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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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nah man. that might have been the guy that shot him by accident but that dude was in the migos car ride before they even were at the location. either their crew or in the crew that was supposed to b there protecting migos. ive seen more angles and vids and takeoff wasnt shot by him 1st shot at least. its still unknown wtf is happening but from what i heard n seen n gathered. at least 1 dude tried snatchin a chain or the money purse and somebody punched somebody. which started the shooting between at least 2 dudes. the dude who everybody thinks is the shooter actually was the 2nd person to shoot cuz the shooting started before the dude in back w the gucci purse raised his gun and started shooting. its quite possible 1st shooter is the dude in white jacket cuz he cuts behind everybody n dude in gucci bag focuses on dude behind camera man which seems to be dude in white jacket. seems like dude in white starts shooting. but its hard to tell. thats why ncis type shit exists. govt got mad tech. they 90% chance can figure out who the 1st person to start the shooting was. but since gucci bag man starts shooting AND running away same time. its quite possible he accidentally shot takeoff. 

quavo btw is maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad far away from all this happening btw. 

from opposite angle u can see that after he says "im out before somebody gets hurt" and takes off. no pun intended cuz hes like 20 feet away of takeoff and the group in like 2 seconds lol. so idk how the fuck unless he sensed the extreme danger he was in and quick stepped outta there.

but he left his nephew behind which makes me either suspicious quavo was out to set up his own nephew.

or just plain forgot him cuz hes super selfish. cuz he def sensed the danger around him to go 20 feet in 2 seconds. idk if he ran cuz u cant see but he at least quick stepped a huge distance in short time.

also for whatevr reason dude with chucky in his pack.

god damn thats a weird shit to be involved in a real murder/manslaughter case.

anway, dude with chucky in his frontpack is like hunched forward alot right next to takeoff n takeoff trips off him before takeoff starts running so its unknown what da fuck is the explanation for his behavior. maybe he go shot, maybe hes snatchin chain off takeoff idk. 


on watchin the vid again. im 90% sure that what happened was that a dude appears from outta no where, enters the group, all u see is his sneaker, which quickly changes direction. this dude is the dude that seems to have caused the reaction that ensued later. cuz from his motion and how the people around are tossled to the left. it seems what happened is he either grabbed or tried to grab chains off of takeoff. and the force of the act of his arm snatchin chains off takeoff caused takeoff to lurch sideways to the left, plus it caused the dude that was left of takeoff which is dude w chucky doll to lurch to the left n lean forward. which explains his behavior of being hunched over. and the cameraman losing focus and camera being knocked around jossled. it was a domino effect of everybody getting tugged n hit sideways to the left. this explains why takeoff is leaning ontop of chucky dude sideways to the left of him, and why he starts running before the shots. all that commotion started the shooting. fucked up man. robbery gone bad but quavo is fucked up to leave his nephew takeoff behind like that. cuz quavo bounced n left takeoff miles behind. n takeoff seemed to not care at all about getting attacked he just didnt want to b left behind cuz u can see his focus is on his uncle the entire time. and he never looks left of him from the direction of the dude that attaked him. but he stays focused on quavo which dusted him.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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11 hours ago, MillionX said:

Well, and there it is for the Parkland shooter...

....annnnd here we have yet another fine ass judge presiding in a high-profile case... hopefully that continues to be a trend we see more often.

Okay I am gay but that JUDGE IS EFFIN HOT! Like how do you sit on your ass all day judging people but you have no frown lines and your ass is fine? WITCHCRAFT!

Anyway I hope he rots in hell forever and ever yadda yadda yadda.


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yunno watching the joe rogan interview of kanye. kanye admits hes been diagnosed as bipolar, and that they put him on psych meds. so if kanye was smart he wouldve just said "oh sorry about what i said, cuz im off my psyche meds, thats why. i say things i dont mean" and that wouldve excused everything. 

but he didnt. i dont understand why/how his press people didnt wrangle him down. but i assume he mustve fired his press reps. his wranglers. for all that to happen.

tbh that joe rogan interview is sad af.

cuz he makes no sense for 3 hours. just 3 hours of a crazy dude bibble babbling incoherent shit. and joe strokes his ego the entire time instead of ending the interview early due to him being nutso.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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15 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

yunno watching the joe rogan interview of kanye. kanye admits hes been diagnosed as bipolar, and that they put him on psych meds. so if kanye was smart he wouldve just said "oh sorry about what i said, cuz im off my psyche meds, thats why. i say things i dont mean" and that wouldve excused everything. 

I don't think k that would have worked we've known and people been telling him to get back on them for like 10 years at least. 

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I remember watching Titanic on a date in high school and I laughed at the end. I looked over and she was crying 😂 I was like, “You're crying?! At THIS??“


James Cameron movies have gotten inversely shitty compared to their budgets. Terminator and Aliens were made with trash bags and 20 bucks and are fucking awesome, classic films. TitanIc and Avatard look cool but their stories make me want to put a gun to my head.

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2 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

I remember watching Titanic on a date in high school and I laughed at the end. I looked over and she was crying 😂 I was like, “You're crying?! At THIS??“


James Cameron movies have gotten inversely shitty compared to their budgets. Terminator and Aliens were made with trash bags and 20 bucks and are fucking awesome, classic films. TitanIc and Avatard look cool but their stories make me want to put a gun to my head.

Of the Cameron films I've seen Id rate them:


T1, T2, Aliens - 9/10


True Lies/Titanic - 8/10


Avatar - 7/10


I wish he wasnt so gung ho on Avatar and done something different.


