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Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.

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Msi is a shady ass company but it's mad cool that FGC managed to secure a sponsorship from them for a major event. I remember the salty suite exhibition during Evo also had MSI involved and one of the representatives was there to help Arturo set up the machine 


The main problem is getting the rest of the party involved - such as Lenovo, Alienware, Razer (who already have a connection to fgc through fight sticks and other accessories), etc 


Personally I believe that Steam Decks or similar portable consoles are the real future for tournaments because they're about as cost effective as the current gen systems, yet their hardware is on par if not slightly better. 


I'd also imagine tugging along pool setups with Steam Decks is much easier than packing a hundred PS5s

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I don’t know why but SFV makes me more fucking mad than DNF ever did. Here we have a game where 90% of the top tiers can kill you in like 2 hits and in my mind I’m just like… yeah I can deal with that. I even played the lowest tier character in the game and had fun. But in fucking SFV I have to run into these fucking UGM Alex players that can win off crMP and I’m like wtf is going on here? I just don’t understand why SF is so maddening. 

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Just went to a wedding. Super happy for the groom (one of my friends) and I enjoyed the ceremony. 


But Jesus fucking Christ I hate the pomp and circumstance. I want to see the marriage happen, eat/drink, and go home. I wasn’t even apart of the wedding and I’m fucking exhausted.

Also gonna say some sexist but I need to get it off my chest. The way (some not all) women act during weddings is absolutely insufferable. I will gladly stay single the rest of my life if it means I never encounter this behavior again.

Edited by Vhozite
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23 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Just went to a wedding. Super happy for the groom (one of my friends) and I enjoyed the ceremony. 


But Jesus fucking Christ I hate the pomp and circumstance. I want to see the marriage happen, eat/drink, and go home. I wasn’t even apart of the wedding and I’m fucking exhausted.

Also gonna say some sexist but I need to get it off my chest. The way (some not all) women act during weddings is absolutely insufferable. I will gladly stay single the rest of my life if it means I never encounter this behavior again.

Absolutely fucking based. I went to my friends wedding a couple of years ago. I was happy for the man but god damn I just wanted to see them say I do and run. It was so fucking boring. Trying to talk to a few people but because I didn’t know anyone I couldn’t relate to any body. Mostly normie couples talking about how they went to fucking Africa or some shit. Never again on my life. 

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1 hour ago, Vhozite said:

Just went to a wedding. Super happy for the groom (one of my friends) and I enjoyed the ceremony. 


But Jesus fucking Christ I hate the pomp and circumstance. I want to see the marriage happen, eat/drink, and go home. I wasn’t even apart of the wedding and I’m fucking exhausted.

Also gonna say some sexist but I need to get it off my chest. The way (some not all) women act during weddings is absolutely insufferable. I will gladly stay single the rest of my life if it means I never encounter this behavior again.

I was the best man at my friend wedding a few years ago and it felt like going to work. All the groomsman's shit was exhausting. I was mad when I had to stay under a blazing sun for 30 minutes after the cememony for a photo op with the other groomsmen and bridemaids. After that I need to do more crap as the bride insisted we make a grand entrance into the reception before giving our speeches. After that experience I turned down being a groomsmen for my sister's wedding. I didn't want to put up with all that again on top of acting as my nephew's babysitter. 

Edited by Hawkingbird
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4 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Just went to a wedding. Super happy for the groom (one of my friends) and I enjoyed the ceremony. 


But Jesus fucking Christ I hate the pomp and circumstance. I want to see the marriage happen, eat/drink, and go home. I wasn’t even apart of the wedding and I’m fucking exhausted.

Also gonna say some sexist but I need to get it off my chest. The way (some not all) women act during weddings is absolutely insufferable. I will gladly stay single the rest of my life if it means I never encounter this behavior again.

My brother just had his wedding in August and it was great.  They did away with a lot of the usual traditions and just had people chilling outside playing drinking games and dancing.  It was by far the best wedding reception I've ever attended.  

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5 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Just went to a wedding. Super happy for the groom (one of my friends) and I enjoyed the ceremony. 


But Jesus fucking Christ I hate the pomp and circumstance. I want to see the marriage happen, eat/drink, and go home. I wasn’t even apart of the wedding and I’m fucking exhausted.

Also gonna say some sexist but I need to get it off my chest. The way (some not all) women act during weddings is absolutely insufferable. I will gladly stay single the rest of my life if it means I never encounter this behavior again.

You would've appreciated my wedding. No bridesmaids  (or groomsmen for that matter)... With the exception of the minister, who's my best friend and our photographer who's a friend of ours, it was all family. My dude went long, but we ate good afterwards and the rest of the night was BLESSED.

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7 hours ago, Vhozite said:

But Jesus fucking Christ I hate the pomp and circumstance. I want to see the marriage happen, eat/drink, and go home. I wasn’t even apart of the wedding and I’m fucking exhausted.

I know how you feel brother. A few years ago me and my mom were invited to a wedding of her co-worker's daughter. Not only did it take us a long time to drive to the place (and we went by taxi - we don't have a car of our own and neither of us have a driving license), but the party took pretty much THE ENTIRE DAY. Even though there was music and shit I was legit falling asleep at the table. And some girl I don't know tried inviting me to a dance. 


Worst experience ever 

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1 hour ago, -PVL93- said:

 And some girl I don't know tried inviting me to a dance. 

That’s another thing. I enjoy dancing and was actually looking forward to it as the one activity I really wanted to do. We waited so long by the time we got to that part my social battery was in the super red and I was just waiting for a socially acceptable time to leave. 

Didn’t help that out of 100+ guests I was 1 of like maybe 4 black people. Let’s just say that culturally speaking the music and crowd was not what I was looking for.

