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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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4 hours ago, misterBee said:

Every time I come in here shit is wilder and wilder.


@weneedhimyou need to chill out.  I can't even figure out what you're trying to say anymore.

It's like this, mod. I'm not going to quote and respond to Dayana, but he is wrong.


There are people here who do appreciate what I have to say.  My posts are a breathe of fresh air to many former SRK people here. The posts i make is nostalgic, it gives back that experience that made us actual members of the FGC community and that experience is dominantly due to that One. Great. Poster.  Many here, including yourself, enjoy being able to have a bit of that back. However, the others you see on this page getting angry at me are just those who demand that everyone has the same teddy bears tone.

I said before that these FGC forums today, they really stink. It needs men who are willing to make the Man posts. Others here feel that time of salvation is coming. I can be aggressive but it's for good reasons.  



8 hours ago, Emptyeyes said:

Are you a whisker biscuit? 

I'm a former SRK lurker

Edited by weneedhim
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2 minutes ago, weneedhim said:

However, the others you see on this page getting angry at me are just those who demand that everyone has the same teddy bears tone.

False. There is a difference between being considerate of how you act here than just putting on a silly gimmick. Your misrepresentation of yourself for the purpose of stirring up conflict is what provokes people. You talk about the definition a "real man", yet you've been "messy" the entire time. 


Your false sense of superiority is typical, because this is the internet, where it champions the likes of you and cowards. You can't confront and resolve the underlining issues you have in reality, so you need a virtual world to validate you. 

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4 minutes ago, Emptyeyes said:

False. There is a difference between being considerate of how you act here than just putting on a silly gimmick. Your misrepresentation of yourself for the purpose of stirring up conflict is what provokes people. You talk about the definition a "real man", yet you've been "messy" the entire time. 


Your false sense of superiority is typical, because this is the internet, where it champions the likes of you and cowards. You can't confront and resolve the underlining issues you have in reality, so you need a virtual world to validate you. 

Sage advice, herein:



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8 hours ago, Emptyeyes said:

False. There is a difference between being considerate of how you act here than just putting on a silly gimmick. Your misrepresentation of yourself for the purpose of stirring up conflict is what provokes people. You talk about the definition a "real man", yet you've been "messy" the entire time. 


Your false sense of superiority is typical, because this is the internet, where it champions the likes of you and cowards. You can't confront and resolve the underlining issues you have in reality, so you need a virtual world to validate you. 

Are you crying? 

Edited by weneedhim
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1 hour ago, weneedhim said:

I'm not going to quote and respond to Dayana, but he is wrong.

You talk a lot about manhood, but don't have the decency to quote me (or spell my name right) about why I'm wrong?


1 hour ago, weneedhim said:

My posts are a breathe of fresh air to many former SRK people here.

The only air you emit smells like this.


1 hour ago, weneedhim said:

it gives back that experience that made us actual members of the FGC community

No it doesn't. Last time I remember, people who need to go shopping for chromosomes due to their schizo posting were never given real value. Disappear.


1 hour ago, weneedhim said:

However, the others you see on this page getting angry at me are just those who demand that everyone has the same teddy bears tone.

GD was and is chill, but only because we're comfortable and familiar with each other. That's why we get away with clowning on each other all the time. That teddy bearism that you're talking is a result of friendship in a group that you're excluded from.


1 hour ago, weneedhim said:

I said before that these FGC forums today, they really stink. It needs men who are willing to make the Man posts. Others here feel that time of salvation is coming. I can be aggressive but it's for good reasons.  

LOL. You're judging a lot for someone whose posture I can smell from across the country. You want to talk about stink? If you finally pulled yourself out of your cum fermented RGB dungeon and waded past the cock mushrooms that blocked your door into the sunlight, you'd see that the concept of manhood has evolved. FYI, it never even began from where you started.

Please broaden your horizons. Yes you can be aggressive, but only to yourself. If you stopped trying 24/7 to get your dick up more than twice a week to get that blast of pleasure, you'd join in on the fun that MS has to offer.

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2 minutes ago, weneedhim said:

Are you crying? 

