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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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Posted (edited)

Well it's currently better-looking than a certain other spot... 


*I found some old yearbooks while going through some of my stuff... oh yeah, there's definitely some internet "research" to be done now... there was so many hot girls I remember from the college days it was of the reasons I loved those years so much...  sadly I've already discovered that one old cutie I remember is now the wife of a minister...and she already dresses up like some 70-year old church lady :disappointed:


on another note--- the Fine Game Girls channel finally got around to doing a vid about Sorceress from Dragon's Crown



Edited by MillionX


1 hour ago, Poltergeist said:

It also made the post boxes not as clean, reset everyone's avs, got rid of most of the reactions, and added a permanent white underlay so that way the stage select is pointless because you can't see it. Hope there's some more tweaking to be done because it was looking super clean, and now it's not.


I'm still going to be tweaking for quite some time but I'll do my best to make it look as pretty as I can.


The white background is actually the same transparency as the old layout, but I'll see what I can do to make that background show through without being too distracting.


This upgrade was important because the plugins I used with Vanilla weren't getting updated anymore and I didn't want to be using old versions of forum software due to security reasons.  Invision is more robust and has more features built in -- we are currently using 0 plugins.  This is great for smooth upgrading in the future. 


I'll be running around fixing broken quotes/etc. for the next few days.  Please let me know if there are any problems!


All the old reactions are still there (+ INSIGHTFUL!).  Hover over the like icon.  If you're on mobile, tap the like icon.

Posted (edited)

This actually isn't too bad if this is how it looks with no plug ins at all. Lots of shit to be done then. Plus we get insightful now. One of the main things I miss is that the bar on top of a post that has the poster name.and av, changed color based on stage. I use Jazzy NYC so it was purple. It was good for highlighting posts, instead of the whole page being completely white.

Edited by Poltergeist

Sorry if anyone's inbox gets blown up by quote/@ notifications.  Quotes got moved over to Invision but they no longer point to the original post when you click on them.  Nested quotes got messed up too. @ notifications lost their links.


I've spent a few hours going through every thread and redoing the quotes/@ notifications BY HAND.  Everything should be all tidy now.


I'm never migrating stuff between different forum software again.  Next person who suggests it gets shot.




Posted (edited)


heh, I saw another vid on social media the other day talking about the "myth" of the absentee black father... yeah ok... as if that's a stereotype that has no basis in reality?  Ohhhh that's hilarious that we're supposed to pretend like that's not a thing :lol:


This week is taking entirely too damn long... it's ONLY Wednesday... Sunday seems like it was a few years ago.   Part of the issue may be that I have a few trillion things to do at work lately...


*edit---ohhhhh this is too good... just when I was trying to go to sleep, I found out about some of the dirt behind the scenes at Boyce Watkins' channel... apparently Yarima is no longer there because they allegendly kept NOT paying him..??  He rants about it a bit around the midpoint of this vid... *THEN in related vids I see something about Yvette Carnell's issues with Boyce!  annnnd it's the same deal---she's also saying she wasn't getting paid and had to hunt him down for money!!! Ohoooo this gon' be gooood.... *MJ popcorn gif*




Edited by MillionX

So I did more work and I think I've addressed some of the complaints people have had with the new setup.  As always let me know if there is anything on the site you have problems with!


@Poltergeist Threads should have more color now -- should help break up the large amount of white in the light themes.


@Cathrao Fixed the messaging setup to use space more effectively


@misterBee Keep up the good work man i love this place!

in other news...

fuck cars and fuck people who fix cars. got a tire change because my hand me down car i got from my pops came to me popped. I'm thinking "whatever, free car, its better than if i had to pay for it" go get my tires changed at a shop where some dudes looked at my tires and where like, uhhhhh ye i think we got the size for this tire change. guess my idiot ass din't think to check because i got a different size, got THAT tire popped and realized that they gave me a shit tire from the get go. i went to get that tire changed again from a different shop and when they looked at my car they were like" um dude, all those tires with rims are sizes for SUV's and not your tiny 2 door car. yep, my dad decided to get fancy and put giant SUV rims and tires that only chinese companies made that ran out of stuck DURING obama's 1st run as president. fuck, my , life


TL;DR: my dad fit my car with chinese SUV tires that are out of stock and it takes 270 to replace each one and i got no money to replace even ONE.

54 minutes ago, wiztick said:

TL;DR: my dad fit my car with chinese SUV tires that are out of stock and it takes 270 to replace each one and i got no money to replace even ONE.

Sorry to hear that are you getting around at the moment?


i'm using a spare right now. apparently my dad told me that there's 4 other tires that he got hidging in a secret compartment located in my house. so it seems as though its not so bad. still got alot of problems with the car anyways tho lol.


