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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, J-ride said:

I can be gen X or Y depending on the breakpoint.  I read an article talking about how the 78-82 kids are basically their own generation because they aren't really X or Y because of how unique their experiences were since they had an analogue childhood but then also were the generation that grew up with Nintendo.  They nicknamed us the oregon trail generation and I kind of agree with that.

Another element that article missed is that a lot of us didn't have computers even as they became more commonplace. They were still pretty damn expensive by the late 90's. The experience that author describes would most commonly be from the perspective of someone who grew up comfortably middle class or better. 

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I was born in 85 and we didnt have a computer till 98. Our TV also had bunny ears and that dial that made the chonk noise when you turned it. Corded phone. 


I feel like there is a type of classism when it comes to dividing people into generations, like a lot of Millenials seem to be denied the fact they also grew up extremely analogue. My PS2 was OUR (my families) first DVD player. Was VHS till then. I always laugh when an old asshole tells me I'd me be lost without a cell phone. I grew up with a rotary phone grandpa they aren't that old long and gone, or that if all cars became automatics i'd be lost. Bitch I don't even own a car. I use a bike to get everywhere or I walk. Also driving a manual isn't even hard, why you flexing?

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, J-ride said:

I can be gen X or Y depending on the breakpoint.  I read an article talking about how the 78-82 kids are basically their own generation because they aren't really X or Y because of how unique their experiences were since they had an analogue childhood but then also were the generation that grew up with Nintendo.  They nicknamed us the oregon trail generation and I kind of agree with that.

I've heard the term Xenials used to describe this group, of which I am a part of having been born in 1980. That's usually how I identify myself.

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The problem is alot of these generation names are pretty fluid. For a while millenials were like 1987+ when i first started hearing the term. And gen x was something like 1982/3 and up.. Lol for a bit i had no actual designation. 


But i did have a computer and internet. But i def wasnt in a comfortable lifestyle. I was barely middle class i guess? My neighborhood def wasnt the best to be in but it was safe enough. But people were def sellin drugs n shit around us. 

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32 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

I've heard the term Xenials used to describe this group, of which I am a part of having been born in 1980. That's usually how I identify myself.


I more Identify as an Xennial since I was born riiight in the sweet spot of 1985.  Xennials usually are people who grew up analog early and became more digital as time went on and I think that perfectly describes my life.  We'll be the people like RSG said that an old generation will be like "ya'll don't know anything about this" and we'll be like "....Yeah we know about that.  We had that early on"

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I shouldn't be surprised if they actually go through with naming the new generation "Alpha"...and I suppose "Beta" is the one after that, right?  Who are these people [ha, Seinfeld moment] that are so lacking in creativity with the names?  At least Generation X got a fairly cool one, imo.  It's like a dude that produces a movie and just calls it ..."Movie #1", then the sequel is "My 2nd Movie" or some shit like that....they're putting zero thought into this.


It's been an interesting time growing up when I did.... Gen-X might be the last ones to vaguely remember a time when tv networks just went off.... like "...and now we conclude our broadcast day.", that sort of thing.... then it goes to static or the color-sign/bars on screen.  It would start again the following morning at either 5:30 or 6am, I think....heh, imagine the boredom of a person working graveyard shift back then; they still could listen to a radio I guess.... and of course before cable tv, the only channels you had were the big networks NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS... and later the new kid on the block Fox.  Also---no remote control.  In those ancient times, you have to walk over to the tv and turn a dial to change the channel....haha I guess kids were your average Boomer parents' form of "remote control", as they tell a Gen X kid "hey, son... put it on channel 5."


....later, we finally got basic cable around the mid-80s....actually it was basic + HBO.  It was SO good...with a VCR that was the unbeatable combo!  Every Saturday night HBO had their latest new movie premiere... I was either watching that, Nickelodeon or MTV all the time.


ohhhh yeah AM got another good one for the day

haha he played The CLASSIC today as part of the intro:

^I first heard that shit at a frat party in my college days... so legendary.

Edited by MillionX
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12 minutes ago, Sonero said:

These two got married.


This dude waited 4 years on an 8th grader and then married her?


Reading through the posts there, they live in Germany where the AOC is 14 with some things attached. The other thing being that someone over 21 can’t have a physical relationship with someone that’s 14. So if he was 21 or under when starting the relationship in Germany, it makes sense as to why he’s just posting these without any repercussions.

Definitely a weirdo though, especially being in a power of position with him being a youth pastor.

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Kremlin Defends Russian Figure Skating Coach After Avalanche of Criticism: ‘Toughness is Key’ to Winning




The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics’ marquee event ended with the world watching “a child emotionally broken on live television.” That was how Slate’s Chris Schleicher described the women’s figure skating free skate competition Thursday night, which resulted in the embattled, 15-year-old favorite falling multiple times and failing to make the podium.


“Rather than giving her comfort, rather than to try to help her, you could feel this chilling atmosphere, this distance,” he added.

