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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Elena doesn't drop until 2025. WTF is this shit. I can play Terry and Mai right now. In KOFXV. Da fuck is this shit. It's like ordering a Pizza and getting Chinese Food. I like Chinese Food but if that's what i wanted that's what i would have ordered. I don't buy Street Fighter games for SNK characters. That's what I buy SNK games for.

Not to mention there's a ton of actual SF characters they could've added instead. I've had it up to here with this crossover stuff.

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Yeah I’m not sure what they’re basing the picks on but this feels meh? 

Maybe I’m projecting but I feel like everyone was looking for some alpha or third strike characters or even older. I don’t mind guest characters but 2 when they could have put (Dudley,makoto,fei long, etc) I know we got Elena but let’s be real most thought she’d be the wacky pick lol. 

And ironically bison is the one I’m most likely to buy since I’ve actually took the time to learn charge characters. And even that feels kind of like a lazy cash grab.




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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

It didn't when it had crossovers with other franchises? 

Not when they're all owned by Capcom. Final Fight and Rival Schools to me dont feel like actual guests.

Edited by mykka
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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I meant when street fighter characters popped up in Fortnite, Power Rangers, Puzzle Quest, etc.

I dont care about that. I'm talking about the Street Fighter games remaining "pure". Others can sell out of they want and get SF characters, but "our" franchise remained closed off to these type of crossovers.

Now I cant help but think the floodgates have been open and we'll have annoying people begging for Kyo, Heihachi, Scorpion, etc.

Edited by mykka
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1 hour ago, Shakunetsu said:

Yeah even seeing FGC FB groups are all wanting Luke to be Kyo before the reveal of Luke


They are almost the same FGC group of people 


Makes me think that way that if its all SF3 those FGC gamefaqs and fb groups would be more interested for guest.


The only guest I want here is Garuda from SFEX and no more than that.  


And showing Mai and Terry means that the story implication doesnt need to have sense anyway. 


The comment section is likely the same with gamefaqs people


Whats next? probably  next time ninja turtles and powerranger or more doing crossover in SF to please those FGC crowd from FB groups and Gamefaqs those casual that doesnt care of the lore and the world


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21 minutes ago, mykka said:

Now I cant help but think the floodgates have been open and we'll have annoying people begging for Kyo, Heihachi, Scorpion, etc.


Yep. Now SF gonna end up looking like M:TG where now they're up to Hatsune Miku cards. Absolute gibberish. 😂


They should've honestly just added the moves to the create a character world tour stuff. Would've made for great single player content and not fuckedu p the character select screen with shit that's never coming back.


Oh well, money printer goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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30 minutes ago, mykka said:

I dont care about that. I'm talking about the Street Fighter games remaining "pure". Others can sell out of they want and get SF characters, but "our" franchise remained closed off to these type of crossovers.

Now I cant help but think the floodgates have been open and we'll have annoying people begging for Kyo, Heihachi, Scorpion, etc.

The floodgates should have opened for TMNT and Spy Family.

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Dropping a cut from other thread


Legit talk


Reality is if i do honest comparision with S1


- Elena is best female they could have added, would have been my first waifu pick even on S1. She fucks AKI so hard


- Terry Bogard is Legendary char, probably in my SNK top3 ever with Joe (SNK fav char) and Geese. He Power Dunk the fuck out of Ed, and Ed is imho by far best S1 content


- Bison is lame af, but we knew was coming in S2 and is not as lame as S1 Akuma. Sure at least will bring completely unique moveset rather than third ansatsuken slot used for hadoken/shoryuken shit pretending to add "variety" while is just suck a SF fanbase dick


- Beside huge bouncing 3D boobs being nice thing, not sure if Mai is more value than Rashid, too different cases to judge. Let's say draw


By brutal content clash, S2 is wrecking S1


The legit drama is 4 char is crap schedule for a whole year, and that's real shit fans should be rioting about instead waste all their delicious salt over 100% compatible guests that don't ruin SF soul in any way



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Y'know that's actually really good about this whole situation? The best part? That nothing was leaked. Plus imagine the astronomical amount of coping the internet would go through if Terry n' Mai were leaked.



Honestly I'm chill with the S2 roster. Bison being back is cool and Elena was on my top 4 to return. Plus lookin forward to seeing her booooooooty in the RE engine 👍

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6 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

Maybe it's unnecessary to have every single muscle, skin pore and clothing thread to be simulated and rendered like Capcom insists? We've been doing fine without that kind of detail for decades and now it's actively hurting the pace at which content can be produced post launch 

The effort that is needed for game dev now has grown exponentially from what it was back in the day.  There is no comparison man.   Take a look at SF2 credits compared to any game today and look at how many more people are involved now a days.


