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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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4 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

This has to be a AI deep fake or some sh1t. No way bruh


It is.

That is a well known copy pasta that people love to make deep fake ai videos about it.

You can find vids about presidents, singers, actors, the pope, etc saying the copy pasta.

Even I made a version in spanish where the ex dictator ex-president of my country says it.


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So I'm playing MGS 1 again and I'm fighting Psycho Mantis and because the Playstation classic is an absolute piece of shit the "HIDEO" av black screen overlay wasn't loading and it gave me a glimpse of what happens behind that. It's nothing particularly exiting or mind blowing but Snake's position gets locked as does the controls and Mantis just floats to a randomized position on the field and it's pretty much exactly how I've got my Resi style door transitions.


Now I'm not trying to say I'm some kind of game dev genius but it's pretty clear that I am. Hire me Konami.



Obviously I'm joking but I just thought it was neat that game dev really is just hacking shit together and obscuring what's going on or setting things to just not be visible until a trigger happens.


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Wow. Production Assistant requires a really strong person at the Essence Festival. Lol. I'm too biologically weak and fragile for that, which I've made too many attempts to raise up my testosterone so much while taking in alot of protein shakes to do more gig work. I've stayed the same strength and durability. They may get me another position.


I have a really bad shoulder that I have to exercise most of the time, so it doesn't pop out repeatedly. Yikes. Not for me.

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that mtv ad. wtf who  approved that?

people would boycott mtv...if it was still relevent. but it aint.


there was a funhouse cartoon. late 90s. that showed a bird working a job to earn money to buy a gun to then shoot himself. saw it once. and its impossible to find now. i assume it too got banned cuz yunno. the suicide at the end thing.


snl tv funhouse shoulda goten like a spin off series, like the simpsons from tracy ulman show.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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Just now, VirginDefiler said:


that mtv ad. wtf who  approved that?

people would boycott mtv...if it was still relevent. but it aint.

I think the 90s were a much better time where people allowed themselves way more leeway to be funny.

The ad isn't real. It's not even from the 90s. It's from an animated sketch comedy called Wonder Showzen. Still, things were better then.

South Park is still carrying the torch for animated political incorrectness.

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16 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:





Isn't that the same woman from the clowny meme that was posted on SRK all the time?


Guess they never learn. It's not "strange behavior"

It's called "get the fuck out my backyard"!





This guy's telling like it is and the mainstream media is trying to silence him. Better him than Slow Joe.



Edited by Jion_Wansu
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7 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:

This guy's telling like it is and the mainstream media is trying to silence him. Better him than Slow Joe.


RFK is a very smart man, I recently started reading his book titled "The Real Anthony Fauci". Just the opening chapter really shook me.


I just happened to be reviewing the prophecies of Kim Clement yesterday, his words can be triangulated to imply that election 2024 will be won by DJT with RFK as VP under the banner of a 3rd American political party. 


56 minutes ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

Food is my anti drug. I must cook different recipes at all times. 😝


This guy has become my favorite youtube cook. He has a deep love and knowledge of baking, he gets his recipes from old cookbooks and modifies them to better suit todays tastes and  ingredients.  He has a cookbook coming that I have preordered:



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22 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

For Aries Warlock....


TMNT X MAD MAX by Freddie Williams





reminds me of all the TMNT pen and paper RPG books from palladium back in the 80's. A lot of the campaign books were post-apocalyptic. I still have a bunch of the handbooks and pewter figures somewhere. Back when I was first getting into Magic the Gathering when I was around 17 a friend's dad gave them to me. Even back then some of the pewter figures were worth 100's of dollars. 

Edited by iStu X
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4 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Logos just aint logo'ing anymore. So much minimalism these days, get creative again 


3 hours ago, Jurassic said:

Logo design is always on a mission to modernize, be sleeker, and still be recognizable. It doesn't go well with sports teams, usually losing their recognition in the process.

It goes hand in hand with the issues in graphic design and marketing 



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21 hours ago, Daemos said:

Don't you love it when religious/conservative nuts of all creeds find common ground? 


Is not about religion though.

In most if not all countries is forbidden to have anything outside the national symbols on display on public grounds, like the town hall, etc., this includes USA.

If you read or see the videos about what they are doing, instead of just assuming/just reading the headline, they are not forbidding it on private properties, they are simply keeping the even ground for everyone.

They are assuring that neither religious symbols or any neo cult symbol is displayed on state property as it is already stablished by law.


Is kind of hilarious to see people getting mad just because is the pride flag, if it was they banning the crucifix, you would see people celebrating instead. (Which BTW, is already banned, the same as the David Star, or any Muslim symbol)




And let me remind you, I am an aggressive atheist.


Edited by Hecatom
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Sometimes I wear a rainbow guitar strap, because I like it. I also have a North Face hat because my daughter picked it out because it has a cool mountain on it. I don't give a shit, I'm wearing it and it doesn't mean anything except it's a cool hat.


But if I still drank alcohol, I still wouldn't drink Bud Light because that shit is nasty.


Edited by Chadouken
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21 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

peeps on twitter r sayin the coup was never real but some plan by putin to see who in the top military people were loyal and to see how ukraine would react, exposing itself.

