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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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55 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Russia has a perplexing amount of Neo Nazis. Perplexing because with the amount of deaths they caused Russians in WW2.


Any type of actual cleansing would've come out already. Dude been in power for near 20 years. If Putin didn't want Jews in Russia, he'd gotten rid of them by now.

Thats not how the game works anymore. He wants to pretend to be a good guy. He isnt just gonna off the jewish people like that. His allies would bounce the fuck out including china. So they make it real uncomfortable to be a russian jew. Countries that commit genocide like that are never welcome at the table. Look at how china is dealing woth weegers... They sneaky about it







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1 minute ago, Maxx said:

Thats not how the game works anymore. He wants to pretend to be a good guy. He isnt just gonna off the jewish people like that. His allies would bounce the fuck out including china. So they make it real uncomfortable to be a russian jew. Countries that commit genocide like that are never welcome at the table. Look at how china is dealing woth weegers... They sneaky about it


Look, we found out about the forced vasectomies and all the other stuff happening with Pakistan that Israel did; he found out about Uyghurs relatively fast; we've found out about all sorts of shit.


You know who have gotten interviewed even in the west about their situation? LGBTQ people in Russia. That shit made it to Glenn Beck's radio show. So it isn't that there aren't human rights abuses going on in Russia. I'm just skeptical that its here because it doesn't square out with what I know,


But hey, Ukraine taking shots anyway:



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1 hour ago, Sonero said:


Look, we found out about the forced vasectomies and all the other stuff happening with Pakistan that Israel did; he found out about Uyghurs relatively fast; we've found out about all sorts of shit.


You know who have gotten interviewed even in the west about their situation? LGBTQ people in Russia. That shit made it to Glenn Beck's radio show. So it isn't that there aren't human rights abuses going on in Russia. I'm just skeptical that its here because it doesn't square out with what I know,


But hey, Ukraine taking shots anyway:



I know nothing about Pakistani vasectomy.. But i heard about Ethiopian refugees supposedly being forced to do this

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I guess the oh-so-terrible "sanctions" wasn't threatening enough, eh? 😆 Putin was probably laughing his ass off about that and after the phone call with Sleepy Joe recently.  Oh no, not the SANCTIONS!!!  Weak ass bullshit...


Well, hopefully this doesn't go into actual WW3 like some are predicting....then again, "murphy's law" tends to be exactly how things play out in this world.  Whatever is the worst case scenario---THAT is indeed what's going to happen.  

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

I guess the oh-so-terrible "sanctions" wasn't threatening enough, eh? 😆 Putin was probably laughing his ass off about that and after the phone call with Sleepy Joe recently.  Oh no, not the SANCTIONS!!!  Weak ass bullshit...


Well, hopefully this doesn't go into actual WW3 like some are predicting....then again, "murphy's law" tends to be exactly how things play out in this world.  Whatever is the worst case scenario---THAT is indeed what's going to happen.  

Politics are a mother fucker.  We're not trying to escalate the situation any further to lead to a potential WWIII unless its the absolute last resort cause if it comes to that its not gonna be good for ANYBODY...even people not involved.   The sanctions are an attempt at a long term solution to put pressure on him without directly involving ourselves cause the  moment we directly blow up or kill russian soldiers or vice versa then all bets are off.

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8 hours ago, Sonero said:

Russia has a perplexing amount of Neo Nazis.

Russia had that whole pogrom thing back in the day;  place completely had the anti-Semitism violence thing going on independent of anything that eventually went on in Germany.  And given how anti-Semitism and Nazism are basically co-branded these days, I can see how that crossover happens.

Edited by Reticently
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Man... imagine how wrecked life is now for the average Ukrainian person...just trying to get away from it all, and apparently many are having trouble getting money out of the bank, so that's another shitty little detail in the mix there.  Imagine, you have a decent amount or anything saved... but now the end of your country is in progress, and you have no choice but to leave with nothing....starting life over somewhere else.

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The world is still dealing with this Covid bullshit; ain't got no time for a fucking world war. With everything nowadays so interconnected, one or another, why risk it? Russia imo is still dreaming of the USSR days and wants to be 'recognize' again as a world power. It's the people living day to day is going to be hurt the most.

 Another scary thought; this is probably going to be the  first full scale cyber warfare we are going to witness. Fuck man. 