Edited by Vhozite
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I refused to dance in my friends wedding. His wife is Indian so the dance floor looked like a dancing segment of a blockbuster Bollywood movie. Some of her relatives didn't fuck around with the dancing. That wasn't happening for me.


I spend the entirely of my sister's wedding with my then 7 year old nephew. All I had time for was catching up with relatives I haven't seen in years.  

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3 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:


It seem that you get approach by girls and ladies often

Actually no,

I'm fucking terrified to even say hi to a girl I don't know, least of all start a conversation  or dance with one. It's one thing when I'm acquainted for a long time like my coeds whom I had no trouble communicating with, or my step sisters, or my friend from Ukraine,

but everything else? Nah, I'd prefer to lay low and stay neutral 

Edited by -PVL93-
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My experience with Italian weddings is that they start early in the morning for the ceremony in the church and end late in the evening because the "lunch" lasts 8 fucking hours, they're massive affairs because every single living relative from kilometers away show up, even those I had no idea they were my relatives, and you always come back home exhausted.


Not too bad overall, it's just that every time there's one you know it's going to last forever and all you're gonna do is sit and eat for hours. I'm sure there's plenty of people who find the idea attractive too, just not me.

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1 hour ago, Phantom_Miria said:

My experience with Italian weddings is that they start early in the morning for the ceremony in the church and end late in the evening because the "lunch" lasts 8 fucking hours, they're massive affairs because every single living relative from kilometers away show up, even those I had no idea they were my relatives, and you always come back home exhausted.


Not too bad overall, it's just that every time there's one you know it's going to last forever and all you're gonna do is sit and eat for hours. I'm sure there's plenty of people who find the idea attractive too, just not me.

Wait you’re not an anime girl?

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39 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I'm there in person. It is dead here. It seems the people who are still in the tournament is here. There's only a handful of people for casuals 😥

Sad to hear.


I'm also watching the West European Capcom Pro Tour. It's been pretty good so far and there's a bunch of Italian players that made it pretty far for once.

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1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

I'm there in person. It is dead here. It seems the people who are still in the tournament is here.

I think a lot of people could've been burnt by how DTN 2019 was managed, then the next year corona hit and the tourney was cancelled, the 2021 edition never took place, so this year's DTN is the first in the series after an almost 3-yar break


Bum talked about the 2019 one in detail 

Edited by -PVL93-
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10 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

I think a lot of people could've been burnt by how DTN 2019 was managed, then the next year corona hit and the tourney was cancelled, the 2021 edition never took place, so this year's DTN is the first in the series after an almost 3-yar break


Bum talked about the 2019 one in detail 

I attended the 2019 one. It was indeed a mess. Most rooms didn't have AC, a few didn't have water, and someone died in the bathroom (I was scheduled to play him in my pool).


This DTN doesn't have those problems. The third day of these type of events are always the slowest as this is when things die down. It was packed here on day one and two.

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42 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I attended the 2019 one. It was indeed a mess. Most rooms didn't have AC, a few didn't have water, and someone died in the bathroom (I was scheduled to play him in my pool).

If we ever play together in the same tournament, and we're supposed to play against each others, just warn me beforehand so I can concede straight away.

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2 hours ago, Skort said:

Well, the beta has been  cracked and it works pretty ok-ish for basically being run via some plugins and scripts a bit annoying to get it running but once you do it's pretty straight forward to boot it up and go in training.  I spent a few good hours on it in training and vs max lvl CPU  and some of my thoughts are



My brother in Christ I’ll be your best friend if you PM me the link/instructions/details

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2 hours ago, Skort said:

Well, the beta has been  cracked and it works pretty ok-ish for basically being run via some plugins and scripts a bit annoying to get it running but once you do it's pretty straight forward to boot it up and go in training.  I spent a few good hours on it in training and vs max lvl CPU  and some of my thoughts are


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3 hours ago, Skort said:

Well, the beta has been  cracked and it works pretty ok-ish for basically being run via some plugins and scripts a bit annoying to get it running but once you do it's pretty straight forward to boot it up and go in training.  I spent a few good hours on it in training and vs max lvl CPU  and some of my thoughts are





The colors and details are looking good. Post more screens if possible please.

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8 minutes ago, JustBooming said:

@SkortWhat controller are you using? My PS4 fightstick doesn't work, and I'm having to use an xbox pad which means I'm going to chew my thumbs off


I mess around with a logitech wingman pad from time to time as well as a madcatz pad  but i am mostly a keyboard player. I guess some may find it weird but i got so used to keyboard for fighting games , i find it very odd to use pad / stick in most cases.



Edited by Skort
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Got it up and running. Using my Xbox controller since my FC4 doesn’t work. 

Only have a couple minutes to play for now but first impression is that it feels sluggish, but that could just be my computer, the program itself bc it’s not a proper game, or it’s could just be Kimberly. 

Speaking of Kim, she will definitely be an online gimmick specialist lol.

 Her lvl 1 is more brutal than I expected too. This character has way too many moves for me though.


Gonna keep editing so long as nobody else posts.

Guile s.hp is cancelable, and the charge window is large so he can do s.hp xx flash kick. Doesn’t seem too difficult I got it on my third try.


Edit: Back on the beta and one last edit before bed.


Guile in this game feels really good. Coming from SFV where your options were jab or just the fact that his s.hp, b.hp, and target combo are all special cancelable makes him feel so much more fluid. Adding sonic break as a motion special and it does so much to make him feel less repetitive. Obviously this isn’t the release version and things will change but if I end up hating every other character I’m ok maining Guile. I will say stylistically I’m not a fan of his new look even though graphically speaking he is very impressive. 

Last last edit., cr.lp, xx Flash Kick

Probably pointless damage wise but it’s cool that it’s possible if you want to flex on someone.




Edited by Vhozite
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