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The Street Fighter V Thread

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1 minute ago, KingTubb said:

Alright, cool. 


Sorry for the dumb questions, I don't really play SFV and I think it's one of the least fun fighting games to watch, so I don't know shit and shit. 

She has good pokes for SFV.

But pale in comparission to other SFs.

At least is what i feel.

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@KingTubbFrom a nooblet: st.HP, b/f+MP, st.HK to clip stuff into CC. Also has a 6 frame cr.MK that is special cancellable which is really nice in SFV.


Basically just mash st.HP and spear hand and AA (st.LK and b+HK I think). EX SBK for spite periodically. 


She is good at that style of play in SFV from what I understand (and better in S4 than she has been in a while) but that play style doesn't really function the way you think it would compared to other games. "Mid range poking" is still roughly kissing distance. I tried to find a character that felt right playing that way the whole time I stuck with the game and never quite found one that clicked (Poison was more due to her being Poison than fitting that mold).

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2 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

As long as she has something half as good as this:




Or this:



I'll be happy. These buttons make me really happy. 


She has buttons that look like those buttons. And function like those buttons. Half may or may not be quite right. I'm overly bitter about SFV buttons for the most part.


Like she may be the Kickboxer 4 to the original Kickboxer. Or maybe Kickboxer 2. But you aren't getting JCVD. Maybe the dude from Full House.


Be ready to swat the skies. Folks are going to tolerate about 1-2 of those st.HPs and then they are going to nope out of trying to slug it out. Good excuse to practice AAs into crossunders. 

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1 minute ago, KingTubb said:

She got the "pimp hand strong/shoo-fly" slap still? 



Honestly, this button isn't a great AA imho, but I really wish it was. 

Not that I remember but my personal experience with Chun is limited. I've watched a decent # of matches with her and that doesn't ring any bells so if she has it in SFV it sucks and no one uses it. 😝 I think its more likely that it doesn't exist. No one was trying to animate that shit. "Who has time for this many frames, gotta ship it!"

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1 hour ago, KingTubb said:

As long as she has something half as good as this:




Or this:



I'll be happy. These buttons make me really happy. 


She has all those 3, but they suck in comparison.


1 hour ago, KingTubb said:

She got the "pimp hand strong/shoo-fly" slap still? 



Honestly, this button isn't a great AA imho, but I really wish it was. 

It's about as good as any other jab AA. It's alright, but there are better options. At the range that this hits, you're better off doing cl.HK instead. High priority, fast and can be made safe if parried. Also gives great mix after it connects.

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1 hour ago, KingTubb said:

She got the "pimp hand strong/shoo-fly" slap still? 



Honestly, this button isn't a great AA imho, but I really wish it was. 

The bitch slap is pretty much only good to fuck with your opponent though. It's cancellable on two hits, technically making it the easiest hitconfirm option she has, but it's not as viable as Cr.MK. If I play Chun, I option parry and then kill with this if they're low enough to remind them not to press buttons. It's an incredibly strong conditioning tool, but no one uses it... because it's bad... lol.

Edited by Dayaan
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10 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'd chuck Rufus, Evil Ryu, Oni, Twelve, and Dan  in the trash bin before I'd even consider any other characters. And before anyone brings it up. Ingrid is not a SF character. Although I'd give her dishonorable mention and chuck her in the trash too.

Rufus and Dan are cool tho.

Twelve too has some stuff going for him, his animations in Third Strike were pretty cool, shame you'll never see them since he's total garbage tier wise.

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@KingTubb Chun has 3 of those 4 buttons, and quite a few good buttons. The issue is that her good buttons are good in specific scenarios, it’s not like she has two or three buttons you can just abuse and win the whole match with. Standing HP is their best button and you can kind of abuse that (and it does cancel into super), but the rest are mostly situational. Standing LK is a very fast, easy, and reliable anti-air, but she also has other anti-air buttons that are better in different scenarios (s.HK and B+HK).


She’s definitely good in this game, Better than she has been, but she does take more work to win with then she does in 3S.


Also single button pokes mean a lot less in SFV than they did in 3S as well.

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I think that in that regard, the fact that her normals are situational is for the best.

The fact that she could abuse 3 or 4 pokes and win was quite dumb.


I know that there are fans of 3s here, but tbh it was one of the reasons why i never could take the game seriously, too much questionable stuff coupled with mechanics that made everything worse.


The fact they brought some of those stupid mechanics on SFV, is appaling.


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2 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

Where the fuck are they? I'll beat their asses. No liking 3S here. Only games with good netcode 🙏

I assume you were not here (SRK actually) when i said that i thought that the music of 3s was objectively bad 🤣

Edited by Hecatom
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1 minute ago, Hecatom said:

I assume you were not here (SRK actually) when i said that i thought that the music of 3s was objectively bad 🤣

I don't know about "objectively" but I've listened to it enough to be sick of it. I only play the game muted now. Spend thousands of hours listening to one track per stage is mind melting.

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18 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

The fact that she could abuse 3 or 4 pokes and win was quite dumb.

@Dayaanstop me if I'm wrong, but her buttons are good, but that's not what wins her games. Her super is the real stupid thing. 


Without a stick of butter, Chun is a mid to upper mid tier character that can easily be swarmed if you don't play keep out well. 

8 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

music of 3s was objectively bad 🤣

Say What Excuse Me GIF by Election 2020

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9 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

I like 3S's soundtrack, it has some real bangers. 


