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The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!

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14 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Yeah don’t take this the wrong way but you and @Darc_Requiemplaying Ryu of all characters was the weirdest part of the beta for me lol.

I didn't know much I could play, so I didn't have time to mess around. I tried to train with Chun and Kimberly once each but someone got on the cab and bopped me when I was trying to figure them out.

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Its gonna be interesting to see how all the strive players react to SF6.


One thing I noticed is that there is a very subtle but noticeable execution "barrier" between characters who can drive rush a and those that do it from   Its a lot easier to buffer those from standing than crouching. St.MKs going over crouching ones also adds that extra layer to the poke/counterpoke situation.


After playing a bit...Kim probably doesn't need to have a teleport or cans; Guile should definitely not have Sonic blade.  Those were the two moves that felt like they were in the "characters having shit they shouldn't like its an ASW game" category.


Kim using cans for oki is squarely in the type of mechanics I don't like but that'll just have to be cost of entry for playing SF6. So if you don't wanna deal with that, this is where you're gonna have to get off because it isn't going away.

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18 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Yeah don’t take this the wrong way but you and @Darc_Requiemplaying Ryu of all characters was the weirdest part of the beta for me lol.

Ryu has a throw loop, he was the closest thing to a grappler this beta. 🤣


As for my impressions...


First things first. The netcode is good.


I played pretty much everyone, the matches were playable, and I honestly suspect that my setup is what made it laggy for me. Misterbee actually called me out because I was talking about it and he was like "It's 1f delay with 150 ping, wtf are you complaining about?" For a Rio-NYC connection, that's actually kind of absurd. The only one that I didn't have a good connection with was @Counterstrike


The game itself is really nice, I pretty much hate most of the Drive mechanics, especially Drive Impact because it's so damn unintuitive to counter now that I haven't played SF4 for over a damn decade now. No armor break specials suuuuuuuuuck.


I played Ken and Ryu. 


Ryu feels the best he's been in a loooong time. It's actually unsettling to actually have offensive options with him after SFV. They did take out a lot of stuff I used with him though, playing him felt like writing with my left hand. Throw loops are life. I'm 100% not playing him if I can help it tho.


Ken feels weird and is kind of a regression compared to SFV when it comes to his specials. Vhozite plays a lot better than me so he can get into better detail why like he did in another post. The Tatsu regression is probably the worst IMO. His new specials are alright, but I'll need some practice to get them down, EX Dragon Lash is great.
St. HK is damn near useless. St. MK covers the exact same range but it's a lot safer in general. I can't cancel Cr. MK into Jinrai to save my life, Lost a bunch of matches trying to stuff Impact with Jinrai and it got bonked too. There's definitely something I gotta iron out in my setup. His lv. 1 is kind of a bust. The range is just too short, he kicks too high, I hate it.


The cool thing about both of them is that they're clearly going to be wildly different from Akuma. Ken's new Shippu Kicks are great to differentiate him on offense, though the EX follow-up shouldn't have been locked to EX.


I like that they did not have any Grapplers in this beta. That means they won't be nerfed before release. 


The cabs need a little more streamlining. Having to manually spectate every match sucks. Training mode is absurdly good, you even got presets for AA practicing and everything. Can't wait to get my hands on the full cast, but I'll have to since I only get paid on the 10th 🤣


The character creator is overwhelming, that thing is C R A Z Y.  I had a good time with the game in general.



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43 minutes ago, Volt said:

The game itself is really nice, I pretty much hate most of the Drive mechanics, especially Drive Impact because it's so damn unintuitive to counter now that I haven't played SF4 for over a damn decade now. No armor break specials suuuuuuuuuck.

Marisa has at least one move that armor breaks I forget which one it is. Gotta watch Evil Canadians Marisa breakdown vid. Pretty sure all supers armor break as well. 

On Ken while he does seem like a regression at first functionally he’s still doing a lot of the same stuff he was doing in SFV. He’s still cornering you from half stage, he still has a light>medium link, he’s still one-hit confirming certain attacks, he’s still using run for conversions, still counter-poking pretty well, etc. Inwill say that I’m not a fan of Jinrai. Move is boring and outside of combos it seemed pretty whack. 

Edited by Vhozite
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34 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Looool Gief SPD damage makes me giggle like a child shit is outrageously high. Controllers will be thrown. 

Getting some of my gaming friends into sf6 and I was like just wait till your see this big fucker.


Edit: they loved the beta a lot more than i expected. None have any fighting game experience and that all had a blast. They got super hype watching me play against other randos. I was not a fan of 5 and I'm so fucking happy 6 feels this great. 

