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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Bruh flight benefits are a game changer. One minute I'm in Texas for training. Then I'm back in Atlanta hanging with my bro and my nephew. Few days later I'm now in Phoenix getting ready to look at apartments. Then I'll  be off to NY for a family gathering. Finally back to Atlanta to pack up to move to Phoenix.


And I'm paying nothing for these flights. This is incredible. The country feels much smaller. When you can afford to make flying your primary means of long distance travel. Multiple times a year. I'm staying with the airlines for a good while.


Also never underestimate the degeneracy of man. Arcanine being on that list doesn't shock me. There's a YouTube vid where they do a challenge to see if there's anything that doesn't have porn of it. Fucking Pixie and Brutus wasn't even an exception....

Edited by BB_Hoody
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5 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

Enjoy your WTF weekend! 



There was a thread about a magazine poll from the 90s where they asked Japanese men and women to rate their favorite SNK male and female characters. The top females the women picked were Mai, Leona, Elizabeth, etc. The men picked children/lolis like Nakoruru & Rimururu. And people wonder why Japan has a negative birth rate lol. The poll was a WTF for me


Found it:



Edited by DoctaMario
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Another fascinating thing of mystery that's fun to wonder about... Mars and certain things there that look like they *might* not be naturally occurring objects...

I wasn't aware of NASA's apparent reluctance (oh what a surprise there) to take pictures for a while after people started wondering what's up with that one thing that looks like a monument of a humanoid face...

**also this is the first time I'm finding out that for all these years, they were using an orange filter for all pictures from there?!?!


Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

Another fascinating thing of mystery that's fun to wonder about... Mars and certain things there that look like they *might* not be naturally occurring objects...

I wasn't aware of NASA's apparent reluctance (oh what a surprise there) to take pictures for a while after people started wondering what's up with that one thing that looks like a monument of a humanoid face...

**also this is the first time I'm finding out that for all these years, they were using an orange filter for all pictures from there?!?!


Yeah, me too. Found out a few months ago. The sky isn't actually red on Mars. The sky resembles Earth's sky if you're standing on Mars!!!






The sun's true color:





I don't see a red sky on Mars...

Edited by Jion_Wansu
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7 hours ago, MillionX said:

Another fascinating thing of mystery that's fun to wonder about... Mars and certain things there that look like they *might* not be naturally occurring objects...

I wasn't aware of NASA's apparent reluctance (oh what a surprise there) to take pictures for a while after people started wondering what's up with that one thing that looks like a monument of a humanoid face...

**also this is the first time I'm finding out that for all these years, they were using an orange filter for all pictures from there?!?!


Ah a Why Files vid. I'll have to check this out on my lunch break or when I get home. That guy puts out some interesting content. 

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8 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:


From what I have read about him, Lenny was a pretty cool dude. I know some people have felt like that before. @B R O W N



Brutal Legend was a fun game especially from a story concept perspective.  Real shame that people disliked the RTS parts of the game that it didn't get the sequel it deserved.


I never really listened to Motorhead on a serious level but was familiar with them through wrestling themes.  That video with Kilmister reading that letter resonates on a super deep level with me and its unfortunate that it does.  I feel so many of my people are missing out on some great music experiences by just sticking to what they either percieve as music that we don't listen too or just because its not "black".

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Brutal Legend was a fun game especially from a story concept perspective.  Real shame that people disliked the RTS parts of the game that it didn't get the sequel it deserved.


I never really listened to Motorhead on a serious level but was familiar with them through wrestling themes.  That video with Kilmister reading that letter resonates on a super deep level with me and its unfortunate that it does.  I feel so many of my people are missing out on some great music experiences by just sticking to what they either percieve as music that we don't listen too or just because its not "black".


I liked Brutal Legend. It was my first RTS in some capacity, so it took me a while to warm up to it. I think people might not have minded the RTS aspect if they didn't keep it hidden; most videos showed combat and the vehicle parts.