But if it isn't your bag, more power to you. 


Saying it's "objectively" bad is a stretch tho

You can judge stuff like music, movies and other forms of art in an objective way.

What is subjective is the amount of enjoyment and/or how much you could like something.


It is how we can like and enjoy stuff that is godawful, and hate stuff that technically speaking is superbly crafted.

Art is not subjective, since most forms of it require a concious apply of techniques and skills.


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17 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Art is not subjective, since most forms of it require a concious apply of techniques and skills.

I agree, sorta...


But for a form of art (like music) to be objectively bad, it has to fail at being the thing it says it is. 


So if they tried to make "Jazzy NYC '99" and it made no sounds and a grill cheese sandwich fell out of your monitor, then, objectively as music, that would be a pretty bad song. 


Decent lunch tho. 


Edited by KingTubb
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13 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

I agree design-wise, but i also know why Tubb likes 3S Chun, which is what i based my comment around. And no shade Tubb, those are similar reasons to why I love 3S Ken... low forward xx super all day.

A big part of the fun with some older games is having sledgehammers like that. Modern balance/patching/lifecycles kinda makes that something that doesn't exist in the same way, if it even still does (depending on the game). 


It feels real good to have a big "fuck you" button (whether that is literally a button or not) and with a little bit of time travel you can experience some great ones.

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17 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Rufus was never cool and Dan is literally a tired quarter century old joke.

I remember that playing against Rufus tilted me so much, in part because the dumbass char design but mostly at how gross is to look at.

Dunno why, but some SF chars on SF4 and V have that effect on me.

(Rufus, El Fuerte, Necalli, Rashid main costume)


Now, a "joke" character i would love to see back is Hakkan, or even better, his wife jerry seinfeld laughing GIF




Supposedly she is also a fighter and her name is Melike

Edited by Hecatom
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1 hour ago, KingTubb said:

@Dayaanstop me if I'm wrong, but her buttons are good, but that's not what wins her games. Her super is the real stupid thing. 


Without a stick of butter, Chun is a mid to upper mid tier character that can easily be swarmed if you don't play keep out well.

Hugo has a frame 0 super that does 50% damage. Also a stupid super, but a lower mid character. Her super does great damage, but it doesn't make her top tier (though it definitely helps). She can confirm into it from Cr.MK, St.MP, Cl.HK, Fa.HK, Cr.LP and more. She has extremely consistent confirms from buttons she's better off pressing anyway. This helps. 


The power of SA2 is that she gets a follow up. On most characters this can be corner to corner carry, sure, but even more deadly is the TC in the air that lands her a 50/50. Guess wrong, and there goes the other 50% of your health. By the way, this mix is applicable to all characters and has tons of variations. Good luck keeping track of them all.


At the range at which she can confirm into super from her UOH, she can also confirm from Cr.MK or kara throw. Blocking too much? Get thrown from Cr.MK range. Guess parrying? Better guess right. Guessed right? Better do a delayed punish anyway or eat shit. You say she's a mid tier character without meter? I agree, but only at the highest level. Otherwise what mid tier character can you name that discourages Ken from pressing low forward at max range?


I should really do a write-up (not a guide) on why Chun is good. The people that say that her buttons are good and spammable are either uneducated on her, ignorant or moronic. An option parry in neutral or even just barely standing outside her range beats those amazing buttons because she steps forward for both fierces, can be whiff punished easily on her HK, and can be dashed in on - if not whiff punished - with her Cr.MK. Yes her super makes her amazing, but it's only what the super enables, not what it does that makes it great.

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16 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

An option parry in neutral or even just barely standing outside her range beats those amazing buttons because she steps forward for both fierces

Yeah, you'll eat a lot of shit for a bad fierce punch. I've learned that playing you a ton. 


Another reason I like 3S chun so much because her hurtboxes on her buttons click with me. I legitimately feel like I can play footsies with her.  

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The recent pornhub apocalypse shows why i am a "data hoarder".

In any moment, you lose access to stuff simply because a chane of legislation (megaupload for example) of simply dumbfuckery.


I had a lifetime megaupload account, i only stored personal shit on that account.

Then bam, the fbi comes and seize the servers and close the service for everyone regardless the type of content they had on their accounts.


Hundreds of Thousands of people and business lost valuable data because of that.

Fuck the cloud.

Youll never catch me storing stuff there as a main form of backup.

Edited by Hecatom
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Unrelated to everything and somewhat of a personal rant, but I was driving around today listening to a bunch of Rush and realized I really need to pick up my bass guitars again. Geddy Lee is a monster and I’ve had a goal of learning a few of their albums for like 10 years now but keep getting side tracked... I also realized when I’m really stressed or anxious, it’s hard to learn a new song or study music, as it doesn’t seem like something that’s strong enough to distract me from the BS I’m dealing with. Video games do though and really help me keep my sanity, but after the holidays I’m going to work on having more personal time and giving less of an F about my job, so I can get more bass time in... Won’t drop fighting games but I would like to add music back in the mix.


Edited by Mattatsu
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58 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

Man, my only wish for SF6 is that I don’t have to wait literally 5 minutes before having to mash through a bunch of dumb announcements I don’t care about before I can actually play this game. 


hahahahahahahaha SF6 will probably have more and will make you sign on using your mobile phone.





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