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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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On 10/8/2022 at 1:09 AM, RSG3 said:

He can turn it off. Saying he can't turn it off is bullshit. Your describing addiction.

If it's an addiction (and I believe that football probably lights up the same parts of Brady's brain that drugs do for addicts) then it isn't as simple as turning it off. Nothing will ever make him feel like he does when he walks into a packed stadium and plays the game he's given so much time, effort, and life to. It doesn't mean he doesn't love his family, it's that for him, retiring is like asking him to put possibly the greatest thing he's ever felt behind him and for someone as passionate about it as he is, that's a big ask. For him it probably IS very much like a drug addiction.


Which isn't to say that his wife is wrong for being pissed about it, because she's definitely in the right to be, but just as it isn't as simple as asking a heroin addict to stop using, trying to get someone addicted to work to stop working isn't that simple.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Dude came to one of the worst NFL teams just so he could acquire more rings.


And his name isn't even Sonic the Hedgehog.


2020 in a nutshell 


Once a century ravaging pandemic 

Brady plays for Bucs 

City Hunter is released on bluray.


For all three to happen in the same year, someone must be drawing lots of pentagrams and drinking liters of goat's blood.





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8 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

meats and dairy and starchy vegs is acidic. fruits n non startchy vegs are alkaline. maybe the diet.

Oh that's absolutely it. And don't forget all the damn soda and alcohol. Women wanna complain about guys not going down. Well get that Ph right so it's more inviting down there. Eat better ladies.

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16 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Fruit is so acidic that the chemical names of certain acids are derived from the fruits they're found in.

True. The only alkaline fruits I know of. Are Bananas ( amazing for digestion and gut health ) And melon fruits i.E watermelon, cantaloupe etc. The best way for a woman to alkaline her body and get her Ph right. Is to drink plenty of water, and eat lots of green and root veggies such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, beets, carrots, sweet potato etc. 


But they also have to be cooked with nutrition in mind. If they're boiled too long and over seasoned. Then it ain't doing nothing. This is why Japanese are said to have the best Ph. They have a high veggie diet and cook them properly to get the nutrition.

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the point is, our modern diets are wrong. our diets are not what our caveman ancestors ate. its why our teeth are fucked up with cavities etc. no caveman needs fillings. you shouldnt need fillings ever. teeth are bone designed to last a lifetime. we all have cavities cuz our diets are wrong. 

our teeth is proof our diets are wrong. if our diets were right our saliva would b alkaline 24/7 and with a alkaline ph saliva, bacteria wouldnt grow and eat away at our teeth, creating cavities. bacteria need acidic environments. they have trouble growing in alkaline environments. i found that out 2 years ago when i had teeth issues.


Edited by VirginDefiler
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2 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

the point is, our modern diets are wrong. our diets are not what our caveman ancestors ate. its why our teeth are fucked up with cavities etc. no caveman needs fillings. you shouldnt need fillings ever. teeth are bone designed to last a lifetime. we all have cavities cuz our diets are wrong. 


It's mainly the added sugars. It's in damn near everything sold. And it's addicting. But there's also GMOs, heavily processed foods. This is why look at anyone who says they don't cook. Like they're crazy. But it ain't enough to cook your own food. Ingredients have to be quality too. 


But of course it's designed so that quality meats, veggies etc. Cost an arm and leg. 

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yunno what i hate more than anything else? the way american banks get nutty every time you buy something direct from china.

every time i buy something from, or anything china. my bank thinks its "suspicious" and freezes my debit card. bruh. its weekend and my bank is closed. fuck.

even buying shit from genshin impact caused a freeze. dude im buyin genshin primogems im not committing espionage like wtf usa banks?!?!? stop treating a simple normal transaction like if i committed treason for buying from "the enemy" 

china owns like 60% of america, just deal with it already banks. stop punishing us for doing business. i swear.

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25 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

yunno what i hate more than anything else? the way american banks get nutty every time you buy something direct from china.

every time i buy something from, or anything china. my bank thinks its "suspicious" and freezes my debit card. bruh. its weekend and my bank is closed. fuck.

even buying shit from genshin impact caused a freeze. dude im buyin genshin primogems im not committing espionage like wtf usa banks?!?!? stop treating a simple normal transaction like if i committed treason for buying from "the enemy" 

china owns like 60% of america, just deal with it already banks. stop punishing us for doing business. i swear.

Banks will give loans so someone can expand their business and get cheap labor from China. But God forbid the consumer tries to cut out the middle man and just buy for cheap directly from China. Nope flag that shit

Edited by BB_Hoody
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2 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

It's one thing to tell us to eat better ladies, but unless you run the risk of insulting them, it's tough to know how good they are down there until it's too late.

If you're willing to take the time to get to know them a bit before sex. Just observe their eating and drinking habits. 


@AriesWarlockDid dude in the truck die?

