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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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It's cool to see this Black Adam movie finally become a reality... it seems like this has been talked about for the past 2,000 years at this point....good thing they went ahead with it before The Rock was too old and started looking like someone's great grandpa.


...with the Blade fiasco, I wonder how long until Mahershala walks away from that mess; that might be another one where it's 10+ years before things are finally on track for the film to become a reality.

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49 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

so about WW3...

China's economy is way too fucked to attempt this.  Not to mention the civil unrest and protest from those refusing to pay rent on those apartments in the Ghost cities. Imagine telling them, not only do we want you to foot the bill for these ghost cities were building to inflate our GDP. We also want you to go to war. The only war they'll fight is a civil one against the government.


China ain't about to do shit.

Edited by BB_Hoody
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

I also had to look this up to see if it was is.

Dude took a million dollars and put into a shady fly by night financial company? What an idiot. Now he's trying to blame some "conspiracy" for his clear stupidity. He needs to change the spelling of his last name from Beale to Bealle, because that's two L's.

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I just saw a bunch of Kanye interviews. I hope that guy goes to jail just for the sake of having him STFU.  You can tell this is some illuminati bullshit, the news can pretend to be baffled all they want but we all know they love having him on screen. If people were actually honest and wanted him to check himself, then he would not appear on any media at all and would be completely irrelevant.

"How much are you worth".. Sorry, you only got your money because originally your target audience (leftist kids) listen to your shit fake ass music. This is why I loathe so many pop stars, they get rich but have no talent, education, or anything good about themselves yet they got an easy ticket to money and a bunch of kids are so stupid that they think this garbage is actual music.

Kanye should have life in prison. He is should be away from media and society. 90% of these rappers need to go bankrupt.

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The Darrell Brooks Show is back with us LIVE, folks....I see his girlfriend just took the stand...

Of course no surprise that this guy appears to have had no trouble at all getting the ladies.  

...but we're to believe they're such excellent judges of character, right?  Their magical "intuition" is just so good it breaks the game, right?  Yeahhhhh I couldn't resist that cheap shot.


ah, so Nick is streaming this on Rumble then... I figured...


*Judge Jenni is soooo nice though....and she has the glasses on today.  I'd definitely pounce that. 

Edited by MillionX
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Spider-man's Greatest Moments:


Death of George Stacy (ASM #90)  (1970)


While Doc Ock and Spidey tussle on a rooftop, Oc'k's tentacles strike some masonry and fall below. 

George sacrifices himself to say a young boy.



George reveals that he knew Peter's alter ego and asks him to protect Gwen.

(The last 20 issues had him noting Pete's strength, quick recovery time, and convenient disappearances during battles. The final clue was when a feverish Pete confessed to being Spider-man 3 issues prior)




Note: This was adapted in Marc Webb's 2012 film "The Amazing Spider-man", but instead of asking Pete to protect Gwen, he asks Pete to stop seeing her to protect her from his double life. Pete  does this for all of 2 seconds then resumes it in ASM 2. 




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37 minutes ago, MillionX said:

The Darrell Brooks Show is back with us LIVE, folks....I see his girlfriend just took the stand...


Of course no surprise that this guy appears to have had no trouble at all getting the ladies.  

...but we're to believe they're such excellent judges of character, right?  Their magical "intuition" is just so good it breaks the game, right?  Yeahhhhh I couldn't resist that cheap shot.

Women love drama and dead beat ass dudes.  They love the drama and the trauma.  They really can't get enough of it, lol.


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7 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

China's economy is way too fucked to attempt this.  Not to mention the civil unrest and protest from those refusing to pay rent on those apartments in the Ghost cities. Imagine telling them, not only do we want you to foot the bill for these ghost cities were building to inflate our GDP. We also want you to go to war. The only war they'll fight is a civil one against the government.


China ain't about to do shit.

I even saw a few financial youtubers acting like investing in these Ghost cities was going to pay huge because you know, you totally own that stuff in China and the government is absolutely not going to seize those rental properties the second they feel like it. 


