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Dude: "Yay! I'm going to play some 3S!" 


*Then reality hits the dude harder than Chun-Li's SA2* 


Chun-Li: "Oh, hey. Guess you're my next victim, huh." 


Dude: "..." 😰

First 3S online match = Gets fucked 20-0 by a drunk, high-level Chun-Li


Chun-Li: "... Hm. He'll sleep it off. Guess I'll go destroy another criminal organization then. Can't really get off with that kind of performance anyway... Oh well." *Yawn* 





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8 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

Oh shit. I thought it was a tournament but an FT10 is even better. Congrats! What are you playing on? FC2?

Depends on what we decide on. I'm thinking 30th for now, you already heard me rant on FC. But if it's FC, we'll see. I wouldn't even mind losing, that's how awesome an opportunity this is. MutantXP messaged me and he approves of the attitude I have, so I have the green light all across the board. He's going to make a trailer for the event which I will post here when it goes up.

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11 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:


Guess I'm a bad boy then, cause I take Mai in Casual Clothes over Chun-Li in "sexy" clothing.

Even though, I partially regret playing Mai in XIII she was still hella fun to play. It's a completely different story in 02UM and in XIV though. 

Such is the curse of being a (semi) character loyalist. 

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32 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

He cuts together your best clips to show you off to generate hype for yourself. But the more I think about it, I don't think there's anything he can clip from me °-°


The rare clipless contender.

You wanna play and record yourself red parrying my super again to a punish?


I’m kinda joking but also being honest. I’d offer tonight as i finally have an evening to myself, but am wiped and not sure I'm up for FGs tonight. Tomorrow should be good tho

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35 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

You wanna play and record yourself red parrying my super again to a punish?


I’m kinda joking but also being honest. I’d offer tonight as i finally have an evening to myself, but am wiped and not sure I'm up for FGs tonight. Tomorrow should be good tho

He collects them on his own, but I am down to play when you're ready. And I don't know what you're talking about! I have never ever red parried a super in my LIFE!


*Cough cough...*



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1 hour ago, misterBee said:

Unlike last gen, the new consoles are competitive with PCs this time around.


However the lead will fade after a year or two like it always does.  New PC hardware launched this fall already beats both new consoles in terms of power.  Someone who buys a pricey new PC now will have parity with consoles, and can choose to flexibly upgrade it over the years in order to improve performance (generally just need a new GPU every couple of years).


Buying a console is a one time purchase, PC is continued performance advantage over the long-term.  It's a bit pricier once everything is said and done, but the performance advantages are definitely worth it to some people.  Look no further than a comparison of PS4 vs a PC today.  PC user will have spent more money overall, but the experience between the two is night and day.


This of course only applies if you don't live in Brazil and have ridiculous tariffs on any form of technology.  PC parts and technology are cheaper in the US than anywhere else in the world.

Granted, there's a major difference between the PS4 and a powerful rig, but we're now at a point where we see diminishing returns when it comes to how good games look, and with the current generation, consoles are no longer bottle-necked by a weak CPU.


I suppose you could build a 3090 rig for over $2000 if you want the best of the best, but how many people would be willing to shell out that extra 1500+ just to play the same games on ultra settings in 4k 90-110fps instead of 60? And the games will most likely run better on the optimized consoles than on anything less than a 3080. I suspect that PC and PS5 games will look almost identical for years to come.

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1 hour ago, Pair of Rooks said:

How much does online gaming on a console cost you monthly?   Even if it is only 5$ a month, that is $300 over the lifetime of the console.


If you shop around a bit on the net you can find deals for $40 a year. The upside of online console gaming is that it's not nearly as plagued by cheaters and hackers as online PC gaming, in that regard you get what you pay for.

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22 minutes ago, Volta said:

If you shop around a bit on the net you can find deals for $40 a year. The upside of online console gaming is that it's not nearly as plagued by cheaters and hackers as online PC gaming, in that regard you get what you pay for.

Please Stop Schitts Creek GIF by CBC


That is the weakest argument to make, considering how patheticly easy it is to mod a console and run around cheating online these days.


Besides I have yet to encounter a legit cheater outside of a AAA Shooter.

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49 minutes ago, Volta said:

Granted, there's a major difference between the PS4 and a powerful rig, but we're now at a point where we see diminishing returns when it comes to how good games look, and with the current generation, consoles are no longer bottle-necked by a weak CPU.


I suppose you could build a 3090 rig for over $2000 if you want the best of the best, but how many people would be willing to shell out that extra 1500+ just to play the same games on ultra settings in 4k 90-110fps instead of 60? And the games will most likely run better on the optimized consoles than on anything less than a 3080. I suspect that PC and PS5 games will look almost identical for years to come.

