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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, DarkSakul said:


This couldn't possibly be more scripted, derivative, and fake if the dude was named Napolean.


Everything from the juice box, to the Urkel clothes, to the advertising agency tested and approved gatekeepers.


Goddamn does American broadcasting suck with its teeth.

Edited by JHDK
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there are people that identify as males that menstruate and could be using their product. 


It's kinda silly to ask the gender anyways... Especially when your survey just kicks anyone who's male. If you were actually that concerned about vetting people you should of asked "What is the main function of our product for you?"


And if someone said "I put it in my butt" then you kick them to the end of the survey

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the latest "sacred cow" Untouchables in modern American society = trans people.  Nothing that is even slightly "uncomfortable" may be spoken aloud in their presence.  


Another reason I'd like time travel to be a thing... so footage could be captured of the reactions from people in past generations about how baby-soft certain people of today are.  The world has become a giant kindergarten, and it's been that way for a while now.... except in this kindergarten class, certain kids are "more special" than others, and "special" consideration must always be taken into account because of their wittle feelings.

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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:




I don't understand all.    Why are people who this doesn't concern getting upset?  I get wanting to be inclusive but the hard truth is that there are going to be certain biological things that are not going to be pertaining to you and this is one of them.  To think otherwise is delusion.

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12 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Why are people who this doesn't concern getting upset?

Cause you could have someone is does effect.


Take Elliot Page. He might still be menstruating, but he's say Male on a survey. 


So it starts to get funky. But again, why ask gender? Who would buy this product unless you were menstruating? 

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17 minutes ago, KingTubb said:


So it starts to get funky. But again, why ask gender? Who would buy this product unless you were menstruating? 



However another way to fix the problem is use sex (biological) as the demographic identifier. In the traffic safety space, this is becoming an issue on crash reports. States are trying to get information for epidemiological studies for trauma linkages and the like. However, some states use gender and sex as interchangeable descriptors where they are not. 

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ha, this should be a good one; Coach did a whole video about the recent Boyce marriage situation


I thought they already got married a while ago but I guess that was the engagement or something... but this was bound to make for some juicy content for various youtubers and here we are.

hahaha "this is that church hug stuff.." 🤣


Y'know, I can see how some may view that as manipulative on the guy's part... a public figure like Boyce proposes and makes a video of it for the audience... she's now effectively backed into a corner, where if she were to reject him, it's a horrible embarrassment for him...*and* makes her look bad too.  If she didn't really want to get hitched, he basically created a "Checkmate." situation there.


hahaha so when she said yes... it was just a hug and the kiss on the cheek ---Coach cued up the Price is Right losing horn sound 🤣 "Friendship marriage"


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1 hour ago, KingTubb said:

Cause you could have someone is does effect.


Take Elliot Page. He might still be menstruating, but he's say Male on a survey. 


So it starts to get funky. But again, why ask gender? Who would buy this product unless you were menstruating? 

This actually makes sense now and I hasn't thought about it that way...I think someone said it best that they should just remove the gender ask and just ask what your intention for the product is or what its for and then let the person decide whether they want it or not.


Edit:  I think I hadn't even considered because I'm thinking "if you change yourself from woman to man...wouldn't this also get rid of the cycle too?"  But I hadn't considered those who for some reason may want to keep that a thing?

Edited by Sonichuman
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12 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

These niggas roasting the fuck outta me, that damn girl showing everybody I was on a Snapchat with her. My stock with women bout to plummet, I might need to move🤦🏾‍♂️ 😂

Don't let the male gaze play you. Invest in yourself. Inflate your own stock. Go get 'em.

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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I don't understand all.    Why are people who this doesn't concern getting upset?  I get wanting to be inclusive but the hard truth is that there are going to be certain biological things that are not going to be pertaining to you and this is one of them.  To think otherwise is delusion.

It's funny how the same people who believe in "the science" won't do it regarding biology. To say anything against it is...


HaTe SpEeCh!

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4 hours ago, DangerousJ said:



I want this to be photoshopped. 


1 hour ago, TheInfernoman said:

It's funny how the same people who believe in "the science" won't do it regarding biology. To say anything against it is...


HaTe SpEeCh!


While there are arguments for biological sex being explicitly binary, it is for the most part. Outward gender representation is a separate issue.


Edited by OPTIMUS124
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5 hours ago, Dayaan said:

If I had a tenth of this man's confidence, it'd be over for you mfs.

He also has the most stolen Image in the world



Here the Guy's You Tube Channel, Nathan Barnatt


Here is his other kinda weird but growing in popularity You Tube Channel, Dad

And his Keith Apicary persona has it's own channel too


When he does Keith, he stays in character so much it confuses other actors and they think Keith is legit.
He got accidentally thrown out of San Diego Comic Con as they though he was some nut case who popped up unannounced at panels. 

The dude too talented not to be popular 


He was also the former spokesmen for Skittles




Edited by DarkSakul
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7 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

What if Predator was released today instead of 1987?


Dutch: If it bleeds, we can kill it.

M to F Trannies: OMG. You took away my femininity!  Im going to sue. And of course plaster it all over social media!

Van Damme: You've lost chore ballz!



Danny Glover:  "Okay.  Your move, pussy face."

The predator: "DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER!?!?!?!?"

Danny Glover: "..............Ah shit.  Here we go again."


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9 hours ago, JHDK said:

This couldn't possibly be more scripted, derivative, and fake if the dude was named Napolean.


Everything from the juice box, to the Urkel clothes, to the advertising agency tested and approved gatekeepers.


Goddamn does American broadcasting suck with its teeth.