For those watch youtube frequently..What sort of videos/creators do you watch the most of?


For me..


Transformers Toy reviews - Too numerous to list


Toy Galaxy - They are mostly focused on Marvel Legends and Star Wars, though they do TF reviews too.

They have some well researched videos on obscure toylines like Sectaurs, MUSCLE etc. Theyre funny and informative which I like. 


ASMR videos - Like Million, this is mostly for the cute girls, and second for the relaxing aspects. A lot of it is pretty odd, but sometimes if I can't sleep , I watch some and it does help.

Plus, sometimes its just good entertainment if they're acting as a comic/superhero character.


Cinemassacre - This is the Angry video Games Nerd account. Though it also focuses on movie reviews, and other miscellaneous video game stuff. This is one of the earliest youtube accounts I subscribed to. The 1989 TMNT video brought me to this account. (You can just WALK over it?)


Gameranx- a video game channel that I've subscribed to recently. They do news videos and give impressions on newly released games.  They update everyday and its kind of a straightforward but informative channel imo.


devilLeon7 - If you want to see lots of Yakuza video game clips or walkthroughs, this guy is your man.


Chris Stuckmann - A movie reviewer. He reviews both new and old movies and some TV shows. Hes pretty articulate and has a calm, analytical style. He has no problems pointing out flaws for the most part. 


Andre/Black Nerd Comedy - A retro fanboy/movie critic.  He has a good balance of being funny and informative imo. He likes TMNT, Power Rangers, and Nintendo a lot. 


Epic Meal Time - Its crazy to see what stuff they come up with, though it seems more subdued now.


Nerdy Nummies - Another cooking show. She does a lot of stuff related to comics/games/novels that's pretty cute. I  never have made any of these since its seems pretty time intensive and half of the effort is almost equal to an arts and crafts project.






Humza Productions - A London based Pakistani comedian that does comedy videos. This is more funny if you're Indian/Asian. Details an Asian trying to reconcile his London life with traditional culture.

3 hours ago, wiztick said:

@misterBee Keep up the good work man i love this place!

in other news...

fuck cars and fuck people who fix cars. got a tire change because my hand me down car i got from my pops came to me popped. I'm thinking "whatever, free car, its better than if i had to pay for it" go get my tires changed at a shop where some dudes looked at my tires and where like, uhhhhh ye i think we got the size for this tire change. guess my idiot ass din't think to check because i got a different size, got THAT tire popped and realized that they gave me a shit tire from the get go. i went to get that tire changed again from a different shop and when they looked at my car they were like" um dude, all those tires with rims are sizes for SUV's and not your tiny 2 door car. yep, my dad decided to get fancy and put giant SUV rims and tires that only chinese companies made that ran out of stuck DURING obama's 1st run as president. fuck, my , life


TL;DR: my dad fit my car with chinese SUV tires that are out of stock and it takes 270 to replace each one and i got no money to replace even ONE.

What size are the tires, and you live somewhere that it snows? You might be looking at tires you don't even need. It's even more expensive if you're buying rims too, but it sounds like you need that anyway

Posted (edited)

yeah, I've been watching youtube way more than regular television for probably the past 2 years or so at least... funny how that's changed---there was a time when the average person turns on the tv first thing when they get home.. now, the first thing I go to when I get home is my computer, going straight to youtube to see updates on my subscribed channels... here's just a small bit of what I check regularly:


Collider Channel- this is about movies... previously it was movies+tv discussion but sadly they dumped the "TV Talk" since it wasn't getting good views like other stuff on the channel....also, it once featured INSANELY hot/cute girls like legendary ASHLEY GODDAMN MOVA (perfection), and Sinead DeVries... and Grace Hancock (*aka "Heather Grace Hancock"---legend status redhead hotness), Natasha Martinez, "Classy" Clark Wolfe (*yep, a girl named "Clark"), etc.  The lineup of hotness over there was astounding.  Sadly they've dropped some of the hottest girls for some reason.  Sinead and Clarke are still there though...and some other miscellaneous cuties like Perri Nemiroff and Emma Fyffe (*super "nerdy girl" appeal on that one).  Despite the significant reduction in their eye-candy lineup, I still watch their shows.


Other stuff:

The DSP reports--- you guys are of course aware that I like to keep tabs on the ongoing saga that is anything pertaining to our good ol' pal Phil.  My favorite "correspondents" are Almighty Tevin, Snort Burnell and GTG (Golden Triangle Gaming)...they've done the best job picking up the slack since the Sons of Kojima went kaput.  There's a few others in that category I check as well.

Double Toasted - these dudes are consistently hilarious to me; anytime they have a review of something or just commentary on some crazy shit that was in the news, I click that link SO fast.


