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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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^haha any blackface pic is always hilarious to me; the shit just looks funny.  I bet others probably think the same but just don't want to admit it since we're *supposed to be* offended by it.  I remember there was a time Ted Danson did blackface at a party and that was outed a long time ago... surprisingly his career survived it though.  This was way back when he was still mostly known for being the main dude from "Cheers", and he was hooked up with Whoopi (*one of the strangest celeb hook-ups I've ever seen)


There's a few guys that are big fans of the "Manosphere" channels in youtube... I've seen $500 superchats from those 2 on a regular basis, across various shows.  One of the guys passed away last year.


On another note... today is the birthday of the lovely Rashida Jones...she's 46 now.  I'd still eat that.


on another hotness note though... I tried looking up a clip of how Gabi was looking in this week's episodes of Days, but no luck... I guess NBC clamped down on people uploading even clips of recent stuff.... but check this shit out... look at how FINE this girl is...

just ridiculous....look at this perfection.  She's #1 in my rankings for good reasons.

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I hope I live to see a 1 to 1 male to female draft, women will probably STFU forever after they go through the meat grinder of a World War.  That's if they even show up, which they probably wouldn't.  I had buddies in the Marines/Army and the females would be in sick bay every month when they had their periods so they could get out of work.  But yeah, they WERE JUST AS CAPABLE AS THE MEN AND DESERVE RESPECT  REEEEEEEE!!!

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1 hour ago, J-ride said:

I hope I live to see a 1 to 1 male to female draft, women will probably STFU forever after they go through the meat grinder of a World War.  That's if they even show up, which they probably wouldn't.  I had buddies in the Marines/Army and the females would be in sick bay every month when they had their periods so they could get out of work.  But yeah, they WERE JUST AS CAPABLE AS THE MEN AND DESERVE RESPECT  REEEEEEEE!!!

I think it's easy enough to predict the smart play... that ultimate card they have up their sleeve...

"Oh... actually I just found out I'm pregnant."

and just like that, she has the "Get out of war" card, easy... some of it may actually be real just to get out of there, and thus, a 2nd Baby Boomer era begins, perhaps.


....and those "devoid of creativity" simpletons that come up with names for generations... we all know they'd call the new generation "New Boomers" or "Baby Boomers II".... or they might even define a new level of intellectual laziness and just call them "Baby Boomers" again.... similar to entertainment when a new thing has exactly the same name, and you thus have to add the year so people know which one you're talking about now...e.g. -- "Doom 2016"

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Oh yeah I'm a bit late on that; I just started seeing commercials for it I think about a week or 2 ago... unfortunately, due to the type of show it is, and being on regular network television (*in the modern era where feminine beauty is seen as a bad thing in Hollywood and the gaming industry), there's basically zero chance of even a simple underwear scene.  It started this week on NBC 


She was around before, but the first time I saw Morena was the remake of "V" on ABC some years ago....unfortunately it didn't last long; I think it was canceled after about 2 seasons....she was the alien high commander there.  It was a cool show as well:


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40 minutes ago, MillionX said:


She was around before, but the first time I saw Morena was the remake of "V" on ABC some years ago....unfortunately it didn't last long; I think it was canceled after about 2 seasons....she was the alien high commander there.  It was a cool show as well:

First place I saw her was Firefly where she was a 'companion" a really expensive high class hooker lol. 

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hahaha, I fell asleep listening to a youtube podcast as usual... and it factored into the dream.  I was at a movie theater with friends (*remember the good ol' days of going to a theater being a regular occurrence?), and one of them was listening to a podcast on his phone...but with no headphones, and it just got obnoxiously loud. The volume turned way up for some reason right when one of the hosts went on a rant comparing Latinos with Black and White people in America... so things got socially uncomfortable pretty fast as several people in the theater turned around to look back at us with angry/annoyed/offended looks.  It kept getting worse as the lights went down and the movie was about to start.  Awkward would be an understatement... I was trying to distance myself like "nah I don't know these people."  


This has been the first dream I've remembered in a while.

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8 hours ago, RSG3 said:


You failed us bro. How could you not tell us the amazing Morena Beccarin has a new show on the Peacock? You're supposed to be keeping tabs remember!?!?!

Maybe its time you stop jacking off bro. What if Puttin nukes us all out, can you imagine the double defeat knowing the Russian who died with you managed to go out having real intimacy, while you were still using your hand?

Go find an ugly girl while there is still time. 




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Russia Booted from 2022 Eurovision Song Contest



Russia was kicked out of the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest on Friday with organisers saying its inclusion could “bring the competition into disrepute.”

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) issued a statement following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine explaining its decision.

The EBU, an alliance of public service media organisations that produces the contest – said its executive board made the decision after a recommendation made by the Eurovision song contest’s governing body.


It made clear it is a rules-based organization and on “the rules of the event and the values of the EBU” Russia would be excluded. They outlined:

The decision reflects concern that, in light of the unprecedented crisis in Ukraine, the inclusion of a Russian entry in this year’s contest would bring the competition into disrepute.