I'm honestly not trying to be a dick about anything but it's clear you don't know what all is involved in software development.  The fact that devs make things appear to be so simple and that you think it SHOULD be easier to do stuff such as adding more characters is actually a testimony to how great they are at developing software.

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Bunch of stuff i posted on story thread,both design and lore, sorry if too long but maybe somebody likes it in this thread too


43 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Some stuff, starting from design

Fun thing is i think to knowwhere they gt idea, looked instant familiar, but just realized lot of his costume seems a re-elaboration of Slammasters Wraith


but also of course from previous fucked-up-bison concepts we got in the past



The long white hair also gave me War (Darksiders) vibes, but that's more likely a stretch and not necessary in devs mind



Also as soon i heard about horse i thought about HNK Raoh but reality is that he rather he does it more as Kenshiro


and on general remind much more Jukei



wich is not so crazy considering dude have demonic purple aura powers too (and he's been imho an influence also for things of Akuma's development)




Also there was a scene with our avatar where imho wink hard at LotR Nazguls... wich figure wise have even some sense too considered they're basically ghosts powered up by evil power


Btw as said in another post we still got Raoh reference in moveset



More on story/lore side, trying to stitch up pieces




Holy fuck so much to say


Will comment trailer later


But one thing is he seem still intoxicated by Ryu's hado energy and trying to keep it under control suppressing it with greater psycho power

Kinda like when Ryu had purple tint in his hado stuff due SnH, but reverse


6 hours ago, CESTUS III said:


Same hand with bandages


My guess is to disintoxicate himself from hado he needs to absorb more Psycho Power (in the teaser do it on the lab stage machine), he will likely go after Ed, Falke, Cypher and Gorilla to take back pieces of his former power and return "pure"


JP likely getting vampirized too


5 hours ago, Lord_Vega said:

The same goes for the crack on the right side of his face....

14 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:



6 hours ago, Daemos said:

Yeah that's my thinking. The violet half of his body is still poisoned from the power of nothingness and the purple half is the Psycho Power regenerating. I would wager that in SF6 Bison is trying to regenerate himself so he is going after every residual piece of Psycho Power to reclaim it and find himself.


I have the idea Psycho Power was purposely distributed to Ed, Falke, Cypher and Gorilla as back-up plan


Not even just for the power (Ed) or PP related abilities (Falke, Cypher) but we see he seems to have amnesia, and i believe if he recover intellect (Gorilla) will recover his memories too


Wonder if JP's AMNESIA org hint he may have to do something with Bison's lost of memories, wich could make sense since he's the one that most would like to keep Bison away and is pushing to get much more manipulable/young Ed as new Shadaloo leader (to have himself one step behind ruling shit from shadows)


My guess is Bison's body has been dormant under Shadaloo HQ rubbles for years where Ryu left him, and got awakened by either guys doing psycho power shit in labs or for the PP growing inside Ed


Is possible with lost of memory identity/personality at the moment does'nt have even plans and he's just roaming around the world attracted by this energy (Psycho Power) that resonate with him


Is interesting also we have the Mexico thing, because we know in the past he already was interested in Mexico/Thunderfoot Tribe lands back when he killed T.awk's father... maybe these lands have some Psycho Power related natural properties that  don't require machines


Last is interessing he used his powers to "resurrect" (technically was still alive) the dying horse, i think this new trick may come from the benefic Ryu's ki still stuck within Bison's body... since by Ryu words that power is made to protect life

I'm not even sure is "hado" what's inside Bison, i believe is even possible Ryu's energy purificated Bison's Psycho Power (like he did on himself in Necalli fight turning Satsui no Hado in regular hado) turning it into Soul Power... wich indeed he know have pro-life properties too (see preserving Rose's youth, as direct opposite to Bison's PP aging him fast)


Bison using even a life-protection power for something wrong is cool and i think was foreshadowed by Oro's speech in Oro-Sim story about fact any ki can be used for good or for bad (including Soul Power)



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Here too why not 😂



That's "we're doomed" mindset i honestly don't share at the moment


Guests are'nt necessary negative in my eyes, and i say it when still i HATED hard Guests in other fighting games in the past

I was the one claiming game (Soul Callibur 4) was irremediably ruined by the fact i seen fucking space scifi crap in my medieval fantasy game, having bad thoughts about mothers of guys replying to me "duuuuude whatareyou saying, Darth Vader is dope so cool"