No, but your response here of being evasive from I've said supports my observation from the nature of you. It's nice that you've conceded, but it won't do any good, and that's on you.  


Know this, the more you try to get under my skin, the more I'm going to keep telling you about yourself, to where someday the dormant version of you will surface. 

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3 hours ago, Dayaan said:

Nihilism is only born and maintained through flawed pragmatism that is self-serving and easy to ignore, but isolatory and implosive. It's easy because, despite our need for social connections, it's inbred. Humans can overcome that though, because we have free will.


And, by the way, people tire of anything. It's dishonest and disrespectful to say that other humans don't grow tired of social interactions. It can become like work. Working past those growing pains is a powerful motivator and a strong inspiration to succeed and justify ambition.

One question, if you don't mind me asking. How can we truly confirm what's universally a flawed path in life, when we have nothing of reference to an absolute, other than being dependent on our anecdotal experiences and subjectivity in things?  When questioning this, I'm more pessimistic if personal progress for the individual is worth something.


Sometimes, I wish that I could measure up to the notion of what's commonly believed from right or wrong. This always stuck with me, " Good and evil doesn't exist. What's left are only the diversities of perspectives and stand points that separates people". 



Edited by Emptyeyes
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1 minute ago, Emptyeyes said:

One question, if you don't mind me asking. How can we truly confirm what's universally a flawed path in life, when we don't have nothing of reference to an absolute, other than being dependent own our anecdotal experiences and subjectivity in things?  When questioning this, I'm more pessimistic if personal progress for the individual is worth something.


Sometimes, I wish that I could measure up to the notion of what's commonly believed from right or wrong. This always stuck with me, " Good and evil doesn't exist. What's left are only the diversities of perspectives and stand points that separates people". 



Social and societal constructs determine what's flawed and what isn't. For example, in my culture (which is heavily influenced by religion), an example of a perfect and flawless life might be one of the Prophet (hypothetically). You're probably thinking that this is: 

a) Ridiculous! He was a rapist!

b) But... That's what you believe in, not me...

c) Yeah, nice arbitration, retard.


You would be correct to think that what defines flaws and perfections is arbitrary. Since philosophy regarding culture is so deep-rooted in religion and ultimately the metaphysical, you reach a point where you simply cannot debate any more. As such, the personal enforcement of what is and isn't healthy must be arbitrated based on the community around us. If it's not already implied, the reason for this is because through our interactions with acquaintances and people that are closer to us, we ultimately build relationships that operate on a trading basis. We give each other things and receive things. These can be tangible or intangible, which is fine. The exchange of communications, feelings and items of value is literally the basis of coexistence, which is inevitable for humans.


Through this understanding, we can properly ask what is and isn't flawed. Perhaps for you, a flawless personal philosophy may be self-service. Why wouldn't you manipulate people to get what you want? The answer lies in sonder. It isn't until you acknowledge that there are other adaptable, conscious, and intelligent humans that you realise that you can't keep approaching everything one way. This simply does not work, as others will be working towards their own goals.


By the way, personal philosophies are less about statements and more about being fluid to achieve the end goal. That's why many people's role model could be a Prophet or messenger. It's unlikely that they dress in robes and spread messages in town squares. Instead, the modern way to spread religion is less by speech and more by example.


This is where community interaction comes into play. Similar to how socialism seems to work on paper, pure self-service (and ultimately the inevitable conclusion of nihilism [as previously referenced in my conclusion that it is flawed pragmatism]) doesn't work because it clashes with the human need to evolve as a group. You want to know what's flawed? Ask questions, and when you can't ask questions, research things that the general community doesn't know but has stored. If nothing is available, you use your best judgement (which is built through socialisation - another point in favor of practicality over philosophical theory) to decide whether you want to do the task at hand. 


Life is this unending process of discovery and personal evolution. By the way, if you were truly a nihilist, you wouldn't be here. Perhaps you have hope, or maybe that's corny for you. Hope is corny to me; I much prefer preparation. Maybe you're like me and you don't care about what could have been and are instead looking for ways to turns your could-bes into should-bes. In my experience, hope leads to entitlement, which leaves you vulnerable to despair. That's why nihilism is so accessible. It's so easy to lose your way, because your "failure" could just as easily push you back a step as it could trip you to fall. If you don't take care to balance yourself, you will fall.