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whoah this is so pathetic it's hilarious

*sidenote--I tend to skip past the first couple of seconds because the way this guy starts his videos always sounds terribly annoying...I wish he'd stop doing that, tbh.


...but yeah, his perspective on how much is "nothing" is amazingly skewed... like to the point where you'd just start wondering if he's just stupid.

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26 minutes ago, MillionX said:

whoah this is so pathetic it's hilarious

*sidenote--I tend to skip past the first couple of seconds because the way this guy starts his videos always sounds terribly annoying...I wish he'd stop doing that, tbh.


...but yeah, his perspective on how much is "nothing" is amazingly skewed... like to the point where you'd just start wondering if he's just stupid.

That's $80,400 a year. WTF is he bitching about?

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47 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

stories like this I have read multiple times


I actually almost got rid of my dog, the one that got hit by the SUV, because he was acting funny around my daughter. In hindsight it was partially our fault because we sort of separated him when she was born. But when he acted funny, at no point was he in any way, shape or form aggressive.


Fucking pit snaps at my child like that, I'll be more than happy to slice its throat with a steak knife and bury him in the desert. That lady is such a horrific moron for thinking there's even a decision to make there. Your child >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your pet.


Also LMAO this broad. Her husband saved their child and took two dangerous ass animals down with a shotgun? I'd buy a guy a beer every time I saw him. See him at a bar? Get him a beer? See him at the Supermarket? Get him a beer. Might run into him at a catholic church? Take him a beer so he can down the communion wafer with it. See him at school picking up his daughter? Bring him a beer and his daughter a capri sun.



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Ok, the new Hellraiser----yep it was cool as I was hoping... this is a relief to see this franchise be something relevant again.  My only complaint was that it was a bit slow in some parts; mostly the middle of the film.  


One very small nitpick--- I did find it strange that the cenobites could not enter that building towards the end.  I suppose this is one of those times where they just deliberately left that unexplained so the audience can assume that the rich guy ("Roland") figured out a way of warding the place, or having some other technique in place that makes it so they can't enter the place if the bars are up....otherwise, it would seem like these supernatural creatures could easily just teleport, break or phase through the bars to get in there.


On another note though--- that Jenna Ortega is coming along quite nicely indeed.... *note--- she is currently 20 years go on and let that imagination run as wild and nasty as you want to be....she's fully legal and scrumdiddlyumptious.


Edited by MillionX
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19 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:




enjoy and early edition of meme monday (or women weekend? I don't know) either way, stories like this I have read multiple now you have to too!

These two women are unfit mothers. Your child's life was endangered and you are worried about a fucking dog. GTFO. That shit makes me mad as hell. I'm trying to decide which one is more infuriating and I can't. 🤬

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Oh yeah AM had to get in on this foolishness with 50's son and of course it's gold...

and again... remember his son is a 25-year old man at this point; dude's a leech and a loser.  Imagine if you had a son that's now a grown, able-bodied man and still apparently needing you to foot the bill on everything even more, as if he's still a child.  haha imagine that level of disappointment.

Edited by MillionX
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I mean if i made that kind of money it wouod be so my kids and shuch dont have to work..ever. 


The disappointment would be in my kid going online and doing some dumbass rant about money as if he has any real world concept of it. That's where the disappointment comes in imo. 


Be a leech, it's why I earned all this fucking money, but know what you are and stay in your lane.


It's like when Kim K was doing that whole "Nobody wants to work anymore" bullshit as if she has even a grasp on what normal work is. She doesn't have a clue, stay in your lane. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

I mean if i made that kind of money it wouod be so my kids and shuch dont have to work..ever. 


The disappointment would be in my kid going online and doing some dumbass rant about money as if he has any real world concept of it. That's where the disappointment comes in imo. 


Be a leech, it's why I earned all this fucking money, but know what you are and stay in your lane.


It's like when Kim K was doing that whole "Nobody wants to work anymore" bullshit as if she has even a grasp on what normal work is. She doesn't have a clue, stay in your lane. 

Yeah I never understood the idea of a rich parent saying to their kids. "This is my money. Go out and get your own". Like I thought the whole point of building wealth was to make life easier on the next generation of your family.


Of course don't let them become spoiled brats. Have them do things and share experiences with them. That keep them grounded. I.E when I have a family. I'll show my kids where I grew up in The Bronx. And places I've worked.


Now with my son(s). He can't be a leech. A man has to earn his keep in some way in order to become competent and confident. He ain't about to end up like Rob Kardashian or 50s boy. All that money but no backbone or using money inplace of confidence.


Now my daughter(s). Maybe this is sexist or whatever. Idc. I want my daughters to be kept women. Women who have no idea what it's like personally. To HAVE ( key word there. Dont miscontrude my point if you reply. U know who you are ) to work to earn money. They either had a father who provided. Or a husband who provides. And they do work that supports the family. Or choose to work to earn money. I rather they choose the former.

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