Bach was referring to Russian coach, Eteri Tutberidze, asking Valieva right after her disastrous performance:

“Why did you let it go like that? Why did you let it go?” she asked the 15-year-old. “Why did you stop fighting? Well, explain. You let it go after the axel”

Criticism of Tutberidze, whose skaters are known for being injury-plagued and for burning out at a young age, reached the Kremlin, which released a statement supporting the controversial coach.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov, said, “Everyone knows that in elite sports the coach’s toughness is key to the students’ victories.”


Schleicher explained the drama after the competition had ended:

As Valieva exited the kiss and cry, she passed silver medalist Alexandra Trusova, also crying, throwing what can only be described as a temper tantrum. When someone offered Trusova an arm of support, she jumped away and shouted in Russian: “I can’t see this! I won’t see this!” … “I hate it! … I don’t want to do anything in figure skating ever in my life! … Everyone has a gold medal, and I don’t!”

In his article, titled “I Hope to Never See a Figure Skating Event Like That Again,” Schleicher noted that even the skater who eventually won the gold medal, another pupil of Tutberidze, was robbed of a joy:

As Valieva retreated into the bowels of the stadium, the broadcast finally cut back to [Anna] Shcherbakova, the Olympic gold medalist. She stood alone, joyless, clutching a teddy bear in silence. She shifted uneasily, eyes cast down to the floor, unsure where to look. She sat back down again on a couch, no one on her team anywhere in sight. It was perhaps the loneliest image I have ever seen at the Olympics.

















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Yall arent gonna believe this. Im at a anime con in maryland...again a party con. So me amd my peoples are walking to people's room parties at the hotel. We see old biddies sitting in chairs at 11pm outside rooms. We are so confused, thought it was a horror movie seeing then scattered on the fifth floor. We finally asked one of them whats going on? 


.... Its a fucking middle school field trip from toledo. Their stayin here at the same time as a fucking party anime cons. These weebs are on the lobby floor drinking out in public woth madd bottles. 

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It's been a hell of a two week period. My dad's still in the hospital recovering and I've been in South Carolina since the 4th. I just made it back to the Triangle. At least I had a few goodies upon return. 




I preordered the Deluxe edition because "steelbook". The MA-1s will be used with the Android Auto decks that I installed in both vehicles. My wife came across the Mando trivet. I will be making use of that.


This is the way. 



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this weekend's marathon on the Decades network is the show "Rhoda"... sheeeittt, young Valerie Harper back then was quite alright; I definitely wouldn't turn that down...and she has that lovely New Yorker stereotypical voice.  I can't get enough of that sound... we need to lure/kidnap more of the NY/NJ ladies down here to the southern states.  

I wonder if for some people, the voices that aren't as attractive or straight up "ugly" are the ones you grow up around...?  It comes to mind since I tend to NOT like women with that "southern gal" country sound.... the only variants that are ok with me are the Louisiana Creole/Cajun sound, and the infamous "Dolly Parton"/Rogue kind of voice....everything else "southern" usually sounds awful to me.


On the youtube drama front--apparently something happened with "Wings of Redemption", lately...I noticed the "ReviewTech" guy has a video and Flashcast crew will be talking about whatever it is on tonight's show.  


edit---oh yeahhh... back on Rhoda... the woman playing her sister is alright too; she's not super hot but I'd bone.  

Random thing---I noticed earlier that the Doorman's voice happens to be Lorenzo Music, aka the voice of Garfield!  I looked it up on imdb and sure enough, it's him.

Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Canada protests





I'd like to think this would say something about how governments, mainstream media, and big corporations treat protests that they see as an actual threat to their edicts vs the protests and riots they've gleefully endorsed. Ask for something as simple as repealing ineffective and asinine mandates (in a country that has a 90% vaccine rate for a virus that even the maniacs now admit we're all going to get) and they will break it off in you. This "zero covid" goal is a religion on par with scientology at this point. Nothing has stopped it, nothing will stop it. But still authoritarian ninnies cling to the idea that the only thing preventing global salvation is a lack of faith and total compliance- which is the same thought process that drove every communist mass murderer of the 20th century. 

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New thing to add in my list of shit I hate


Fat ugly nerds who make reaction videos on youtube 


I just saw a reaction vid for the peacemaker and it just annoyed me how this fat guy was overly exaggerating marking out to the ending. Im like, bruh.. come on. You are so annoying, you are fucking ugly and I don't like seeing/hearing you mark out for the sake of likes. 


I remember also one reaction video of two girls crying over Glen's death at the walking dead. The crying was so forced. I really hate this.



so fat ugly nerds with reaction videos are now on my list with Tucker Carlson, TYT, mumble rap, and Floyd Mayweather

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1 hour ago, zatalcon3 said:

New thing to add in my list of shit I hate


Fat ugly nerds who make reaction videos on youtube 


I just saw a reaction vid for the peacemaker and it just annoyed me how this fat guy was overly exaggerating marking out to the ending. Im like, bruh.. come on. You are so annoying, you are fucking ugly and I don't like seeing/hearing you mark out for the sake of likes. 


I remember also one reaction video of two girls crying over Glen's death at the walking dead. The crying was so forced. I really hate this.



so fat ugly nerds with reaction videos are now on my list with Tucker Carlson, TYT, mumble rap, and Floyd Mayweather


You're just jealous you didn't do it first. 🙃 

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