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Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.

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DIs basically replace the function of random Crush Counter in neutral that leads to combos, except if the other guy is just throwing them randomly without thinking you can easily react with your own and fuck him up.


They are going to be annoying like Crush Counters, but also easier to play around and dealable with.

Edited by Phantom_Miria
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2 hours ago, Phantom_Miria said:

DIs basically replace the function of random Crush Counter in neutral that leads to combos, except if the other guy is just throwing them randomly without thinking you can easily react with your own and fuck him up.


They are going to be annoying like Crush Counters, but also easier to play around and dealable with.

I've never found crush counters to be annoying unless I'm fighting like Bison or someone who has ridiculously fast ones.  Otherwise, they're pretty easy to counter given how slow most of them are.  


DI's might be a little more tricky to deal with initially.   They look more similar to focus attacks in SF4 with the armor plus crumple on counterhit.  I don't see DI being a long term issue though.....  counter-play will develop just like with FA in SF4.


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Speaking as someone that hasn’t played SF6 yet (fuck my stupid laptop) and only watched videos, it looks like Drive Impact has so much counterplay that it’s crazy. I was watching Max all weekend and he was barely hit by it by the end of the beta. It’s a 1 bar move, but all of the counters when landed can make the opposer use up to three bars. I saw jab, jab, DI back as a common tactic, but I also saw people just be ready for it and either throwing it or super through it. It will probably be strong at launch, but I don’t see any reason for it to change except for maybe how far you can get the wall splat. Seeing that always surprise me.

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5 hours ago, Phantom_Miria said:

DIs basically replace the function of random Crush Counter in neutral that leads to combos

I'd like to think the punish counters are taking the place of the crush counters. But for sure PC and DI can both lead to devastating combos. In the beta I kept getting blown up because I used DI as an offensive tool and not so much for baiting mistakes... But yeah, DIs are more like Focus Attacks with three hits of armor and no dash cancelling. 

Edited by ToreyBeans
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On 12/21/2022 at 8:52 PM, Miðgarðsorm said:

Honestly, if DHALSIM got a crouching throw, it would be pretty stupid if the grapplers didn't. Honda as well, as sumō has many cool throws from a crouching position. A good izori would be awesome.


Lol see stuff like this being done at their size never cease to amaze me, sumo is crazy 😄


Btw i'm not sure being "more grappler" will offer guaranteed crouch throw, iirc in SFV Gief, Mika and G were the ones getting one


Gief and Mika ok, but G even if have some throw stuff was mostly a striker and still got one, while Laura (or Honda) got none despite being much more a grappler han G

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From an artistic standpoint, I was taking a look at Ryu and Guile's move set in SF6 and comparing them with what's in SF2 and I was amazed at how close so many of their moves look to how they did in SF2. If you look at Ryu's Tatsu, this is first game since CVS2 where Ryu spins clockwise. If you pause on the key frames, SF4 looks okay; in motion it's absolutely atrocious.


SFV improves on SF4's weirdness, but I think it deviates in ways since newer normals were introduced (e.g. Ryu's standing HK), so it's a bit difficult to compare SF6 entirely to SFV because it animates so differently. Ryu and Guile didn't have the goofiness with their moves like Sakura did in SFV, so hopefully SF6 will keep up the quality on their moves - looking at you Chun!!!




Edited by ToreyBeans
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4 hours ago, ToreyBeans said:

SFV improves on SF4's weirdness, but I think it deviates in ways since newer normals were introduced (e.g. Ryu's standing HK), so it's a bit difficult to compare SF6 entirely to SFV because it animates so differently. Ryu and Guile didn't have the goofiness with their moves like Sakura did in SFV, so hopefully SF6 will keep up the quality on their moves - looking at you Chun!!!


Yeah, that's a good change of direction. I was never one to blame Ono for everything (or anything really, he resurrected the IP after all) but the overall goofiness that's prevalent in SF4 and SF5 seems to, thankfully, be limited to areas where it makes sense this time. Like Blanka being Blanka and throwing toys around. That's absolutely fine if it's an exception for one character and isn't forced upon more serious archetypes like Ryu, Guile, or JP (who's such a far cry from FANG it's hard to believe they're part of the same universe).

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1 hour ago, delete_me said:

Yeah, that's a good change of direction. I was never one to blame Ono for everything (or anything really, he resurrected the IP after all) but the overall goofiness that's prevalent in SF4 and SF5 seems to, thankfully, be limited to areas where it makes sense this time. Like Blanka being Blanka and throwing toys around. That's absolutely fine if it's an exception for one character and isn't forced upon more serious archetypes like Ryu, Guile, or JP (who's such a far cry from FANG it's hard to believe they're part of the same universe).

