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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

To be fair, there is no archaeological evidence of Jesus.  But there is quite a bit of historical evidence, both Christian and non-Christian.


No I meant it more like telling someone whose job it is to study history to understand it that you can't understand it without a time machine. It would be the same if said to any historical research professional imo.

Edited by RSG3
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, TheInfernoman said:

Just like when an argument doesn't go your way, you and others just resort to insults. Call it what you want but agree to disagree is what I'll leave it at

It's not about argument going my way. People will hate something so strongly they will deny reality to maintain their ignorance. You got the most unhinged folks vandalizing the man's wiki because they have no leg to stand on.

Edited by Hawkingbird
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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

Yea thats all the free stuff they gave us on the 1st anniversary for the game. Some of that content like a few of the armors are NG+ only. I had to learn that the hard way. Same for the new bosses content. You'll find shrines all over that you should obviously be able to interact with but can't. They don't unlock till NG+. 


A lot of this content was designed specifically to reward early adopters who had already completed the game. 


It seems that there is also an addon/dl that consist on a costume set + some items to help on the early levels.
Would have bought it, but it is at 4 bucks, and if is only useful at the early game then is no much value once I pass that 😅

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6 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

It's not about argument going my way. People will hate something so strongly they will deny reality to maintain their ignorance. You got the most unhinged folks vandalizing the man's wiki because they have no leg to stand on.

No hate of anything. I even screenshotted the wiki before it got revised multiple times because I KNOW what was goibg to happen. I don't have it now but can retrieve it later and the Japanese ver of Wikipedia also says different. 


@Chadoukennot going to quote everything but perhaps it was my fault for not clarifying that I was referring to Jesus's jew magic needing a time machine to truly see what was true or not. 


Here's the thing though which parallels my point. Yasuke was real just like Jesus. Both have documents and info that confirm they existed. I never stated they didn't. It's juat peeps get fiercely defensive when one questions something that is hard to prove without actually being there. That waa my point and why it can be hard to place Historical figues ibto something like games because said historical people come with baggage and as shown here peeps get mad when it's not displayed in just the right way. 


My stance was thia new AC gane should have had a Japanese character be the star. Can Yasuke be in the game? Yes. But him being the star is what caused all the controversy. *shrug* 


But ok I'll leave it at that. 🙂




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Posted (edited)

A Japanese person is the star, he's literally sharing the poster with a Japanese woman lol. 


Edit: Also why is it an issue for a black man to be a main character of this peice? No one really cared when William was the main character of Nioh, a game series Yasuke is also in, as a Samurai lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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9 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:


@Chadoukennot going to quote everything but perhaps it was my fault for not clarifying that I was referring to Jesus's jew magic needing a time machine to truly see what was true or not. 

😂 yeah we agree on that.  I was referring to your statement about him existing at all.  Personally,  I think he was a dude who tried to tell the world to be nice to each other and got crucified for it, and then later on was made to be a martyr and mascot for a new religion, adopted by the Roman Empire because of how popular he was with most of the people at the time.


I always found it weird, though, growing up Catholic, that every Sunday I had to go to this big room with a fucking corpse hanging from the wall in order to not go to hell.

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54 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

Here's the thing though which parallels my point. Yasuke was real just like Jesus. Both have documents and info that confirm they existed. I never stated they didn't. It's juat peeps get fiercely defensive when one questions something that is hard to prove without actually being there. That waa my point and why it can be hard to place Historical figues ibto something like games because said historical people come with baggage and as shown here peeps get mad when it's not displayed in just the right way. 

Yasuke makes for the perfect protagonist for historical fantasy as he disappears from historical record after a certain point. It would make it easy for them to insert their assassin vs Templar narrative with aliens as they can use it to fill in blanks. Anyone here isn't looking at ass greed to be accurate to history to the letter.


People get defensive because it's okay for Tom Cruise to be samurai but not an African slave to managed to become a retainer for the most powerful man of his time period.


Japanese woman is the co-star of the game. Let's not ignore her.