Before making this decision the EBU took time to consult widely among its membership. The EBU is an apolitical member organisation of broadcasters committed to upholding the values of public service.

We remain dedicated to protecting the values of a cultural competition which promotes international exchange and understanding, brings audiences together, celebrates diversity through music and unites Europe on one stage.

The EBU was criticised for its previous decision to allow Russia to compete, and had referred to the contest as a “non-political cultural event”, pointing out that Ukraine and Russia would both compete.

SVT, the Swedish state broadcaster, had originally criticised this response and called on the EBU to reverse course.





Ted Cruz Praises Bitcoin Wallet for Standing Up to Canadian Tyranny

In a speech at CPAC, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) praised, a Canadian-based provider of self-custodial Bitcoin (BTC) wallets, for mocking the Canadian government’s lack of understanding of cryptocurrency after it received a demand to freeze wallets connected to the Freedom Convoy truckers — a demand it is technologically incapable of meeting.

Self-custodial wallets — the kind provides — are decentralized by design, and cannot be shut down or “frozen” even by the developers that created them.

Nevertheless, on February 17, the company received a letter Ontario Superior Court ordering them to do the impossible: freeze and disclose information about Freedom Convoy assets on Nunchuk wallets.

The company posted its response on Twitter.




“We do not collect any user identification beyond email addresses. We also do not hold any keys,” wrote the Nunchuk team in its response.

“Therefore: we cannot ‘freeze’ our users’ assets. We cannot ‘prevent’ them from being moved. We do not have knowledge of the ‘existence, nature, value and location’ of our users’ assets. This is by design.”

The company closed off its letter with a swipe at the deteriorating value of the Canadian dollar.

“Please look up how self custody and private keys work. When the Canadian dollar becomes worthless, we will be here to serve you too.”




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13 hours ago, Camacho said:


I'm not a lawyer or judge. I can't interpret how best the Oakes test would be applied. Given the circumstances of being in a global pandemic, I'm sure a Supreme Court Judge would have a very interesting opinion in relation to the protests and mandates.


You see peaceful protests. Most Canadians saw disruptions and penalties for something they may possibly be thousands of miles away from. It was an overwhelmingly unpopular protest that cost us billions. My cousin in Ottawa was harassed and kept up day and night from them being in his neighborhood. He could barely get into work. My friends in Windsor couldn't go to school or even get on the bus.


I won't do any moral grandstanding since what happens in the US is something that America and Americans need to decide, but comparing police brutality to public health mandates doesn't sit right with me.


That blackface picture is funny tho lol

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Oh damn






NEW YORK, Feb 26 (Reuters) - The United States, Britain, Europe and Canada on Saturday moved to block Russia's access to the SWIFT international payment system as part of another round of sanctions against Moscow as it continues its assault against Ukraine.

SWIFT is the world's main international payments network.


“It’s the closest thing to a declaration of war from a financial perspective. If there was an actual hot war between the US and Russia, these are the kind of sanctions that one would expect to occur.

"It’s going to result in Russia being viewed as radioactive by US and EU banks, which in turn would be a major barrier to trade with Russia.”


“You need a functioning banking system to have a functioning economy. This goes some way toward undermining the Russian economy.”


"This move to remove Russia from SWIFT means that they are actually putting their money where their mouths are. This curtails Russia’s ability to execute transactions around the world, and cuts their financial flows off from most countries, so it is a severe step that should get their full attention.


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World Judo Federation Suspends Vladimir Putin as Honorary President







Poland, Sweden Refuse to Play Russia in World Cup Qualifiers




The national soccer teams of Poland and Sweden have refused to play against Russia during the upcoming World Cup qualifiers due to that country’s unprovoked attack against Ukraine.

The news was announced first by Poland’s Football Association President Cezary Kulesza, who tweeted on Saturday that his national team had decided to take action.



Following on the heels of Poland’s announcement, the Swedish national team decided they too would decline their match against Russia.

“The illegal and deeply unjust invasion of Ukraine currently makes all football exchanges with Russia impossible. We therefore call on FIFA to decide that the playoff matches in March in which Russia participates are cancelled. But no matter what FIFA chooses to do, we will not play Russia in March,” said Karl-Erik Nilsson, president of the Swedish Football Association.

“We find it hard to believe that FIFA will not heed our call. Russia cannot be involved as long as this madness continues.”


As CBS Sports reports:

Russia was set to play Poland on March 24 in a semifinal playoff game in Moscow, and the winner of that match would face the victor between Sweden and the Czech Republic, who were scheduled to play on the same date in Sweden. That winner goes onto the World Cup in Qatar later this year.

The response comes days after FIFA President Gianni Infantino on Thursday failed to cancel the playoff games or condemn the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Infantino has praised in the past. Putin, who hosted the 2018 World Cup, awarded Infantino with a “friendship” medal in 2019.



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Ukraine agrees to hold talks with Russia at the Belarusian border
After a phone call with Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko on Sunday, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy agreed to hold talks with Russia at the Belarus border, per AFP. Also on Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the military to put its nuclear forces on the highest level of alert in response to what he called “aggressive statements” by NATO countries.



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