Edited by Genghis_Dong
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I thought I was ditching kim because I had doubts about her buttons being relatively stubby, but after this beta I might be locked in lol. Character gets to do a lot of silly stuff that I enjoy


It felt good to have things start clicking. Structuring offense to avoid DI, buffering and using DR to cash out when it mattered, using alpha counter to stop pressure... It is a lot of shit to manage but it feels fun right now to juggle it.


I understand the distaste with DI, because it absolutely shapes the game regardless of how used it is in a match. Personally I'm ok with it but I'm also a type lumina player so I'm used to structuring offense around stupid universal options lol. 


My least favorite thing at this point is parry, especially perfect parry. I get the feeling that it's going to limit offense in an unpleasant way, and drive impact already does that so I worry about what two mechanics that work like this are going to do. Nothing to do but wait and see how it develops though.

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I tried to mess with the system mechanics the most as that is what will most likely carry over into the full release, at least how I think it will be. Almost everything I found while I was playing against other people. Didn't spend too much time in training mode.


Some characters like Chun-Li have strings that will not only recover in time to not get hit by drive impact, but also react in time to use your own against the opponents. Chun-Li st.lp, recovers in time against a drive impact and lets you punish theirs with your own. Compared to Luke who has higher recovery on certain normals, I think this could be pretty powerful because it gives you two hits to confirm drive impact is coming rather than one.


Parrying I've noticed stays in sort of a "parrystun" state during certain moves such as wake up shoryuken. Basically, you can't do anything until the opponents attack animation has finished. Not sure if this was intentional and I did not test it with perfect parry.


I could barely find anything useful for alpha counter. Maybe I need more time with the game.

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56 minutes ago, Shahenzan said:

My least favorite thing at this point is parry, especially perfect parry. I get the feeling that it's going to limit offense in an unpleasant way, and drive impact already does that so I worry about what two mechanics that work like this are going to do. Nothing to do but wait and see how it develops though.

For me it’s the omni-directional nature of parry that really turns me off, and is probably the one thing I dislike more than Drive Impact. Not needing to guess left/right or high/low is peak “wtf are you doing Capcom?” for me.

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1 hour ago, elliephil said:

I could barely find anything useful for alpha counter. Maybe I need more time with the game.

I think there's going to be specific situations where alpha counter is useful. Jamie can do random palm into his install super and force a mixup. Alpha counter can be useful there to get him off you. 


Those situations are probably going to be rare but at least Drive Reversal is not entirely useless.



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4 hours ago, Volt said:

First things first. The netcode is good.


I played pretty much everyone, the matches were playable, and I honestly suspect that my setup is what made it laggy for me. Misterbee actually called me out because I was talking about it and he was like "It's 1f delay with 150 ping, wtf are you complaining about?" For a Rio-NYC connection, that's actually kind of absurd. The only one that I didn't have a good connection with was @Counterstrike


Damn bro why you gotta do me like that?? LOL!! 


Well yeah i played on a wireless connection from Trinidad so i fully agree with you there, the netcode is nothing but incredible. I did have my share of laggy matches of course but i also had like 80% really really stable ones. So if my garbage setup could play games in Asia....WELL YEAH!!  CAPCOM is doing something really impressive there!!


It was my first SF6 BETA experience, so i was finally able to play the cast and i got a good 16 hours in over this weekend!! I can't complain about that and i had a lot of fun!!  Played with mostly Jamie because i like his style  but come release date i'll focus on muh boy Deejay! 

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23 minutes ago, Flackaveli said:

So when y'all think this whole crack beta narrative is gonna stop? 


At a certain point we all gotta look passed this cuz its getting kinda embarrassing at this point.

The ironic thing is that you can learn a lot of stuff just by watching pros (or anyone ig) who played the crack  or played the previous beta lol. You don’t even have to be a criminal yourself. Even I knew you could juggle after his non-cinematic level 3 i learned that from like a 2 min YT video lol. In fact I did it several times lol. 

I think the crack jokes are funny but I really don’t think it’s an issue. We already know there are changes not in this build and half the roster isn’t even in the game yet anyway. Even IF crack players get a huge head start the placement system in ranked means they’ll likely be put above you anyway. This shit only matters if you’re playing for money. 

Edited by Vhozite
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17 minutes ago, elliephil said:

What mixups can he do? Didn't get to play against Jamie very much.

If he hits with the palm he can do the super and continue his combo afterwards. If it's blocked he's plus at drink level 4 and has a lot of options.


The only thing I don't like about his level 2 is that after the timer ends he goes back to 0 drink levels regardless of the level he was at prior.

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1 hour ago, JustBooming said:

I think @misterBeeknew to look out for my expecting a muscle memory boom, which shook me. I might be wrong, but there are layers that scare me

Bold of you to think I know or pay attention to anything.


All I do is push random buttons and arbitrarily DP/flash kick...and it breaks people.