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oh yeah, the U.S. is definitely not ready... while other areas of the world are still concerned with having a strong military force... we're over here concerned about it becoming so much more diverse and pushing certain "feel-good" agendas.  That's not going to save the day when the barbarians are at the gate... when the shit hits the fan so to speak.

Edited by MillionX
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30 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Wait didn't Trump praise Putin for the stunt he's pulling?


Gotta give his kudos to his Russian overlords I suppose

It wasn't just Trump but him and a bunch of others who support Trump were supporting Putin.  People were saying that Biden was antagonizing him and trying to (I say try but lets be real don't really have to put effort in  now a days)  gaslight people of what was happening in front of their faces.  So now that the invasion has happened I'm curious if they are gonna try to spin this or double down cause know they aren't gonna hold the L...its just not their M.O.

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Kinda insane Russia is willing to jeopardize the Nord Stream 2 project, an 11 BILLION dollar investment, which is practically complete and just waiting for approval over this Ukraine bs. Maybe Russia is still salty over what happened  with the privatization of their local industry, especially oil(the book,Red Notice, explains this in detail)? Cold war result?? Who knows.

  Weird fact; US had a huge child adoption program with orphaned Russian kids back in the day but when Russia was accused of human rights violation, Russia answered by shutting down the adoption program; i mean wut?


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11 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

It wasn't just Trump but him and a bunch of others who support Trump were supporting Putin.  People were saying that Biden was antagonizing him and trying to (I say try but lets be real don't really have to put effort in  now a days)  gaslight people of what was happening in front of their faces.  So now that the invasion has happened I'm curious if they are gonna try to spin this or double down cause know they aren't gonna hold the L...its just not their M.O.

I'm guessing Trump and co. are just salty about the whole Hunter Biden fiasco that now they just want to see Ukraine crash and burn

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3 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I'm guessing Trump and co. are just salty about the whole Hunter Biden fiasco that now they just want to see Ukraine crash and burn

I don't even think its that necessarily but more so the tow the political line regardless of what's going on thats been more prevalent for the past few years.  Is the President for or against what's going on?  Whatever it is if he's on the other side of the line do the opposite regardless.

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10 hours ago, HD-Man said:

That was quite easy to understand and that's super fucked up. Dick move, Russia. Somehow I got the feeling we, the US will be dragged into this 

The World: "Those damned American's put their nose in everyone's business."

Shit Pops Off

The World: "Those damned American's need to do something about this."

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1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The World: "Those damned American's need to do something about this."

No one really says that though other than Americans themselves.


I want Germany and Japan to do this. It would be very interesting to see the two monsters of the past resurface to take down the current monster, just like Kenshin Himura reverting to Battousai when the enemy provokes him enough. 

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3 hours ago, Sonero said:

Stay safe bro.

I am. My life isn't in danger


I have a friend un Ukraine however who lives to the north of Odessa, but for now she's okay. Hopefully it stays that way.



1 hour ago, Sonero said:

Whats the regular Russian citizen view of this situation?


It's a split. The brainwashed folk obviously believe everything that the media spits out so they think Ukraine is the aggressor here and we're the heroes protecting fellow Russians against genocide in Donetsk and Lugansk. 

But regardless it's not like anybody asked us

Edited by PVL_93_RU
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3 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Did anybody legit ask China what they thought or if they'd condemn what Russia's doing?

From the article:



China’s assistant foreign minister, Hua Chunying, was asked by reporters several times whether she would call Russia’s attacks an invasion but she repeatedly avoided giving a yes or no answer.

In response to one reporter, Hua appeared to express frustration at the question and said, “The U.S. has been fueling the flame, fanning up the flame, how do they want to put out the fire?”

That’s according to an official translation of her Mandarin-language remarks.


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What is Vladimir even hoping to achieve?


Annexation of big chunks of lands is impracticable, completely against international law, would turn Russia into a pariah state, would leave them with a massive territory with 40 millions of potentially hostile civilians, basically European Afghanistan, and likely force the West into total economic embargo.


Invading temporarily with the purpose of toppling the Ukrainian government and install a pro-Russian puppet is more realistic, but would the Ukrainians accept a blatant puppet government? Wouldn't Russia have to support it militarily if the people turn against it, leading to a de-facto occupation that would lead to all the problems listed above?


