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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Here is an overview of the game, via ININ Games:

Developed by the Original Team, Carefully Remastered after 33 Years


KAGE Shadow of the Ninja is a ninja-themed side-scrolling action game released by the Japanese game developer Natsume on August 10, 1990, for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). At that time, the game received high praise from players and the industry for its excellent controls, innovative hanging and climbing actions, well-designed levels, and adrenaline-pumping background music, especially in the action game genre and cooperative gameplay. Now, after 33 years, this game, considered a classic by many players, is being remastered once again by the original team. Even though the average age of the team members is now 55, their passion for game development remains strong.


Exquisite Pixel Art and Refreshed Visuals

While maintaining the 16-bit retro art style, this remake utilizes new technologies to enhance the visuals with finer details and richer content. The two ninja protagonists, Hayate and Kaede, have been completely redesigned, and all the level scenes and enemies have been redrawn. It is believed that these carefully crafted characters and scenes will provide players with a visually stunning experience.


Diverse Combat Options with a Variety of Weapons and Ninja Tools

In addition to the usual weapons like ninja swords and chains for direct attacks, this remastered version adds new throwing ninja tools such as the gunpowder gun, cannonball, and shurikens for long-range assaults, as well as powerful weapons like the giant club and machete for close combat, and auxiliary tools like iron caltrops and healing rice balls. Players can make full use of these weapons and ninja tools to engage in battles.


Cooperative Gameplay: Rediscover the Joy of Playing Together

As a brand-new remastered work based on KAGE Shadow of the Ninja, this game continues the classic cooperative mode. Of course, you can also choose to play solo with one of the two characters or team up with a friend to face the challenges and defeat formidable enemies.


Reviving Classic Melodies: Enhanced Music Experience

Regarding the music production, in addition to the contributions of Tengo Project’s Hiroshi Iwatsuki, the renowned composer Iku Mizutani, who has created many excellent music tracks for KAGE Shadow of the Ninja and various classic NES games, once again participates in creating the game’s music. The re-arranged classic melodies will be presented in a more modern way, providing players with a more immersive and adrenaline-pumping experience.

As with the original version, Dynamic Pro handled the illustrations!

The key visuals/character illustrations are also by Dynamic Productions, as was the case with the first version in 1990.

  • Dynamic Production – Since its establishment in 1969, Dynamic Productions has been engaged in the management of manga artists, novelists and manga authors, including Go Nagai, as well as producing newly drawn manga, planning various events and managing the copyrights of its artists.
  • Mikio Tachibana – Born 11 May 1976 in Saitama Prefecture. After working as an assistant to Go Nagai, he made his debut in 2004 and has since published serialized works such as Mazinger Otome and Mazinger Otome Taisen. He continues to publish short manga, newly drawn manga and illustrated works in all genres.


Edited by AriesWarlock
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So... REDFALL--- I'm wondering if those who bought the "Bite Back Edition" will just be screwed out of the extra content?  It seems doubtful they'd do anything more than the occasional small patch update and even that much effort is surprising at this point....they're probably hoping everyone just forgets and moves on so they don't have to add the other stuff---I think that special edition had the promise of at least 1 or 2 new characters to be added.  I keep checking the reddit forum on it out of morbid curiosity....of course plenty of topics of people asking "is this game abandoned?" 😆 man, good thing I never wasted money on that disaster.


...still such a shame though; I was looking forward to it, but every new bit of news about it was always bad news....and I watched a couple of playthroughs online and wooo boy it was in bad shape; even worse than what people were expecting.


**anyway; could they even get away with that though...?  A special edition's extra content just never materializing if the company gives up on it due to the game being a disaster?  It would mean those people spent the extra money for absolutely nothing.

Edited by MillionX
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On 11/1/2023 at 11:21 AM, AriesWarlock said:

Fan-made Bloodborne Kart has locked in a release date for January 2024

A hunter must hunt beasts, and sometimes, tear up the streets.



Bloodborne Kart launches next year on PC, and it comes fully stocked. Developer Lilith Walther, who goes by b0tster on Twitter, and the team at Fan Software pulled out the, erm, stops on this one. The game will feature 12 racers to choose from and 16 maps on which to race. It comes with a story mode for solo play, as well as a Battle mode and split-screen multiplayer. And since this is, naturally, based on a From Software game, it includes boss battles.



Edited by AriesWarlock
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haha that's wild to me that a controller costs that much in the first place.  


The sales on Steam right now are  tough to resist as usual--- one of those Senran Kagura games is on sale for 8.99 at the moment, and Shadow Warrior is only 2.99!  The latest TMNT game is also on this "Pirates & Ninjas!" sale.  I can't resist; at least 1 or 2 of these things will be on my Steam Deck before this weekend is over.