46 minutes ago, Flackaveli said:

So when y'all think this whole crack beta narrative is gonna stop? 


At a certain point we all gotta look passed this cuz its getting kinda embarrassing at this point.

I don't see why anyone would complain about the crack, especially people who have been in the scene a long time.


Are people just forgetting how Japan got many games up to a YEAR earlier than the US?  During the SF4 days all of North America had to rely on a few cabs in SoCal and like 4 cabs in NYC.  Japan basically played for an entire year before the US even got a chance to play the console release.  For older games the time and knowledge gap was even worse since there wasn't nearly as much easily accessible and reliable info on the internet, and sometimes the US never even got games at all.


Shit will sort itself out in two months after release anyway.  These days people learn and share tech so fast any knowledge gap closes very quickly.


People are losing their minds but let's be real - FG competitive scene has never been 'fair' and it doesn't even matter.  The only people who will be able to rise to the top will be the ones who grind a ton anyway, with or without a head start.

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21 minutes ago, elliephil said:

What mixups can he do? Didn't get to play against Jamie very much.

According to his drink level he gets more options.

If you've played well and he's at Drink Level 3, you can use his command grab Tenshin or his overhead Falling Star Kick which gains additional attacks. He can also take another drink at the end of his Falling Star Kick combo to instantly raise him to Drink Level 4. 


6 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:

If he hits with the palm he can do the super and continue his combo afterwards. If it's blocked he's plus at drink level 4 and has a lot of options.


The only thing I don't like about his level 2 is that after the timer ends he goes back to 0 drink levels regardless of the level he was at prior.

Nah i think it's cool since you gain temporary access to his best moves. So it balances off because then it would be insanely busted if the levels stayed at 4. The move i don't understand is the Drink option at the end of Ransui Haze. I heard somewhere it raises his Super Level but i can't confirm it anywhere.

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37 minutes ago, Counterstrike said:

Nah i think it's cool since you gain temporary access to his best moves. So it balances off because then it would be insanely busted if the levels stayed at 4. The move i don't understand is the Drink option at the end of Ransui Haze. I heard somewhere it raises his Super Level but i can't confirm it anywhere.

I'm not saying the level should stay at 4. I'm saying his drink levels should return to what they were before he activated, since he already earned those drink levels.  


As for Ransui Haze, is that the target combo that unlocks at level 4?  I never used that once and I never saw any streamer use it either.  Will definitely have to experiment with it once the game comes out.   I am curious if it's worth using - his other options at level 4 seem insane already. 

Edited by HeavensCloud
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17 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Not being boycotted on Chinese market


Problem is i truly want to see Fei Long in SF6


Guess at worse will have to create him myself, lucky will be one of the easiest to do lol

You just gave me an idea! If I can, I’ll make Birdie. I truly will miss the man. He got me to base Diamond and I don’t know when he’ll be back… 😭

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4 hours ago, ToreyBeans said:

You just gave me an idea! If I can, I’ll make Birdie. I truly will miss the man. He got me to base Diamond and I don’t know when he’ll be back… 😭

In theory i've already seen there are good pieces to recreate him, prolem is would be very very hard make up for him a decent fight style


Idk, maybe a Zangief, Lily and Honda mix 😄

Lily command grab and Lv3 would look good lol

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6 hours ago, HeavensCloud said:

I'm not saying the level should stay at 4. I'm saying his drink levels should return to what they were before he activated, since he already earned those drink levels.  

Oh ok i got you. Yeah fully agree he should keep those. Never noticed that to be honest, i usually bust it out when i got 1 or none to get more aggressive.


6 hours ago, HeavensCloud said:

IAs for Ransui Haze, is that the target combo that unlocks at level 4?  I never used that once and I never saw any streamer use it either.  Will definitely have to experiment with it once the game comes out.   I am curious if it's worth using - his other options at level 4 seem insane already. 

Yes that one!! 

He takes a big chug as one of his options if you press PUNCH really late, so i was like what sense does that make if he's already at lvl.4??? 


2 hours ago, ToreyBeans said:


Apparently, I should be maining Honda or JP on Classic. @EvilCanadianshould be proud! 

I got Cammy. Coulda sworn i'd get Gief! Maybe this  is a sign from the Arcade gods!!! 

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15 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Looool Gief SPD damage makes me giggle like a child shit is outrageously high. Controllers will be thrown. 


We should love it as long it last


After enough internet whining Zangief Season 2 patch devs notes be like


"Mostly buffs, we wanted to improve Zangief striking game to make him more exciting to play"

+ stLP range slighty increased

+ stMK hurtbox fixed to avoid being accidentally hit on tuesday by moves that in theory should not hit him

+ Tundra Storm can now counter also Guile crMP during second round

- Zangief normal and special throws have been removed

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