Is he invading to demilitarize Ukraine and then leave? So the local government will still be there and still be hostile to Russia, with even more reasons? He can't do that, he has to remove them, but then the problems with the puppet government start.


Like, what's Putin winning strategy here? Is he hoping that Ukrainians will submit willingly like sacks of shit and accept de-facto or de-jure Russian rule? I hope for him he's right, because if his calculations are wrong then he's and Russia are potentially in a world of pain in the long term. The problem is not defeating Ukraine militarily, is what you do with it once you've won, how do you plan to keep a country whose population you antagonized for years aligned to your sphere of influence, and deal with the colossal diplomatic shitstorm you just caused.


Also, this is not going into WW3: Ukraine is not  NATO country and the controversy here is that Putin is blatantly breaking international law by waging an aggressive war and challenging the post-WW2 diplomatic order. NATO and the US will never engage directly with what's happening in Ukraine because they have no legal obligations to go to that extent, but can and must protest and oppose the illegality of what's happening.

I read somewhere that even China isn't liking the invasion all that much even though they still support Russia because of shared anti-american interests. China's argument for its claims over Taiwan are based on the inviolability of national sovereignty, with Taiwan being technically part of Mainland China according to international law. Russia is kinda shitting on that legal principle, and that's why China is arguing that this isn't really an invasion. They'd end up contradicting themselves over their territorial disputes otherwise.


What are Russian people thinking about what's happening, @PVL_93_RU?

You don't really get any coverage about what Russians think about where your midget president is getting you into.

Edited by Phantom_Miria
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52 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

i still believe all this is happening cuz the two geniuses trump/biden lost the afghani war.

america showed a weakness it couldnt afford to show by losing that war. showed the world it was a paper tiger. heres the results.

Respectfully, Afghanistan is notorious for being nearly impossible to conquer and control. I'm not sure that has much to do with the current conflict. Even Russia couldn't win in Afghanistan.

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53 minutes ago, Phantom_Miria said:

What is Vladimir even hoping to achieve?

honestly nobody fucking knows. I've seen many speculate he's trying to rebuild USSR as he saw its collapse first-hand back in the day, hence the massive consolidation of power, iron grip regime, assault on Georgia, puppet governments in Belarus and Kazakhstan, and now slow annexation of Ukraine


55 minutes ago, Phantom_Miria said:

What are Russian people thinking about what's happening, @PVL_93_RU?

You don't really get any coverage about what Russians think about where your midget president is getting you into.

the propaganda-fed people in the age of 40 and above are obviously in support. The rest are either protesting on the streets right now or keep it anonymous in inner circles, but naturally aren't in support

one thing's for sure is that the entire nation is shocked

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4 minutes ago, PVL_93_RU said:

the propaganda-fed people in the age of 40 and above are obviously in support. The rest are either protesting on the streets right now or keep it anonymous in inner circles, but naturally aren't in support

one thing's for sure is that the entire nation is shocked

I think Putin is betting on the fact that the Ukrainian army will collapse almost immediately, with barely even a fight, and that after that Ukrainians will just accept a Russian-aligned government because he's a Russian nationalist and he's really personally convinced that Ukraine has no native national identity that will oppose him. If he's wrong on just one of these bets this could be the mistake that will cost him his entire political career.


A prolonged war or military occupation in the middle of Europe will be expensive, massively unpopular and impossible to hide. Even if it's not gonna be as bloody as Afghanistan the geographical and cultural proximity will make it feel just as bad. Without even having solid support at home this will be terrible for Putin in the long run.

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4 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:

No one really says that though other than Americans themselves.

I wish that were the case. If something goes down in Europe. We are expected to handle it. The rest of NATO sat on their ass while Slobodan Milošević committed mass genocide. If something happens in Europe. We should be support not the main force. I'm cool with supporting our allies. We should not be fighting their battles.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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3 minutes ago, Phantom_Miria said:

If he's wrong on just one of these bets this could be the mistake that will cost him his entire political career.

you're vastly understating just how much power he has. Age is literally the only thing that can end VP permanently. He's due for a reelection in 2 years, and after that will stay as president for another 12 until 2036


there's so much unknown here but I fear after today, in a few year's time, our country will completely fall apart

Edited by PVL_93_RU
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