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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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58 minutes ago, J-ride said:

@elliephilDid you ever play the orignal Wolf3d?  It was my first PC game and will always hold a special place in my heart.  I still do a full run of the game every couple of years.  Spear of Destiny always felt like an expansion and was never as fun to me as the original game, I beat it and never played it again.

hell yeah played it a bunch growing up, I have feeling that's what is going to happen with this Spear of Destiny thing. Oh well, that's life, full of disappointments 20+ years in the making!  lol

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UPS pissing me off (again). Package says delivered yet the camera shows no evidence of even an attempt to deliver.


It's possible they gave it to my neighbor but that's NOT the instructions I gave them, I clearly selected the side door option. So now I gotta drive back on that side of town later to speak with the neighbors, and if they don't have it, then I gotta file a claim.


Ugh, I just wanted to get off work this morning and rest til it's time to go in, but nope 😑

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haha, nice... I didn't even realize until just now; I have Friday off, but the following Monday just happens to be a holiday so I have that time off too... 4-day weekend coming up!  Ohhhhh yes that will be quite delicious indeed.


Oh this should be good... with Donovan and Tommy on the panel as well?!

*typical popcorn/dis gon' be good gif goes here.

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14 minutes ago, MillionX said:

haha, nice... I didn't even realize until just now; I have Friday off, but the following Monday just happens to be a holiday so I have that time off too... 4-day weekend coming up!  Ohhhhh yes that will be quite delicious indeed.


Oh this should be good... with Donovan and Tommy on the panel as well?!

*typical popcorn/dis gon' be good gif goes here.

What holiday is Friday?


Next Monday is President's Day IIRC.

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Nah I just took Friday just my own "holiday", really.  This also reminds me what a great concept "paid time off" is...another reason a "regular" job is almost always the superior deal to 1099 "gigs", imo... I have a friend that still works the same shitty 1099 gig he's had for quite a while now... it is such a bad deal, imo... no benefits at all since it's 1099, and of course you can't even get regular unemployment on that separation if it ends.  


I had time off recently for a dental appointment, and that was such a great feeling...the appointment itself didn't even take that long, but after that I had all this time to just enjoy some peace and quiet for a while... stopped by a Chic Fil-A for lunch... continued another run on Dead Cells when I got was an awesome day.....whoever came up with that idea of "paid leave" time is the real MVP, folks.  It would be nice if I could get away with taking more time off more often though; I have a ton of time saved up at this point.


damn, Angryman is on with the fire once again... sadly I'm late to the stream today...


Edited by MillionX
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I saw a video on FB that is saying that the Dave Chappelle affordable housing thing is being taken out of context and they were actually saying that the affordable housing wasn't affordable enough.


I'll try to find the vid outside of FB


Edit:  Can't find the vid on its own but this vid more explains more what's going on


Edited by Sonichuman
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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Man, everyone in the halftime show looks old.


Pretty much everyone looks old except JLo lol (I just saw that that commercial with Jim Carrey and thought it was some guy doing an impersonation of Jim Carrey)

I was gonna say they hired a pretty good 50 Cent impersonator until I realized it was the real 50 Cent 😳

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3 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I saw a video on FB that is saying that the Dave Chappelle affordable housing thing is being taken out of context and they were actually saying that the affordable housing wasn't affordable enough.


I'll try to find the vid outside of FB


Edit:  Can't find the vid on its own but this vid more explains more what's going on


Thanks for this update bro. Knew there had to be more, Dave's more socially present then that. 

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7 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Thanks for this update bro. Knew there had to be more, Dave's more socially present then that. 

Of course.  I saw you guys talking about it earlier I'll admit that I kind of got caught up a bit in thinking Dave had just denied poorer folks affordable housing.  I didn't continue to spread it or anything but definitely thought it and should have gave Dave a bit more credit.  I figured trying to undo the damage that this was attempting to do and give the knowledge to people who might not know would be good decision.

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Heh, yeah that transracial Korean person is a goldmine.  I love that some other people initially didn't believe me when I brought it up.  Unfortunately some reddit thread where I mentioned it recently of course got closed before anyone could reply regarding that.  This is another one to make people of a certain ideological side squirm a bit.... that question of if this version of a "trans" person is ok and relatively "normal"... why is this newer one seen as ridiculous and absurd then? 😆  Surely we're supposed to be accepting of that as well, right?  


I look forward to people's reactions when guys start doing the trans-age thing too.... that's bound to be just around the corner soon... a 36-year old man will decide to identify as a 13-year old boy.... perhaps with the intentions of hooking up with people of a certain age group he now considers "peers"...


Ok, One Day At A Time is on right now...  s3 ep 16.... this dude "Bob" that has such a crush on Barbara has got to be THE lamest dork in the entire history of's lame to the point of not even being the slightest bit plausible, actually... Barbara is tired of her "nice girl" image so she wants to be a rebel... decides to randomly go to Chicago with her "just friends" guy Bob.. and this whole time he keeps coming up with unbelievably corny shit to basically cock-block himself.  Previously I kinda identified with him and felt sorry for the character in another episode, but his antics here are written in a way that's just stupid.  I suppose it just had to be that way since *duh* it's a sitcom....but damn I want to just reach thru the screen and slap some sense into him.  They stay at a motel and of course there's only 1 bed....and of course he's being an uptight cornball about that and everything else.  Hahaha there's so many things about this situation that probably had every dude watching at the time going like "oh GET the fuck outta here with this BS...." 🤣

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Superbowl game yesterday was actually decent imo. Could've gone either way. 

Agreed regarding the celebs in commercial; I barely recognized Jim Carrey. 

  Speaking of old celebs, Elizabeth Hurley is apparently 56 but as Thor as my witness, will still smash it w/o regret.


Night Court Comedy GIF by Laff



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1 hour ago, NinetiesArcades said:

Superbowl game yesterday was actually decent imo. Could've gone either way. 

Agreed regarding the celebs in commercial; I barely recognized Jim Carrey. 

  Speaking of old celebs, Elizabeth Hurley is apparently 56 but as Thor as my witness, will still smash it w/o regret.


Night Court Comedy GIF by Laff



You late fam. @MillionXhas been keeping us apprised of the continued hotness of Liz Hurley for years. Hugh Grant's L grows bigger with each passing year.

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:

Super Bowl half time show yesterday was hilarious my dad didn't know who anybody was. My wife doesn't like hop hop.


Here I am trying to explain that yes, In Da Club was a massive hit to two people who never heard it.



A lot of tracks played during halftime are nigh impossible to avoid through osmosis especially if they consume other media.  It ain't as bad as Lord William not knowing who Michael Jackson was but still...

Edited by Sonichuman
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4 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

  It ain't as bad as Lord William not knowing who Michael Jackson was but still...


My wife listened to 0 local radio, didn't watch MTV and none of the genres of music she likes would come close to being paired up with hip hop. Closest band she likes that'd be rubbing shoulders with hip hop is Rage Against the Machine. She's well aware of the genre, she just likes none of it.


Not like In Da Club is a hip hop song you really need to hear. Hell any time I listen to hip hop, 50 Cent is nowhere near anything i'm gonna put on.


OTOH though, soon as Wu-Tang did that Tiny Desk concert with NPR, my wife sent me that link ASAP.



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