Regular gaming stuff--- Gameranx, Claire Siohban (gorgeous) The Know (2-pack of GORGEOUS = Ashley Jenkins and Mica Barton Delicious.), and on some occasions IGN (Alanah Pearce = another delicious one to watch...and the Aussie accent she has is irresistible.), and SwitchForce, and Team Spooky.


Various ASMR stuff-- especially that "Bohemian ASMR" of the hottest girls I've *ever* seen in life; seriously.


Stuff I usually disagree with, so I watch it for laughs --- Young Turks (*partially because I've been smitten by the lovely, wonderful Ana Kasparian since day 1) and Think Tank (*partially because Hannah and Brooke are cute/hot) and Pop Trigger (*Hot Chocolate Brooke from Think Tank is also on this channel) .,...and Boyce Watkins (aka "Moist Twatkins" as some folks call him :lol: )


Random TnA/workout vids---


Various "Bikini/Lingerie/Gym Wear/etc. Try-On" vids-- because most of the girls doing these vids as 99% of their channel content are hot as HELL...and it's usually an excuse to show their bodies half naked on the net, basically...exhibitionist tendencies.... and I love 'em for it. --- quick recommendations ---

  • Vanessa Blanco (the body is insane)
  • Rocio Laura
  • Nicki Andrea
  • Emmybre
  • Cabria A. (booty is RIDICULOUS...and she has no problem showing it off.)
  • Vicki Justiz  - (Miami fitness model; one of the absolute hottest women I've ever seen in life.)
  • Victoria Kay - another fitness model.
  • Morgan Taylor -haha; kept tabs on this one for years.

Yes, I probably have at least 1000+ subscriptions.



Edited by MillionX

No TotalBiscuit?

the Co-Optional podcast is a great weekly appointment for me on youtube/stitcher

Also Linus Tech Tips Rocks and I recently got into this RPG focused channel called DarkPixelGaming, I've been watching it's stuff a little over a year, and just recently got into their podcast (I have a 1 hour commute to work, I am always looking for podcasts)

Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Neesa said:

Well then. Guess I'll roll my lame ass in here too.



Ni no Kuni 2 releases in 24 hours and Neesa-chan returns..




Welcome back to the stage of history, Neesa!  

Edited by DangerousJ

oh yeah and there's Andrea Rosu; her channel used to be simply called "P.A.W.G."--"Pretty Astonishing Workout Gains".  Andrea can also be seen very naked on some other sites... I did plenty of thorough research on her....yes yes :sweat:  I forgot what her channel is called now... it's been several days since I've seen a new vid...


..and thank goodness for the various ways we have to save youtube vids in recent years.  Ohhhh my collection is so legendary.


Meanwhile in Bayo 2 on Switch-- I finally went and finished the story earlier now I have my other honey Jeanne to play with as well. 




I used to be a big Collider viewer but honestly they've pissed me off lately. I actually unsubscribed recently. Rocha is annoying as hell.  Emma Fyffe is more annoying than Rocha. You are right though. They really had some nice looking women. 

22 hours ago, Poltergeist said:

What size are the tires, and you live somewhere that it snows? You might be looking at tires you don't even need. It's even more expensive if you're buying rims too, but it sounds like you need that anyway

Yep found out i gotta get the whole setup FML


18 hours ago, Neesa said:

Well then. Guess I'll roll my lame ass in here too.

Get that lame ass back to streaming. I need my toxic overwatch streams!


Some YouTube channels I like:


LGR (Lazy Game Reviews) - Retro PC hardware

Techmoan - Retro audio and electronics

Game Sack - Retro gaming


K. Michael Russell - Professional comic book colorist.  Coloring tutorials.

Ross Draws - Artist I follow on Patreon


Great Big Story - Human interest and variety channel

Steve1989MREInfo - Guy who reviews military rations.  He's eaten ones from World War II.  Amazing he isn't dead.


The biggest issue I have with the current t revision is the apparent loss of being taken to the last unread post in a thread you've previously posted in.


Not a big deal, but little QoL stuff like that goes a long way.

1 hour ago, po_pimpus said:

The biggest issue I have with the current t revision is the apparent loss of being taken to the last unread post in a thread you've previously posted in.


Not a big deal, but little QoL stuff like that goes a long way.

@po_pimpus, @Darc_Requiem From the feedback thread:


4 hours ago, misterBee said:

If you have posted in a thread before, it will have a star icon on the left.  The star icon will be brighter if there are unread posts.  Click the star to see the first unread post.


If you haven't posted in a thread before and there are unread posts, you will see a circle icon next to it instead.  Clicking  it will bring you to the first unread post.


If you want to see the VERY LATEST post (not just the first unread one), go to the part of the thread listing where they show the latest poster.  There should be a time stamp.  Click it to go to the latest post.