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On 1/26/2024 at 10:52 AM, axeman61 said:

It's very early, but how's Tekken 8 to you guys so far? I haven't played Tekken in years. I've been slowly getting back into fighters with MK1.

It's f'ing good!!😉
 I'm rusty as hell too barely touched 7 these past few years but Harada and co. did their damndest to make 8 accessible for everyone!


And oh the Tekken Jukebox is available to everyone on all platforms!!

Started a playthrough of the story mode.




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The destructible environments look amazing and the presentation is looking fairly immaculate.  The only thing I'm concerned about right now are the beam sizes.  Hopefully that is something that gets as we get later in the development cause not every blast is a skinny stream.  When SSJ and up does Final Flash, people on a space station should be able to easily see it without using a telescope.


Edit 2:


Still no date on rollback for DBFZ but it's "in the final stages" along with the PS5/Xbox Series versions of the game


Edited by Sonichuman
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That beat em up discussion prompted me to play FnR again this weekend. Ended up doing 3 runs over the last 2 days- all fun, zero of the tedium that lesser games in the genre are susceptible to. Also nice that you can do a run in right around an hour if you don't get stuck on a section. I have 47 hours on that game since buying it in 2019 and still have a quick blast any time I pick it back up. There's something great about a game you can zip through without a major time sink, level grinding, collect a thon, or other padding.

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That sale is almost over so I got Senran Kagura for the 9 bucks....this started off with several (all?) outfits already unlocked, I noticed.  


I wonder how much of a hissy fit the "activist" types in the game industry would have about this game---because SO much of it is definitely something they would whine about it being "problematic" or "a product of the time" and all that other weak ass nonsense.  Oddly enough I do love that people like that exist in the world though; they are fun to laugh at while the rest of us keeps actually having fun in life.

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12 hours ago, Camacho said:

That beat em up discussion prompted me to play FnR again this weekend. Ended up doing 3 runs over the last 2 days- all fun, zero of the tedium that lesser games in the genre are susceptible to. Also nice that you can do a run in right around an hour if you don't get stuck on a section. I have 47 hours on that game since buying it in 2019 and still have a quick blast any time I pick it back up. There's something great about a game you can zip through without a major time sink, level grinding, collect a thon, or other padding.

It prompted me to play some Golden Axe. Boy is that a series that hasn't aged well.


I'll tell you what fantasy-style beat em up IS a real gem that I never hear too much about is this one



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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

It prompted me to play some Golden Axe. Boy is that a series that hasn't aged well.


I'll tell you what fantasy-style beat em up IS a real gem that I never hear too much about is this one



Haven't heard of that one, I'll have to dig it up. And yeah, golden axe aged like room temperature milk. But I do still have nostalgia for the screams the arcade version belted out on the demo loop. 

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On 1/26/2024 at 11:48 PM, Sonichuman said:

The one silver lining that comes from anytime the VG industry is just laying people off with reckless abandon, people always point out and remind people that someone has shown that it is possible to actually run a company and actually give a shit about your employees.


Reminds me. I participated in a Kickstarter for a book about Iwata. I read through it a few weeks ago. Really great stuff. 





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Saw that Kevin Conroy was trending and decided to peak into it...looks like some people are not happy with how Arkham Batman was treated in Suicide Squad.  There's clips of what happened that you can see if you really want to see it.  Some are saying that he got disrespected but I don't's kinda tough having to work around the sudden death of a prolific actor when you're mid way deep into a project so I'm not really going to feel one way or the other about the choice they made.


What I will say is I feel like I've seen enough horrible takes from Asmongold show up in my feed at this point lol


One of the rumors floating around regarding the State of Play involves Sonic Generations getting remastered.  Feeling kinda iffy about this if true if only because Sonic Colors Remastered left a bit to be desired and kinda tarnished that game a bit and I'm hoping the same won't happen tot his one.


Edit:  One of the leaked tweets in question...again grain of salt especially since I don't know what this guy's track record is but he got the 31st right so....


Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable

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4 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Embracer is in deep shit. Their endgame was to get a $2 billion investment from the Saudi sovereign wealth video game fund. They thought they could gobble up enough companies that eventually they'd be too big to fail, but the deal fell through.

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Yup. Embraces a clown show. I had little faith theybwhere remotely genuine. 


Deus Ex is probably forever dead now, and it's certainly at least pit of the hands of the people who made the amazing prequels so whatever story they where going with won't be finished anyway. 


Shit sucks so fucking hard. I'm playing through DX1 and letting melt keyboard catch my tears. 

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