Guest to me is ultimate fans betrayal in the moment nature of the game is polluted by getting a character from outside that does'nt respect the world style, and get shoehorned in for money to please the "i don't care it's cool bro!" crowd


SF did'nt crossed that line

Actually SF waited LONG time before do it, and when they did, has been adding Terry and Mai... two of the most compatible characters (Fatal Fury is closer to SF than KoF style) from the most compatible rival (but twin) company

Characters that resonate hard that with our japanese 90s fight games fetish, and that put largest smile on our face (one does'nt have heart if did'nt) when our childhood dream was realized when they first clashed in Capcom vs SNK

Move have been done with brain and taste, crap like get MK trash or TK negan or Star Wars SC is VERY far from what Capcom just did


Suddently it's like "we" ignore the fact there's undeniable shared DNA that never bothered us (SF fan maybe don't like KoF skinny bitches, but Fatal Fury still have special place in his heart)


For reasons we all know Fatal Fury is PERFECTLY stylistically compatible with Street Fighter world/aesthetic, so does example SFEX Arika characters (who in some way are even "existing" in SF canon universe since SFV, i remind just to piss people off lol)


Terry The-Fooking-Legend Bogard in to me is a presence that will enrich SF6 cast more than same slot could used fro lot of mediocre but official SF char (and list can be really LONG)


Reality is i consider Mai Shiranui the weakest part of S2 and would NOT have used that slot for her

Still SF fanbase voted hard for fucking Sakura instead Elena,Laura,Menat,Kolin,Makoto,Mika,Poison,Viper or whatever other waifu that could have helped increase SF6 variety cast

I would INSTANT erase Mai slot and give it to one of these many SF girls

But they voted Sakura


Mai Shiranui as OG Fatal Fury it's stylistically 101% stylistically compatible with SF

Mai Shiranui use an unique style of Ninjutsu that look so different from anything currently in SF6, will not be a fourth ansatsuken hadoken shoryuken tastu rep

Mai Shiranui while not needed/wanted by me, still will HELP SF6 cast variety more than most voted SF fanbase pick. Let that sink


I live in paradox universe where fucking commercial guest marketing gimmick respect the game soul and best serve its spirit (wich for OG SF was DIFFERENT styles clashing in crazy variety cast) much more than SF fanbase does


I'm not even enjoing this, i WISH SF fanbase was good and had taste

Instead i got Akuma in Season1 with SF fanbase saying "about time should have been start cast!!"

Instead i got Sakura most voted for Season2

All while some of SF fanbase even shit on devs for adding unique, sumo rep Honda to SF6 start cast (thanks gods)

All while lot of well thought, well designed, highly compatible with SF core style characters got shit and gone forgotten for decades, while lame concepts that hit the "cool" childish taste prospered

All while devs through years gave up on our ability to appreciate a coherent SF design, so they started just shameless turn into waifus less successful ones because you can ever bet on fappers money


Time to admit at least so far "SF fanbase" hurts SF spirit and devs freedom to express it, much more than dirty guest Terry Bogard currently does



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7 hours ago, Maravilla said:

To me fatal fury, king of fighters, world heroes are all generic bud.

Fatal Fury, King of Fighters and World Heroes have three different aesthetic styles


But love Street Fighter and shit on Fatal Fury is on bizzarre side of things, when Fatal Fury essentially was Street Fighter, done by Street Fighter OG director, done with same 80/90s anime aesthetic of Street fighter, under a different brand/company


"Fatal Fury, which Nishiyama envisioned as a spiritual successor to Street Fighter, was developed around the same time as Street Fighter II (1991)."


Love Street Fighter and hate Fatal Fury is like have ultimate boner for hot czech rep blueish green eyes girls, and ultimate disgust for hot hungarian greenish blue eyed ones lmao


For sure you can, but still


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Just saw the year 2 trailer fuck what the rest of you are saying that line up is hot ass.


I actually like 4 characters a year, but half of them being guests, and from bum ass KOF at that, is so ass. I am happy to see Elena and Bison tho. 

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Posted (edited)

I’ve watched Bison’s trailer 3 times now it looks like his “gimmick” is the bomb thing from 5 just reworked a bit. If you watch closely you’ll see a weird VFX that Guile and Juri have around their stomach and it seems like Bison “detonates” them to cash out.


Hope there is a bit more to it than that. Feels a little too similar to AKI if that’s actually what it is.

Edited by Vhozite
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