Oddly enough I'm still a "regular mortal" at the moment... with the exception of the 1 character I made to be a werewolf, this is probably the longest period of time in that game that I've gone without being a vampire.  

I normally prefer to use 1-handed weapons; usually swords but the power of 2-hand like warhammers and greatswords is tough to resist....would be even more devastating if this were an Orc character (*due to their racial bonus involving temporary double damage....insane power-up there compared to the other racial bonuses).  Even without being an Orc... you can easily start one-shotting enemies pretty fast in the early game with the 2-handed weapons.


...between this ancient classic and the newer hotness of BG3, it may be a while before I get back to Spiderman 2, despite how much fun I've been having with it.

*also; I'm still not finished with the dlc for Kingdoms of Amalur, so there's that one as well.

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Skyrim---heh, man I can't wait to betray these Dawnguard chumps all over again on my new character... especially after a recent glitch that at first looked like it completely broke the questline...  (*if you have a bounty in Riften, the Dawnguard guys will immediately be hostile on your first visit, which is a problem since you need to speak to them to start it...getting in trouble "again" in Riften and then paying off the bounty will clear it though)


Oddly enough I didn't play that many of the other races in this game though... I've only ever played as an Orc (*BEST racial ability, imo.  DOUBLE damage, bruh.), Imperial and Redguard and High Elf.... 

The Khajit are an odd one---I think the concept is cool but the execution of their design just looks kinda goofy... I'd probably be more into playing one of those if they looked more like the Thundercats; that's a much better "cat people" design aesthetic, imo.

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I am just recently finding out there have been some Diablo 4 figures (by McFarlane!) thanks to some recent trips to Gamestop... 

So far, I've seen 2 versions of Necromancer which happens to be my favorite character class.... and a Blood Bishop figure.  

The temptation is too strong here...and I have some Christmas cash to burn so.....oh yeah...


and here's a vid on the Blood Bishop...


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29 minutes ago, iStu X said:


I really hadn't heard much about this game to be honest until it released and subsequently unreleased itself.  God damn is everything surrounding this an absolute shitshow.  This trainwreck is amazing!


Edit:  I can't even imagine working at a VG company and then the bigs decide months before release that they want to change engines for the project.  Like fucking what sir?!

Edited by Sonichuman
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I picked up where I left off, re-downloading Skyrim on Xbox (an odd thing happened a year or so ago that made me have to redownload/install everything for some reason)....on this other profile I had an Orc character, and it was good to be that again due to that godlike racial ability....but I did still run into some tough battles, like fighting a dragon and one of those super-powerful guys... I had to look it up online just to remember what type of enemy this is---a dragon priest named "Krosis".  I tried and tried forever to beat this guy but could not with my lowly level 5 Orc. 


The dragon was killed but Krosis was the real threat.  He's fast and can launch fireball attacks that have ridiculous splash damage...he has a frost aura so you take cold damage for getting close, then he can switch things up and start shooting ice magic/spikes at you.  One hit is a death sentence since that first hit seems to cut your movement speed to you are guaranteed to take whatever followup attack after being slowed so much it's borderline paralysis.  He also keeps his distance to continue spamming magic spells.... as if that wasn't enough he can summon a Frost Atronach. and he can conjure a magical ward/shield on himself.  I was not a vampire yet on this character so I didn't have my usual benefit of the "vampire lord" monster form.  The best I could do after an hour or so of attempts was getting his health down to 60% or so... no choice but to give up and return to this fight later.


Edit----and so it begins; I made it over to Volkihar Castle and now have Vampire Lord status....I forgot how fast this goes when you kill things in that form; I already have several of the perks unlocked just from killing a few animals out in the wild and running thru a certain cave area, killing the "Falmer" folks.... I also made short work of a random dragon; he was nothing in the face of my new monstrous power.


ohooo the next vampire character I could make just popped up in mind----I should make "Vorador" from the Legacy of Kain franchise.  In the world of Elder Scrolls, an Orc will be the closest thing to the look already.

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