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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

...perhaps another reason I'd love to be immortal.... It would be fascinating and amusing to see just how much more insane things become as time goes on.

I'd imagine it would get to a point where you wish you could kill yourself, but your immortality would prevent you from doing so. God dammit anyway.

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finished V tv show  2009 series.

it was 2 seasons. and it sucks it got cancelled cuz the show needed seas 3 to at least wrap thing up. im sorta mad rn theres no season 3 here. or even a tv movie at least. 

i havent been this disappointed since i found out Caprica tv show spin off of battlestar galactica didnt get a 2nd season.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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^yeah I loved that show... partly because it was the show that introduced me to the incredibly gorgeous creature that is Morena Baccarin.  That girl is outstanding.  Laura Vandervoort was also on there.  heh, sheeeitttt... at her very worst day Morena probably just drops to an 8 out of 10 for me...that's how insanely hot she is.  She has a new show on nbc at the moment, I think it's called The Endgame.


One aggravating thing here was that it kept getting bumped off the schedule completely because of the local broadcast of that goddamn "Titan Talk with Jeff Fischer".  I don't recall if "On Demand" was a thing with basic cable at the time here...probably so since that wasn't so long ago... but still that was some bullshit.  Everyone else got to see the show when it normally would be on....everyone EXCEPT fans in this city.  If I was a show-runner for "V" at the time I'd be pissed with whoever made that decision at the local network affiliate (and possibly inclined to sue)....that's obviously cutting into the ratings by cutting a whole city out from being able to see the show at the normal broadcast time.  I didn't and still don't give the slightest shit about what's going on with the Titans football team... I wanted to see Morena's fine ass on my screen playing the High Commander of a hostile alien species in prime time.

Edited by MillionX
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Just finished a series on Amazon, Harina, is based on a sketch from a comedy group called backdoor that became viral like 2 years ago.





The sketch was about a police that gets coked up on a police raid, and the series is about what happened to said police after the video went viral.




Good stuff, the story is not the most original, but the series is mostly about the characters, which are really fun to watch.

I would love if Amazon/Comedy Central makes a second season.



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9 hours ago, Camacho said:

Anyone with a remote passing interest in drums (or inhuman feats in general) should enjoy this. 


blast beatz for days, he's bouncing the sticks off the heads and catching them very fast with his fingers, which makes this kind of drumming possible.


I bet his girl likes that lol

Edited by elliephil
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On 4/10/2022 at 4:23 PM, HD-Man said:

These women have convinced themselves that since their relationships don't work out or they can't find a decent guy, that obviously means all men are gay. The mental gymnastics used to come to that retarded conclusion is wild.


I feel like, regardless of gender, once you reach a certain point in your life, you have to sit back and consider that maybe YOU are the problem. But nah, not them, it's everyone else who needs to change 😂

80/20 rule. Majority of women are sharing the minority of men. The tall, good looking, high earning men. These men know they can run through chick's with ease. Thus likely won't commit or compromise on anything. These women then get bitter and jaded over how they can't lock down a top tier dude. And because that's all they see from a dating perspective. That minority represents all men.

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17 hours ago, J-ride said:

Women want their own opinions reflected back at them.  9/10 if you give them genuine advice they will get mad at you because they operate in a fantasy land.  I avoid giving women advice unless they are family or close friends of my wife.  Females I work with do so much dumb shit there is no way I am going to even think about jumping on that grenade. 

I watched a lot of KS and similar content ( a lot of others just be reacting to his stuff lol ). And something I've noticed with the women who call in? And this aplies to your post too.


The ones who just want to vent or get confirmation bias? Will start off listing what makes them so awesome, why the other person or people are terrible. God will send the right man or only God can judge me etc.


The ones who actually want advice? Straight up ask for a solution to the problem. And spend more time listening than talking. 

Edited by BB_Hoody
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The A380 Airbus plane has successfully completed two test flights powered by 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Both flights were conducted from the company’s headquarters in Toulouse, France, and lasted around three hours each.
According to #Airbus, the fuel was produced by TotalEnergies in Normandy, France, primarily from hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids (cooking oil and waste fats).
“Increasing the use of SAF remains a key pathway to achieving the industry's ambition of net zero carbon emissions by 2050,” said the company in its official statement. Airbus plans to start using zero-emission aircrafts by 2035.