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Posted (edited)

Look all I'm saying is...Japanese Twitter is in comparison to everyone else actual is being offensive and racist. 🤷


Edit - I realized that's not saying much as Japan is gonna be Japan and that's actually a norm. 😅

Edited by TheInfernoman
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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

People get defensive because it's okay for Tom Cruise to be samurai but not an African slave to managed to become a retainer for the most powerful man of his time period.

Tom Cruise was lambasted by media and people due being another white dude inserted on an historical setting where it was unlikely to have a character like him, and that it was a clear attempt to try to win an oscar.
Everyone was counting for it to be a flop due the negative press that had before release that it was a surprise when it landed being the 6th high grossing film of the year.

The same happened to Keanu Reeves for 47 ronin, which is fun, cuz he is half japanese playing a half japanese/half human hybrid on the film.


My take is that the "issue" here is not that they are using Yasuke, in any other time no one would have batted an eye, just look at how popular Afro Samurai was, is that on this day and age, people are already very polarized to this kind of stuff.

Now any kind of race swap, gender swap or in this case, the usage of a non native race on a time period where they would very likely be 1 in a million or lower is meet with much more scrutiny and derision.

Is the type of backfire that forced inclusivity leads to.

Even earnest attempts to tell stories that happen to have representation are meant with cynicism. 

Edited by Hecatom
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21 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

People get defensive because it's okay for Tom Cruise to be samurai but not an African slave to managed to become a retainer for the most powerful man of his time period.


Japanese woman is the co-star of the game. Let's not ignore her.

I never liked the Last Samurai and the white savior complex it portays. That's the wrong kind of diversity. 😬


Still Money talks and Tom Cruise is bankable so despite the criticism it did make money. We'll see how this new AC game with sell. 


I DO know another AC product will fail in July...but that's a whole other rant. 

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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

he is half japanese playing a half japanese/half human hybrid on the film.

With the implication being that he's only half human because the other half is Japanese?

Edited by Chadouken
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TigerHeli -TOAPLAN ARCADE GARAGE- hit the eShop today. I was stoked and almost ready to to drop the $34.99 for it. And then I saw the DLC. $17.99 for 9 additional versions of games that are available on the physical version that can be purchased on Play-Asia.


Smackdown Live Reaction GIF by WWE

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Oh yeah... I knew it was some time in May---- yesterday was the anniversary for Diablo 3.... the game is now 12 years old


Funny that I had no idea at the time just how addicted I would become to this.  Thousands of hours all these years later across multiple platforms, I still play on occasion.

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13 minutes ago, RegH81 said:

TigerHeli -TOAPLAN ARCADE GARAGE- hit the eShop today. I was stoked and almost ready to to drop the $34.99 for it. And then I saw the DLC. $17.99 for 9 additional versions of games that are available on the physical version that can be purchased on Play-Asia.


Smackdown Live Reaction GIF by WWE

M2 keeps pissing me off because they say they don't do domestic releases for us cuz we don't buy them, then when they finally do, they do this shit and get mad no one wants to buy em lmao. Like wtf? 

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51 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

M2 keeps pissing me off because they say they don't do domestic releases for us cuz we don't buy them, then when they finally do, they do this shit and get mad no one wants to buy em lmao. Like wtf? 

You mean, this isn't the first time M2 has done this? Man, this is disheartening to hear because M2 does such amazing work. I wanna support them but when they pull stunts like this, they make it hard to give them my money.

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, RegH81 said:

You mean, this isn't the first time M2 has done this? Man, this is disheartening to hear because M2 does such amazing work. I wanna support them but when they pull stunts like this, they make it hard to give them my money.

Yea, they do weird stuff like this pretty often. If I remember right the digital versions the same over there, but they have options, we don't. That's an issue too, its pretty well known at this point that shmup players are also shmup collectors more often then not and want a physical option. I'd have purchased Dangun Feveron by now if it wasn't an fucking 40 dollar digital title. For 20 more I can just import the physical and own the game and not just a license for the game. 


