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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 minute ago, Lantis said:

What rubs me the wrong way about all this are human beings (immigrants) being treated as pawns in some fuckin twisted petty political games just for the sake of "owning" liberal states. I'm pretty sure several human rights have been violated with all this petty nonsense

But dey pwned de libs, it's so great right!?!?!

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1 minute ago, Lantis said:

What rubs me the wrong way about all this are human beings (immigrants) being treated as pawns in some fuckin twisted petty political games just for the sake of "owning" liberal states. I'm pretty sure several human rights have been violated with all this petty nonsense


I was about to bring that up too. This right here is the issue. Because the real dirty little secret is that a lot of the red states have relied on illegal workforces for decades. Whether it's be from legalized low wage sruff like the brazeros program or just outright illegals.


They only want to be scene as tough on illegals foe the sake of voters. 

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2 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

You guys just believe whatever the news tells you eh?  Sad world...


remind of them old timers "its gotta be true, they cant lie in the newspaper"

Not really, but I'm not also gonna believe a random wacko recording from his mom's basement in front of an American flag claiming to have DE TRUUTH because he read some random article on the internet

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Yeah, I realize that. 


I thought you got bant man.  Was sad you wasnt gonna be able to talk about all our fat women and helping single dudes get fat women.🤣


Some dude on discord said that he found out that a school near him has put down litter boxes (for cats) in the bathrooms so that kids that identify as cats have a place to relieve themselves.  Sad world?  No.  Fuckin' sick world.

Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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14 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Not really, but I'm not also gonna believe a random wacko recording from his mom's basement in front of an American flag claiming to have DE TRUUTH because he read some random article on the internet

You could be like Faltimer and believe random dudes on Discord instead. 


He still believes kids are using litter boxes in school bathrooms. 

Edited by RSG3
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10 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

What was even the reason to fly the immigrants anywhere? Was there some legislation DeSantis wanted to make a statement about, or was he just like "fuck it, what else I got to do today?"

The reason was to try and make the souther boarder problem a northern boarder problem. People are under this stupid delusion the north doesnt have illigal immigrants so he thought they would panic and not know what to do and look stupid. That was the point. The north has tons of illegal immigrants tho, 50 more isn't going to phase them, and it didn't. They took care them. 


Ron spent 11-12 Million tax payers dollars illegally flying immigrants north as a PR and publicity stunt. To "own the libs" Florida has 12 million less tax payer dollars to spend on Florida because of this stunt. 

Edited by RSG3
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46 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Well they should complain since what they did was illegal, and they were unprepared. Of course they complained. People complain when others break the law. That's Normal as fuck. 


What they actually thought would happen is that MV would be so unprepared they wouldn't know what to do and would panic. What actually happened was the whole community banded together to help these people and then they "complained" by pointing out what a piece of shit DeSantis is and that he broke the law. 


Your point doesn't even make sense as there are tons of illegals up north. Where did you ever get the idea the north doesn't have an immigration problem? Because they are north? Well your wrong just like DeSantis was wrong about his stupid, cruel, illegal plan to fuck with these innocent people just to "own the libs." Fucking disgusting. 


Just like J-Ride, you don't know what you are on about with this story. 


So is coming into the country without a visa. I don't hear you complaining about that though.


I grew up in farm country in NY state, most of the illegal people up there are folks who came up originally on work visas and just overstayed, and it's hella disingenuous to act like that number of people is even remotely close to what border states like Texas have to deal with. Commending Martha's Vineyard for pulling together to help 50 people (which is great) is funny considering that 50 people is an absolute drop in the bucket. There are not "tons of illegals" up North; there are some, but nowhere close to what's in Texas. DeSantis and Abbott are giving these states & cities the opportunity to put their money where their mouths are, but in typical "elite" fashion, the response is "why should we have to deal with this? This is your problem, but we should still get to be self righteous about without having to deal with it."


7 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

The reason was to try and make the souther boarder problem a northern boarder problem. That was the point. The north has tons of illegals immigrants tho, 50 more isn't going to phase them, and it didn't. They took care them. 


Ron spent 11-12 Million tax payers dollars illegally flying immigrants north as a PR and publicity stunt. 

How much taxpayer money do you think goes toward helping out folks who can't even follow the laws of the country they purport to want to live in from the jump? I'd bet it's a lot more than $11-12 million.


