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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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58 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Wow, that's surprising. Nintendo games typically don't drop in price. BotW held it's price until TotK dropped.


Edit: @ChadoukenI have too many games. I barely have enough time to play what I already own. Once I get over my BG3 infatuation, I'll have lot more time. 

You might be able to find deals at certain retailers if they choose to take the loss but Nintendo's MSRP is still $60 on Wonder.  Any retailer choosing to drop price on a 1st party Nintendo game within the first 6 months is fine with selling the game closer to cost or at a loss.  I don't think its particularly wise from business perspective unless there's a gimmick behind it (money off the game to bundle with a console, etc) especially when something like Wonder WILL sell at 60 for a long time.


Finding Wonder at @ 50 is fairly remarkable but not impossible.  Selling the game at 30-40 sounds like the game fell off the back of a truck.

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A Nightslashers remake?!?!  Oh hell yeah I'll be paying attention to that... I kept being tempted to get the old one on Switch so it's actually been on my mind recently....I just happened to be thinking "man if only they remade that with some updated graphics..." and here we go.


Baldur's Gate 3--- nice having this portable thanks to Steam Deck....but yeah, my newest warlock "Julian"----I got a bit carried away and went an alternate path, then suddenly noticed..... we're only level 2....and trying to fight things....annnnd I missed and forgot(!) about getting Gale into the party, so it's just me and Astarion with Shadowheart right now.... surprisingly I've made it through some fights though.  I started this warlock off with Repelling Blast and Agonizing, a combo that makes Eldritch Blast a serious attack right from the start. (*Repelling adds a pushback effect, making it possible to end up killing things by blasting them off the side of a cliff or into some other dangerous/deadly situation.  Agonizing adds extra damage to it based on your "charisma" modifier, which is already going to be your naturally highest, most important stat as a warlock.  These 2 effects are such an insane boost to have available on a newly-made character but I guess that's how the wild world of D&D rolls there)


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Fan-made Bloodborne Kart has locked in a release date for January 2024

A hunter must hunt beasts, and sometimes, tear up the streets.



Bloodborne Kart launches next year on PC, and it comes fully stocked. Developer Lilith Walther, who goes by b0tster on Twitter, and the team at Fan Software pulled out the, erm, stops on this one. The game will feature 12 racers to choose from and 16 maps on which to race. It comes with a story mode for solo play, as well as a Battle mode and split-screen multiplayer. And since this is, naturally, based on a From Software game, it includes boss battles.

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Cliffy B believes that Gears should get rebooted, says he's open to be consulted


Twitch getting d-listed off the Switch


Layoffs at bungie due to under performance of Destiny 2 DLC


IGN Yu Suzuki interview about his 40 years in the game industry



After a drought of 18 years, Shenmue 3 was finally released in 2019. Due to its nature as a crowdfunded project, Suzuki said that Shenmue 3 was developed to please the fans who made it possible. However, if he gets to make Shenmue 4 (which he very much hopes to), he wants to do things differently.

“I want Shenmue 4 to be enjoyable for newcomers,” he said. “To make that possible, the most important thing is to make it enjoyable without knowing previous events in the story. I don’t think that a new player wants to know 100% of the story. 20 or 30% could be enough. In Shenmue 3, we implemented a digest movie that teaches the player the main events of the previous games, but for Shenmue 4 I want to integrate that part into the main game. It would be great if the player could naturally learn about previous events just by playing the game. For example, rather than watching a separate movie, having playable flashbacks could be a way to do it.”

For a long-running game series, making a sequel inviting for inexperienced players is always a big task, especially for a story-focused series like Shenmue. Once in a similar position, the Yakuza series made a shift by releasing Yakuza 0 in 2015. This prequel became a turning point for the franchise, especially in the West. We asked if Suzuki had thought of a similar approach for Shenmue.

“Yes, I have. I cannot go into detail at this point, but it is something I have been thinking about,” he said. “I think recreating the streets of Dobuita with modern visuals on a new engine alone would make it worth doing. It also connects to the topic of not simply expanding in size. Making an even more detailed Dobuita than the original Shenmue is an interesting idea, especially if it’s not a remake but a prequel with a new story.”


Lies of P DLC incoming, sequel also planned


IGN interview with Stephanie Joosten, topics include her thoughts on Quiet, working with Kojima and her album


Spiderman 2 has been patched again

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Just now, Sonichuman said:

Sega wants Sonic to catch up and surpass Mario

It's nice to want things

Morgan Freeman Good Luck GIF


In theory they have a character that could be at least an equal to Mario.

The problem is that they keep fucking him over by dropping the ball with the games.


The fact that Sonic has endured despite of that is testament of the potential of the character.

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For anyone who likes first person Dungeon crawlers (real time not turn or tile based) a new one named Lunacid just dropped on steam for like 14 bucks. It's primarily inspired by Kings Field and Shadow Tower but you know doesn't play like a 30 year old Playstation Game. The narrator is voiced by Robert Belgrade 👍



Edited by RSG3
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13 hours ago, Hecatom said:


In theory they have a character that could be at least an equal to Mario.

The problem is that they keep fucking him over by dropping the ball with the games.


The fact that Sonic has endured despite of that is testament of the potential of the character.

Sonic absolutely does and he proved it when he first came out but saying the gap between the 2 is immense is putting it mildly.  If Sega is serious about then they they seriously need to actually consider QA when it's something obvious and actually have the balls to push the game back to polish it when there's something obviously wrong otherwise they'll be stuck in "another step in the right direction' or worse each time.   Like in the latest game, I've been playing Superstars with my son and this is the first time I've ever seen a glitch where Sonic drowns outside of the water.  And it happened repeatedly in Lagoon City Zone.

Is it a gamebreaking glitch?  No but I ran into it multiple times with out trying to make it happen.  It just kind of shows a level of care that they aren't quite at yet for them to be saying stuff like this.  I would love this franchise to reach the level it used to be at in the beginning but they gotta be able to give a shit enough to not be ok with something like the level of pop in happening in Frontiers and take the time to fix it cause until they start doing at least that, it's going to miss greatness everytime.

Edited by Sonichuman
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4 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Sega wants Sonic to catch up and surpass Mario

It's nice to want things

Morgan Freeman Good Luck GIF

What year is this? Sounds like something like that would have been said 30 years ago. I mean Sonic said it best...but Sega... 




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Not too long before I return back to work (I've been off since August 10 due to paternity leave) I finished Spider-Man 2. 


I thought it was "good" but certainly wasn't a surprise that the first game was. While the story was solid, my main issues were with the mechanics. I got bored with the combat pretty quickly Peter and Miles pretty much played the same. I also had several crashes and glitches in my playthrough. 


The one story element that I wished happened was :



Kraven should have been Venom. 


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