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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

i had heard from older folks, how jimmy carter was, too smart to be president.


now i understand why.



Seems to me like all the people who really do want to change things leave Capitol Hill disgusted while the ones who just want to be important and don't really care about doing the right thing as much as continuing to play the game, thrive. 

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4 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Without him there likely wouldn't be the line as we know it today as he was the man who gave the pitch to Hasbro. Saying he was the creator "oversells" it just a bit. 

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7 hours ago, HD-Man said:

It's gotten to the point where I gotta TRICK my coworker into doing his job cuz my manager is too pussy to make anybody but me actually do their job. 


Manager annoyed because I "forgot" (I intentionally didn't do the task so that other mfer would actually do some work). I frequently have to come up with schemes to get some productivity when it's my managers fuckin job to do that😂


I'm laughing but it's annoying as fuck to have the bulk of the work unfairly and constantly thrown on you, then have to come up with Kingpin style plots to get help. And it's not even a secret that my coworker doesn't do shit, like wtf

Actual image of HD-Man at work


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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

Seems to me like all the people who really do want to change things leave Capitol Hill disgusted while the ones who just want to be important and don't really care about doing the right thing as much as continuing to play the game, thrive. 

In my time playing Magic The gathering again, it's painfully obvious that you can "win" more if you use more...dirty tactics rather than playing a "fair" deck. 

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1 hour ago, NinetiesArcades said:

wtf...just received email from corpo we going back to full remote work starting tomorrow. Just how bad is this Omnicron variant?? Do i need to be strap when walking around? I gotta prep up!


I've only heard  (and the post Reticently put up seems to reiterate this) that the Unicron Variant isn't as deadly as Delta but it's more contagious.  Of course results may vary and what sister's husband's best friend apparently has been living his best life without giving a flying fuck and has gotten CoVid twice...This is now his 3rd time getting CoVid and he's actually one of the first people in VA to get the Omega Beam Variant and now he's in the hospital on a respirator.  No he did not get the shot.

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1 hour ago, TheInfernoman said:

Chinese Zodiac is superior...

They say Hindu astrology is superior.


Medieval predictive astrology  is also very interesting. Check out Robert Zoller, the man who translated and brought to the modern world lost astrological content such as the Arabic numbers. He's also credited for predicting a tragic event two years beforehand

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On 12/14/2021 at 6:16 PM, HD-Man said:

With this whole thing with restaurants fuckin over servers taking their tips, I may stop supporting restaurants that do that or better yet, I'll just CashApp/PayPal servers instead so that money goes directly to their account where the managers can't touch it

I hear ya.  I have pulled the old,"Left my phone on the table" trick to make the waiter/waitress come outside.  When they do, I hand them the tip and say,"Put it in your pocket and don't share it with the rest of them." so that such as this won't happen.  Ironically, the place I used to work at didn't do this and sometimes they got some stupid big tips.  I'm talking,"Rent/car/electric/mortgage/The whole damn list is covered!" kinds of tips. 

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28 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Say what you will about NRS but I love the prefight interactions between the characters. It adds personality to both them and the game.

Agreed, the story, lore and the special dialog is pretty much the only reasons I play NRS games, it damn sure ain't for the jank gameplay 😂


But yea, presentation and the little things matter, we need more of that in games

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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Say what you will about NRS but I love the prefight interactions between the characters. It adds personality to both them and the game.

NRS is killing it in general in terms of presentation. I remember being hype for MKX in 2015, thinking it looked so good. It's the primary reason I got a PS4, even. But if you compare MK11 to MKX it's hard to believe the jump in presentation quality. Almost everything took a step up. That's dedication to upping the ante.


I just wish that translated to gameplay. I'll give it to them: they try different stuff at least. But no MK since MK9 has "caught" me gameplay wise.

Edited by axeman61
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Just watched a TikTok of a woman critising the writing in Marvel because the only ever tell the women to control their emotions and get their shit together. 


And I'm sitting here like....did we watch the same fucking movies? 3 Ironman movies full of people telling Tony he's an asshole and to get it together. Banners entire arc is learning to control and except his emotions (The Hulk), Thor's full of this shit to, literally kicked out of Asgard because he can't control his fucking ego, and we haven't even gotten to the books yet. 


I don't understand why a genre full of shit worthy of criticism somehow people miss the mark so fucking hard constantly. It's right up there with people saying Bruce hoards his wealth and doesn't use any of it to better Gotham. FUCKING WHAT!?!?! Actually she did bring up Bruce and that no one tells him hes fucking up except they do that all the god damn time. Arrrrg. 

Edited by RSG3
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6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Just watched a TikTok of a woman critising the writing in Marvel because the only ever tell the women to control their emotions and get their shit together. 


And I'm sitting here like....did we watch the same fucking movies? 3 Ironman movies full of people telling Tony he's an asshole and to get it together. Banners entire arc is learning to control and except his emotions (The Hulk), Thor's full of this shit to, literally kicked out of Asgard because he can't control his fucking ego, and we haven't even gotten to the books yet. 


