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The Return of.. Terribly Unpopular Opinions.

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13 hours ago, misterBee said:

Mario 64 sucks.  It was revolutionary but also trash.  Ocarina of Time is whatever.

I'm not one to say that Mario 64 is the GOAT, but I also just replayed it with the 3D allstars bundle, and I like it a lot more than sunshine and Galaxy. 


I just clown Volt cause he says the movement is trash, and I for one LOVE the momentum and movement in that game. Feels good to me. 


OoT is another game I won't say is the GOAT but it's still a really well paced and constructed game imho. Both games suffer from the same thing: They came out when there was a huge tech jump in video games, so they were doomed to not age very well. But I think both have aged pretty well despite this. 

1 hour ago, DarkSakul said:

As it was all over the place, incohesive and didn't make much sense.

Now I gotta defend Nier😈


The story is pretty straight forward, and the first two playthroughs are pretty good and interesting, I'd say. 


Big fake proxy war, the aliens and the humans are dead, but the machines are gaining consciousness and 2B and 9S have to start to question their motives and their own moralities. good stuff all around, I'd say. 


Are you fighting for a purpose where your only purpose is to fight??? It's pretty great. 


I have my gripes with the storytelling of Nier, mostly in its pacing in it's third act and that I was never emotionally invested in 2B or 9S as characters.

]Especially 9S, his whole arch frustrated me, and the stupid vocal effects that they put on his voice in the 2nd playthrough annoyed the living shit out of me. I know you can turn it off, NOW, but they don't tell you that. You have to dig through the settings to find it. 

 But the themes are very consistent, straight forward, and I would even say almost too heavy handed at times. 




Super long post, but fuck it. I also can't stand that Nier does the thing that I bitched about yesterday about boss fights in like, ALL OF ITS BOSS FIGHTS. 


I'd beat the ever living fuck out of a boss and then 2B would get her ass stabbed in the following cutscene or something. That really grinds my gears


Edited by KingTubb
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16 hours ago, misterBee said:

 Even as a child growing up with 8-bit/16-bit consoles I thought Mario was adequate but boring as hell.



This is an unpopular opinion, but one I share. Imo while I've beaten some of the classic Mario and Zelda games and understand why people like them, I think they're overhyped. To me, Metroid is Nintendo's best 1st party franchise.

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4 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

This is an unpopular opinion, but one I share. Imo while I've beaten some of the classic Mario and Zelda games and understand why people like them, I think they're overhyped. To me, Metroid is Nintendo's best 1st party franchise.

I don't enjoy 2D mario, but I really like ALttP. 


But I'd say super metroid is possibly the actual GOAT


That game rules 

Edited by KingTubb
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12 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

I don't enjoy 2D mario, but I really like ALttP. 


But I'd say super metroid is possibly the actual GOAT


That game rules 

I thought Mario 3 and World were good games, just not as good as a lot of people think.


Course, I love SotN but I also think that game is hella overhyped, as good as it is.

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1 minute ago, Hawkingbird said:

3D World and Odyssey are the only good Mario 3D games.

You didn't like either of the Galaxy games?  Galaxy 2 had some pretty tough challenges.  Both of them did actually, if you wanted to get everything.  I kinda like how they give some pretty tough platforming challenges for those who want them. Kinda like how time attack challenges were included in the New Soup games.  Loved speed running those levels.


One of the best things DKC:TF did was include a completion requirement for getting a gold Time Attack score.  If you truly want to get everything in a level, you gotta speed run it.  And this allowed you to truly appreciate how well-designed the levels are and how awesome the momentous physics are.  Definitely in my top 3 games for Wii U, and it may even rival Mario maker for the number 1 spot.

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1 minute ago, Chadouken said:

You didn't like either of the Galaxy games?  Galaxy 2 had some pretty tough challenges.  Both of them did actually, if you wanted to get everything.  I kinda like how they give some pretty tough platforming challenges for those who want them. Kinda like how time attack challenges were included in the New Soup games.  Loved speed running those levels.

Heavy implantation of motion controls turned me off when it comes to the Galaxy games. I felt it made the game more of a chore to play through. Most of the mechanics tied to motion didn't need them.

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

This is an unpopular opinion, but one I share. Imo while I've beaten some of the classic Mario and Zelda games and understand why people like them, I think they're overhyped. To me, Metroid is Nintendo's best 1st party franchise.

Metroid has been too inconsistent to be their best imo, but the series does include some of their absolute best work ever. 

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4 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

You need to play it multiple times to

Yeah, fuck that noise. 

5 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

The game is very cohesive.

Only if you are high. 


5 hours ago, KingTubb said:

mostly in its pacing in it's third act and

I got bored with the shit ass game long before that. If I gotta wait till the 3rd act to get a compleing story then they already lost me. 

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37 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Fuckin' seeing this, "you gotta get to the end game for the fun stuff" is common now.  Fuck that shit.  I want a game to be fun all the way through it. 

Actually I thought Sekiro got intense pretty quickly- I'm just genuinely curious about how long you played it before stopping. I know some people got frustrated pretty quickly at the first mini boss.

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1 hour ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

15 or 20 hours, im not sure really.  I thought the combat was kinda repetitive and boring and I just didn't care about the story much. 

That's way more than enough to see if you liked it.  5 is about my max if I'm not enjoying something. 

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haha I don't think the folks in charge at Nintendo even care that much about Metroid at this point.


Sitcoms-- in recent years, I've got to this point of missing the old way they produced these... especially since I've watched a lot of Antenna TV lately... this new era with the lack of a "live studio audience" always seems like it is missing a crucial component, imo.


... Boston Legal is 1 exception though; I love everything about that show... "Denny Crane" was Shatner's true destined role, imo...he was born to be that character.