12 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:



I used to be a big Collider viewer but honestly they've pissed me off lately. I actually unsubscribed recently. Rocha is annoying as hell.  Emma Fyffe is more annoying than Rocha. You are right though. They really had some nice looking women. 

Nah, Emma is quite adorable to me, despite her having quite the motor-mouth... she has sooo much energy to talk and talk and talk forever... but that nerdy-girl appeal is strong in that one.


annnnd yeah I forgot to mention Rocha; he definitely has become an annoying factor of the channel, because he seems to inject race and gender politics into at least 90% of his commentary.  Diversity this, female empowerment that... y'know, when it comes to movies and tv, I only care that the end product is GOOD.  I'd bet most people in the country are probably on the same page.  Did a GOOD director work behind that scenes?  Did they get the truly best people cast in the parts?  That should take priority over fulfilling any kind of checklist or quota.  


I also miss the older structure of Movie Talk, where they had the sidebar up on the screen so you know the general layout of what's going to be discussed on each episode.


@MillionX Honestly, Emma does the same thing as  Rocha. The video of her bitching about Jon Favreau being hired by Lucasfilm to was the last straw for me. She was so pissed about a "straight white male" being hired. It didn't matter if he was qualified or not. Dude had huge part in successfully launching the MCU. She didn't even bring up that the person that hired him was Kathleen Kennedy. 

Posted (edited)

ohhh and I almost forgot-- I did see Ashley Mova on either StreamTv or Afterbuzz...whichever of those had an after-show for Pretty Little Liars.  I forgot she was a regular over there along with Sinead.


One of those 2 channels also had the best after-show for The Flash... but sadly they dumped the original on-air talent, and it was never as good the point where I gave up on watching that.


Other stuff I forgot earlier:

Geekdom 101... I only recently started checking out this dude's channel for his commentary on Dragonball Super.

John Campea - a former Collider Channel guy with his own movie/tv talk channel.


SethTheProgrammer -- 'cause those dudes take the power-scaling discussions to the extreme...they go deep into the theoretical "this character beats that character's ass.." battles over there, with funny commentary.  They occasionally do vids on the Deathbattle stuff too....usually when they think the results were bullshit or at least questionable.


Maude Garrett's Geekbomb--I think that's the name of it... yep, you guessed it... I mostly watch this because I think she's quite adorable.  I'd pounce without question. (another irresistible accent)

Edited by MillionX

Hmmm lets see from my List


for movie stuff: Midnight's Edge and Double Toasted (I like the informative and the fun laid back views of both)


for TCG (mostly Magic:The gathering) - Tolarian Community College and The Mana Source


for tech like cell phones: MrMobile (he's great for short to the point stuff on smartphones and random smart tech)


for reliving the older CoD games (and for a man who makes great video game vids in general) Ahoy (formerly Xbox Ahoy) and DigitalFoundry for more technical aspects.



for political: Tim Pool, Sargon of Akkad and Sefan Molyneux (Sefan is very lengthy and will rant but within it has insightful stuff) His social vids are interesting especially when he takes calls and records them. This recent one made me shake my head 


Posted (edited)

I also check on Anne Munition's youtube channel occasionally, though she is more of a Twitch streamer.

*also--GameXplain and occasionally AngryJoeShow.


There is some channel about mythological creatures and characters... ah I remember-- Overly Sarcastic Productions.... there's vids on some other things but I just like their quick summations or explanations of random mythology/folklore-related things.


Almighty Tevin's latest DSP report/commentary (*damn that thumbnail though....he looks like a homeless guy in that pic :lol: ) :



*edit again--- Double Toasted going in on the Super Mario Bros. movie!


Edited by MillionX
Posted (edited)

ohhhhh looks like I found another online gaming personality to laugh at and keep tabs on... I just found this vid about a dude going by the name Wings of Redemption...  oh the level of toxicity in this one is strong. :lol: 

...and there's another vid... oh yeah I've got another fascinating train wreck to keep tabs on. 

Funny thing is...this is yet another one that reminds me of a certain old friend... toxic all damn day like it's going out of style...then probably wondered why an extremely small # of people ever played anything with him.

Edited by MillionX
Posted (edited)

Holy crap Wings of Redemption? I haven't heard of that name in a long ass time. Used to watch a few of his vids 9 years back in the MW2 era. From him is what brought me to the o other better CoD YouTube players. I have thought late as I am to the game, I would consider making vids again. 

Edited by TheInfernoman
7 minutes ago, Weeaboo said:

Try to go back to TestYourMight & happened to look at my last status update on my profile and lol


There's no point in going back. . .

Well of course there's no need to go back!  You've got SRK2! :smiley:

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