While it's true graphics are hitting diminishing returns, framerate is going to remain relevant for a long time.


The new consoles can do 4k/60 at the moment with current software, but once they start optimizing for graphics in newer titles instead of performance I expect we'll be hitting 30fps in AAA titles on console again.


A 3090 is definitely not a gaming card and an unnecessary expense.  Anything in the xx70 and xx80 range will do fine for most games in the future, especially when newer and newer generations of graphics cards come out. 


The main issue with consoles is that they are always excellent when they release, but very quickly start to get pushed to their limits and cannot be upgraded.  Once the new consoles start to age a bit, PCs will be able to run the same software on midrange graphics cards with no problem.


PC hardware constantly becomes more powerful and more efficient.  PCs are neck in neck with consoles now, but that divide will inevitably grow and then we're back to where we started before the new console gen launched.


Consoles are like cars -- you use them until they no longer work or fit your needs, then buy a new one.  PCs are like owning a house -- you keep them around forever and can upgrade as much or as little as you want, but have to pay a lot more up front.


As an example:


The rig I built for my sister can run FF14 better than any console, and is using a 9 year old CPU (Xeon e3-1230) and a 4 year old GPU (GTX 1070).  Based on the games you want to play and the settings you want to play them at, you can pick and choose parts that fit your budget and need.  Playing on PC does not always mean spending 1000USD+ and buying flagship hardware all the time.  Flexibility is a key strength of the platform.

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29 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

I just bough FEXL on Steam 🤘🏽

I bought KI too but that game is like 40+ gigs...might wait till my extra hard drive gets here since I’m only working with 500 GB rn

If it works like Xbox you can probably pick and choose which characters you want to install but...  I would just install all of them

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29 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

Please Stop Schitts Creek GIF by CBC


That is the weakest argument to make, considering how patheticly easy it is to mod a console and run around cheating online these days.


Besides I have yet to encounter a legit cheater outside of a AAA Shooter.

No cheaters outside of shooters, huh?



Let's not pretend PC gaming isn't rife with this kind of stuff.


I have never encountered a cheater on console, ever. So I guess it's not that easy to mod.

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5 minutes ago, Volta said:

No cheaters outside of shooters, huh?



Let's not pretend PC gaming isn't rife with this kind of stuff.


I have never encountered a cheater on console, ever. So I guess it's not that easy to mod.

Cheating is absolutely possible on console, but it is both harder to do, and easier to stop/punish, so it is far less prevalent.


however, with the advent of crossplay, some games now have lots of new cheaters from the PC side. It’s so bad on some games (Sea of Thieves, Apex) that I manually disable crossplay to avoid it.


this is not to imply every game played had cheaters, but it was enough to stand out.

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34 minutes ago, misterBee said:

The new consoles can do 4k/60 at the moment with current software, but once they start optimizing for graphics in newer titles instead of performance I expect we'll be hitting 30fps in AAA titles on console again.

According to Eurogamer, quite some triple A games that have been announced will run at 120fps on consoles at a 'lower' resolution than 4k, but exactly which resolution is not specified. Given that, I assume future games will comfortably run at 4k 60fps, but time will tell. 

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6 minutes ago, FlyingVe said:

Cheating is absolutely possible on console, but it is both harder to do, and easier to stop/punish, so it is far less prevalent.


however, with the advent of crossplay, some games now have lots of new cheaters from the PC side. It’s so bad on some games (Sea of Thieves, Apex) that I manually disable crossplay to avoid it.


this is not to imply every game played had cheaters, but it was enough to stand out.


13 minutes ago, Volta said:

No cheaters outside of shooters, huh?



Let's not pretend PC gaming isn't rife with this kind of stuff.


I have never encountered a cheater on console, ever. So I guess it's not that easy to mod.

'rife' is overstating it.  I have hundreds of hours in multiple fighting games and have never encountered a cheater in one.  Do they exist?  Sure.  But hating on PC because you assume you're gonna face one is like  refusing to drive a car because you might crash one day.


The number of PC players across different genres is insane.  The number of cheaters depends heavily on what game you're playing and who you play with.  Playing PUBG against mainland Chinese people is just asking for a bad time, but I've also spent thousands of hours combined in other games without much of any issue.


'Cheating' on console could be as simple as using a XIM or SplitFish.  Cheaters are gonna exist on every platform -- damning an entire ecosystem and its benefits because a few people are dicks seems like an overreaction.  This also has 0 bearing on any single player games that you may choose to run on the platform.


3 minutes ago, Volta said:

According to Eurogamer, quite some triple A games that have been announced will run at 120fps on consoles at a 'lower' resolution than 4k, but exactly which resolution is not specified. Given that, I assume future games will comfortably run at 4k 60fps, but time will tell. 

