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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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Made it to Diamond with blanka. I’m no where near optimized with him yet but I got it way quicker than I did in 5. So either it really is easier to rank up or I got better I’m guessing a little of both lol. 

I have a couple situations I need to lab because I’m free when going against them (ex: Marisa pressuring with that 3 hit target combo no matter what I try she can just steamroll me with it).



 Hope everybody has a good weekend @Darc_Requiem hope you heal up soon man

 @ToreyBeans hopefully things get better for ya man

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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Can't let your shoulders bear all the create a character weight. Need to know where you got that jacket for Alex BTW 😉



Fat bearded bikers in Metro City, they're usually max 1-2 for gang group 


Of these, rare ones gift you the jacket if you kill them doing their mission achievement... iirc in their case was activate break time 2 times 


If you spot one don't attack him directly, otherwise will have low health and make achievement difficult (they must survive both time breaks), find a gang where you see one and bitchslap somebody else close to him, so he will join the scrap with full health 👍 



PS: At high level is hard NOT kill them, but you can consume Blanka puppet item wich lower a lot your damage 

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30 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

Made it to Diamond with blanka. I’m no where near optimized with him yet but I got it way quicker than I did in 5. So either it really is easier to rank up or I got better I’m guessing a little of both lol. 

I have a couple situations I need to lab because I’m free when going against them (ex: Marisa pressuring with that 3 hit target combo no matter what I try she can just steamroll me with it).



 Hope everybody has a good weekend @Darc_Requiem hope you heal up soon man

 @ToreyBeans hopefully things get better for ya man

I also got to Diamond a couple of days ago with Blanka. I got there by using practically nothing but fierce roll, whiff roll bite shenanigans and st. roundhouse AA > into coward crouch, upward punch and vertical roll for stupid AA damage, or just a horizontal roll if the st. roundhouse hits from too far away. I've also used the occasional OD vertical roll as a reversal to get me out of a pinch. Barely used Drive Rush and Drive Impact, never used his second super art nor the Blanka-chan dolls.


As many people said, ranking up seems a lot easier in this game.

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@Voltai need to use the aa into coward crouch more. I used a lot of the same things as you but around plat 5 it started to get a little tougher because I think I’m too easy to read sounds like you probably have better fundamentals than me lol. I had to learn a couple drive rush combos to scrape by. 

but I’ll be taking a break from ranked and trying to use blanka to his full potential. I got a couple ridiculous blanka Chan conversions after finally getting the timing down for the corner setup.

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Now that we've had some time with the full game, what's everyone's opinion on it?


I can stomach Drive Impact and I have no issues with people using modern controls, but I can't really look past some other things:


1. Universal parry. Combined with the fact that specials (projectiles in particular) no longer do chip damage, this seems like another kick in the nuts for zoners.

2. Drive Rush. Not a fan of how you can bulldoze past the neutral and get the extra frame advantage for it, even if it costs meter.


Overall I like the game, but I can't help but feel I would absolutely love it instead if it weren't for these two issues.

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8 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

@Voltai need to use the aa into coward crouch more. I used a lot of the same things as you but around plat 5 it started to get a little tougher because I think I’m too easy to read sounds like you probably have better fundamentals than me lol. I had to learn a couple drive rush combos to scrape by. 

but I’ll be taking a break from ranked and trying to use blanka to his full potential. I got a couple ridiculous blanka Chan conversions after finally getting the timing down for the corner setup.

AA into coward crouch > punch > vertical roll does 2520 damage, I think, meterless at that. I think Blanka might have the best AA game out of the entire cast.


And yeah, I need to learn those corner setups with Blanka-chan as well. Nishikin has some ridiculous setups that he does in actual matches.

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1 minute ago, Sonero said:


How are you liking this game so far?


I'm really enjoying SF6. I feel like I'm finally getting the pacing down, which was my biggest issue from the beginning. I started out trying to play V and that was throwing me off.


There's still a whole lot going on during matches that makes it easy to lose track of things. I'm getting better with this.


