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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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11 hours ago, RSG3 said:



That bill definitely goes too far but I don't think there's anything wrong with telling someone they have to wait till they're a bit older to go through HRT or transitioning. Parents are supposed to be a counterbalance to all the stuff teens and kids think because kids in that age range are hormonal and fucked up in the head generally, but there are enough of them that aren't doing their job as parents so lawmakers see bills like this as reasonable.

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11 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

I ate McDonalds last night.


It was both good and terrible 🤣


Good and terrible is a pretty solid description.  Try not to eat as much fast food now but always tastes good going in and then I feel the regret coursing through my veins afterwards. McDonald's breakfast I will easily go out of my way for though.

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I only eat MCD if I am driving on a road trip to Miami or ATL because it's usually close to the interstate ramp. (Maybe 1-2 times a year)


I think I liked it more when I was a kid due to the toy. It just feels so artificial now. When you eat mostly at home and you eat it , it feels odd. 

I only eat pizza every 2 months or so also. 

Also by using Yelp and other sites, I like trying new food from different ethnic places much more.

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6 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

That bill definitely goes too far but I don't think there's anything wrong with telling someone they have to wait till they're a bit older to go through HRT or transitioning. Parents are supposed to be a counterbalance to all the stuff teens and kids think because kids in that age range are hormonal and fucked up in the head generally, but there are enough of them that aren't doing their job as parents so lawmakers see bills like this as reasonable.

I also think the medical establishment has been less than forthcoming about the suicide rates of these patients and how much these treatments actually "help." 

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12 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

That bill definitely goes too far but I don't think there's anything wrong with telling someone they have to wait till they're a bit older to go through HRT or transitioning. Parents are supposed to be a counterbalance to all the stuff teens and kids think because kids in that age range are hormonal and fucked up in the head generally, but there are enough of them that aren't doing their job as parents so lawmakers see bills like this as reasonable.

This overteps the bounds of their reach and dives head first into totalitarianism so hard that I gotta be honest with you....don't give a fuck about the trans angle to it. This is slippery slope as fuck. Yea transitioning kids can be an issue and we should be more picky about it but this....naw. This runs right past that conversation full speed into a much much bigger problem for everyone in the nation, not just transitioning people. 

Edited by RSG3
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50 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

That bill definitely goes too far but I don't think there's anything wrong with telling someone they have to wait till they're a bit older to go through HRT or transitioning. Parents are supposed to be a counterbalance to all the stuff teens and kids think because kids in that age range are hormonal and fucked up in the head generally, but there are enough of them that aren't doing their job as parents so lawmakers see bills like this as reasonable.

and the fact that lawmakers see this as reasonable is . . . how shall we say . . . 





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50 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

That bill definitely goes too far but I don't think there's anything wrong with telling someone they have to wait till they're a bit older to go through HRT or transitioning. Parents are supposed to be a counterbalance to all the stuff teens and kids think because kids in that age range are hormonal and fucked up in the head generally, but there are enough of them that aren't doing their job as parents so lawmakers see bills like this as reasonable.

I can see the intent tbh, which is... less than ok.


But on the other hand, when it comes to the practical applications of the idea, you're right. We're talking about kids and teens. That kind of decision is way too severe and sometimes, irreversible. There should be legal checks on it. Kids are too easily influenced to deal with that.


Also, as usual, you really gotta read the fine print when it comes to Twitter.




Unlike what this dishonest clown was saying, which was:



It would make providing gender affirming care to trans teens a felony with a life sentence..

The law only states that the responsible people for the violation will be guilty of a felony and will be imprisoned. The cap is a life sentence, not the floor.


Basically, this ranges between whatever minimum punishment for a felony is in Idaho to a life sentence. It only really rules out a death penalty. (and whatever is below the minimum, like community service.)

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12 minutes ago, Maxx said:

So the conservatives like to use the reason our prices are so high is because biden canceled the xl pipeline... My question is....when did they actually thinking it was gonna be finished? To my knowledge we barely started it so it wouldnt hsve been done for years so no matter what we'd have this issue

They're full of shit.


If anything, this is exposing the green energy haters. Putting all your eggs in one basket is generally a terrible ass idea, especially when said basket is related to Russia, the Middle East and Venezuela.


Edit: I was waiting for someone to post to have this on a separate one since it's a whole other topic, but fukk it. 🤣


It's been literal years since I've seen such a high IQ shitpost.