They are a niche developer porting niche games to a niche audience, but they only cater to their home land and everyone else gets scraps then they Pikachu Face that foreign audiences aren't satisfied with scraps for near full price. 

Edited by RSG3
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Hades ---


Ok yeah---the SHIELD weapon is where it's at, folks.  I made it up to the fight with Hades already, and actually almost beat him on the first attempt, because my build was so damn good....I focused on stacking up "Doom" damage on the special (shield throw) was up to about 200-something.  There was also some passive that gave me bonus damage for the next 2 attacks after the special.  If I still had that last "death defiance" left I probably would've beat him.  I also kept stacking health upgrades; I had a bit over 200-something hp.


So yeah my top favorites now are pretty easy---(1) Shield, (2) Spear, (3) Arrows.  The fists weapon is cool; I always like that type of weapon in games but they just don't measure up to those top 3 in this game from what I'm seeing.

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5 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Twitters stupid...yea lol. Dunno why anyone pays attention to anything on there lol. 

Twitter, I used to go there as its the best way to get updates from certain shops and tech developments, now its like how 4Chan used to be , I go there for the Lulz.

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8 hours ago, Chadouken said:

To be fair, there is no archaeological evidence of Jesus.  But there is quite a bit of historical evidence, both Christian and non-Christian.

It was supposed to be Yeshua or Yehoshua, the modern variation of this name is Joshua.
We are supposed to be praying to Josh not Jesus. 😆

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Posted (edited)

Vee posted a vid about Have a Nice Death recently; I have it on Steam Deck as well, it's a good one:


also I was back into Vampyr yesterday for a little bit... on Steam Deck; took care of that quick side quest where you track down some people that have been spying on Thelma (the woman that *claims* to be a vampire).... that's a missed opportunity there; would've been interesting to see what could've happened story-wise if you actually turned someone like her, making what was previously her delusion into her reality.

Edited by MillionX
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On 5/15/2024 at 6:40 PM, Darc_Requiem said:

If that's the case, they need to shutter Gamepass altogether. Well honeslty, they need to do that anyway. Gamepass was a stupid idea from business standpoint that was never going to bring the revenue to cover the cost of game development. They trained their audience to not by games. The hard core gamer that was spending $500 plus dollars a year on games was only giving them a $180. For free to play or online focused games, Gamepass would be a win. They'd get their money back and probably then some on the microtransactions. For single player focused games like Hi-Fi Rush and Hellblade, you'd be cutting them off at the knees.


How somone looked the Gamepass business plan and signed off on it is beyond me. A "Netflix" for games ignores a huge factor. Netflix is the about the fourth revenue stream for licensed properties. (Theatrical, VOD, blu-ray/digital, then streaming). Gamepass isn't a bonus revenue stream, it's supplanting the primary one. That's just not feasible. WB tried it would HBO MAX and it was a ruiness decision financially that they are still trying to recover from. Moreover, the people that made those decisions aren't at WB anymore. A Gamepass like service may be able to work if it was for games that have been out for like 18 months or more. There is a reason Activision, at least when they had the authority to, told MS to kick rocks when it came to putting Call of Duty on Gamepass. How are these so called talented business men making these clearly dumb decisions?

It makes more sense to get $180 from a lot more people than $500 from just a few. There are millennials and Gen Z people who have never bought a physical game in their lives and are so used to streaming everything that I bet if Sony or Nintendo did something like GamePass, people would eat it up. Microsoft has become an also-ran in the game marketplace so people aren't exactly clamoring to play their stuff anyway.

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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Tom Cruise was lambasted by media and people due being another white dude inserted on an historical setting where it was unlikely to have a character like him, and that it was a clear attempt to try to win an oscar.
Everyone was counting for it to be a flop due the negative press that had before release that it was a surprise when it landed being the 6th high grossing film of the year.

The same happened to Keanu Reeves for 47 ronin, which is fun, cuz he is half japanese playing a half japanese/half human hybrid on the film.


My take is that the "issue" here is not that they are using Yasuke, in any other time no one would have batted an eye, just look at how popular Afro Samurai was, is that on this day and age, people are already very polarized to this kind of stuff.

