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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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My retirement letter for this year's criteria is starting, thankfully, for my recent side security position. Given my on and off experience for almost 20 years, I was one of the employers a few days ago that was qualified for this. After later this year, I can have a flexible schedule for other things in the modeling and acting field. That will just be on and off for me. The goal for me now is to be more comfortable with more than one retirement income given these times, if possible.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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7 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Contacted by TMZ for a response, Greene slammed the rapper’s music.

“While I appreciate the creative chord progression, I would never play your words of violence against women and police officers, and your glorification of the thug life and drugs,” Greene said.

Yet she was fine playing his music. Talk about your self owns.

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Divisive Influencer Tate Appeals Detention in Romanian Court

Tate was initially detained on Dec. 29 in an area of north of the capital Bucharest along with his brother Tristan, who is charged in the same case.


BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — The divisive social media personality Andrew Tate arrived at a court in Romania in handcuffs on Tuesday morning to appeal a judge’s earlier decision to extend his arrest period from 24 hours to 30 days on charges of being part of an organized crime group, human trafficking and rape.

Tate, a 36-year-old British-U.S. citizen who has amassed 4.4 million followers on Twitter, was initially detained on Dec. 29 in an area of north of the capital Bucharest along with his brother Tristan, who is charged in the same case. Two Romanian women are also in custody.


All four of them immediately challenged the arrest extension that was granted to prosecutors on Dec. 30. A document explaining the judge’s motivation for the extension says “the possibility of them evading investigations cannot be ignored,” and that they could “leave Romania and settle in countries that do not allow extradition.”

A verdict from Bucharest's Court of Appeal is expected to come later Tuesday, Eugen Vidineac, the Romanian lawyer representing Tate, told The Associated Press.


Romania’s anti-organized crime agency DIICOT said after the late December raids that it had identified six victims in the case who were subjected by the group to “acts of physical violence and mental coercion” and were sexually exploited by group members.

The agency said victims were lured by pretenses of love, and later intimidated, surveilled, and subjected to other control tactics into performing pornographic acts intended to reap substantial financial gains.


Prosecutors investigating the case have so far seized a total of 15 luxury cars — at least seven of which are owned by the Tate brothers — and more than 10 properties or land owned by companies registered to them, said Ramona Bolla, a spokesperson for DIICOT.

Bolla said that if prosecutors can prove they gained money through human trafficking, the property "will be taken by the state and (will) cover the expenses of the investigation and damages to the victims.”

If the court rules to uphold the arrest warrant extension on Tuesday prosecutors could request detention for a maximum of 180 days. If the court overturns the extension, the defendants could be put under house arrest or similar conditions such as being banned from leaving Romania.


Since Tate’s arrest, a series of ambiguous posts have appeared on his Twitter account, each of which garners widespread media attention.

One, posted on Sunday and accompanied by a local report suggesting he or his brother have required medical care since their detention, reads: “The Matrix has attacked me. But they misunderstand, you cannot kill an idea. Hard to Kill.”


Another post, that appeared Saturday, reads: “Going to jail when guilty of a crime is the life story of a criminal … going to jail when completely innocent is the story of a hero.”

Tate, who is reported to have lived in Romania since 2017, has previously been banned from various prominent social media platforms for expressing misogynistic views and hate speech.






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And now, on the next installment of "Stay the fuck off twitter..."


There's a black chef - Chef Way - who recently got a bit popular on twitter. On a recent post about Oxtail Pasta, tweets resurfaced from when he was saying WAY out of pocket shit about dark-skinned black girls. Shit like “If Black lives really mattered to Sandra Bland, she wouldn’t have taken her own life. I’m serious too.” Not uncle ruckus shit, but colorist. The tweets were from 8 years ago (he was in college), but apparently he was tweeting like that for years before going silent. Now he looks to be in the process of losing what little brand deals he had gotten.


I'm mixed here. On one hand, this is the type of cancel culture I hate. I don't care about comedians bitching anymore, but I do care about regular folk losing opportunities due to whiners on the internet. Especially over tweets old enough to be in the second grade. On the other, dude said some truly foul shit, and didn't apologize or anything before getting cooked. He just thought he could rebrand with a different account and put the old shit behind him, when his name and face was attached to the old shit. Even if he changed, it's just not a good look.