Edited by Volt
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13 minutes ago, Maxx said:

So the conservatives like to use the reason our prices are so high is because biden canceled the xl pipeline... My question is....when did they actually thinking it was gonna be finished? To my knowledge we barely started it so it wouldnt hsve been done for years so no matter what we'd have this issue

The HVAC repair guy stopped by and we were having a chat about this. Even though he said things things could have been handled different by the POTUS, why do people think that an industry that makes billions in profit is gonna take a hit since the demand is going up with the same supply. 

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Just now, OPTIMUS124 said:

The HVAC repair guy stopped by and we were having a chat about this. Even though he said things things could have been handled different by the POTUS, why do people think that an industry that makes billions in profit is gonna take a hit since the demand is going up with the same supply. 

War is hilarious. Like we're in beef with russia and we were paying them til yesterday like 8 bil a day for oil 😂

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3 hours ago, MillionX said:

hahaha I was just browsing TYT and lo and behold...they have more on THIS story!  So apparently he was trying to talk to her before...and I guess since he got no play...THAT's what prompted him to hit her with the boo-boo bag wasn't just random shit after all... but since the modern American legal system is a joke of course he goes free, apparently... 🤣 

There's new layers of comedy here for me to process now... he also allegedly committed a hate crime against a Jewish guy so there's that going on too (or at least threatened to kill him; I suppose that's a "hate" crime too?)....and what the hell kind of name is "Abrokwa" anyway? oh annnnd he's been arrested 44 times, often for violent situations....

There's so much here....

The Office Lol GIF




Im impressed that TYT showed this story. They usually do not show any crime committed by a black person. I wonder why its just "man" though, they straight off mention the color/race of the criminal if he/she was white, but hey.. i'll cut them some slack for at least reporting it and showing the video.

They are both still dumb as fuck.


The only fear i have is that when/if this guy got aggressively reprimanded by the cops, it would have been another racism report. 

He does deserve to get power bombed before getting cuffs and set to prison for the rest of his life. 

Edited by zatalcon3
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1 hour ago, Maxx said:

War is hilarious. Like we're in beef with russia and we were paying them til yesterday like 8 bil a day for oil 😂

This war is "shit was all good just a week ago" to it's fullest.


Random question for you guys: even if Russia turned tail and stopped all they were doing, how will it be until they get the "stink" off of them, and businesses can fuck with them in public again? This is the first time I've seen public opinion influence literal billions of dollars live like this. Of course, it's not all down to public opinion, but still. It's strange. Though I think the effects of this will last a year at least for Russia, I think people outside Ukraine/Russia will likely forget about this a few months after it's over.

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I think it will be at least a year until companies can do any kind of business with Russia, but public discourse is largely controlled by the media.  If the Russians pay for good press they might be able to skate under the radar earlier than that.  It's always impressive to me how the media/big tech can memory hole things that don't fit their financial interests.


Edit:  The other reason I think NATO countries would be quick to forgive Russia is most of Europe is going to have a bad time without Russian natural gas due to Green initiatives in those countries.

Edited by J-ride
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13 minutes ago, J-ride said:

I think it will be at least a year until companies can do any kind of business with Russia, but public discourse is largely controlled by the media.  If the Russians pay for good press they might be able to skate under the radar earlier than that.  It's always impressive to me how the media/big tech can memory hole things that don't fit their financial interests.


Edit:  The other reason I think NATO countries would be quick to forgive Russia is most of Europe is going to have a bad time without Russian natural gas due to Green initiatives in those countries.

Yeah Europe relies way more on russia for gas than us. We have perpetually made russia the bad guys in our media, the first company to jump back in is gonna look unpatriotic 

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33 minutes ago, J-ride said:

think it will be at least a year until companies can do any kind of business with Russia, but public discourse is largely controlled by the media.  If the Russians pay for good press they might be able to skate under the radar earlier than that.  It's always impressive to me how the media/big tech can memory hole things that don't fit their financial interests.


Edit:  The other reason I think NATO countries would be quick to forgive Russia is most of Europe is going to have a bad time without Russian natural gas due to Green initiatives in those countries.

 Might also depend on how long Putin stays in power, or alive..  Dude is targeting innocent civilians and killing children. I don't think it's very easy to get that kind of stink off.

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That law to keep parents from fuckin' up their kids cause they're retarded parents is good.  I see a lot of you dont like it but it just seems more like a "you're not the boss of me" type thing instead of anything.  Or are you guys really for fuckin' up a childs mind and helping them go suicidal by 20?


too bad its only in that one place


I guess these arent really questions cause I already know the answer to it.  Its just me rambling my thoughts. 

Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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1 minute ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

That law to keep parents from fuckin' up their kids cause they're retarded parents is good.  I see a lot of you dont like it but it just seems more like a "you're not the boss of me" type thing instead of anything.  Or are you guys really for fuckin' up a childs mind and helping them go suicidal by 20?

There are children who commit suicide because they feel trapped in the wrong gender.  Your attitude helps kill them.  Congratulations.

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41 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

There are children who commit suicide because they feel trapped in the wrong gender.  Your attitude helps kill them.  Congratulations.

This argument is counter factual.  This is one of my biggest gripes of the trans-movement, it is much more a political ideology than anything resembling scientific thought.  Sex reassignment individuals have a suicide rate 20 times greater than the rest of the population.  This was what I meant by the medical establishment hiding the facts about these patients and how much they "help."

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5 minutes ago, J-ride said:

This argument is counter factual.  This is one of my biggest gripes of the trans-movement, it is much more a political ideology than anything resembling scientific thought.  Sex reassignment individuals have a suicide rate 20 times greater than the rest of the population.  This was what I meant by the medical establishment hiding the facts about these patients and how much they "help."

That's one study.  Here's one that shows different results.


Just doing a quick google search and I can see numerous studies showing varied conclusions about the quality of life for trans-gendered people who go through gender-affirming procedures..  I don't think there is really enough data out yet to draw a distinct conclusion about the science behind it.  It's pretty new on the mainstream level.


Look, I'm not a transgendered person.  I knew when I was 17 years old that I was a dude, not a chick.  And if my daughter, when she is 17, decides that she's a he and wants to take some testosterone or whatever the fuck those people do, I'm going to have a really hard time saying no if she is threatening suicide because she doesn't feel right in her own body.  I'm inclined to trust that she knows better than me who she (or he) really is.


But the bigger issue is that I don't want some fucking politician who goes on and on about personal freedom to tell me what the fuck MY decision is or isn't for MY family, by threat of life in prison. Anybody who thinks that brand of "Freedom" is OK can get the fuck out of my country.


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4 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

and the fact that lawmakers see this as reasonable is . . . how shall we say . . . 




Again, I think this goes a bit far, but I really do think there should be consequences for parents who submit their underage kids to HRT or gender reassignment surgery. And the bit about going to other states for it being illegal is weird, but we do that for drugs and guns already, so...

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2 hours ago, axeman61 said:

This war is "shit was all good just a week ago" to it's fullest.


Random question for you guys: even if Russia turned tail and stopped all they were doing, how will it be until they get the "stink" off of them, and businesses can fuck with them in public again? This is the first time I've seen public opinion influence literal billions of dollars live like this. Of course, it's not all down to public opinion, but still. It's strange. Though I think the effects of this will last a year at least for Russia, I think people outside Ukraine/Russia will likely forget about this a few months after it's over.

I love that companies are pulling out and shutting down in Russia while being like

Suspicious Meme GIF by MOODMAN


in regard to China

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14 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Again, I think this goes a bit far . . .

Which is why it's dumb

16 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I really do think there should be consequences for parents who submit their underage kids to HRT or gender reassignment surgery.

I guess is this a question of consent by the child or an adult imposing this? 


19 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I love that companies are pulling out and shutting down in Russia while being like

Suspicious Meme GIF by MOODMAN


in regard to China

One reason


GIF by Showtime

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11 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Again, I think this goes a bit far, but I really do think there should be consequences for parents who submit their underage kids to HRT or gender reassignment surgery. And the bit about going to other states for it being illegal is weird, but we do that for drugs and guns already, so...

I disagree.  I don't think it should be generalized like that.  I may have leaned toward that opinion in the past, but having seen this situation up close I've come to understand it in a new light.  I have a friend who has a teenager who just had their breasts removed because they identify as a male instead of their biological sex, which is female. This person is extremely happy that they have the support of their father, and they seem to be doing extremely well after the surgery.  I don't think it's right for a politician to decide that a parent needs consequences for helping their teenage child become who they identify as.  The decision to go through something like that isn't made lightly- and it should be made between the transgender person, their parents, their doctor, and their counselor.  NOT by a fucking politician.

