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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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2 minutes ago, Gasarocky said:

Horizon is one of those games where that doesn't bother me too much just cause the game itself is so fun to play and the combat is so great

Exactly.  There have been very few open world games where this is case for me- Horizon, BotW, and Spider-Man/Miles.


I'll add Ghost of Tsushima to that list as well.

Edited by Chadouken
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12 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

The bidding war is going to be interesting

I'd rather they stay multiplatform or not be bought by Sony. Sony's censorship nonsense gives me pause. I don't want anyone else bought my MS. Hmm.....Nintendo would probably be the best option but they aren't big into acquisitions. Plus Nintendo isn't going to let a studio they own make multiplatform titles. At least they wouldn't censor P* but eh. Seems like it's going end up less than idea no matter what.

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46 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I'll repeated myself. If they have to be bought I want it to be Nintendo. 

After further thought I'm inclined to agree with you. Plus from acquisition standpoint, they can't be that expensive. A point in Nintendo's favor is that they usually only purchase a studio they work with if someone else tried to buy them. IIRC that happened with Next Level Games.

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They should definitely approach Nintendo about buying them out. They’ve always had a good working relationship with them. Plus Nintendo has always given them the creative freedom to do whatever the fuck they want when it comes to games they develop for Nintendo.

I don’t think Platinum would get that kind of creative freedom anywhere else

Edited by iStu X
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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:



sounds like the guy wants to get in on that money and sell the company

I'd rather Platinum stay 3rd party if at all possible but if they were bought up by any company it probably will mean something will get loss in the process.  If they get bought by anybody other than Nintendo (aside from UNLIKELY as that would be) that would probably put Bayonetta's future and possibly any chance of a sequel for Astral Chain in jeopardy.    By that same token if Nintendo bought them then that means they're mercenary work would dry up so you'd have less chance of things like Nier Automata happening.  I mean if I had to pick someone out of the big 3 then it'd easily be Nintendo due to their relationship and I feel they'd let them be more free to do what they want PLUS they'd have more access to Nintendo's IPs.  I could easily see them potentially ballooning out in a Monolithsoft like fashion where both companies influence each other as they worked on their own games while also helping to make games based on their IPs.  If I had to choose someone someone not in the big 3 then as Hawkingbird mentioned earlier I'd choose Squeenix which ultimately might be the best middle ground option to benefit most parties.  Bayo and Astral Chain could potentially still be on the table it'd just involve another company in the pot, their mercenary work would probably lessen but I think their influence in action could easily help Squeenix in their games.  I'd be fine with either of those timelines happening.



I'd really like it if Platinum had another shot at Starfox without Miyamoto's hand influencing the gameplay.  It probably won't happen but I can dream. 

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19 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I think its a waste of time personally. There is no narrative importance to DMC2 whatsoever and its mechancis have already gotten the treatment a remake would have afforded it with DMC3, and its been iterated on 2 more times already. There is no point to remaking DMC2. Make DMC6 instead. The only thing left from 2 that would be worth fixing is Lucia and they could do that by just bringing her back in a new game. I am way more invested in seeing what could come after V then seeing anything from 2 again.

Even bringing her back wouldn't be worth it imo. She wasn't much fun to play as as I recall.


I would definitely like to see them make more characters like V that aren't just sword Bros though. Would be cool for there to be different combat styles in the game.

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23 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

DMC1 is a great game, I wouldn't mind them remaking it provided they didn't add a bunch of dumb shit to it.

It actually hold up pretty well, IMO. It certainly shows its age, but it's still a lot of fun. Changing a lot of its shortcomings (length, not enough unique bosses, corniness) would mean changing too much. I don't think it would be worth the effort just to redo the graphics and camera.

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6 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Horizon Zero Dawn and Neir were released within a week of each other.  2017 was a really good year.

Seeing all the love Forbidden West is getting is preparing me for all the hype this weekend.

Now Forbidden West is being released a week before Elden Ring. Having these games release so close together is not kind to the wallet

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8 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

My only complaint about HZD FW is that they made Alloy uglier for the dumbest of reasons. 


One of the most dumb things i see a dev do 😂


Weird as it sounds; i think that's also what distinguish HZD from similar games in the system. The 'ugly' main character actually stands out for me. The storyline is also what sold me in the game;  voice acting overall was tight if i remember right.

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7 minutes ago, NinetiesArcades said:

Weird as it sounds; i think that's also what distinguish HZD from similar games in the system. The 'ugly' main character actually stands out for me. The storyline is also what sold me in the game;  voice acting overall was tight if i remember right.

Aloy wasn't ugly in the first game. She just looked like the girl next door type. They seem, and I don't have the game so maybe it's being overblown, to have made her less attractive on purpose because "reasons". It won't affect me picking up the game in a couple weeks... Never should of bought Witch Queen rather have snagged Forbidden West day one.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Maybe I just suck with faces, but I don't see TOO much different about her face from what little video I've exposed myself to. It is different though. Just not enough to matter.


I'm really hoping the PS4 version isn't toilet butter, because I plan to play HZD2 as much as I can this weekend.

Edited by axeman61
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I mean...Kid Aloy is definitely a weird looking child but adult Aloy is fine to me in both HZD and FW.   I do think it's weird that they go out of their way to purposefully make her less attractive but attractiveness is usually a subjective thing from person to person.  I don't find her ugly but I don't think she's model material either and that's fine.

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