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The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2

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3 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:




God fucking damn it with these cunts.


They aren't called Fightsticks. Fightstick is the brand name that Madcatz gave to their lines. I'm seriously starting to hate these people and their rewriting of basic FGC history. The other day they called Divekick the most popular fighting game at the time it was released.


Massive cunts.

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

SF2:TAM Bison is the best version of Bison.  So any tributes to him are appreciated.

SF2:TAM is the best version of SF too 😄 


54 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Upon putting that out and no issues.


SNK account makes a goofy horny joke about their one horny character and suddenly Twitter loses their mind.


This is not me hating on this, as a notorious fan service hater it just reminds me how dumb the Twitter people were for clutching their pearls SNK Twitter account.

I'm not much familiar with it, but is'nt Twitter way to go just lose mind? 

Ever felt gigantic arena for internet wierdos to scream at each other lol

Edited by CESTUS III
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3 minutes ago, Sonero said:


Yeah but twitter became the "de facto" FGC since most prominent members talk to each other through it.


Which sucks for a million and a half reasons.

Guess was inevitable outcome, but i may be mellow about it because i don't have much emotional attachment to FGC


But playing devil's advocate, people were cunts even before twitter 😄


What would be your alternative?

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18 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Guess was inevitable outcome, but i may be mellow about it because i don't have much emotional attachment to FGC


But playing devil's advocate, people were cunts even before twitter 😄


What would be your alternative?

Reddit. Mike Ross is a regular on the Kappa subreddit. 

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21 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:




forgot the vid that this comment was supposed to be a reply haha


I was waiting for Luke to intervene the fight of Akuma and Orochi haha


The Stage shown in that video was another interesting take on SF2 Bison Thailand Stage




It reminds me of the other iteration from SF4 aftermath video featuring Viper


But the KOF one looks better





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8 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Mika shenanigans maybe returning



Kinda OT but i just remember in theory is possible last patch can come out also  with stage+3 costumes that were supposed to be released for 2022 CPT dlc


Last balance patch+CPT2022+alts dlc was supposed to release all with Luke


But is strange, no mention of it in the trailer and we are so close... maybe Capcom is using the usual cockblock thing to stick to some obscure esports schedule they can't even follow, wish they can just turn it into normal DLC ang give us it with 29th last patch, would make it even bigger


Random guess, considering they covered lot of "orgs" with the CPT stages

-Shadaloo (2018)

-Mad Gears (2019)

-Secret Society (2020)

-G org/hq (2021)


2022 one may be either

-Something S.I.N. with Seth, was an org and would keep the "Boss" figure element

-Neo Shadaloo with bunch of characters in background (ed, falke, knife, gorilla and others)


If i have to bet would say latter (NS) would have better chances for many reasons


NS stage would be awesome to me, i miss have personal stages for every character and NS would instant give home to both Ed and Falke

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2 hours ago, Sonero said:

I remember mentioning this on SRK a while back and some people told me I was wrong.







I don't know about other games, but you can also combo from early jump-ins in 3rd Strike. Purposefully showing a non-existent combo in the game compared to the same combo that does work in the future games is pretty lame. That being said it is straight up objectively harder to combo into more things in older games, which caught me off guard in SFV. Free optimal damage!

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20 minutes ago, Dragonfave723 said:

Lol just called for it this morning 😄


As said i was hoping for Neo Shadaloo stage, but this Capcom celebration one looks nice, like a theme park or something


Not sure if Akira and Bison have much meaning beyond being celebration clothes, but Seth one is huge Lady Oscar tribute

Riyoko Ikeda: Lady Oscar e la moda

In the manga/anime Oscar was a woman who pretended to be a male, fitting choice for SFV tranny Seth lol



Well, Akira getting chinese outfit may link to her being Bajiquan style fighter (not coolest wink ever, but guess make sense), on old school gangster Bison have no idea lol, but looks cool


Surprised no alt for Luke

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9 hours ago, HeavensCloud said:

Nah, they need to keep the hit stun off jump-ins.  Only being able to combo off deep jump-ins is annoying and comboing off early jump-ins is fun.  We need more combos in SF not less.  If you want to keep people from jumping just buff AA's.  

Nah, it's too baby mode. Make the attacker choose big damage or guaranteed getting in.  I remember hitting high in older games just to get in on zoners. Closing the gap was good enough reward.


I don't mind if you can link a light after a high jump-in, maybe.

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Akira's costume looks really good. Too bad she never really clicked with me, I enjoyed playing her but I got nowhere. It was particularly frustrating when running into another Akira and then feeling like they're using a different character because in their hands she felt really strong.


Anyway. Seth costume looks decent, Bison's is good but to be honest it's hard to get excited for a Bison costume in 2022.

The Stage is fantastic though IMO. Too bad they can't pump out better models for the background NPCs but it's such a cool idea. Conceptually it remidns me a bit of the Blizzardworld stage in Overwatch.

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32 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

don't know why people don't understand that trash talk has a competitive value.


Thr goofy part is people thinking still that only tournaments matter. 


I fully understand that tournaments make for a good destination, but arcades weren't competitive tournament wise. They were places to kick it and play. That's casual gameplay by strict definition. 



So I dont know. Young kids would rather stay at home and old folks got lives. They're gonna throw away awesome things by not understanding them.

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40 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I don't know why people don't understand that trash talk has a competitive value. I'm not a big trash talker but when I have been, it's to try and get someone rattled. I've beaten players who were objectively better than me because they couldn't handle tournament nerves or couldn't keep their heads straight.


Agree, but besides competitive value, it also has a fun factor value in casuals as well.

Hell, me and my friends trashtalk each other all the time, not even on fgs, but in games where we are playing as a team, like while doing raids on games like destiny 🤣

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:


Thr goofy part is people thinking still that only tournaments matter. 


I fully understand that tournaments make for a good destination, but arcades weren't competitive tournament wise. They were places to kick it and play. That's casual gameplay by strict definition. 



So I dont know. Young kids would rather stay at home and old folks got lives. They're gonna throw away awesome things by not understanding them.

In my experience some of the best play you'll ever experience happens in casuals when there's nothing at all on the line. Trash talk in that setting just pushes you to want to shut the other guy up, not go on letting it get to you.

1 hour ago, Hecatom said:


Agree, but besides competitive value, it also has a fun factor value in casuals as well.

Hell, me and my friends trashtalk each other all the time, not even on fgs, but in games where we are playing as a team, like while doing raids on games like destiny 🤣

I think it's people with limited competitive experience getting trash talked by people they don't know and thinking it's just them being assholes.


It's a weird comparison but there's a scene in Cars 3 where the top dog racer starts trash talking the skilled noob and when she tells Lightning McQueen that he got in her head, he says, "No, YOU got in HIS head. He'd NEVER have done that if you didn't scare him" and I think that's more true than people would like to admit.

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