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This Commander Naill fight... is straight bullshyte...


So... the "bewitching branch" apparently brainwashes the 2 knights to attack the boss....making this fight at least possible to beat....that's just stupid, imo... I don't see how it's even possible without the branch method.  Even with this eliminating the main problem of the 2 knights, the boss himself is still ridiculous.  I just hit him quite a few times with meteor, and his health was just fine, like someone just lightly slapped him.


EDIT----BUTTTTT he's down for the count!!!!  Oh yeah, I used a combo of bewitching branch AND the cheapness that is Comet Azur on that fool.  I still BARELY scraped by but 2 doses of the Kamehameha and he was done.  


delicious...another 90k runes for that one.

Edited by MillionX
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Magma Wyrm was fun.


After almost beating him like 3x after 30 mins, I finally beat him, and then like 1 second later I died because I was standing in Magma and couldn't see where I was because the camera angle goes to shit in this game sometimes.


THANKFULLY it still counted as me defeating him because I killed him before he killed me.


Would have been salty AF if that didn't count.  It was a tough battle.

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5 minutes ago, purbeast said:

Magma Wyrm was fun.


After almost beating him like 3x after 30 mins, I finally beat him, and then like 1 second later I died because I was standing in Magma and couldn't see where I was because the camera angle goes to shit in this game sometimes.


THANKFULLY it still counted as me defeating him because I killed him before he killed me.


Would have been salty AF if that didn't count.  It was a tough battle.

When I fought the gargoyles in DSR, they killed me but my summon killed them right after and it still counted as a win 😂

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2 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

When I fought the gargoyles in DSR, they killed me but my summon killed them right after and it still counted as a win 😂

I had that happen as well with some other mini-boss but it did not count for me.  But like, the summons killed it RIGHT before the screen faded to reload.  It was a boss in one of those caves.

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4 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

As long as you get the Kill Title Card and the Soul Drop the boss counts as dead even if you are to. Been like that since Demons Souls. 

I don't even think the gargoyles were dead when I died. Like the summon killed them off screen so I expected to have to fight them again, but came back to them gone.

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2 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I don't even think the gargoyles were dead when I died. Like the summon killed them off screen so I expected to have to fight them again, but came back to them gone.

Yea...that's not that unusual honestly. Happened to me in Elden Ring even. The Ash Summons in that game are dope lol. 

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3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea...that's not that unusual honestly. Happened to me in Elden Ring even. The Ash Summons in that game are dope lol. 

Someone told me ER doesn't have the dumb backstab mechanics the Souls games do for pvp so that actually got me a bit more interested in possibly checking it out.

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Ok, people who say they can beat Godskin Apostle in that little room, at least at any kind of a low level... I'm inclined to NOT believe them unless they posted video proof.  Basically he just does whatever he wants and there's not much the player can do about it.  They gave him 10,000 moves and it's a very obvious case of "controller-reading" going on there as well.  Oh and just try doing the cheapo "Comet Azure" shenanigans.  Like any humanoid enemy, he'll just effortlessly dodge that MIGHT chip a few small points of health off him in 1 or 2 hits out of the entire beam, like he's thinking "...oh you were trying to hit me with that?!  You thought I would actually stand still for 0.02 seconds?  LOL".  I'm not sure what the player can consistently do about his goofy-looking windmill stretchy attack either.  If you dodge to either side it seems like he just hits you all the time.  If you dodge back, he'll get you there too unless you were already far enough to be outside of range in the first rolling forward works but only "sometimes".  I'll try blocking but that really doesn't look like something that can even be blocked at all.  


It gets worse, btw... I'm aware there's another fight where you have to fight him + another boss at the same time.  From what I've read, there is exactly one way people are beating that fight, and I'll assume ALL other methods are literally impossible.


I'd like to get that cool outfit but that requires being 100% perfect at every possible point in this fight to even have a "slight chance" of winning.


edit---no other projectiles will work, btw...since he's setup to perfectly dodge things most of the you're just wasting mana/resources.   Also, you'll get hit anyway unless he's distracted by summons for the 4 or 5 seconds they last against him....yeah, he'll destroy even upgraded wolf spirits immediately.  TThere's also going to be times where you're summons ignore him and try to attack the enemy that's outside the boss room....because of course that makes sense.


his is one of those people just have to come back to when they're some absurd level like 255 or something with the absolute best stats/setup possible.