Oh, and as someone who grew up in farm country in NYS, and worked in several restaurants in blue as fuck Atlanta, relying on illegals for labor is hardly exclusive to the red parts of the country.

Edited by DoctaMario
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40 minutes ago, Sonero said:


I was about to bring that up too. This right here is the issue. Because the real dirty little secret is that a lot of the red states have relied on illegal workforces for decades. Whether it's be from legalized low wage sruff like the brazeros program or just outright illegals.


They only want to be scene as tough on illegals foe the sake of voters. 

When I was growing up, it's since changed to "purple", Virginia was a Red State. I lived on a tobacco farm for a short while and it wouldn't function without illegal immigrants. They were the ones that harvested all the tobacco. I remember season an American dude showed up. He didn't come back the next day. I wonder how many of these people have illegals as maids and landscapers. It wouldn't be the first time anti-immigrant people got busted for employing illegal immigrants.

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13 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

How much taxpayer money do you think goes toward helping out folks who can't even follow the laws of the country they purport to want to live in from the jump? I'd bet it's a lot more than $11-12 million.

So despite them generating a bundle of money in every state they work in, you're complaining about the tax money we use to support them?


Watch out man, your xenophobia is showing

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24 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

So is coming into the country without a visa. I don't hear you complaining about that though.

Because it's irrelevant to the conversation. We are talking about a US Government Offical opprotiated state funds to illegally move people across state boarders while lying to them about where they are going. 


You see how they aren't the same? You see how these are two different conversations? You see why I'm not going to bother continuing to talk about this specific thing because it's completely irrelevant and a whataboutism? I hope you do. 


If you absolutely must have my stance I don't have an issue with it. Illegals contribute more to this country then the majority of politicians do, especially shitty ones like DeSantis and Abbot. I don't have an issue with people who contribute to society and illegals do so overwhelmingly. 


24 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

grew up in farm country in NY state, most of the illegal people up there are folks who came up originally on work visas and just overstayed, and it's hella disingenuous to act like that number of people is even remotely close to what border states like Texas have to deal with

Then it's a good thing I never said their immigration issues where 1:1 then huh? I said people are under a stupid delusion the north doesnt have illigal immigrants. They do. Lots and lots of them. I live 2 hours from the Mexican Boarder and I lived in Mass for 15 years. I am very aware of what the immigration issues for both sides of the nation are. 


24 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Commending Martha's Vineyard for pulling together to help 50 people (which is great) is funny considering that 50 people is an absolute drop in the bucket. There are not "tons of illegals" up North; there are some, but nowhere close to what's in Texas. DeSantis and Abbott are giving these states & cities the opportunity to put their money where their mouths are, but in typical "elite" fashion, the response is "why should we have to deal with this?"

50 people is not a drop in the bucket. It's 50 fucking people. Stop it. 


Yes there are tons of illegals up north. Not as many as down south sure, but it's not fucking competition. These are people. And there are a fuckload of them. You constantly downplay it doesn't make it not true. 


If Abbott and DeSantis where actually doing the right thing they wouldn't have had to lie to the migrants. Your excusing their behavior as a "we're just giving you the opportunity to do the right thing" is fucking disgusting. It's gross. They lied and displaced a group of people as a gotcha and you're thinking that's perfectly fine because they entered our country in an unapproved way so it's perfectly fine to treat them like shit and lie to them and send them across a land they know nothing about, to one of the coldest regions in the nation with nothing but false information and you're over here like "Yea that's cool, that makes sense. Also can I get a source on someone from Martha's Vineyard being like "Why should we have to dealmwith this?" Because everything ove seen they've been extremely welcoming and open and helpful. Where are these awful right MV residents saying "Why is this our problem?" All I see is people upset these migrants where lied to and bussed off to a location they will fucking die at if they stay. 


24 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

How much taxpayer money do you think goes toward helping out folks who can't even follow the laws of the country they purport to want to live in from the jump? I'd bet it's a lot more than $11-12 million.

I bet it is...AND GOOD. Our money should be used to help people, citizen or not. It shouldn't be used to lie to people and then plane them across the country. Illegals pay a lot in taxes, I'm fine with tax money being used on a block of people that generate tons of revenue. It's fucked that your not. 


24 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Oh, and as someone who grew up in farm country in NYS, and worked in several restaurants in blue as fuck Atlanta, relying on illegals for labor is hardly exclusive to red states.