I've been following that event kinda closely, and I doubt that they would have shot down helicopters, broke down roads, prepared military checkpoints in Moscow, threw a bunch of bombs on fuel depots and give the impression that a mercenary army can seemingly run across half the country unopposed like this is an African failed state all on purpose.


My personal impression is that the Wagner guys were on the bad end of the regime for a while, they were about to be incorporated in the army, they rebelled, they initially met no opposition because all of the army is stuck in Ukraine and no one in Russia looked like they wanted to risk their life to save Putin's life in case Wagner came on top, but the Wagner guys also lacked any serious support and it looked like they would have actually had to fight to seize Moscow, and even if they seized it it looked like the government was already on the way to flee elsewhere.

The Wagner guys realized their position was only going to get worse going on, Putin's government was scrambling to find a solution to the mess, so this "compromise" that's been talked about was realized.


That's my interpretation.

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You think the left will keep the "islamaphobia" slogan? I assume the lgbt are a higher tier than muslims, nevertheless Most of these leftists normally retaliate by making fun of Jesus or something, so if they are all about "fuck you religion" as much as they claim, they should be shitting on Mohammad now but i know they won't  because left is scared of the actual reaction they would receive.

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3 hours ago, Hecatom said:


Is not about religion though.

In most if not all countries is forbidden to have anything outside the national symbols on display on public grounds, like the town hall, etc., this includes USA.

If you read or see the videos about what they are doing, instead of just assuming/just reading the headline, they are not forbidding it on private properties, they are simply keeping the even ground for everyone.

They are assuring that neither religious symbols or any neo cult symbol is displayed on state property as it is already stablished by law.


Is kind of hilarious to see people getting mad just because is the pride flag, if it was they banning the crucifix, you would see people celebrating instead. (Which BTW, is already banned, the same as the David Star, or any Muslim symbol)




And let me remind you, I am an aggressive atheist.


I actually agree with the premise of the video btw. I don't want Pride symbols or any symbols (especially religious) anywhere near official buildings.

I was only making an observation how the ancient hatred towards homos AKA the seeds of Satan has turned old foes into allies in the current political climate. 

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1 hour ago, zatalcon3 said:

You think the left will keep the "islamaphobia" slogan? I assume the lgbt are a higher tier than muslims, nevertheless Most of these leftists normally retaliate by making fun of Jesus or something, so if they are all about "fuck you religion" as much as they claim, they should be shitting on Mohammad now but i know they won't  because left is scared of the actual reaction they would receive.

It's something I could never reconcile myself with.

On one hand, I understand that post-9/11 there was a rise in hate crimes against minorities perceived to be Muslim (like some Sikh and Hindus were also targeted just because of how they look to Americans) and this was unjust. On the other, the Left's unwise sheltering of Islam which at its core is a very conservative and totalitarian ideology is a trojan horse waiting to be opened.


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6 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:

You think the left will keep the "islamaphobia" slogan? I assume the lgbt are a higher tier than muslims, nevertheless Most of these leftists normally retaliate by making fun of Jesus or something, so if they are all about "fuck you religion" as much as they claim, they should be shitting on Mohammad now but i know they won't  because left is scared of the actual reaction they would receive.

When Trump was first elected in 2016 he met with evangelicals from across the nation and one of them was Lance Wallnau. Wallnau said that they were asking him what he was going to do about the LGBTQ community and the rise of immorality and he point blank told them "NO that is YOUR job!". Trump told them that they are getting walked on because they had become weak and he was right. Todays church is the lukewarm one from scripture but a new one is coming that will be unlike anything that has come before. 



4 hours ago, Daemos said:

It's something I could never reconcile myself with.

On one hand, I understand that post-9/11 there was a rise in hate crimes against minorities perceived to be Muslim (like some Sikh and Hindus were also targeted just because of how they look to Americans) and this was unjust. On the other, the Left's unwise sheltering of Islam which at its core is a very conservative and totalitarian ideology is a trojan horse waiting to be opened.

Islam has been an enigma to me for decades. Literally just last week I ordered a really nice Qur'an that has English translations next the the original Arabic so I could better understand their point of view. The seller also sent me a copy of this book:


Sane Muslims are actually peaceful  but I can give a bottom line for all three Abrahamic religions; Jews believe Christ died, Muslims believe he didn't die, Christians believe he died and resurrected. All three can't be true. 

Edited by Red Rock Candy
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5 minutes ago, Red Rock Candy said:

All three can't be true. 

All three are not true.

The sooner we move past these fairy tales the better and I'll leave it at that.

Admittedly however, human beings seem to need spiritual outlets on a societal level that connects them to something they feel is bigger than them. A benign form of religion purged of all violent undertones and that can be in harmony with science is inevitably necessary. 

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3 minutes ago, Daemos said:

Admittedly however, human beings seem to need spiritual outlets on a societal level that connects them to something they feel is bigger than them. A benign form of religion purged of all violent undertones and that can be in harmony with science is inevitably necessary. 

Yes absolutely this is definitely coming.  As per Genesis, man seeks a higher power to look up to. Soon the divinity of Christ will be counterfeited. Whereas Christ was half man and half God, the counterfeit will be half human half progenitor/engineer. 



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