Edited by MillionX
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42 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Someone told me ER doesn't have the dumb backstab mechanics the Souls games do for pvp so that actually got me a bit more interested in possibly checking it out.

Depends on what you mean by dumb back stab mechanics because backstabs are there, they are easy to do, and like DS3 they can wiff. Like what specifically was dumb that they changed? 


What feels more solid is the hit boxes. Feel as good as Sekiros. 

Edited by RSG3
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6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Depends on what you mean by dumb back stab mechanics because backstabs are there, they are easy to do, and like DS3 they can wiff. Like what specifically was dumb that they changed? 


What feels more solid is the hit boxes. Feel as good as Sekiros. 

The hitboxes thing might be it. I haven't played 3 but backstabs in DS1 & 2 are goofy and considering how much health they take, too easy to do imo. I prefer the way they handled them in Bloodborne tbh. Some of the pvp players I've talked to say they aren't quite as easy to pull off in ER.

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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

Jfc wtf

...Stranger of Paradise...

This game looks goofy AF and this has to be the 3rd clip I've seen where something bizarre happens.  The Yakuza RPG was kind of similar, but it was wacky on purpose.  I'm not sure this is intentional or not.  It's as if the entire story was put through google translate.

Edited by J-ride
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5 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

That is odd. Those games were actually pretty solid. 


Yeah, and if you go back to Infamous Second Son and its expansion First Light, those games still hold up.

People gives mad props to Insomniac for Spiderman (which are well deserved), but i think people are sleeping on the Infamous games from Sucker Punch, they gave a similar experience many years prior, with Infamous 2 being at times very close to a Spiderman experience due the theater skill, that was basically like a web swing for Cole 🤣

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Ok yeah not possible.  I'll come back to the Godskin boss after I'm at the very end of leveling the goddamn character I could have some kind of decent chance at possibly scraping by.  There is some tactic with the magic that forms glintblades on a parry, but of course the damage is low so you'd have to play that scheme to perfection for hour-long boss fight?  He'll inevitably come up with some bullshit anyway so your death is always just unavoidable against this dude.


Even if Jesus Christ himself decided to show up and play this game... I'd laugh in his worthless shit-eating face as he TRIED to beat the Godskin boss.  


*oh yeah---the boss can slice and stab you through the walls too, btw....because y'know that sort of thing is always fair.


This one is just different, in a bad way... all other bosses, I at least had some bit of hope and saw that "yeah...I'll beat this chump eventually...".  Against "Godskin" there is little to no hope at all....and I hear that the later Godskin DUO fight is actually not an optional fight.

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, Gasarocky said:

Supposedly, the main way Backstabs changed in ER is that before, they used to only check the initiator's side for a success, but now it checks both the initiator and receiver, so you actually need to get hit by it on your screen for it to work.

Yea that's my understanding as well. It's all the systems it's just tightened up and better at making sum checks for both parties which improves the base system itself. 


Elden Ring is honestly a game of minor updates, tweeks and refinements that all add up to a vastly improved experience as a whole. 

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13 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Have you ever been like "You know what's missing in the world?  A 2D turn based sprite wrestling RPG starring Randy Savage!"?  Well...guess what?


I’m getting Massive Citizens of Earth Vibes but obviously wrestling themed. Sign me the fuck up. 

Edited by iStu X
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2K and Supermassive games announce new game The Next Quarry


Tiny Tina's Wonderlands will have full cross play and local split screen


Also GTAV rereleased on new gen.  GTA online is $10 on Xbox SeS/SeX, free on PS5,  $20  for the game and online for Xbox SeS/Sex and $10 on PS5.  Starting June 15th, GTA Online will be $20 on both platforms and the game plus online will be $40 on both platforms.    So if you were thinking of getting the game at all for your new gen console, getting it before June 15th would be ideal especially if you have a PS5.

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3 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I fucking hate the internet these days. Anyway here are Elden Rings patch notes. I tried to copy paste into the the post but just wouldn't work without also copying the background of the website so you all get a link instead.


I like the buff to the great glinstone shard since I rock that all the time, but I also use the Sword of Night and Flame and I hope they did not nerf it to shit.  I use the L2 moves with that ALL the time and they do great damage.


I am also curious to see what has decreased with the weapon skills because I am using that Raya Lucaria 2 headed helmet to boost my intelligence to 24 to be able to use that sword.

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