Now any kind of race swap, gender swap or in this case, the usage of a non native race on a time period where they would very likely be 1 in a million or lower is meet with much more scrutiny and derision.

Is the type of backfire that forced inclusivity leads to.

Even earnest attempts to tell stories that happen to have representation are meant with cynicism. 

I think if we didn't live in a time or hyper politicization where media companies are pushing pseudo progressive BS at every turn, most people would be like, "Oh cool, a black samurai in the new AC game" and move it along. But people have been trained to see this stuff as indoctrination, virtue signaling, etc even when it's not, so that's how it's being perceived. The horrible backdrop the game is being made/released in is more to blame than anything.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Posted (edited)

reminds me... the only Assassin's Creed game that ever interested me was "Origins", since the setting of ancient Egypt is always interesting to me... but even still (even despite the fact it constantly goes on sale for super cheap*), I never ended up buying it since there's so many other games that interest me more; the gaming landscape is insanely competitive for our time these days.


*another odd thing----imagine the suckers that buy that shit at the $130 level or worse that one with the monthly fee.... when it's a regular thing that all these AC games are always on sale for super cheap multiple times every year.  Very soon this same year, that shit will be on some random Xbox/PSN/Steam sale for 20 or 30 bucks...maybe 40 for the "Ultimate" edition....then again it will be on sale for that dirt cheap price again a few weeks later....and then on another sale a month or so after that... and so on.  It seems silly to ever pay full price for that franchise in particular when it's always on sale every time I see a sale.  We could predict it right now---it's safe to say this and Origins and Odyssey will be on the upcoming xbox "Summer Sale" whenever that is...then whatever they call the Fall one, the digital Black Friday one and Cyber monday....then the Christmas sale, etc.  It's guaranteed.


...oh and wasn't there 1 level of the game that involves a monthly price of 17 or 18 bucks?! 🤣  They know they can get away with it though since most gamers will roll over for anything like that dog in the burning house meme saying "This is fine."

Edited by MillionX
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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I think if we didn't live in a time or hyper politicization where media companies are pushing pseudo progressive BS at every turn, most people would be like, "Oh cool, a black samurai in the new AC game" and move it along. But people have been trained to see this stuff as indoctrination, virtue signaling, etc even when it's not, so that's how it's being perceived. The horrible backdrop the game is being made/released in is more to blame than anything.

People have not been "trained". These same racist losers have always existed, even before twitter. It's just that social media is emboldening them, linking them up with like-minded people, and giving them new words/excuses to use instead of just flat out saying they don't like black people.


We see these assholes hollering, but most people are saying "OK; a black samurai" and getting on with their day.

Edited by axeman61
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30 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

It makes more sense to get $180 from a lot more people than $500 from just a few. There are millennials and Gen Z people who have never bought a physical game in their lives and are so used to streaming everything that I bet if Sony or Nintendo did something like GamePass, people would eat it up. Microsoft has become an also-ran in the game marketplace so people aren't exactly clamoring to play their stuff anyway.

No, it actually doesn't. The $180 also includes online play. So that's 60 dollar they were getting anyway. For the cost of two full priced games and an annual XBL Gold subscription, MS is giving people day and date access to all of their big budgret releases. That's on top of forking over massive checks to third parties for their game titles. $120 + $60 for XBL is a what casual user would spend in a year. So, they are at best breaking even with their casual user while cutting themselves at knees for any user that that buys more two games year or 3 games a year for users that didn't have XBL Gold. No matter their success level, the one thing the Xbox brand got correct was software sales. Xbox consoles always, pre-Gamepass, had a high attach rate. 


TLDR; They traded all the additional money from XB users that bought more than 2 games a year for nothing. $180 = 2 games+XBL Gold. Actually games are $70 now, so it isn't even that.

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Posted (edited)

@MillionXI've seen people post that they thought the Yasuke situation in AC: Shadows was just distract people from the fact that they are charging $130 for the full game. I'd call them tinfoil hatters but almost no one is taking about the absurd pricing of the game, just Yasuke.


