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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Everyone knows my political views are right down the middle. I have high hate for both sides. However, I want to do a point system to find out which side has the upper hand (in a positive way).

First round: Which side has the better looking black women? Celebs on twitter don't count.

 I think the Right wins here because they have candice owens, who I find to be attractive. She makes my brain cry when she speaks her views , but just on looks she scores a point for the Reps. I have not found one attractive black female leftist, they are either very fat or have a hideous looking face. Unless someone can reference some good ones.

edit: The irony is amusing when I think about it. The side that gets pointed out for racism the most is the side that has the attractive black girls. Why does the side that loves all "diversity" have to have black girls who are all fat, ugly, and likely hood rats? 

Edited by zatalcon3
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Lefties lose big time when it comes to which side has hotter women.  It's not even close from what I've seen.  The easy example to point to is those cable news networks.  Look at what Fox is putting on your screen...and then look at what kind of women MSNBC is putting on your screen. It's like comparing the Atari 5200 graphics to the goddamn PS5.


So F13 part 8 just went off... the boxing scene is probably what people remember the most... when this dude wanted to box with Jason:


So now part 9 "Jason Goes to Hell" is on... I remember being terribly disappointed in this one.


hahaha this line just now from the bounty hunter Crayton Duke (he's determined to kill Jason once and for all) though--- "She's only yo' lady 'cause she aint had a taste of The Duke yet."  Nice.

Ah, this is also refreshing because it's back in the good ol' days when movie still had hot redheads in there, instead of just blackwashing 99% of them.


*damn I forgot there was some goooood scantily-clad scenes in part 9 though; I guess by that point I had been desensitized, since everything in that genre in the 80s and early 90s was serving it up non-stop....heh, such a glorious time it was.


*Looking at this again now--- I've gone from hating it to having mixed feelings about the concept presented in part 9... in this one, Jason's body was destroyed, but now the problem is that he's able to possess people so he can keep on doing his thing with 1 new body after another.  This at least brought something new to the table here, conceptually.  Interesting little detail is that in mirrors, you can still see that it's Jason instead of this other person he's using at the moment.

Edited by MillionX
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i was thinking about vabbing just now. and then i remembered that in the 80s, musk scent was a big thing. 


remember musk scent? anyone use it? i didnt. but i was always curious.


musk is a scent that was pulled from the back sides of deer. so i always imagined a animal scent. think i'll try it sometime. deodorant or cologne. tho im not sure they still use deer gland juice anymore. prob synthetic now.

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ha, yeah Jason is the ultimate form of that "don't give a fuck" energy.


I'll have to check these out from my F13 collection---since this is AMC all the good stuff is censored, of course.  Looking at it again here... I forgot this collection came with the 3d glasses!!!  That's a pleasant surprise there.  Originally, part 3 was in 3-D for the theatrical release.  Sadly I never had that experience; my first F13 I saw in a movie theater was part 6. I'm wondering if the version of Freddy's Dead on my Nightmare collection is in 3d as well, since I could use these glasses on it if that's the case.  

...but yeah I got the collection out just now to see if it included the 2009 one and ohhh yes it this has everything up thru Freddy vs. Jason and the 2009 reboot! + those 3d glasses (2 pair) and a "History of Friday the 13th" book (lots of behind the scenes pictures; high quality stuff here), and it's in a fancy steel case.  See, this is from the good ol' days of physical media being a major thing.  It's sad that future generations won't even have an option to buy something like this soon....everything is just on streaming services with NO cool extras anymore, no physical copy ownership or collectibles.... nothing. (*and not even "everything" either... just try finding Near Dark on blu-ray or 4k for a reasonable price.)  This was probably 6 or 7 years ago I bought this collector's edition in a Best Buy, and not long after that I picked up the Nightmare collection as well.


ha, 1 more little extra thing in there----it came with a Camp Crystal Lake iron-on badge thing!  Yeah this is definitely the best "collector's edition" of any show or movie franchise I've bought.  I forgot how much it was though.

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

i was thinking about vabbing just now. and then i remembered that in the 80s, musk scent was a big thing. 


remember musk scent? anyone use it? i didnt. but i was always curious.


musk is a scent that was pulled from the back sides of deer. so i always imagined a animal scent. think i'll try it sometime. deodorant or cologne. tho im not sure they still use deer gland juice anymore. prob synthetic now.

I use musk scented deodorant, zero complaints from anyone I've dated. 


It's definitely all synthetic- I literally had to synthesize the chemical during an organic chemistry lab practicum.  Way the fuck easier than deer hunting.