They made Ophelia hotter when she went all Doom Metal. She was practically naked.






1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

I never really listened to Motorhead on a serious level


It's 🤘 Metal Monday 🤘



For Motorhead music, you have to imagine you are on a bike driving like a free spirit




That reminds me, on the movie Torque, one of the bad guys wears a Motorhead shirt

And Jamie Pressley looked hot.




And, hey, more bad girls wearing biker apparel.



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2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

I think people might not have minded the RTS aspect if they didn't keep it hidden; most videos showed combat and the vehicle parts.

Yea this. This was the issue. I bought Brutal Legend thinking I was getting a cool Rock n Roll themed platformer and instead I got a cool Rock n Roll themed RTS game.


The problem is I fuckingnhate RTS games, they are not fun to me, it's not what I signed up for and it wasn't what I was sold. 


I've looked into the development of that game and a ton of fuckery was involved that really screwed Double Fine over. From the misleading marketing, to the forced in aspects of the game that weren't supposed to be there in the first place, the game was doomed to fail by bordroom.mandate unfortunately. I don't blame Doube Fine but it will forever be one of this big disappointments for me. 

Edited by RSG3
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6 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Low key, I knew he was fucked when the talent agency dropped him, but the whole time I said to myself "wait until everything comes out". Well, here we are. It's over for him. He can kiss those high checks goodbye.

He was done no matter what. The simple accusation sinks your career. Being accused of DV or Rape is a death sentence. Look at poor Matt Araiza. Dude got accused of rape. Wasn't there when the "rape" took place, video shows there was no rape, and yet a dude that was drafted as a PUNTER still doesn't have a job.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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10 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

I still can't believe there is a white woman named Grace Jabbari.

Oh it gets better, she's British. Like when I first heard her name, I was not expecting a British White Woman, I would have bet everything  that she wasn't white and lost that one fam. It reminds me of this girl I knew from college named Jamaica. She was white. 🤨

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It would be interesting to see if there would've been a different result if he claimed NB/they/them status like Ezra as a "shield" of sorts.  That's the play in Hollywood these days; just say that or "come out" as pansexual or something and apparently any kind of trouble you get accused of will be fine at least for a while.  


Hey, just sayin' it would be my gameplan.  Pre-emptive defense tactics.

Edited by MillionX
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Leaked documents from Twitter / X reveal major internal changes since Musk took over, including moderation policies:



It reveals in detail how contractors are no longer authorised to take action against users posting racist, sexist, and homophobic content, and how the enforcement against these accounts has become less exacting.


Under the new rules implemented over the last six months, unsolicited sexual posts sent to another user are no longer subject to the same level of enforcement, and are not removed from X.

Neither are certain posts that deny violent events such as the Holocaust, or posts that refer to specific slurs for black, white and gay people or harass someone by sending a picture of Adolf Hitler performing a Nazi salute.

Posts that reference mass murder or violent events, or which incite fear about a protected category – meaning on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender – are today publicly labelled as violative of X’s policies and have their reach restricted.

One document tells moderators “do not suspend” accounts that are “wishing, hoping, prompting, or calling for physical harm, death or disease targeting an individual”.

In these documents, punishment is only described as a reduction in visibility or de-prioritization.

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There is an X-Files remake on the way.... Ryan Coogler will direct it the countdown begins to when we see a "blackened" Dana Scully, of course, and everyone plays their usual part in the internet shit-show cycle around it as they (Disney) hope for easy, free publicity as a result...along with the usual lazy (and shameful, imo) "oh you're just racist then" counter/shield to any criticism.   (*also looks like that website will have another redheaded character to go ahead and add to the big list they're keeping track of for the past few years)


It could potentially be better received if they just have the main characters be entirely different and new, (and perhaps Mulder and Scully are long gone, like retired or "missing" or whatever while these new agents are the focus of the story) but we all know that more than likely that's *not* how this will go.

Edited by MillionX
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