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9 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

I disagree.  I don't think it should be generalized like that.  I may have leaned toward that opinion in the past, but having seen this situation up close I've come to understand it in a new light.  I have a friend who has a teenager who just had their breasts removed because they identify as a male instead of their biological sex, which is female. This person is extremely happy that they have the support of their father, and they seem to be doing extremely well after the surgery.  I don't think it's right for a politician to decide that a parent needs consequences for helping their teenage child become who they identify as.  The decision to go through something like that isn't made lightly- and it should be made between the transgender person, their parents, their doctor, and their counselor.  NOT by a fucking politician.

What happens if that kid decides years later that they made a mistake? Granted it's their mistake to make, but there's a good chance "Why did you let me do this?" will be something they say to their parents at some point. The best thing their parent could probably say to them is, "I don't understand." Because it's a parent's job not to understand.


I agree with trying to keep politicians out of these types of decisions, but it's been pretty clear that doctors and parents, possibly counselors, can't really be trusted to do what's right for the kid, they just say, "Oh sure, you're very brave deciding to do this irreversible thing when you're 15 years old and have never been anywhere or done anything." Because if there's any whiff that those folks don't agree with the decision, they get lambasted for it and in a few cases, they lose custody of their kid. There are consequences for parents who give their kids alcohol or illegal drugs, why not this? Especially given that if we're talking about HRT or GR surgery, there's no going back.

Edited by DoctaMario
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17 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

What happens if that kid decides years later that they made a mistake?


We've had fake tits for a while.





There's definitely a lot more questions about the trans situations than there are good answers. Don't think I could really say that I'd be entirely on board with ky daughter getting a double mastectomy because she feels like a boy.


But I wouldn't be against her trying to be happy either. Truth js that rhe number of trans people is small as fuck. Making a bunch of legislation that is going to realistically affect less than half of a %  of people in a state is some type of shit.

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33 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

We can "what if" about parental decisions till the end of time tho. 

Sure, but sometimes your role as a parent is to protect your kid from themselves


22 minutes ago, Sonero said:


We've had fake tits for a while.





There's definitely a lot more questions about the trans situations than there are good answers. Don't think I could really say that I'd be entirely on board with ky daughter getting a double mastectomy because she feels like a boy.


But I wouldn't be against her trying to be happy either. Truth js that rhe number of trans people is small as fuck. Making a bunch of legislation that is going to realistically affect less than half of a %  of people in a state is some type of shit.

You can take fake tits out, but can you reverse the effects of HRT or go back if you've had parts of your body surgically altered?


I'm not against adults transitioning, I'm against kids transitioning because kids are notoriously shit about being reasonable and being able to think long term. Yes, trans people are a small percentage, but when you have people they're supposed to be able to trust to be honest with them, like parents and doctors, and those parents and doctors aren't holding up their end of things, laws like this are what you end up with.

Edited by DoctaMario
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5 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Sure, but sometimes your role as a parent is to protect your kid from themselves

Yea sure, but that protection takes on many different forms and forcing people to live a life they don't want probably isn't protecting them very much. You're really just using your personal potential fear of a nebulous "down the road what if" to bar it completely. That's as Goofy as jumping in head first. 


And yea you can take fake tips out but there will always be proof there was once fake tips there. Her chest won't ever be "right" even with the plastic bags removed. 


What end are parents and councerlors not holding up? Getting transition approval is really really hard. You have to go to therapy for a good while to even get approval. 

Edited by RSG3
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4 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea sure, but that protection takes on many different forms and forcing people to live a life they don't want probably isn't protecting them very much. 

If your kid wants to eat candy for every meal, should you let them because they want to lead that cavity/obesity/diabetes life?

Edited by DoctaMario
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Just now, Darc_Requiem said:

Minors shouldn't be making irreversible medical decisions. The law says you aren't mature enough to vote, smoke cigarettes, or buy alcohol yet you can permanently alter your gender. I don't see why, like multiple other things, the decision can't be made at 18. The person is an adult at hat point. Any potential regret would be theirs alone.

They don't. They go through hours upon hours of therapy and have to have a recommendation from said therapist to even entertain beginning. 

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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

That's not even remotely what I said. I said "live a life" not "eat a meal." Miss me with awful comparison. 

Letting a kid make a decision that will alter the rest of their life when they're in one of the least emotionally stable parts of their lives makes about as much sense as letting them eat candy for every meal.

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6 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Letting a kid make a decision that will alter the rest of their life when they're in one of the least emotionally stable parts of their lives makes about as much sense as letting them eat candy for every meal.

Really? I have to go through hours of therapy and medical examination and have a medical professionals recommendation before I can give my kid dinner?