@axeman61I can't speak definitively on the issue. Anecdotally, I agree with @DoctaMarioI have a diverse friend group. People that would not have given two shits about this 5+ years ago are side eying Ubisoft. It's not just games though. Things are just more polarized in general. Their seems to be less people on the fence about anything really. Meanwhile, I'm just thinking about how Ghost of Tsushima beat them to the punch not only in setting but execution. Multiple people, I'm not going to pretend to super inciteful here, said Ghost was Assassin's Creed if it wasn't ass. I've always agreed with that sentiment. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

I think if we didn't live in a time or hyper politicization where media companies are pushing pseudo progressive BS at every turn, most people would be like, "Oh cool, a black samurai in the new AC game" and move it along. But people have been trained to see this stuff as indoctrination, virtue signaling, etc even when it's not, so that's how it's being perceived. The horrible backdrop the game is being made/released in is more to blame than anything.


And you know what doesn't help.
That the head writer of the game is related to Sweet Baby Inc 🤣

Regardless if you think it is warranted or if they are an easy scape goat, this doesn't help the game prospects in the slightless.

Edited by Hecatom
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59 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

People have not been "trained". These same racist losers have always existed, even before twitter. It's just that social media is emboldening them, linking them up with like-minded people, and giving them new words/excuses to use instead of just flat out saying they don't like black people.


We see these assholes hollering, but most people are saying "OK; a black samurai" and getting on with their day.


Many people see this as a stunt rather than a sincere attempt to tell a story with Yasuke.
Specially when the vast majority of Asscreed games had natives to the areas.

There are a lot of people who in other circumstances would have been cool with it, but now they can only roll their eyes and either meet  it with derision or apathy.

2 things that you don't want to induce on your potential audience.

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56 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

No, it actually doesn't. The $180 also includes online play. So that's 60 dollar they were getting anyway. For the cost of two full priced games and an annual XBL Gold subscription, MS is giving people day and date access to all of their big budgret releases. That's on top of forking over massive checks to third parties for their game titles. $120 + $60 for XBL is a what casual user would spend in a year. So, they are at best breaking even with their casual user while cutting themselves at knees for any user that that buys more two games year or 3 games a year for users that didn't have XBL Gold. No matter their success level, the one thing the Xbox brand got correct was software sales. Xbox consoles always, pre-Gamepass, had a high attach rate. 


TLDR; They traded all the additional money from XB users that bought more than 2 games a year for nothing. $180 = 2 games+XBL Gold. Actually games are $70 now, so it isn't even that.

Gamepass only made "sense" during the pandemic.
Now that we are back to normal, gamepass is only a hindrance.
They are paying all 3rd parties to have their games on the service.
We know that is specially costly for them to pay the 3rd party devs to put the games there.

Putting both their 1st party games and many 3rd party games day 1 there cannibalizes the potential sales.
All while any potential revenue they bring being split with most if not all the games in the service.


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58 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

People have not been "trained". These same racist losers have always existed, even before twitter. It's just that social media is emboldening them, linking them up with like-minded people, and giving them new words/excuses to use instead of just flat out saying they don't like black people.


We see these assholes hollering, but most people are saying "OK; a black samurai" and getting on with their day.

They have been. I know you haven't been asleep the last 8-10 years and seen all the shenanigans media companies have pulled with race swaps, inserting x group into a storyline or situation just for cool points, and outright demonization of white males because they can get away with it. You really think there's not going to be pushback against that kind of thing on a long enough timeline, especially when the marketing campaigns for a lot of this stuff has been along the lines of "this isn't made for you white men"?  I don't really even think they're necessarily putting this guy in the game for any other reason than because he could be an interesting character, but the pushback is all related what has come before it.


There are a lot of really successful games with black protagonists in them and if it were true that everyone is as racist as you think, then those games wouldn't have been anywhere near as popular as they are, especially since a majority of gamers in the US are white males. This "we could have nice things if it weren't for all these racists" is a cope.





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