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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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54 minutes ago, Jion_Wansu said:

Have you guys/gals ever tried deleting yourself from the people finder sites?

Even if I've tried, it won't matter so much, considering where the world is going. We were never meant to have privacy.


Me and my family members information are all over those sites , when mom died, the location, who showed up at her funeral, the location, and grave site 20 years ago? Just nothing private about anything.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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5 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

He was done no matter what. The simple accusation sinks your career. Being accused of DV or Rape is a death sentence. Look at poor Matt Araiza. Dude got accused of rape. Wasn't there when the "rape" took place, video shows there as no rape, and yet a dude that was drafted as a PUNTER still doesn't have a job.

Anzis Ansari. Dude was blowing up and making waves. And all it took was a chick he hooked up with. Accusing him of assault because he was awkward and bad in bed. So she regretted it. And treated it as assault.


"hE iGnOrEd mY nOn vErBaL qUeS"  

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I'm so disappointed in everything right now regarding this trial because it looks pretty clear that dude was trying to avoid catching a case and got one anyway.   I can't even be mad at Disney on this because they at least waited until trial finished before making a decision cause god knows corporations pull the trigger before the whole story is out.  I gotta go read up on everything but it really does sound like this woman scorched this man's career because he was trying to get away from her.  SMH...



Also I don't like admitting that George Santos is right in anything...but..


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6 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I'm so disappointed in everything right now regarding this trial because it looks pretty clear that dude was trying to avoid catching a case and got one anyway.   I can't even be mad at Disney on this because they at least waited until trial finished before making a decision cause god knows corporations pull the trigger before the whole story is out.  I gotta go read up on everything but it really does sound like this woman scorched this man's career because he was trying to get away from her.  SMH...



Also I don't like admitting that George Santos is right in anything...but..


tbh i wanna watch a documentary on the rise and fall of george santos. its sorta interesting.

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1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Agreed. He seemed like he had some initial momentum....then he started opening his mouth.

Bro he joined TikTok saying he wanted the Youth know the Youth he said shouldn't be allowed to vote till they're 25? Like dudes an idiot and a clear dick sucker who will say anything to get what he wants even if it literally contradicts one of his key platforms. 


Dudes a Grade A USDA full blooded moron. 

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59 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Good. Fuck him, he damn near ripped the chick's ear off.

How did you come to that determination? According to her it happened in the car. There was no blood in the car. Per her, she was assaulted in the car and no one saw any injuries on her. The three people she met on the street and went clubbing with didn't see any injury. They testified to this in court. In multitude of videos from that night, she showed no injury. I mean if he "damn near ripped this chick's ear off". I think the people she was talking to, including the woman that hugged here would have noticed. They were outside speaking for several minutes. There were no injuries noticed on her until the next morning. When they Majors and the handyman, who had to let him in the room, found her unconscious and half naked in the closet at which point 911 was called. Did I miss some evidence stating otherwise?  


Edit: @Reticentlyhad followed it much until recently. My co-worker was following the case. He was telling me things I hadn't read about. Which piqued my interest because I've seen so many times things get skewed or flat out not reported. Which frankly is why I stopped watching the news. I got tired of having to research what I was being told to make sure they weren't blowing smoke up my ass. Cough Cough...Israel..cough...cough being the biggest example of this.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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46 minutes ago, Reticently said:

I haven't followed it any closer that what was basically described in that AP article.


But man, what an utterly avoidable way to fuck up a golden situation.

If all this is to be believed






6 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

How did you come to that determination? According to her it happened in the car. There was no blood in the car. Per her, she was assaulted in the car and no one saw any injuries on her. The three people she met on the street and went clubbing with didn't see any injury. They testified to this in court. In multitude of videos from that night, she showed no injury. I mean if he "damn near ripped this chick's ear off". I think the people she was talking to, including the woman that hugged here would have noticed. They were outside speaking for several minutes. There were no injuries noticed on her until the next morning. When they Majors and the handyman, who had to let him in the room, found her unconscious and half naked in the closet at which point 911 was called. Did I miss some evidence stating otherwise?  

She didn't do that to herself, mate.


If she's an Amber Heard type of woman, then Majors should have just said "I lost my head, she baited me and I unfortunately was not strong enough not to take the bait" but it just sounds like he's jealous and/or can't control himself.

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38 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

God damn, I wonder what the hell she said to him.  

Well he was allegedly texting another girl. She got mad snatched the phone from him and the fight started. What happened then is the point contention. I mean I'm really not buying what she's selling. Per her, this dude whooped her ass in the back of the Escalade, yet he's trying to get away from her, and she chases him for 5 blocks. We've seen the picture of her ear. No blood in the back of Escalade with that? No blood at running down her neck? I've nicked myself shaving near my ear, nowhere near like that, and it took me forever to stop the bleeding. Shit started to run down my neck. The math ain't mathing on that for me. I mean even she spots him while she's talking to three strangers later on. She spots him, approaches him, and he's motions for her to stay away from him. And she briefly jogs after him again. If she's scared of him. Why is he literally running away from her.

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18 hours ago, RSG3 said:

...dudes an idiot and a clear dick sucker who will say anything to get what he wants even if it literally contradicts one of his key platforms. 


Dudes a Grade A USDA full blooded moron. 



Isn't that the case with all politicians despite which political affiliation?



9 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:


Watch either this gets swept under asap or the names they will revela are people no one cares about or are dead. 


In before x person is/isn't on the list which will call into legitimacy about the list. 


They don't want to release it because they (republicans and democrats/conservatives and liberals) know that their buddies are on that list...


6 hours ago, Hecatom said:



Reminds me of this scene between ying zoo and wizard land:



The same show with Tweeg and L.B.


7 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Colorado Supreme Court disqualified Trump off the 2024 Ballot so there's a high chance that the Supreme Court is now going to have to rule on this for the country.



aaaaand people are threatening Civil War again...I'm just gonna ignore this.


Americans should either vote for The Greens or The Libertarians.

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The hood & cloak/robe looks cooler than the pointy-hat version of a wizard/witch.  

Ohhh and that just reminded me----"Xavier" was another one of my favorite Eternal Champions's such a great thing that so many of those older IPs may get another chance soon in the modern era.


I haven't watched all of this yet but noticed it recently on youtube


Edited by MillionX
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9 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Investing in a 401k was one of the wisest decisions Ive ever made even tho back when I started I knew fuck all about it 😂


Had $42K just sittin there in an IRA account that I FORGOT about, which I supposes is kinda the point *unless it's an emergency.). New company I started with this Summer has a program that I started putting money in as well


Will definitely be adding my nephew as a beneficiary soon just incase I bite the dust, god forbid. Want to leave him with a little something like my uncle left us when he passed a few months ago

My wife and I are pouring $$$ into our 401ks as fast as we can, and I feel great about it until I read how much money we're "supposed" to have by our age.

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