No one said it was, in fact I've spent the morning saying that northern states,primarily blue, have lots of illegals. Guess what they fucking work to.

Edited by RSG3
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That's what I wonder.  If its a sanctuary state/city or whatever then why was this even news?  Shouldnt they have just given those people sanctuary and helped them out and house them and get them work and such?  You know, instead of deporting them 24 hours later?


But no, they did deport those people and then they took to the news about how they're not the bad guys its someone else.  But these fuckin' messicans gotta go.  But its still sanctuary place of course.  As long as you have money.

Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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1 minute ago, Lantis said:

So despite them generating a bundle of money in every state they work in, you're complaining about the tax money we use to support them?


Watch out man, your xenophobia is showing

LOL, really? Show me where I complained about it, I'm just raising the question. If simply asking a question in response to what he said is xenophobic, then I guess I am in your estimation.


You realize though that few illegal immigrants pay federal income tax and that states get federal money that could go elsewhere to help deal with the issue, right?

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25 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Oh, and as someone who grew up in farm country in NYS, and worked in several restaurants in blue as fuck Atlanta, relying on illegals for labor is hardly exclusive to the red parts of the country.


That's kind of the point. Only one party is pretending that illegals aren't contributing economically. Which blue states are bussing illegals to red states?


4 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

You realize though that few illegal immigrants pay federal income tax and that states get federal money that could go elsewhere to help deal with the issue, right?


Illegals still pay sales taxes, still end paying property taxes and produce income that's also taxed.


LMAO what point were you even trying to make?

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9 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Because it's irrelevant to the conversation. We are talking about a US Government Offfical opprotiated state funds to illegally move people across state boarders while lying to them about where they are going.


Then it's a good thing I never said their immigration issues where 1:1 then huh? I said people are under a stupid delusion the north doesnt have illigal immigrants. They do. Lots and lots of them. I live 2 hours from the Mexican Boarder and I lived in Mass for 15 years. I am very aware of what the immigration issues for both sides of the nation are. 


50 people is not a drop in the bucket. It's 50 fucking people. Stop it. 


Yes there are tons of illegals up north. Not as many as down south sure, but it's not fucking competition. These are people. And there are a fuckload of them. You constantly downplay it doesn't make it not true. 



How is a group of people entering the country illegally, hence triggering this ENTIRE SITUATION  "irrelevant to the conversation??"  You're complaining about someone doing something "against the law" (citation needed) and then moving the goalposts when it's pointed out to you that the people they "did" it to also broke the law. And 50 people is nothing compared to the thousands that show up at the Texas border every week. You yourself even admit this. Stop moving goalposts.



12 minutes ago, Sonero said:


That's kind of the point. Only one party is pretending that illegals aren't contributing economically. Which blue states are bussing illegals to red states?



Illegals still pay sales taxes, still end paying property taxes and produce income that's also taxed.


LMAO what point were you even trying to make?

The point I'm making is that a lot of federal money is thrown at this problem which comes in via federal income taxes that could go towards schools, infrastructure of other kinds, or revitalizing communities here. Sales and property taxes are state money. I don't know what kind of gotcha you think you have here, but nobody's ever said they don't contribute economically.


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3 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Look if it didn't suck ass to live in other places, they wouldn't be coming over.




In how many of those places did the US have responsibility for making it worse for people lo live there? But we aren't ready for that convo.



This is actually a really good point, and one worth talking about. The US federal government needs to step up its immigration game in terms of processing visas, requiring sponsors, and also not expecting a handful of states to shoulder the issue themselves.

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2 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

"quote the facts to support their biased statements" 


This makes so little sense it's great. 

2 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

The point I'm making is that a lot of federal money is thrown at this problem which comes in via federal income taxes that could go towards schools, infrastructure of other kinds, or revitalizing communities here. Sales and property taxes are state money. I don't know what kind of gotcha you think you have here, but nobody's ever said they don't contribute economically.



And more money is thrown at a lot of red states that don't contribute nearly as much economically as red states. Should we stop giving red states money?


An overwhelming amount of US citizens get tax refunds back too. So illegals not paying federal tax is moot to then working for companies who do pay them. 

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8 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

How is a group of people entering the country illegally, hence triggering this ENTIRE SITUATION  "irrelevant to the conversation??"

Because the convo isn't about illigal aliens its about government officials moving bodies across the country under false pretenses and misappropriation funds to do so. 