Edited by RSG3
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9 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Really? I have to go through hours of therapy and medical examination and have a medical professions recommendation before I can give my kid dinner?

There have been studies done that  have shown that a majority of "trans" kids eventually grow out of it, especially when they don't have their parents egging them on. And given what the long term effects of eating a poor diet when you're developing can be, I'd say the comparison is apt.

Edited by DoctaMario
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10 minutes ago, Sonero said:


We've had fake tits for a while.





There's definitely a lot more questions about the trans situations than there are good answers. Don't think I could really say that I'd be entirely on board with ky daughter getting a double mastectomy because she feels like a boy.


But I wouldn't be against her trying to be happy either. Truth js that rhe number of trans people is small as fuck. Making a bunch of legislation that is going to realistically affect less than half of a %  of people in a state is some type of shit.

People who legitimately have gender dysphoria are a very small percentage of the population- this issue being made ultra mainstream by activists looking for back pats (and general social media dipshittery) have made "trans" the new goth/whatever other counterculture. Kids and teens who might be awkward, feel rejected, or have some other issues that historically have pushed them into countercultures are now jumping into this bandwagon. You get instant affirmation by a huge percentage of the population, you get instant victim status, you get to shout down anyone who doesn't kiss your ass as a bigot, no one can  suggest you give it time before starting hormones and medical procedures without losing their job, and you get immediate acceptance into "the club". A lot of us here are in the 30-40 range, surely we all knew kids in middle school or high school who would have been all in on being trans for the instant attention/status it gets. How many of those people would be wrecked now had they gone through with these procedures? Do any reading on the topic, and you'll see that being trans is popping up in clusters among cliques of teenage girls- not a group historically known for high rates of gender dysphoria, and certainly an extremely low probability for several girls in a 10-20 person clique to all have it occur at once. A lot of these kids/teens, if left alone will grow out of that phase. Some will be gay. A few will actually be trans. Not letting bandwagon hopping teens wreck their bodies is erring on the side of caution, as surely there are a hell of a lot more kids coming out as trans now than there are actual trans kids.


Now, all that said, I feel for anyone who legitimately has gender dysphoria, and I certainly wouldn't want them to be denied those treatments once they're of reasonable age and have spent time talking to a therapist to see if it's truly something they want to do (again though, barring a therapist from doing anything other than automatic affirmation isn't doing anyone any favors). But FFS, pumping the brakes under circumstances that have made it trendy among impressionable teens isn't a bad idea. It's shitty that what should be a quiet and private matter among individuals and their families in the very small percentage of the population where it legitimately occurs has been made mainstream this way. Take the bathroom issue for example- anyone who was trans before it was made mainstream went about their business as the sex they identified as, and nobody cared. It didn't need to be shouted from the rooftops. I'd imagine someone who's actually trans (versus an attention seeking activist) would prefer to simply be seen as the sex they present as and go about their business like anyone else. 

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19 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

There have been studies done that  have shown that a majority of "trans" kids eventually grow out of it, especially when they don't have their parents egging them on. And given what the long term effects of eating a poor diet when you're developing can be, I'd say the comparison is apt.

We haven't been doing this long enough for there to be conclusive studies on the subject. I can Google and find a study that says the opposite. 


The comparison is not apt at all. One is a mental issue needing therapy and medical examination and empathy. The other is fucking dinner. They are not comparable at all. 


Edit: I definitely knew kids in high school who would jump on this as a trend for sure, but I also knew actual trans kids in school, they do exist, and I knew a number of kids who are no longer with us because we ignored them because they where scene kids and it "was just a fad."


Turns out it wasn't a fad for them. 

Edited by RSG3
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12 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

We haven't been doing this long enough for there to be conclusive studies on the subject. I can Google and find a study that says the opposite. 


The comparison is not apt at all. One is a mental issue needing therapy and medical examination and empathy. The other is fucking dinner. They are not comparable at all. 


Edit: I definitely knew kids in high school who would jump on this as a trend for sure, but I also knew actual trans kids in school, they do exist, and I knew a number of kids who are no longer with us because we ignored them because they where scene kids and it "was just a fad."


Turns out it wasn't a fad for them. 

I've personally known trans people since the late 90s, I know they exist. It's not a new thing, the attention it's been given is.


And the reason you don't get the comparison is because you're missing the point, either intentionally or not, that leaving decisions like that in the hands of kids who aren't at an emotionally stable point in their lives is irresponsible. I've said it several times now.

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