I don't understand why a genre full of shit worthy of criticism somehow people miss the mark so fucking hard constantly. It's right up there with people saying Bruce hoards his wealth and doesn't use any of it to better Gotham. FUCKING WHAT!?!?! Actually she did bring up Bruce and that no one tells him hes fucking up except they do that all the god damn time. Arrrrg. 

To be fair most people ignore the second and third iron man. His stories specifically seemed to stay in a very tight space of just iron man. I get why Disney doesn't wanna really put his issues up front because they don't like alcoholism playing a part but I think alot of people will miss this part because 2&3 are so ignored. 



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11 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Just watched a TikTok of a woman critising the writing in Marvel because the only ever tell the women to control their emotions and get their shit together. 


And I'm sitting here like....did we watch the same fucking movies? 3 Ironman movies full of people telling Tony he's an asshole and to get it together. Banners entire arc is learning to control and except his emotions (The Hulk), Thor's full of this shit to, literally kicked out of Asgard because he can't control his fucking ego, and we haven't even gotten to the books yet. 


I don't understand why a genre full of shit worthy of criticism somehow people miss the mark so fucking hard constantly. It's right up there with people saying Bruce hoards his wealth and doesn't use any of it to better Gotham. FUCKING WHAT!?!?! Actually she did bring up Bruce and that no one tells him hes fucking up except they do that all the god damn time. Arrrrg. 

A lot of things in the MCU have characters fucking up and or their ego getting to large and then having the consequences occur to either effect them or others.  Hell Hawkeye right now is a whole series of dealing with the the consequences of Clint's stint as Ronin.  So yeah I don't know what the fuck that lady is going on about.  This more so sounds like she's ignoring the movies criticism of the men in the movies and only honing on criticism that's thrown at the women.  To be honest I'm flipping through scenes in my mind palace in the MCU and consequences coming back on the female characters in the MCU haven't been as prevalent as the male characters unless I'm missing something.  The only woman in the MCU I can think this really applies to is Scarlet which I mean...considering what she did was pretty fucked up.  I'm halfway curious to listen to the tik tok in question just hear what she has to say but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna hard disagree.

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16 minutes ago, iStu X said:

This is a flat out lie. Jeanie has had some amazing moments. 

Is it a lie if I generally never cared much for the character? I have a list of favorite xmen and Jean is never on mine personally


Do I dislike her? No she's aight in my book. Is she what I think of when the word "cool" pops up? Nah 🤷🏾‍♂️

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41 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Just watched a TikTok of a woman critising the writing in Marvel because the only ever tell the women to control their emotions and get their shit together. 


And I'm sitting here like....did we watch the same fucking movies? 3 Ironman movies full of people telling Tony he's an asshole and to get it together. Banners entire arc is learning to control and except his emotions (The Hulk), Thor's full of this shit to, literally kicked out of Asgard because he can't control his fucking ego, and we haven't even gotten to the books yet. 


I don't understand why a genre full of shit worthy of criticism somehow people miss the mark so fucking hard constantly. It's right up there with people saying Bruce hoards his wealth and doesn't use any of it to better Gotham. FUCKING WHAT!?!?! Actually she did bring up Bruce and that no one tells him hes fucking up except they do that all the god damn time. Arrrrg. 

The thing about this that I find funny is that almost all of the MCU cast are based of their Ultimates Universe counterparts where they’re faulty, morally ambiguous, emotionally vulnerable and overall more “human”/relatable. 

also irons man’s entire mythos is him being a douche bag futurist who thinks he’s the smartest person in the room regardless of the situation. Just read any iron man story leading into and after the first Civil War if you wanna know how bad he gets. Especially Hickmans avengers/new avengers run 


Edited by iStu X
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9 minutes ago, iStu X said:

The thing about this that I find funny is that almost all of the MCU cast are based of their Ultimates Universe counterparts where they’re faulty, morally ambiguous, emotionally vulnerable and overall more “human”/relatable. 

also irons man’s entire mythos is him being a douche bag futurist who thinks he’s the smartest person in the room regardless of the situation. Just read any iron man story leading into and after the first Civil War if you wanna know how bad he gets. Especially Hickmans avengers/new avengers run 


I think the problem is the comics lay it out very clearly. Years worth of storytelling where it's very clear oh no Tony wtf are you doing. As opposed to movies where it's 15 min of wrong doing and we fix it all in the third act. 


Im gonna assume her issues are mostly based on bri Larson and Wanda in general. Those are the only women I can think of that fit the description of what she's tellin. 

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39 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Is it a lie if I generally never cared much for the character? I have a list of favorite xmen and Jean is never on mine personally


Do I dislike her? No she's aight in my book. Is she what I think of when the word "cool" pops up? Nah 🤷🏾‍♂️

The last time I saw someone this disinterested in Jean Grey he looked like this....


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