8 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

(citation needed)

You seriously need a citation for kidnapping? ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING!?!?! 


8 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

You're complaining about someone doing something "against the law" (citation needed) and then moving the goalposts when it's pointed out to you that the people they "did" it to also broke the law

I moved 0 goal posts. I'm fine admitting entering the nation illigaly is illigal. Kinda why I keep calling them ILLIGAL aliens. I moved 0 goal.posts, you tried to introduce a new goal completely and I refused to play. That's all that happened. We are talking about what DeSantis did. We can talk about illigaly entering the country afterwards if you would like. No goal posts where moved. You tried to introduce a new goal post and no one was interested in shooting shots at is because it's not the goal we are going for in the first place. 


8 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

And 50 people is nothing compared to the thousands that show up at the Texas border every week. You yourself even admit this. Stop moving goalposts.

No goal posts are being moved. It's not a competition of who has the worst illigal situation, only you, DeSantis, and Abbott are making it that. No ones moving goal posts you're trying to pivot the conversation. I'm not falling for it. You're the one who doesn't actually want to have this conversation. We are talking about government officials missing tax payers funds and lying to people about where they where going. That's the conversation. 


Edited by RSG3
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Maaaaan my wife and I went through SOOOOO much BS and red tape to get her permanent residency here in the States, it was insane. We were about to throw the towel a couple of times too, but we persevered. Turns out a lot of it got unnecessarily muddled and complicated thanks to rules imposed during the Trump administration (which is why I hold a personal disdain towards that MF, aside from the other shit he's pulled).


Those procedures need to become much easier if they want illegal immigration to be lessened (not erradicated, as I don't see that going away completely)

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33 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Because the convo isn't about illigal aliens its about government officials moving bodies across the country under false pretenses and misappropriation funds to do so. 


You seriously need a citation for kidnapping? ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING!?!?!

Yes it is. You just want to have the conversation while ignoring the parts of it that are inconvenient to you viewpoint, i.e. that people who immigrate here through the proper channels don't help to precipitate situations like this. And I'm going to need a citation for these folks being forcibly put on those busses and planes. I don't know what you think kidnapping is, but unless these folks were plucked up and moved against their will, that ain't it.


You're making a lot of bad faith arguments here.

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17 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Yes it is. You just want to have the conversation while ignoring the parts of it that are inconvenient to you viewpoint, i.e. that people who immigrate here through the proper channels don't help to precipitate situations like this. And I'm going to need a citation for these folks being forcibly put on those busses and planes. I don't know what you think kidnapping is, but unless these folks were plucked up and moved against their will, that ain't it.


You're making a lot of bad faith arguments here.

kidnapping, also spelled kidnaping, criminal offense consisting of the unlawful taking and carrying away of a person by force or fraud or the unlawful seizure and detention of a person against his wil


You don't even know what the stipulations for kidnapping are. See that fraud part. Yea it counts. Lying to those people to get them on the plane to go somewhere they where lied about. That's fraud and falls under the definition of a kidnapping. Force is not required and never has been.  I don't need to provide a source for force because force isn't a requirement 


Im making 0 bad faith arguments, you just don't know what the fuck you are talking about. 

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1 minute ago, TheInfernoman said:

A friendly reminder that the alphabet agencies are not your friend and will continue to keep manipulating things from all sides. Doesn't matter who is in charge, doesn't matter which side of the aisle, it's all to keep certain interests in place forever until it all comes crashing down. 

Ironically it's the politicians who seem most caught off guard by this. I know for a fucking fact the FBI is not my friend, but Mike Lindell sure seems surprised they aren't his friend lol. 

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3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Ironically it's the politicians who seem most caught off guard by this. I know for a fucking fact the FBI is not my friend, but Mike Lindell sure seems surprised they aren't his friend lol. 

My guess simply is those politicians are not favored by the agencies or at a level where they cannot have access to the bigger picture thus are unaware of what is really going on. 

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3 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

A friendly reminder that the alphabet agencies are not your friend and will continue to keep manipulating things from all sides. Doesn't matter who is in charge, doesn't matter which side of the aisle, it's all to keep certain interests in place forever until it all comes crashing down. 

I grew up with having a dad who served 20 years in the armed forces. So I’m more aware than most on how much they don’t care. Whether it’s service members or civilians. 

Edited by iStu X
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