So far SFV had the best new comers than SF4, and SF6 is the best among the two modern SF titles.


SF4 character and some of SFV suffer tremendously from being too much flanderize, ei example is El Fuerte speaking about cooking like everywhere, then we got lol Rufus and Abigail.


Viper, Hakkan and Juri was the better among SF4, No debate Zeku, Kolin and Menat are all in the spot of the best new comers in SFV


Abigail was waste potential his archetype is okay but his written so terrible just like Rufus. I liked Abigail but I dislike that they turned him into SFV.

I was expecting him to be turned into something like abobo from Double Dragon when his silhouette was revealed but his characters is written terribly for some reason that seems to have a disability or impairment of some sort in SF5 like Rufus.


Hakkan obsession with oil talk in his interaction makes sense because of how his a turkish oil wrestler, while Fuerte obsession with cooking and using it into conversation doesn't feel hit or something, he should have talk more about his wrestling instead of cooking.


Imagine Ryu talks about his hating of SPIDERS in every win quote and interaction, same as Cammy talks about her liking of CATS in every intro and interaction. it feels off even those were indicated in their character bios. That's how I feel about fuerte, it feels so meh and it feels very ANNOYING


Even Cat Woman talks about cats most of the time is already left out in modern comics and iteration because it feels dated and that's kinda 60s comic book villain like Asbestos Man.


The Riddler and Joker staying as a caricature in modern times still fits the category along because they are insane individuals that relies their sanity in their character motifs, but SF characters are not the same of sanity with comic book villains



BAMCO had better take on Tekken, by making their joke and non-joke characters individual stories to be not taken seriously from ending without those turning those characters comprehension terrible or something like a grown up man way to comprehend things like those in the age of kindergarten. 


If they missed out it's not something that would be generally assumed that the character is really that in general because their other interaction like win quotes and intros isn't like that or that comprehension problem isn't all over the character interaction with other characters unlike SF does in modern games.


lol Rufus having some sort of vision impairment seeing every blonde as Ken Master. it's not a funny joke when its obviously to mistake as Ken and it even becomes irritating if you heard it multiple times.




Edited by Shakunetsu
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10 hours ago, ToreyBeans said:

From an artistic standpoint, I was taking a look at Ryu and Guile's move set in SF6 and comparing them with what's in SF2 and I was amazed at how close so many of their moves look to how they did in SF2. If you look at Ryu's Tatsu, this is first game since CVS2 where Ryu spins clockwise. If you pause on the key frames, SF4 looks okay; in motion it's absolutely atrocious.


SFV improves on SF4's weirdness, but I think it deviates in ways since newer normals were introduced (e.g. Ryu's standing HK), so it's a bit difficult to compare SF6 entirely to SFV because it animates so differently. Ryu and Guile didn't have the goofiness with their moves like Sakura did in SFV, so hopefully SF6 will keep up the quality on their moves - looking at you Chun!!!

5 hours ago, delete_me said:


Yeah, that's a good change of direction. I was never one to blame Ono for everything (or anything really, he resurrected the IP after all) but the overall goofiness that's prevalent in SF4 and SF5 seems to, thankfully, be limited to areas where it makes sense this time. Like Blanka being Blanka and throwing toys around. That's absolutely fine if it's an exception for one character and isn't forced upon more serious archetypes like Ryu, Guile, or JP (who's such a far cry from FANG it's hard to believe they're part of the same universe).

Guile and Ryu had goofy moves in IV or V?

I don't really know what you guys are seeing here, because Ryu didn't have a new part of his moveset in IV where he slipped on a banana peel, VI does have Dee Jay who fight with giant musical notes in the background and Manon who forces people into ballet poses, and Blanka has existed in the same universe as M. Bison since 1991 without it being strange. In fact, by III's release, Blanka and Bison were now co-existing in the same universe with amorphous white blobs taking ransom shapes, red and blue Greek gods and the Russian genetic experiment that mixes Blanka's electricity with Dhalsim's stretchiness. So really, what's strange with F.A.N.G and JP existing in the same universe?

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2 hours ago, Phantom_Miria said:

Guile and Ryu had goofy moves in IV or V?

Well, I specifically mentioned that their key frames look okay in SF4. I really like a lot of poses that many of the characters have. But in motion, the way they move is off. Ryu didn't have that issue nearly as much as others... Guile in motion in SF4 doesn't look the best though. The timing on the animations doesn't follow naturally.  