This is always the case at the beginning of a generation because the software has not fully made use of the available console hardware.  Unless consumers actively push for 120fps/60fps in games, high framerates will disappear relatively quickly.  The fact that some launch titles are already asking you to choose between framerate or resolution does not bode well for the long-term future of high framerate console titles.

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Cheaters always exist, but it is mechanically harder on console, in addition, they can ban an account (which costs $60 to replace). The end effect is that there is notably less cheating on Console than PC.


How severe depends a lot on what game, I picked on Sea of Thieves because it has an well documented problem with cheating on PC. I would imagine fighting games are probably less prone, and there are many (most) games that are fine where cheating, while probably still more than console, is not a problem.


The point still is, I can count on both hands the amount of cheaters I encounter on console. I can find a cheater on Sea of thieves (PC) if you give me a few days (or less).


to use your car analogy, I’m not driving a pinto.



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1 hour ago, Volta said:

I suppose you could build a 3090 rig for over $2000 if you want the best of the best, but how many people would be willing to shell out that extra 1500+ just to play the same games on ultra settings in 4k 90-110fps instead of 60? And the games will most likely run better on the optimized consoles than on anything less than a 3080. I suspect that PC and PS5 games will look almost identical for years to come.


It's a lot more practical to game in 1440P for people who want something above 1080. What's what I game on to get my 60+ frames. I'll make the jump to 4K when it's practical to do so. 

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2 minutes ago, FlyingVe said:

Cheaters always exist, but it is mechanically harder on console, in addition, they can ban an account (which costs $60 to replace). The end effect is that there is notably less cheating on Console than PC.

To be fair, you can ban an account on any platform.  That' s not unique to consoles at all.


I think consoles have their place and there's nothing wrong with them, but I think the criticisms people have of PC gaming are often times unwarranted and uninformed.  🤷‍♂️


I own all the major consoles and have more than one PC, and find myself using the PC the most often.  The odd cheater here and there isn't enough to make me want to use other platforms unless I have to (exclusives, etc).

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19 minutes ago, Volta said:

According to Eurogamer, quite some triple A games that have been announced will run at 120fps on consoles at a 'lower' resolution than 4k, but exactly which resolution is not specified. Given that, I assume future games will comfortably run at 4k 60fps, but time will tell. 

Obviously 1440. The Series X already has native support for it. Sony is considering it for PS5. There's a bunch of high refresh monitors for that resolution already available. This is not a secret. 

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6 minutes ago, misterBee said:


'rife' is overstating it.  I have hundreds of hours in multiple fighting games and have never encountered a cheater in one.  Do they exist?  Sure.  But hating on PC because you assume you're gonna face one is like  refusing to drive a car because you might crash one day.


The number of PC players across different genres is insane.  The number of cheaters depends heavily on what game you're playing and who you play with.  Playing PUBG against mainland Chinese people is just asking for a bad time, but I've also spent thousands of hours combined in other games without much of any issue.


'Cheating' on console could be as simple as using a XIM or SplitFish.  Cheaters are gonna exist on every platform -- damning an entire ecosystem and its benefits because a few people are dicks seems like an overreaction.



I barely ever play on PC. The last time was a couple of months ago at a buddy's house, who just got the remastered C&C. I begin a match, and within 4 minutes I was rushed by about 40 medium tanks and the guy had an extra MCV on top of that. In case you're not familiar with the game, this is impossible to achieve legitimately. The last time I played on PC before that was when I tried Unreal Tournament (ages ago) and some guy aimbotted everyone else. Was I just unlucky? Perhaps, but between my own experiences and the stories I constantly hear from other people, I don't think that 'rife' is an overstatement whatsoever, especially compared to cheaters on consoles.

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2 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

I feel bad because it’s a low budget game, but idk if I can bring myself to play FEXL. It’s clearly a passion project but it’s too jank looking. Game look worse than MvC:I...

Also annoyed Sharon can’t reload. 

I'm annoyed by how much it plays like a 90s game. It doesn't feel like much has changed from EX2. 

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On a whim I bought Rev2 on the steam sale and woooooooooooooow my shitty 500$ PC can run it at 60fps. Well, the framerate kinda dips during supers/intros/outros but in game its pretty damn consistent. I was suprised. Guess @Volt was right, these Arcsys games are pretty as hell but very well optimized. Now lets wait to see if Arcsys gives it Rollback netcode too... 👀

Edited by Jocelot
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5 minutes ago, Volta said:

I barely ever play on PC. The last time was a couple of months ago at a buddy's house, who just got the remastered C&C. I begin a match, and within 4 minutes I was rushed by about 40 medium tanks and the guy had an extra MCV on top of that. In case you're not familiar with the game, this is impossible to achieve legitimately. The last time I played on PC before that was when I tried Unreal Tournament (ages ago) and some guy aimbotted everyone else. Was I just unlucky? Perhaps, but between my own experiences and the stories I constantly hear from other people, I don't think that 'rife' is an overstatement whatsoever, especially compared to cheaters on consoles.