I won't lie though, I laughed my ass off at it. Especially his weak-ass apology, saying "cooking saved me". You can watch the REAL cooking still in progress here:

Edited by axeman61
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Healthy eelgrass beds clean and filter water while acting as natural buffers to protect the coastline during storms. During low tides, eelgrass beds on tidal flats hold moisture like a sponge, offering a safe, wet habitat for small creatures.

Eelgrass also attracts crabs, salmon, and marine mammals, making it an important place for the fisheries and tourism industries. Seagrasses, among the many other ecosystem services they provide, can serve as natural tools to increase adaptive capacity of coastal areas regarding climate change.

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So, the latest school shooting in the news---- a 6 year old brought a 9mm and shot a teacher.


No way in the world I'd want that career.  My major was briefly on that route but fortunately I got out of that....schools have only become increasingly worse over the years.  It surprises me there aren't even more teachers quitting or actually committing suicide, tbh.  It's become one of the worst, most depressing jobs in this country....with an element of real danger as well....all for a low salary.  Where is the upside to this garbage ass career...especially as each new generation of kids appears to be drastically worse than the previous ones?  I still remembering how noticeable the decline was while I was still in high school.  I have no problem admitting that it was my generation (X) that was the beginning of the trash heap, and things just got progressively worse from there....just more and more trash kids produced by worthless, obviously shitty parents.  No, there is no hope for the future.

Edited by MillionX
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5 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:


are people in louisiana completely insane.??

Sadly, we are. My friend was saying something about a guy was engaging with a 22 year old woman on there, but she looked 12 years old. She told me it had something to do with it, considering the skyrocketing statistics of convicted sexual offenders here.


Even Bourbon St Police at this point have teenage children voluntarly participating walking down that street to bait pedophiles into stalking those kids, so they can put them away. I didn't know it gotten to that point. Kinda bad.

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16 hours ago, elliephil said:

Fighting games are a joke. The people who go to these lengths to start a bunch of drama spend way too much time isolated from the real world to manage otherwise normal issues. It has always come off as a desperate cry for validation but also a complete lack of self awareness when any niche community member lashes out on social media.

Hence why i've been advising many to find a girl at whole foods. People at our age having that kind of life style and behavior should be taken under high concern. Imagine if 400 years from now when people then are studying our time and they see that humans use to be fat, use their hands, and have meltdowns playing video games while above their 30's?  That would be embarrassing. 

Guys like Justin Wong are great players, but we all know that with out the fgc he would be another fat ugly asian nerd. Most of us probably recall Fchamp and some other player, trying to look all cool, as they were playing all serious in front of Bayley and Sasha Banks, making a huge cringe worthy moment. 

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Tim Miller will be directing the Borderlands movie, apparently


Ok, so that will probably be the only good fit for this movie... the casting decisions are absurd though....I can't wait to see how badly this one will crash and burn.  Jamie L. Curtis as Dr. Tannis might've made sense if this was still the Jamie Lee from the 1980s....but she looks like and probably is someone's grandmother at this point.  Then there's Kevin Hart the borderline midget set to play Roland....a character I remember to be one of the few serious ones on the roster (we know Kev is just going to be himself, basically)....c'mon, bruh...

*Cate Blanchett as Lilith---this isn't bad, actually; she's an older woman BUT she doesn't look "too old" yet.

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ha, Brick was the first character I picked, and went on to be my favorite in the first game.  They already have Tiny Tina and Krieg in there as well but no Brick or Mordecai apparently?  


That reminds me--- Borderlands 2 was one of my top favorite games of that 360/ps3 era...  there was so many great memories from that one.  It was also the first game I played that had such insane damage numbers... with my high level Salvador and Krieg I was hitting for a few billions of points of damage... usually with the D.P. Unkempt Harold; one of the most OP guns I've ever seen in gaming.