To reiterate, they didn't have the goofiness at like Sakura did in SFV particularly. Their movements and attacks were a step in the right direction. But I definitely said Sakura had some goofiness happening in SFV. The first 16 + the season 1 characters in SFV looked pretty good... After that the animation quality dipped. But SF6 is developing into perhaps the best animated 2.5D game we've seen yet. I'm hopeful, but I'm also tempering my expectations.


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18 minutes ago, BornWinner said:




Saw this clip earlier. A pretty good setup actually but it does have a few holes: the Kimberly could have just jumped forward when they say the DI (considering they were quick enough to react with their own DI), they could have parried, or they could have used her OD Tatsu (which is straight up invincible). 


One of those setups that look good because it was a beta and everyone was new but will get dissected rather quickly.

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1 hour ago, ToreyBeans said:

Well, I specifically mentioned that their key frames look okay in SF4. I really like a lot of poses that many of the characters have. But in motion, the way they move is off. Ryu didn't have that issue nearly as much as others... Guile in motion in SF4 doesn't look the best though. The timing on the animations doesn't follow naturally.  


To reiterate, they didn't have the goofiness at like Sakura did in SFV particularly. Their movements and attacks were a step in the right direction. But I definitely said Sakura had some goofiness happening in SFV. The first 16 + the season 1 characters in SFV looked pretty good... After that the animation quality dipped. But SF6 is developing into perhaps the best animated 2.5D game we've seen yet. I'm hopeful, but I'm also tempering my expectations.


I think you're talking about "goofiness" as in "weird looking animations", while I was more talking about goofy characters and personality like delete_me. What I wanted to say was that Ryu and Guile were never portrayed as goofy in that sense, and that characters like F.A.N.G and JP being in the same universe is nothing strange because there's already all kind of weird shit in Street Fighter standing next to each others.

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5 hours ago, ToreyBeans said:

Well, I specifically mentioned that their key frames look okay in SF4. I really like a lot of poses that many of the characters have. But in motion, the way they move is off. Ryu didn't have that issue nearly as much as others... Guile in motion in SF4 doesn't look the best though. The timing on the animations doesn't follow naturally.  


To reiterate, they didn't have the goofiness at like Sakura did in SFV particularly. Their movements and attacks were a step in the right direction. But I definitely said Sakura had some goofiness happening in SFV. The first 16 + the season 1 characters in SFV looked pretty good... After that the animation quality dipped. But SF6 is developing into perhaps the best animated 2.5D game we've seen yet. I'm hopeful, but I'm also tempering my expectations.


Yeah SF6 animations on general look awesome


Just wish they change Ryu's target combo look (HP->HK old one, the other looks cool), understand it's very very minimal flaw but that shit look sobad and i'm going to see it 999 times lol





I understand they wanted use this


But as follow up does'nt make sense, tbh SFV left high kick (mawashi geri) just made more sense and the transition was better animated (if you watch SF6 one in slow motion next fraame they just teleport him to start the kick in completely different position lol, not even 1 frame that try to link the two moves)


Again incredibly small bullshit, yet bit a shame see most famous char very common tool being so half ass made lol, feels like an unexpected drop of quality for no apparent reason 😄

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8 hours ago, ToreyBeans said:

I get what you mean. If a jab or hook was added in between the straight and the roundhouse, then it would be close to how it looked in the beginning of SF2TAM, when Ryu fought Sagat. But yeah, close enough to me! 

The problem there is the rotation needed to go from the end of the punch to the start of the kick, it's an huge 180° switching also feet position... and they did it in ZERO frames 🤣


Btw GREAT eye at recognize it in SF2AM! Never noticed it and was'nt easy to spot, bravo  👍





But difference there is that in the anime make sense as real motion/animation, Ryu use the right punch momentum to pull the right foot in the rotation and so so left foot is ready to be unleashed in a anticlockwise left  heel kick, to put it easier are two consecutive rotations to the left (right punch and left heel kick)

In SF6

We have a right heel kick with clockwise rotation

Essentially they put themselves in a retarded situation, the combo does'nt make sense physically and is a mess to animate, on top they can't waste frames, so they just made Ryu teleport to a completely different position


Fun thing is they could have avoided all that shit simply by using -just for the target combo- a mirror animation on the HK (essentially the one Ryu already use when on other side), they would end up have italmost  like in the anime basically and result would be far more smooth


High speed is only thing that prevent people realize what crap they did with current SF6 one 🤣

Edited by CESTUS III
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