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The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2

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Yeah, gotta be honest, I don't like these non-reveals. There's not much to talk about except Goryulla, Luke's arm veins and the freeimagebank.jpg Logo. Sony has been doing it for ages as well, it's just tiresome and feels like a desperate attempt to generate hype.


I've really come to appreciate Nintendo's approach to reveals. Show it a couple of months before the game comes out with a one or two minute gameplay trailer and all's good.

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23 minutes ago, mykka said:


However there was that Capcom leak that talked about them going in a "toning down sexual appeal" direction, we'll see.

I recall that the leak was some internal document made to suggest possible changes to improve the company, the kind that cover a lot of topics and not just the games themselves. People decided to focus more on the part where the document talked about female representation in western games and how some westerners are more sensible/bitchmade, and therefore Capcom may want to keep female and male representation similar, but that doesn't necessarily mean toning down sexual appeal and I don't think it would impact Street Fighter anyway because all characters in the series are very stylized, exaggerated and show skin.


And that's assuming that Capcom decided to follow that advice at all, which may not be the case. It definitely doesn't look like Capcom toned anything down in the last few years, either with SF costumes or Alcina in Resident Evil, and that leak is already old news as far as I know.

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18 minutes ago, Psychoblue said:

Street Fighter 6 looks like DmC.  Is this what people wanted?

I literally just want Bison, and something that plays closer to Alpha 2 or 3. Or CvS2. I also really enjoyed SF5 between S2/3 and now, and rank it highly. I also enjoyed SF4 on and off til the end. I roll with the punches as much as I can. But you will give me Dic or else.

(I would've preferred they just went something more artistic with less pores and sweat though).

Edited by Daemos
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4 hours ago, JustBrowsing said:

I suppose no Blanka in SF6 is a positive?

Animated GIF


1 hour ago, mykka said:

However there was that Capcom leak that talked about them going in a "toning down sexual appeal" direction, we'll see.

Bro, hot Ryu is the default now. That's clearly fake. At worst they'll add the nice looking pants on Cammy's leotard and call it a day.

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5 minutes ago, Phantom_Miria said:

I don't see the resemblance honestly. You look at the DMC5 models and then at these trailer models and SF6 is looking way more stylized and exaggerated.

Tbh, the artstyle doesn't look bad.


Obviously, we haven't actually seen crap because these pricks not only had all of a 40 sec staredown between two guys on the trailer but also had it on a dimly lit room so we couldn't see shit.


Looks like a refinement of SFV's artstyle, which is a good idea if they want to carve their own visual niche. NO ONE is doing the anime look better than Arcsys, so might as well not bother with that angle and go for a more westernized style.


I can't get over how asstastic that logo is tho.


Just now, mykka said:

Let the fake roster leaks begin

Actually, that's not a bad idea for a discussion.


Let's assume 16 starting characters. Who's making it in?

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12 minutes ago, Volt said:

Let's assume 16 starting characters. Who's making it in?


Dudley/Fei Long






S1 = The characters that are part of the main story and should've been in the launch game but here they are 6 months later. (e.g. G, Ken, Oro, Guile, Alex, Gill, etc.)


S2 = The characters we really wanted to put in the game and you wanted them too but they had to wait so we can get the previous shit out of our system (E.g. Bison, Vega, Balrog, Sagat etc.)

S3-S6 = We're gonna gonna wing it and hope for the best! We don't even know what comes after 6 so who cares?!


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13 minutes ago, mykka said:

Let the fake roster leaks begin


My uncle's dog's girlfriend works at Konami, and she has learned what the full roster for SF6 will be by overhearing Ono holding a séance in a bathroom near her workplace. Here it is:


It will be 12 characters. Those characters are:

- Ryu

- Luke

- Chun-Li's little kid who replaces her because there's a time skip and women over 40s are a big no-no in Japan

- Juri with shoes

- Violent El Fuerte

- Dante (featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series)

- Sagat without fireballs

- Kyo Kusanagi

- Rufus consumed by the Satsui no Hado (he gained that power by killing Akuma off screen)





First DLC character will be Morrigan, from the Darkstalkers series. For the sake of tradition and keeping things cheap, instead of making a new 3D model for her Capcom will just reuse her original 2D sprite. It worked well many times, it will work fine one more time.

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SFxT reveal:



I legit don't understand what's going on in this company. They aren't even as good at revealing things as they used to be in their own franchise. Maybe this is where Ono was needed. He had a certain youthful love for SF as a brand and as an experience (so to speak).


This reveals feels to much like its trying to get the CoD and Rainbow Seige crowd. Let me have a good looking game full of awesome bright colors and stuff. Kinda feels like SF games are losing personality now. 3S had a lot of personality; Vanilla SF4 had a bomb ass announcer; SF5 took a minute to give it some shine and it still kinda eh at times.  This game



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