I can understand the complaints a lot of people have with Drive Rush, throw loops, and other things. 


What about you?

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Funny how, for like the third time in a row, the moment I get a rank up I first go on a period of losing streak where I go back forth losing and regaining my rank, and then I go on a sudden winstreak.


This time I got a 12 winstreak, I think it's the biggest so far in this game. In V the best I got was 13 with Falke some time after she got released.

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39 minutes ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

What about you?


Its a really weird game. I don't know if its hard, but I think what's more accurate is that its weird. I'm on Cammy too (for better or worse). The weirdest part about the game is that you have to get used to people mashing. Negative frames are so abundant that the layer one of this game is playing it like its SF4 where you just hit them crouching jabs. The amount of mashing at all times after a blocked button is probably the hardest thing to get my head around. I'm not a mashy player so in my head it doesn't make sense that dudes play that way. Until you can get your bearings on stopping people from doing that, the game feels super alien and scrubby.


The drive bar situation is also interesting. Neutral Drive Rush feels too good, but its also the only way to guarantee plus frames outside of meaties. But then you get into the issue of drive rush cr.mks being too good. You can throw those out at random with a lot of characters because the worst might be is 0 after the fact? On hit you get a link so you can be pretty careless with it. I'm curious to see if this becomes a standard for the game or if there's legitimate counterplay. 


After spending a while just hitting my head against the wall, I like it a lot. Outside of shitty meaty projectile stuff, nothing really feels poorly thought out. Maybe don't give Ken Ryu's crouching forward but eh, what can you do. Need to learn a lot about the cast before I can say whether or not something is just bad design.  Maybe blanka didn't need a divekick?


Who knows.






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15 hours ago, Maravilla said:

Any juri players here? I've never played a store character but she seems fun as hell, how hard is it to manage her stores and how fun is she to play? 

The store isn't that big a deal, you tend to get some charges incidentally by ending block strings in a store or using the heavy store to launch in a combo.  You just have to be aware if you have a charge or two to use in a combo, and if you don't you can probably use OD version instead of a version enhanced by a store.


The main thing to be comfortable with is drive-rushing into peoples' faces like a madman.  If you like that, you're gonna have fun with her.

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:

I gotta give it up to @CESTUS III, I've been tryign to make an avatar out of a real person now for at least 2 hours and trying to get the face right is a pain in the ass.


This whole process is some bullshit.

Yeah SF6 editor is awesome but can also be pain in the ass if your needs clash with sone bs limitation lol 


Share the pic, i see what i can do 😄

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20 hours ago, Sonero said:


Its a really weird game. I don't know if its hard, but I think what's more accurate is that its weird. I'm on Cammy too (for better or worse). The weirdest part about the game is that you have to get used to people mashing. Negative frames are so abundant that the layer one of this game is playing it like its SF4 where you just hit them crouching jabs. The amount of mashing at all times after a blocked button is probably the hardest thing to get my head around. I'm not a mashy player so in my head it doesn't make sense that dudes play that way. Until you can get your bearings on stopping people from doing that, the game feels super alien and scrubby.


The drive bar situation is also interesting. Neutral Drive Rush feels too good, but its also the only way to guarantee plus frames outside of meaties. But then you get into the issue of drive rush cr.mks being too good. You can throw those out at random with a lot of characters because the worst might be is 0 after the fact? On hit you get a link so you can be pretty careless with it. I'm curious to see if this becomes a standard for the game or if there's legitimate counterplay. 


After spending a while just hitting my head against the wall, I like it a lot. Outside of shitty meaty projectile stuff, nothing really feels poorly thought out. Maybe don't give Ken Ryu's crouching forward but eh, what can you do. Need to learn a lot about the cast before I can say whether or not something is just bad design.  Maybe blanka didn't need a divekick?


Who knows.






SF6 picked up SFV and body-slammed its ass. 

Only thing it does not have is Lord Bison, Rose, and a few others but there is always compensation with JP. And, the DLC for the near future...

Edited by GreatDarkHero
Edited because I got distracted by bosomy things again.
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