One of my friends that also played the game was such dead weight it was pitiful... basically he'd just get carried, getting by on other people's he's barely playing the game, just getting powerleveled and handed legendary items from in most games, tbh.  There's something about that shit that is shameful, imo.  I'm sure some of you guys have known someone like that--- in most games, a "dead weight" co-op partner actually just makes things more difficult on you, since usually the game will buff the enemies to compensate for the presence of multiple player characters.


...actually, y'know what's even more pathetic---those people that use "bots" to play the game...for item/resource farming and leveling.  I'm not sure how common that is in other games but in Diablo 3 there was (and still is) a LOT of that going on for years.  I'm not sure what's the point if you're not even playing the game yourself.


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X-men Drinking Game:


Take a shot every time....


a character says a phrase in a foreign language then says the same thing in English right after  (Unglaublich! Incredible!)

Wolverine says any of the following: bub, flamin', caper, critter, pun'kin(pumpkin)

Colossus is drawing or painting

Colossus  does fastball special with Wolvy

Colossus kills someone in a fit of rage.

Xavier alters perceptions or memories of civilians to "hide" the X-men

Xavier changes between paraplegic and walking due to a plot development

Xavier is revealed to have done something morally ambiguous or criminal

Cyclops angsts over his optic blasts (It'll get ya drunk)

Attractive female telepaths throw the pussy at Cyclops


A hero is mind controlled into evil deeds by a villain (You'll be fucking fat chicks in no time!)

A character is wearing BDSM/leather outfit

A character encounters a clone of himself or a version from an alternate reality or timeline.

A human bigot modifies himself with cybernetics or creates a robot in order to defeat the X-men

A male character has children he doesn't know about  and doesn't have to play child support or visit them frequently

A Scottish character's dialogue is painful to read

A character's romantic relationship is ended by the editors

A new villain introduces themselves with the sentence "  I am ______!"


Iceman plays a practical joke on someone

Iceman makes a reference to the Champions, (his defunct superhero group with Angel/Black Widow/Ghost Rider/Darkstar)

Iceman DOES NOT make an appearance in the Days of Future Past or Dark Phoenix comic book stories

Beast quotes classic literature

Beast is doing SCIENCE!

Jean Grey is "replaced"  by an entity that takes her form


Storm does not use contractions or says "Goddess"

Storm uses her thieving skills to get everyone out of a fix.

Despite being leader of the Morlocks, she only checks in on them when the X-men need something.

A male villain is enamored of Storm.


Wolverine and Archangel fight over Jean.

An X-men character becomes a horseman of Apocalypse

Nightcrawler flirts with women

Nightcrawler is shown praying or consulting a Catholic priest or becoming a priest.


Bishop has thicc thighs.

Bishop questions present behavior and compares it to the XSE (his group in the future.)


Banshee starts out "old" and becomes younger and more attractive as time passes.

Jubilee uses ultra 90's references and dialogue.

Gambit smokes.

Gambit is teased to have connections with many different X-characters (Sinister, Sabretooth, Yukio)

Gambit tries to get a kiss from Rogue


Rogue says "Sugah" or southern aphorisms. 

Rogue visits Mystique between missions.

Rogue and Carol Danvers fight internally over use of the body.


A characters ethnicity changes due to plot development.

Psylocke revels in hand to hand combat despite being able to disable them form a distance.


Magneto switches from being a villain to anti hero.

Magneto is de-aged by another entity and restored to his physical prime.

Magneto makes a dramatic last page reveal in a comic.

Magneto is drawn standing with one arm extended with energy effects (the default Jim Lee pose)


Sinister manipulates others into fighting and doing his dirty work.

Sinister is shown to have played a behind the scenes role in much of Cyclops' life.

He uses the alias "Milbury" in his human disguise.


Claremont uses villains from other books he writes and incorporates them into the x-books (Sabretooth, Deathbird, Mystique)

A lover refers to their bf/gf as "dear heart"

A villain owns an X-men "body and soul"


The X-men mansion is destroyed.

A character is about to get married and then it goes awry.


Havok dumps on himself for not being the leader Cyclops is.