I wonder if Tencent is giving them some dough to say this bullshit?  🤔

Edited by J-ride
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I'd probably have been more addicted to Diablo 2 if they brought up the graphics to be even closer to D3 with that remake... I did put some time in though; I had a werewolf/werebear Druid (of course, heh) next character was going to be a Necro after that.  


...quite a shame my old college buddy didn't keep up with things in D3... we were reminiscing recently about our adventures in the Phantasy Star Online days; his wife had a character on that as well, and it would be the 3 of us playing for absurd amounts of time on that....sheeeeittt, I still remember the characters and everything like it was yesterday... on the Gamecube version my main one was a human force(FOmar) that I named "Chojin"; he was a human hunter or "HUmar" I think "Angel" was his character name, and she was a newman Force; FOnewearl. 


He still plays one of those where fans run the servers now ("That Company" abandoned it long ago)... I think it's called "PSO ep. 4" or "PSO: Blue Burst"; I forgot the exact name....he preferred that to the "Universe" era of the franchise.  It would be tough for me to go back to the old PSO after the Universe games though; Universe and the "PS Portable" ones had more complex, exciting combat/gameplay compared to PSO's basic "3-hit combo" system.


edit---AMC is showing the Friday the 13th franchise today starting at 6am cst--- starting with part 4 and onward...after the 2009 film they go back to the original, then parts 2, and 3....they did choose to start with one of the best ones though.  My favorites were part 4, 6 and 7.  I already have a blu-ray set of the whole thing anyway.  

Edited by MillionX
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19 minutes ago, Daemos said:

What the man did at the end though. He's a good man for that. 😍

I mean he had to do what he had to especially based on the information he had.  I don't think he knew his wife hit that woman first and even still that's a lot of limbs coming at her from dif directions.  To be honest I don't think the wife took any takeaways from the situation cause she looked smug AF when there was that shot of her putting her mask back on which is probably why she ended up getting stomped again.  Another case of a dude having to come and deal with shit he probably didn't start because she knew that her man is in a social hard place where if he let her deal with the consequences, he's gonna look like a PoS.

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Albertson's is already expensive as fuck. Nobody poor is shopping there. I kinda wish I had Albertson's money.


You know what my dream is as far as having money? I wanna be able to walk to whole foods, pick up any random bullshit they sell there  and go:



Oh man, they have a good deal on this.


One day.



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ah, so they are up to Friday the 13th 7 in the AMC marathon right now... as usual, of course the lineup of hotness is good, since this was back in the good ol' days.  The girl that played "Tina" was cute but I liked the nerdy girl a little more; too bad that nerdy girl wasn't the main character instead.


hahah that was a nice one.. Jason just rammed his arm right in that guy's back like it was nothing.  

One thing I didn't think much about until seeing these movies again---Jason was apparently still human in the early part of the franchise.  He wasn't truly an undead being until either part 4 or part 6...his death was at the end of 3, I think----he was hanged and part 4 starts off with him at a morgue.

*Jason's best "style" was definitely part 7, I'd say--- clothes were a bit raggedy and some of his skin had rotted off so you could see some of the skeleton.


Oh here we go... the sleeping bag/tree kill!!!  haha this shit was legendary.  When I first saw that as a kid I couldn't stop laughing.  On tape I kept rolling it back to watch him swing that girl into the tree over and over again; it never stops being hilarious 😆

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38 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

There are 7 Friday the 13th movies? The fuck?

Oh yeah and more than that...AMC is showing part 8 "Jason Takes Manhattan" right now.  After that was part 9 Jason Goes to Hell, then Jason X which had him appear in space! 🤣  Beyond Jason X...we'd later get "Freddy vs. Jason", which was surprisingly way better than I was thinking it would be....and much later there was the 2009 reboot simply called "Friday the 13th"---- a little nitpick there; it slightly irks me when a reboot simply uses the same title, then you have to use the year to specify which one you're talking about.


Other random tidbits--- Jason didn't get the iconic hockey mask until part 3, and he wasn't even the killer in the first one.


Freddy vs. Jason is indeed an interesting match-up, btw... it always depends on where the battle takes place, since in Dream World, Freddy is a god-level entity that can do anything...but outside he's just a powerful zombie/revenant thing like Jason.

Edited by MillionX
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