Hope this helped. There is no answer. At least, there is no answer that you can't find for yourself.

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12 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

By the way, if you were truly a nihilist, you wouldn't be here.

And wouldn't be in therapy either. What I'm really trying to say is that I'm indecisive right now on which way I want to go to clear things up. But, nice read from you. 

Edited by Emptyeyes
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10 minutes ago, Emptyeyes said:

And wouldn't be in therapy either. What I'm really trying to say is that I'm indecisive right now on which way I want to go to clear things up. But, nice read from you. 

Yeah. Respectfully, I don't think you could ever be a nihilist. Pessimism is a spectrum, the healthiest of which I think is caution. 


If you're indecisive, you should try to find meaning and purpose in the responsibilities you currently have instead of trying to find a meaning and purpose in responsibilities you don't have and/or want to create. That's not to say that you shouldn't explore life, but unless you're making the present worthwhile, you're going to close your eyes every night with a single regret from a time gone by and that's going to kill you.



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1 hour ago, Dayaan said:

If you're indecisive, you should try to find meaning and purpose in the responsibilities you currently have instead of trying to find a meaning and purpose in responsibilities you don't have and/or want to create.

I guess I would like to add to that is being concerned about failing to have a lifetime duration of what I could be passionate about. I would like to love doing a future job, instead of just to be working for survival, and just to exist. That always made things depressing for me and having a short-term interest on what I thought could be a lasting career, it led to despair. So, hopefully I could have a life long interest in things, because turns in a chore of obligation to deal with otherwise.


Anyway, another impressive post from you.

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So, even some of the messy discord members are making fun of me by mentioning my nickname. Someone said that my "eyes aren't real" and said that I've "coked out". If true about coke comment, LOL. It's like I'm living in old times again with 20 year old boys on the server. It can't be helped....

Edited by Emptyeyes
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40 minutes ago, Emptyeyes said:

I guess I would like to add to that is being concerned about failing to have a lifetime duration of what I could be passionate about. I would like to love doing a future job, instead of just to be working for survival, and just to exist. That always made things depressing for me and having a short-term interest on what I thought could be a lasting career, it led to despair. So, hopefully I could have a life long interest in things, because turns in a chore of obligation to deal with otherwise.


Anyway, another impressive post from you.

AS someone who does something I'm passionate about for a career, I can tell you it changes your relationship to whatever it is. I definitely still enjoy playing and such, but I'm much less likely now to come home and pick up the guitar when I've been doing that all day at the studio. Sometimes it's best to just work a job you can tolerate that gives you what you need and keep the passion projects for your spare time. Just my 2 cents tho.

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Sweden Joins Germany, France, Italy, and Spain in Pausing Use of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine


STOCKHOLM — Sweden is pausing the use of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine as a precautionary measure amid concerns about reports of blood clots in some recipients in Europe.

“The decision is a precautionary measure,” Sweden’s chief epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, said in a statement.

The move by the Swedish Public Health Agency was to remain in effect until an investigation by the European Medicines Agency into suspected side effects is complete.

A growing number of European countries — including Germany, France, Italy and Spain — have suspended use of AstraZeneca’s vaccine, though the company and international regulators say there is no evidence the shot is to blame for the blood clots.


Funny, I always had more faith in the AstraZeneca vaccine than the Pfeizer one.



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My kid has teeth coming in so of course he was up half the night screaming and drinking stuff like a fucking college kid. Thank god for double caff coffee pods.


I've been watching that NCIS show with the missus and I gotta say I really like the old man master trope, like a Musashi/Kliff in GG/Yunfei in SamSho type character who's a grizzled old man but still kicks ass.

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11 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

My kid has teeth coming in so of course he was up half the night screaming and drinking stuff like a fucking college kid. Thank god for double caff coffee pods.


I have read of teeth drops for infants to relieve that pain


And also, you have a kid? Wow. Is everyone already a parent in this board?

Edited by AriesWarlock
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Considering most folks on here are generally between mid 30s to 40s, that's not unreasonable assumption.