Silent Night as performed by The Temptations <--if for some reason, no one ever played this song again around Christmas time... I'd be ok with that.  To say I'm tired of that song would be an understatement.


Another thing that is in gross violation of my tribe: Al Green <----I'm not a fan of this dude's music at all. 👎

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16 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Crash Team Racing and Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed is better than any Mario Kart. 

This isn’t even an unpopular opinion. It’s just fact. The difference is the reason MK is so popular is due to its “pick up and play” style. There’s very little learning curve. Also being Nintendo helps. 

with a lot of the other Kart racers like Mod Nation, Sonic All-Star Transformed, CTR and even older ones like god damn Chocobo Racing and Konami Krazy Racers have learning curves and you need to learn the game from the inside out. 

the only MK’s that I feel had genuine learning curves are OG, Advanced, double dash and 7


Edited by iStu X
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5 hours ago, Camacho said:

People care way too much about story in games where the story isn't the main focus.

Tread lightly, this is a fighting game centric forum...


But I 100% agree with you. There are so many games that insert a narrative when there doesn't really need to be, and it's annoying.


I'm looking at you, MHW 


Edit: we can throw every Battle Royal game into this category too

Edited by KingTubb
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35 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

Tread lightly, this is a fighting game centric forum...


But I 100% agree with you. There are so many games that insert a narrative when there doesn't really need to be, and it's annoying.


I'm looking at you, MHW 


Edit: we can throw every Battle Royal game into this category too

Fighters are among the worst for this. You could probably find better writing from an 8 year old with a crayon than the story mode in SFV or any Arc System game. Shit makes me cringe.

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Back in the day with Superfriends--- it seems I was the only person that saw the potential of the Wonder Twins.  The only lame thing was that they have to touch hands to activate those cool powers.  Dude... the ability to be any form of water, or changing into any animal and thus have their natural abilities?  I'd take that deal.  Of course Beast Boy has the better version of the animal morphing since he doesn't have to touch hands with a twin to activate it.


Even though Batman is one of my favorite heroes, I still prefer my superheroes to actually be *super*....and yeah, if I was the person writing Batman...I'd be very tempted to just give him some kind of power....nothing godlike like Power Cosmic, but something.  It just becomes a stretch to believe a regular human would be able to survive any decent amount of time trying to be a superhero...especially one with a mask that has half his face exposed for some silly reason (perfect for someone with good aim to try and shoot him right there, btw....the Batman Beyond and Black Panther style of suits make more sense, because it covers everything.)


Spiderman--- another bit of blasphemy here while I'm on this.... I prefer the movie-version of the character when it comes to the webbing situation.  It makes so much more sense to have his webbing be a natural thing from his arms (no, not from his butt like an actual spider; people always respond with that......this is where creativity comes into play! ...y'know, so it's cool and not silly!)  Not that long ago I was explaining this to my Dad... he doesn't know shit about Marvel since he was always a DC fan since childhood....he was laughing when I told him that "so yeah----in the comics's possible for him to RUN OUT of the webbing." 😆  

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16 minutes ago, MillionX said:


Batman’s super power is prep. “Batman with prep” can beat anyone but time to plan. 

In all seriousness tho, I’ve felt for a while that Batman is superhuman, if only for the reason that his stories are beyond unbelievable otherwise. Even if you handwave his physicals as “p e a k h u m a n”, he has to have so kind of super human intelligence/brainpower and reactions at play to explain his character. On the super human scale I would rank him higher than someone like Captain America for sure. 

In case you can’t tell, I haven’t been a fan of Batman for a while because of this. He is written too insanely for me to consider him a regular human and he is too boring power-wise for me to get excited over him. 

I do love Batman Beyond though. Cooler than the traditional Batman kit wise while remaining mostly street tier in terms of who he was fighting. Terry could throw down but he wasn’t out here dodging Omega Beams.

Edited by Vhozite
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yeah that's about where I am on the whole thing--- eventually it gets to be a tough sell that a supposedly "regular human" can routinely survive and do well in 1 intense superhero situation after another like that.  Captain America has a good excuse because he's a literal super soldier, boosted to the max off that various things are more believable with him because of that.


Also---Daredevil <--nope; I've never been a fan of this dude.  


Fantastic 4 <-- the worst popular superhero team. Ol' sorry ass "Mort of the Month from Wizard Magazine" lookin muthafuckas, nahhh get outta here 🤣  At least Sue and Johnny have interesting/cool powers though.  I don't expect them to ever be cool on the big screen to a general audience either.  

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The Only Final Fantasy Games you should Play That Exist 



Final Fantasy 1 (NES)
Final Fantasy 2 (NES)

Final Fantasy Adventure (Game Boy)

Final Fantasy Legends (Game Boy)

Final Fantasy Legends II (Game Boy)

Final Fantasy IV (SNES/ PS1)

Chronotrigger (SNES/ PS1)
Secret of Mana (SNES)
Trials of Mana (SNES/Switch)

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES) 
Final Fantasy V (SNES/ PS1)

Final Fantasy VI (SNES/ PS1)
Final Fantasy VII (PS1, PS4, PC, Steam, Switch)

Ehrgeiz (PS1)
Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1, PSP)

Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core (PSP/Switch)
Final Fantasy IX (PS1, PS4, Steam, Switch)
Final Fantasy XII (PS2, PS4)

Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP)
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy (PSP)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT (Arcade, PC, PS4)
Final Fantasy XIV Online  (PC, PS4)
Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4, PS5)
Unnamed Final Fantasy VII Remake DLC/Sequel/Prequel (TBA)

Bravely Default (3DS)
Bravely Second: End Layer (3DS)
Bravely Default 2 (Switch)
Final Fantasy XVI (TBA) 



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