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40 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Of the Cameron films I've seen Id rate them:


T1, T2, Aliens - 9/10


True Lies/Titanic - 8/10


Avatar - 7/10


I wish he wasnt so gung ho on Avatar and done something different.


I feel like True Lies needs to be knocked down a couple of points due to Tom Arnold being in the movie. 

Edited by iStu X
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It seems that Angel Palm finally figured out how to play the game I have been playing  all this time. I am a anarchist. I am probably wrong about him though. According to the Mormons, Lucifer, Satan, and Jesus are the same person in different states of existence throughout space and time. He will usher in the New Age.

Edited by Meier Link
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Wonderman is the latest "blackened" character, by the show in the works for Disney....  of course I doubt many people ever gave a shit about that low-rank character in the first place.... surprising that the actor (Yahya Abdul-Mateen) even agreed to it but for them it's another fat paycheck to get.


The real gold is when they announce who will be the new X-men actors though... that's going to be hilarious for so many reasons.  


Imagine if body-positivity were the main thing they were pushing and using for easy publicity--- you'd have movies with big sloppy fat guys playing heroes like Superman and Thor-----and those in favor would be arguing like "...well ACTUALLY it doesn't matter; Superman's god-level strength is due to his Kryptonian physiology and the yellow sun's effects on it, so technically he can be fat and still be Superman soooooo....."  ---which would be exactly right, but if you have a guy that's built like E. Honda playing Superman it looks completely ridiculous, and most reasonable people would assume you're producing a comedy.

Edited by MillionX
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Nah, not when the changes in question look wrong and/or just lame as fuck.... like imagine if they put up Margaret Cho as Storm, and some Lizzo-sized woman as Nightcrawler.... or now Wolverine's subplot is how he's realizing after 200 years of living that he's now a non-binary person so we have to devote some of the film's time to that instead of the usual "superhero shit" people actually want to see in these damn movies.  Some changes are just dumb and will never go over well with the majority of an audience... and ultimately it's a stupid idea to consistently upset a large percentage of what would've been the fanbase.... like if I was making a Spawn movie, no I would not make Al Simmons a woman, or a random white dude for no reason other than possible agendas or to generate controversy-based word-of-mouth.  That temporary gain is a bad plan if it just results in the movie being a box office bomb and the next laughing stock getting roasted on social media constantly.


It's like with the costume changes but worse.  I'd rather the characters in our beloved franchises still be recognizable when they have a new show or movie.  That ship has sailed now, I no longer have any hope of it.... I'm mainly just looking forward to laughing about 1 big-budget dumpster fire after the least they're giving me that little bit of unintended entertainment value.  They'll keep upping the ante too, so there's all kinds of bizarre shit to look forward to in the near future.

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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

Wonderman is the latest "blackened" character, by the show in the works for Disney....  of course I doubt many people ever gave a shit about that low-rank character in the first place.... surprising that the actor (Yahya Abdul-Mateen) even agreed to it but for them it's another fat paycheck to get.


The real gold is when they announce who will be the new X-men actors though... that's going to be hilarious for so many reasons.  


Imagine if body-positivity were the main thing they were pushing and using for easy publicity--- you'd have movies with big sloppy fat guys playing heroes like Superman and Thor-----and those in favor would be arguing like "...well ACTUALLY it doesn't matter; Superman's god-level strength is due to his Kryptonian physiology and the yellow sun's effects on it, so technically he can be fat and still be Superman soooooo....."  ---which would be exactly right, but if you have a guy that's built like E. Honda playing Superman it looks completely ridiculous, and most reasonable people would assume you're producing a comedy.

Why do you even care? You likely have never read any of these characters or the knowledge you do have is literally decades old.  So why bitch about it? 

Dont like what’s going on? don’t watch it. Don’t read about it. Quit clicking hate bait. Just ignore it. 

And if you say you like keeping up with it for THE DRAMA please find something productive to do rather than tabloid type talk. 

Edited by iStu X
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14 minutes ago, MillionX said:

Nah, not when the changes in question look wrong and/or just lame as fuck.... like imagine if they put up Margaret Cho as Storm, and some Lizzo-sized woman as Nightcrawler.... or now Wolverine's subplot is how he's realizing after 200 years of living that he's now a non-binary person so we have to devote some of the film's time to that instead of the usual "superhero shit" people actually want to see in these damn movies.  Some changes are just dumb and will never go over well with the majority of an audience... and ultimately it's a stupid idea to consistently upset a large percentage of what would've been the fanbase.... like if I was making a Spawn movie, no I would not make Al Simmons a woman, or a random white dude for no reason other than possible agendas or to generate controversy-based word-of-mouth.  That temporary gain is a bad plan if it just results in the movie being a box office bomb and the next laughing stock getting roasted on social media constantly.

Dude, you're doing the thing again. We've been over this.

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Ah c'mon... that shit is funny to laugh at... like when some dumb company in the gaming industry fucks up---like how Bethesda is a constant laughing stock because of their half-ass, barely functioning games.  So we're to pretend that shit isn't hilarious to see unfold in real time?  At least to me that shit is non-stop comedy to see how they're going to fuck up *this time* with whatever they have planned, and their predictable "You racist then"-kinda response to any criticism.


It would be nice if it were an alternate universe where we actually had good stuff to look forward to though.  Pardon me for actually being amused by the trash-fire going on constantly.  😆  There's almost no hope of actual, legitimately good content in most of what's being produced.  For that we still have the older movies, games and shows, at least.


Things that genuinely surprised me lately though, in a good way --- "Prey" and the new Hellraiser.  See that's actual good shit right there; the people that worked on those remembered how to produce solid entertainment.

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