Shows like that are more about the story of the contestant than the actual talent. The Voice is that way too and the producers usually already know who's going to win a month or two into the competition because they've got favorites. Most of the competitors on that show are either A. People working in the Industry who already have deals or an in with someone famous and this is just a promotional opportunity for their label,  or B. Someone with a really great story. 

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FDA Issues Advisory for Anyone Who Wants to Follow CNN's Anchor Eating a Cicada



You may have noticed a number of news articles about cicada-eating recently. One biology professor described them to the Washington Post as “tree shrimp”:

Weiss nicknamed cicadas “tree shrimp” for their closeness in genetic makeup to shrimp of the sea — and because, as she put it, “if you’re happy eating shrimp, then there’s really no reason not to try cicada, which is like a shrimp except living in a cleaner environment.” But she describes their flavor as far different: nutty, with a bit of an asparagus taste. Lemann describes them as woody and earthy; Goon likened them to a potato chip. “The honest truth is that they don’t have a ton

of flavor,” says Weiss, so you can experiment with spices, sauces and other flavorings.




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3 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

FDA Issues Advisory for Anyone Who Wants to Follow CNN's Anchor Eating a Cicada



You may have noticed a number of news articles about cicada-eating recently. One biology professor described them to the Washington Post as “tree shrimp”:

Weiss nicknamed cicadas “tree shrimp” for their closeness in genetic makeup to shrimp of the sea — and because, as she put it, “if you’re happy eating shrimp, then there’s really no reason not to try cicada, which is like a shrimp except living in a cleaner environment.” But she describes their flavor as far different: nutty, with a bit of an asparagus taste. Lemann describes them as woody and earthy; Goon likened them to a potato chip. “The honest truth is that they don’t have a ton

of flavor,” says Weiss, so you can experiment with spices, sauces and other flavorings.




There was this guy who lived in the same house an ex of mine lived in last time there was a cicada swarm here and he collected a bunch of cicada carcasses in a zip lock bag to make chili out of them. 🤔 


Spoiler alert: dude was sus af, especially for a grad school teacher 

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

There was this guy who lived in the same house an ex of mine lived in last time there was a cicada swarm here and he collected a bunch of cicada carcasses in a zip lock bag to make chili out of them. 🤔 


Spoiler alert: dude was sus af, especially for a grad school teacher 

Does the school teacher profession cause people to lose their minds?  if so, I think I might need to go and apologize to some teachers as I know I've played a part in the loss of much of their sanity.  


and speaking of apologies................................


If you're trying to figure out where I live, just keep driving until you go past a shack with unholy, blood curdling laughter that shakes the windows.    Not far from there you should find another house with the same kind of laughter plus Trance Music.  Bingo, You found me.

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nah, cicadas are one of those creatures that I would gladly "Thanos snap" out of existence if I got the chance.... I wouldn't even have to spend much time considering their fate once I got the Gauntlet.  While I'm at it, the damn carpenter bees would get erased too....both species would never be seen again.

Avengers Infinity War GIF

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4 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Taste just like shrimp without having to cook them alive. Eating insect protein is the future, so try them! 🐛🐜🐝🪲🐞🦗🪳🕷️🦂🦟🪰




I will try anything once, of course. I hardly eat meat, at all. How sweet of you to expand my protein options.


I think someday, I'll return to being vegan. 

Edited by Emptyeyes
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7 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Eating Cicadas?  🤢 🤮

Honestly, we could take a huge step to ending world hunger if more people were fine with eating bugs. 


To put it this way:

You need roughly 1.5-2 acres per cow for a ranch. So a 500 head cattle range would be between 750 and 1000 acres. 

Keep in mind, a 500 head cattle ranch is tiny. 

Each one of those cows need roughly 14 million calories throughout it's life and yields about 2,500 calories per kilogram when all is said an done. 


A cricket, on the other hand, produces almost 5000 calories per kilogram, and is a nutritionally comparable substitute for beef. And the amount of room needed to match the calorie production of a 750 acre cattle ranch could be achieved with less than 10 acres. Honestly, you could probably do it on an acre of land. 


Also, it uses roughly 12 times fewer calories to produce that kilogram.  We use the entire cricket in food production, unlike cows, which typically weight 1200 pounds and typically only ~70% of that weight is being used for food or byproducts, the rest is waste. So for 720 pounds of meat (and non edible by product) we use 14 million calories feeding the cow. We'd use ~1.2 million calories for the same amount of food (and only food) in crickets. 


Thanks for coming to my TED talk 

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...oh yeah, and I guarantee you that the general food chain "balance" and all that jazz would be just fine with those stupid ass bugs being extinct.  Many species have gone extinct in Earth's history, and "mother Nature"/ecosystem just adapts to the situation each time.  The world and all other species continue on with whatever the new deal is.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that Earth and the rest of the animal kingdom would still be here just fine if the human race were to go extinct. (*of course if it's something major like a gamma ray burst then that's probably the end for everything here)


Mentioning the Gauntlet reminded me of a cool dream that I won't forget---in the dream, I actually did acquire the Infinity Gauntlet...sadly it ended before I could start actually using that, but here's the thing----Superman(?!) was the one that handed it off to me for "safe keeping" after saving the world again.  The backstory here was that I was an old trusted friend....and of course, Kal-El was the naive guy he always tends to be....thinking I was *not* about to use the Gauntlet for all kinds of selfish reasons... I smiled as he flew off, thinking "hahaha, he actually trusted me with this shit?  Really?"  It was in a special case... I took the Gauntlet out right away and was putting it on when sadly, the dream ended.  This dream was years before the Avengers movie franchise, actually.


edit---another thing completely out of left field... it would be fun to make "devilish deals" with people if I had powers... I'd make various things happen for them, in return for their eternal servitude at some point as my personal "ghouled assistant".

Edited by MillionX
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