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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Oh yeah, simp-mode is going to hit maximum levels in the live chat for this Depp/Heard trial... they got this female doctor on the stand now that is QUITE nice on the eyes... oh yeah she could get ate.  Hmm... someone mentioned in the live chat just now and I'd agree... she kinda looks like Elisabeth Shue; I had a big time crush on that one back in the day.


...which reminds me... another hypocritical thing of women and their "allies", btw... notice how there's nothing at all wrong with the "female gaze" and all the freaky comments ladies might start saying to their friends when looking at someone like say... Chris Hemsworth, or The Rock, Idris Elba, etc. (oh and it can get surprisingly "saucy", btw; I've heard it myself...heh, not them speaking about me, of course)  ...but then when men want to simply verbalize "DAMN look at that one..." or "ooh she's a cutie..." or "niiiiice" then it's ALWAYS met with one of these by both women and other men (trying to look good by taking any kind of cheapshot he can get at another dude):

  • "gross."
  • "found the incel."
  • "don't be that guy."
  • "creep."

Guys aren't even allowed the simple luxury of "commentary" anymore....but of course it's always just fine and dandy when women do it.  Totally fair, reasonable and equal, right?  Sure.

Edited by MillionX
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10 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:

Found someone for you, bro. 

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Dude take her for yourself, take your $3.50 and treat her to soup and salad at the Aldi, you incel. 

For another 3.50 you can take her shopping for clothes at Goodwill 

Edited by DarkSakul
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It's still such a bizarre narrative choice to have a human in a lead position in the Covenant faction in that Halo series.  I still haven't watched it myself, but that 1 thing I've heard people say just really stood out in the worst possible way.  I could believe there would be humans that would betray their own species, sure...heh, I'd probably be one of them... depending on how sweet the deal would be with the aliens... but that person also being in a leading position?  Ehhhh that just seems questionable...and a strange story choice.  I also hear that Chief keeps taking his helmet off, and there's not enough fighting/action scenes.  It is fortunate that I'm not really that invested as a fan anymore for the Halo franchise and story.  I can only imagine the pain if this kind of disaster happened to Gears of War, Prototype, Viewtiful Joe or Vampire the Masquerade  in a tv series format.



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3 hours ago, J-ride said:

@MillionXImagine being put through what Depp has been put through for an ass this flat:

That's a big NOPE from me dawg.  She'd have to be WAAAAAAYY hotter for me to even consider dealing with that level of bullshit.


The way it's shapeless, I can't believe it

I ain't never seen an ass that flat

The way it's level, makes my pee pee sleepy

It's just so damn wrong

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1 minute ago, Maxx said:

they finally put rurouni kenshin the first movie on netflix. these weirdo put the movie on backwards...but damn this trilogy is the finest in live action anime. and at this rate will never be beaten.


the creator is a creepy pedo and thats a fuckin shame.

Agreed. I watched the trilogy a couple of weeks back. I watched the prequel because I was bored that Friday. Ended up watching the first move on Saturday and the last one that Sunday. I was caught off guard by the quality man. 

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15 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Netflix Slashes Animation Programming, Fires Employees as Subscribers Jump Ship

I hope Castlevania and Bastard!!! are unaffected.





TBH, i don't see a problem with this, the whole thread points about awards and other stuff that the series/creators got, but that really doesn't mean anything if no one is watching said series.

Animation is expensive, and yes, i like when companies take risks, but they need to bring numbers to justify the companies taking them.


I am sure that a lot has to do with Netflix fucking the animations by not going their way to promote said series, given how they usually push for garbage i don't plan to watch, but i only find about some animated series after they are cancelled.


But also, there are stuff that i see that has seem more self indulgent for the artists making them that ends missing the mark


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7 minutes ago, Maxx said:

I keep seeing right wingers making fun of leftist over this purchase.... Are people really crying about this? 

Yes and it's ridiculous. All kinds of news articles about it too. The worry that Twitter "will become a place for bullying". Like really have they used Twitter? That's what the hell it is now. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Just now, Maxx said:

I keep seeing right wingers making fun of leftist over this purchase..

Is not just the right wingers making fun about this

Just now, Maxx said:

Are people really crying about this? 

You don't have idea, people are having a meltdown.

But keep in mind, the ones crying about it, are the usual loud extreme lefturds, not the sensible people.

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4 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

You don't have idea, people are having a meltdown.

But keep in mind, the ones crying about it, are the usual loud extreme lefturds, not the sensible people.

Yeah, I saw an article where they were talking to Brianna Wu. I had to roll my eyes at some of the complaining from her given the type of shit she's pulled. Could have been worse, it could have been Zoey "Should Be In Jail" Quinn. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 minute ago, Hecatom said:

They are mad because they know that (hopefully) they will no longer be able to do what they do, to push their narratives and silence opposing views, and think that they will have the roles reversed and have the same shit they have been doing for years done to them.


Just look at how they keep trying to smear Elon Musk with whatever they can think of.


I don't even like Elon Musk and I'm rolling my eyes at the reaching. I saw an article on taking about how there is some worry that China will have influence over Twitter because it's Tesla's second biggest market. I had to laugh my ass off, China's been making Hollywood it's bitch for how long? Twitter isn't even available in China.

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39 minutes ago, Maxx said:

I keep seeing right wingers making fun of leftist over this purchase.... Are people really crying about this? 

yes but as you expect, it's usually the most outlandish:


here's some samples:








I only have been using Twitter for a year and some and it's the worst social media platform. I'm skeptical a Billionaire's purchase of there platform is going to magically change things IMO but intrigued that it just might.

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4 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Elon isn't going to change shit about twitter. Maybe he'll try, but he won't succeed. It's a cesspool.

Lol the only is gonna change in america. If anything hes gonna restrict it more for other countries. Hes gonna fold like laundry to china and middle east

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