Wolfsbane is very conservative in actions.

Cannonball is "nigh invulnerable when hes blastin"



Spiral modifies a character for her twisted pleasure at her body shoppe.


Gambit or Cable say "The name is Gambit/Cable. Remember it!"  (X-men TAS)

Magneto says "Mutant Liberation  BEGINS!"  (XMEN TAS)

Cyclops is treated like a used tissue (Fox movies)
















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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

X-men Drinking Game:


Take a shot every time....


a character says a phrase in a foreign language then says the same thing in English right after  (Unglaublich! Incredible!)

Wolverine says any of the following: bub, flamin', caper, critter, pun'kin(pumpkin)

Colossus is drawing or painting

Colossus  does fastball special with Wolvy

Colossus kills someone in a fit of rage.

Xavier alters perceptions or memories of civilians to "hide" the X-men

Xavier changes between paraplegic and walking due to a plot development

Xavier is revealed to have done something morally ambiguous or criminal

Cyclops angsts over his optic blasts (It'll get ya drunk)

Attractive female telepaths throw the pussy at Cyclops


A hero is mind controlled into evil deeds by a villain (You'll be fucking fat chicks in no time!)

A character is wearing BDSM/leather outfit

A character encounters a clone of himself or a version from an alternate reality or timeline.

A human bigot modifies himself with cybernetics or creates a robot in order to defeat the X-men

A male character has children he doesn't know about  and doesn't have to play child support or visit them frequently

A Scottish character's dialogue is painful to read

A character's romantic relationship is ended by the editors

A new villain introduces themselves with the sentence "  I am ______!"


Iceman plays a practical joke on someone

Iceman makes a reference to the Champions, (his defunct superhero group with Angel/Black Widow/Ghost Rider/Darkstar)

Iceman DOES NOT make an appearance in the Days of Future Past or Dark Phoenix comic book stories

Beast quotes classic literature

Beast is doing SCIENCE!

Jean Grey is "replaced"  by an entity that takes her form


Storm does not use contractions or says "Goddess"

Storm uses her thieving skills to get everyone out of a fix.

Despite being leader of the Morlocks, she only checks in on them when the X-men need something.

A male villain is enamored of Storm.


Wolverine and Archangel fight over Jean.

An X-men character becomes a horseman of Apocalypse

Nightcrawler flirts with women

Nightcrawler is shown praying or consulting a Catholic priest or becoming a priest.


Bishop has thicc thighs.

Bishop questions present behavior and compares it to the XSE (his group in the future.)


Banshee starts out "old" and becomes younger and more attractive as time passes.

Jubilee uses ultra 90's references and dialogue.

Gambit smokes.

Gambit is teased to have connections with many different X-characters (Sinister, Sabretooth, Yukio)

Gambit tries to get a kiss from Rogue


Rogue says "Sugah" or southern aphorisms. 

Rogue visits Mystique between missions.

Rogue and Carol Danvers fight internally over use of the body.


A characters ethnicity changes due to plot development.

Psylocke revels in hand to hand combat despite being able to disable them form a distance.


Magneto switches from being a villain to anti hero.

Magneto is de-aged by another entity and restored to his physical prime.

Magneto makes a dramatic last page reveal in a comic.

Magneto is drawn standing with one arm extended with energy effects (the default Jim Lee pose)


Sinister manipulates others into fighting and doing his dirty work.

Sinister is shown to have played a behind the scenes role in much of Cyclops' life.

He uses the alias "Milbury" in his human disguise.


Claremont uses villains from other books he writes and incorporates them into the x-books (Sabretooth, Deathbird, Mystique)

A lover refers to their bf/gf as "dear heart"

A villain owns an X-men "body and soul"


The X-men mansion is destroyed.

A character is about to get married and then it goes awry.


Havok dumps on himself for not being the leader Cyclops is.

Wolfsbane is very conservative in actions.

Cannonball is "nigh invulnerable when hes blastin"



Spiral modifies a character for her twisted pleasure at her body shoppe.