IiRc, those WITHOUT kids:

Dangerous J 



Stuart Hayden 


Master Bee 





B Tier 





I don't know the rest.


Edited by DangerousJ
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27 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Is everyone already a parent in this board?

Not me, but I've thought about it in recent times compared to the days of old. I think it can be a beautiful thing to have one or more, preferring a daughter a little more over a son. Maybe burying solitude can leave doors open for someone who could relate to or understand me, instead of looking at them purely for lust. Assuming if I would have a child in the future, I would prefer the biological method over adoption.  

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54 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

I have read of teeth drops for infants to relieve that pain


And also, you have a kid? Wow. Is everyone already a parent in this board?

Yep even I have a kid lol! He's about a year and a half old so still collecting his teeth. We didn't know he had one coming in but every time he does, it totally fucks with his sleep, which in turn fucks with our sleep. Soooo, Doc is running on 3 hours of sleep and a shit ton of caffeine today lol.

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38 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Considering most folks on here are generally between mid 30s to 40s, that's not unreasonable assumption.


IiRc, those WITHOUT kids:

Dangerous J 



Stuart Hayden 


Master Bee 





B Tier 





I don't know the rest.


No kids.


My pull-out game is stronger than Epi's. :coffee:

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18 hours ago, JHDK said:

Cisco posts the way ParryAll looks.

I've forget about this post, but wasn't he the Street Fighter 3 player in the older times who picked Chunli so much? I've also recalled him idolizing players like SaBre and Dark Tien. Yes, I've had my run ins with them in online gaming. They were well versed respectably.

Edited by Emptyeyes
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8 minutes ago, Emptyeyes said:

I've forget about this post, but wasn't he the Street Fighter 3 player in the older times who picked Chunli so much? I've also recalled him idealizing players like SaBre and Dark Tien. Yes, I've had my run ins with them in online gaming. They were well versed respectably.

ParryAll is the horse's ass who talked all sorts of "I'm a pimp" shit, and then had the bad sense to post his horse's face.


There was no parrying the ensuing fallout over THAT. 


It was a really, REALLY bad read, on his part.



Hellah funny read on SRK, though.



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1 minute ago, weneedhim said:

This thread became disgusting. The last couple of pages are a bunch of dudes crying and gossiping like a bunch of girls. This attitude is unhealthy for a man.  

This is not right. We are enabling  and celebrating girlymanism. It has to stop!


I need to go give blood, now.


The irony intake is simply too dense up in here.

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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

Considering most folks on here are generally between mid 30s to 40s, that's not unreasonable assumption.


IiRc, those WITHOUT kids:

Dangerous J 



Stuart Hayden 


Master Bee 





B Tier 





I don't know the rest.


I have no kids. My sister's children are enough for me.

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46 minutes ago, JHDK said:

ParryAll is the horse's ass who talked all sorts of "I'm a pimp" shit, and then had the bad sense to post his horse's face.


There was no parrying the ensuing fallout over THAT. 


It was a really, REALLY bad read, on his part.



Hellah funny read on SRK, though.



I've been rereading some old srk threads and ParryAll was fucking dumb. Even when I agreed with him, I felt bad about myself. 

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1 hour ago, weneedhim said:

This thread became disgusting. The last couple of pages are a bunch of dudes crying and gossiping like a bunch of girls. This attitude is unhealthy for a man.  

This is not right. We are enabling  and celebrating girlymanism. It has to stop!


I wish the higher ups either ban Cisco now or someone confronts HIM with a sharp deadly weapon, where they pierce it deeply through HIS flesh, feeling out the depletion of HIS life slipping away. A little humor with bold letters that HE does, but it's all very tiresome. I've reached the point of no return with HIM. *Rolls eyes*

Edited by Emptyeyes
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2 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Is it me or does tell women you're not interested in a relationship achieve the opposite effect? It's like they take that shit as a challenge.


Then they get mad when their plans fail, like he literally told you he's not with it. You played yourself 😂

they’re probably the same type of women who thinks liking true crime podcasts is having a quirky personality 

Edited by iStu X
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