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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:
The A380 Airbus plane has successfully completed two test flights powered by 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Both flights were conducted from the company’s headquarters in Toulouse, France, and lasted around three hours each.
According to #Airbus, the fuel was produced by TotalEnergies in Normandy, France, primarily from hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids (cooking oil and waste fats).
“Increasing the use of SAF remains a key pathway to achieving the industry's ambition of net zero carbon emissions by 2050,” said the company in its official statement. Airbus plans to start using zero-emission aircrafts by 2035.




Damn first KFC makes a console. Now they are taking on the airline industry. Is there anything the Colonel can't do?

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On 4/7/2022 at 10:48 AM, zatalcon3 said:

Oh. i forgot, ugly girls can come in all shapes and sizes. 

If she got some ugly friends, please hook em with my boys RSG and DarkSakul. 

She is also beautiful. I am also good looking and in good shape.


According to another DNA testing site called My True Ancestry, I am a descendent of the Fujiwara Clan/Nobility which makes me the descendent of Ame-no-Koyane. I am also of the Tokugawa Clan/Shogunate which would make me the descendent of Tokugawa Ieyasu.


One of my ancestors is from haplogroup X. People are speculating that this haplogroup is of Atlantean origin. 

Edited by Seth Vega
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1 hour ago, Lantis said:

I thought it was because Momoa's wife was an anti-vaxxer and shit like that?


Also last time I heard they were giving themselves a second chance

I thought the issue was all of his time away filming movies/tv shows. He's been a busy dude. I swear that dude is in like 3 streaming series in addition to all the movies he's done/is doing.

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I thought the issue was all of his time away filming movies/tv shows. He's been a busy dude. I swear that dude is in like 3 streaming series in addition to all the movies he's done/is doing.

Even Musk has been "entangled" with Heard.  That homewrecker gets around lol.  

Edited by J-ride
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I thought the issue was all of his time away filming movies/tv shows. He's been a busy dude. I swear that dude is in like 3 streaming series in addition to all the movies he's done/is doing.

Gotta pay them lawyers fees bro. He's not blond with titans so he lost his jobs and had to find new ones unlike someone else who got to keep her cushy role despite all the 3vidence of what a huge shit stain she is. 


I hope Jason makes filming with her a pain in the button for Aquaman 2. 

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Hasbro had a Fan event reveal today 


Part 1...


Commander Class G1 Motormaster ($85)

-Cab becomes full robot. Trailer converts to battle station.

Trailer converts to "framework" of the combined Menasor form  where the smaller members either separate and attach or just attach to the framework. 

(similar to some third party figures. The cartoon 2/3 of the time did show arms sprouting of Motormaster and the others attaching so it is partially inspired by the cartoon and partially the toy. Unlike combiner Wars Menasor, the limbs are not "mix and match."






G1 Wildrider ($20)






G1 Elita -1    ($20)




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Part 2/2


Beast Wars Tarantulas ($20)






Transformers Prime   Knockout  ($20)






Generation 2  Jhiaxus    ($30)


(accurate to the 29 yr old Marvel comic a fault)






Siege Soundwave will be re-released without the battle damage and there is Blitzwing already revealed by leakers.


Edited by DangerousJ
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1 hour ago, BornWinner said:

Leave it to Twitter to make you feel like a well adjusted person.




To be clear, I don’t give a shit that she’s pole dancing. I’m more concerned that she does in it the baby’s room and is clearly a danger to them. The people in the comments defending it while ignoring the crying child makes me want to vomit.

The way she ignores the kid and continues twirling is the most shameful part.

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50 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

I'd like to visit 🤘

There's a ghost town in  eastern PA named Centralia where the underground coal mines have been on fire since 1962.  Smoke and fire come up into the town through cracks in the earth.


In the last decade or so the gov't has closed most of the ways to get there, but you can still visit if you're game.,_Pennsylvania

Edited by Reticently
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One word that seemed to just vanish in this era of the transgender people---- transvestite or "cross-dressers".  I haven't heard anyone mention that shit in several years now... like they went back in time and erased it from most people's memory.  I'd bet they probably decided that's just not a thing anymore since we're in the era of "anyone can wear and be anything" (*e.g.---you're not supposed to have questions when yet another male celebrity is seen wearing a dress in public... we're to pretend like "that's masculine too."), I guess.


Johnny's old friend on the stand at the moment...and this guy is a hilarious character; live chat is loving him


Edited by MillionX
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heh, I saw that was on the cable news at the moment... apparently the guy just stayed there in the subway system all this time until they caught him.


It looks like Donovan is about to hit the topic of this latest nutcase, actually....another one that's sure to step on some toes so I'm all for it...


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