Gambit or Cable say "The name is Gambit/Cable. Remember it!"  (X-men TAS)

Magneto says "Mutant Liberation  BEGINS!"  (XMEN TAS)

Cyclops is treated like a used tissue (Fox movies)
















This is overkill enough, you don't even need anything else.  Everything else is just putting booze in a corpse.

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36 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Optimus out here about to be buying a purple diamond ring for his wife like he was Kobe 😉

Naaaaaaaah 😂


Any "big" purchases we check in with each other on. It's more a "we're not trying to replace anything in the house in the next few months" kind of thing.


If it ever gets to the point where I'm buying purple diamonds, I'm already dead 🤣.


Not gonna lie, it's actually the first time where I feel like the juice may not be worth the squeeze. 


1 hour ago, TheInfernoman said:

Neat but I'll take the premium Lego ver. Only because I love Lego.

I have thought about that as well as something different. It also can go between movie versions, which is also great. 


My current vehicle is the Sunstar 1:18 Time Machine from BTTF2




The cost is a pretty hard pill to swallow. At least with Transformers, moving into the Masterpiece line, there is a significant bump in quality, articulation, and polish. While the Hot Toys Release is more accurate, outside of lights and ratchets (for the doors), they pretty much do the same thing.







Edited by OPTIMUS124
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46 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Sometimes I really would like to know what people like Mozart were like in real life.  He probably knew he was the goat 🐐 and I wonder if he acted like a rock star because of it.

Isn't that what the Amadeus movie is?  Most likely embellished a lot, to who knows completely false but yeah... what I wanted to said is he plays the piano and synchronize farts to songs, so yeah he did was a rock star.  😆


Edit: Oh and he fucks big titty women.  Can't really remember well, I saw it like 20 years ago.  

Edited by LuvMyCap
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36 minutes ago, LuvMyCap said:

Isn't that what the Amadeus movie is?  Most likely embellished a lot, to who knows completely false but yeah... what I wanted to said is he plays the piano and synchronize farts to songs, so yeah he did was a rock star.  😆


Edit: Oh and he fucks big titty women.  Can't really remember well, I saw it like 20 years ago.  

I've seen the movie but most historians say it's probably an exaggeration.  Though he probably had groupies because Cervantes talked about how a father had to protect their daughter's chastity from scoundrels like musicians in the book Don Quixote which was written in the 1600s.

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7 hours ago, J-ride said:

Sometimes I really would like to know what people like Mozart were like in real life.  He probably knew he was the goat 🐐 and I wonder if he acted like a rock star because of it.

He was probably fucked up in the same ways that people like Michael Jackson or George Jones were. Brilliant as a musician but mainly because his father (who was like the classical period version or Joe Jackson or George Jones' father) believed his son was put on earth by God to play and entertain the masses, and he took that mission seriously, sometimes in abusive ways. 

9 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Mozart is great, but I consider Bach to be the goat. Dude was on another level.

Imo Bach is like the Beatles of classical music; it changed everything. His music fell out of favor for awhile after he died, but then people rediscovered it and it influenced pretty much everyone who came after in one way or another.

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Well, that was one hell of a dream from out of nowhere....previously, in Dreamworld---- 


I had been kidnapped by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and it was all for her own perverse, freaky "needs"....I was her sex slave, basically... shackled up somewhere in a basement of some place only she had access to.  She'd occasionally come in just to have her naughty fun with me, and then leave (like a domination fantasy type of thing)....pretty awesome dream, tbh... though she's never been a high-rank political cutie for me.  She's just kinda "ok". 


The real hotness in the political space at the moment is Tulsi Gabbard....that's serious prime cut there.

...and she's more of an on-air personality----Dana Loesch continues to be a smokeshow, imo... I'd jump at the chance with that one.

Edited by MillionX
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9 hours ago, J-ride said:

Sometimes I really would like to know what people like Mozart were like in real life.  He probably knew he was the goat 🐐 and I wonder if he acted like a rock star because of it.

I had a math teacher in high school who said that Mathematicians like Pyhtagoras and Euclid were slaying pussy because of how awesome their math was. He was a good teacher.

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