Despite my general statement that cheating is notably worse on PC... definitely got unlucky

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5 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Obviously 1440. The Series X already has native support for it. Sony is considering it for PS5. There's a bunch of high refresh monitors for that resolution already available. This is not a secret. 

At 120fps though? If they're able to run triple A games at 1440 120fps that would be pretty impressive. If that's true, then I don't see why future games wouldn't be able to run at 4k 60fps.

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Just now, Volta said:

At 120fps though? If they're able to run triple A games at 1440 120fps that would be pretty impressive. If that's true, then I don't see why future games wouldn't be able to run at 4k 60fps.

My monitor can do 144FPS. Depending on the game I can hover between 120-144 and a low of around 100. I'm getting triple digits no matter what. 


Games being able to do 4K/60 depends on how much of a priority game performance is for the development team. Graphics tend to take priority when it comes to AAA console development. Consoles getting ray tracing AAA games might never get 4K/60  

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4 minutes ago, FlyingVe said:

Despite my general statement that cheating is notably worse on PC... definitely got unlucky

C&C Remastered is not really a big budget title and UT was already ancient when I played it, so maybe it was because of that.


Perhaps it's not as bad as it appeared to me, but I'll gladly pay just a little over $3 a month for essentially a cheat-free environment and 2 free games. 

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5 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Games being able to do 4K/60 depends on how much of a priority game performance is for the development team. Graphics tend to take priority when it comes to AAA console development. Consoles getting ray tracing AAA games might never get 4K/60

Seeing how the 60fps has been touted so much, and how many first generation titles run at 60fps, I don't think they would ever revert back to 30 in favor of ray-tracing and other graphical enhancements. That would feel like a massive downgrade. 

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2 minutes ago, Volta said:

Seeing how the 60fps has been touted so much, and how many first generation titles run at 60fps, I don't think they would ever revert back to 30 in favor of ray-tracing and other graphical enhancements. That would feel like a massive downgrade. 

I remember a developer at Insomniac Games talked about this. They stopped making their games at 60fps because their games being at 30 didn't affect their sales. Performance will take a hit in favor of stuff like ray tracing. The best you can hope for is for games to give a performance mode option for people who value frame rates over visuals. I know quite a few first party PS4 games offer this when played on a PS4 pro. 

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4 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I remember a developer at Insomniac Games talked about this. They stopped making their games at 60fps because their games being at 30 didn't affect their sales. Performance will take a hit in favor of stuff like ray tracing. The best you can hope for is for games to give a performance mode option for people who value frame rates over visuals. I know quite a few first party PS4 games offer this when played on a PS4 pro. 

People might have been OK with 30fps at some point, but in this day and age, with the current gen, I expect there to be a backlash if they revert back to 30 so I don't think that'll happen. We'll just have to wait and see.

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6 hours ago, Mr.Cipher said:

Steam has currently a Fightinggame sale.


Literally everything is on sale where you can beat people up for fun.



Should I try and grab Kekken even though I lack the time, the ability to play it and even the means to do so?


78% is one hell of a lure. 😭


KoF14 is cool too, but apparently the netcode is basura. So nope.

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56 minutes ago, Jocelot said:

On a whim I bought Rev2 on the steam sale and woooooooooooooow my shitty 500$ PC can run it at 60fps. Well, the framerate kinda dips during supers/intros/outros but in game its pretty damn consistent. I was suprised. Guess @Volt was right, these Arcsys games are pretty as hell but very well optimized. Now lets wait to see if Arcsys gives it Rollback netcode too... 👀

Xrd Engine really is that crazy. You probably shouldn't even have dips. What are your specs and settings?

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40 minutes ago, Volt said:

What are your specs and settings?

Ummmm lemme see if I remember how to check for that... I wasn't lying I don't know anything about computers outside of what icon lets me go in the internet and which one allows me to play my games


Intel Core i7 4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz 

RAM: 16 GB


Is that the information you're talking about?


Edited by Jocelot
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14 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:

What do you guys think of the Gougi Mechanics?


Like criticism and positive?



I don't like the idea of items enhancing fighting abilities.  I didn't like SFxT gems and I don't like it in FEXL either.  Certain decks/gems just always emerge as the most powerful and the others never end up never getting used. 

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11 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Almost got a PS5 tonight...well online at least. I actually got one in my cart on Wal-Mart's sight, yeah I and Wal-Mart, but when I went checkout. It was sold out 🤣

I tried too but Walmart is a shit show. My understanding is that bots get almost all of Walmart’s boxes

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