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Stuck With Glue But Nowhere To Poo: Climate Extremists Get in Sticky Situation


Climate extremists who glued themselves to the floor of a Volkswagen exhibition in Germany complained that no one gave them the means to use the toilet after there were left stuck to the floor for hours.


The group of nine climate extremists from the group ‘Scientist Rebellion’ glued themselves to the floor of the Volkswagen museum and car showroom Autostadt in Wolfsburg, which lies across from the automotive giant’s main factory after breaking in.


Just two hours after the extremists glued themselves to the floor in the Porsche pavilion, they began complaining about food and drink, which was given to them by Volkswagen employees.


However, they later demanded a “privacy tent” and buckets in order to be able to go to the toilet, something the company did not provide, the German tabloid Bild reports.





Edited by AriesWarlock
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22 hours ago, Sonero said:

Albertson's is already expensive as fuck. Nobody poor is shopping there. I kinda wish I had Albertson's money.


You know what my dream is as far as having money? I wanna be able to walk to whole foods, pick up any random bullshit they sell there  and go:



One day.



My wife and I both have professional degrees and we still shop at budget grocery stores.  I find fancy grocery stores to be the equivalent of designer brands but they really don't have all that much to offer other than wine and cheese selection.  It's kind of ridiculous the amount of food you can buy at a Winco or an Aldi compared to Whole Foods.  I just don't really see the value in some of these high end stores, especially now that many of them are moving to self checkout.  So I pay all this extra and you still want me to check myself out?  WTF?


Edited by J-ride
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On 10/22/2022 at 6:21 PM, Daemos said:

What the man did at the end though. He's a good man for that. 😍

He needs to cut the bitch loose. No woman who truly values you. Would put you in a situation like that. It's one thing if trouble came her way I.E A mugger or something. But talking shit to a whole group of people. Knowing damn well it's your man that's gonna have to bail you out if things go left? Fuck any woman like that. And men of some kind of value shouldn't tolerate such women

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2 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

He needs to cut the bitch loose. No woman who truly values you. Would put you in a situation like that. It's one thing if trouble came her way I.E A mugger or something. But talking shit to a whole group of people. Knowing damn well it's your man that's gonna have to bail you out if things go left? Fuck any woman like that. And men of some kind of value shouldn't tolerate such women

You're right. but in that moment he was good. Definitely should break up afterwards.

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21 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Always think this is a funny phrase, like yeannnn people are Animals. We belong to the animal kingdom lol. We think we are above it but we aren't and never have been. 


I know what you meant just makes me laugh a little every time I hear it. 


Yeah the only difference between us and Animals. Is our brain developed enough. To where we grew a conscious and the ability to think and process. We don't operate in primal mode 24/7 like animals.


Oh and wasup guys. I'm out here in Doha Qatar now. Airline and Airport is top notch. Smoothest roads I've ever rode on. And Al Udied Airforce base is massive.


Living Qatars are nothing to brag about but it isn't terrible. Bathrooms are shockingly clean for a military base. Roommate is a really cool older guy with lots of experience contract and living overseas. But he snores like a bear 


We work opposite schedules. He's morning. I'm overnight. 12 hr shifts, 6 days a week until we get more guys. Then it'll be 5 days a week. So only on Sundays are we really sharing the room. 


There's little things I'm learning about things to have when traveling. What needs to go in checked bag. Vs what's allowed in a carry on. Had to give up my African Shea butter lotion at a TSA check because if this. 😥


So I start my first shift in about 3 hrs and 45mins. They have a pretty nice rec center to hang out at. And American fast food chains, and a store to buy goods from home. Once I've cleared up my credit cards and other things. I'll sign up for off base activities in the city.

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38 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

He needs to cut the bitch loose. No woman who truly values you. Would put you in a situation like that. It's one thing if trouble came her way I.E A mugger or something. But talking shit to a whole group of people. Knowing damn well it's your man that's gonna have to bail you out if things go left? Fuck any woman like that. And men of some kind of value shouldn't tolerate such women

I've seen so many men get into physical altercations over nothing because of some woman's games.  Men really should start treating each other like brothers and stop fighting over community property.  If it's not life or death situation it's silly to be risking serious bodily injury over this nonsense.  It's like the guys at the clubs whose girl is parading that ass around and flirting with every dude just so she can get offended over a comment or a guy hitting on her.  It's like some kind of silly hoe sting operation to land some guy in jail.

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Well well---so I finally watched the 2009 Friday the 13th the "proper" way via my collection instead of the AMC marathon....ohhh yes this was good...a shame I'm only just now getting around to this one; I saw a piece of this movie years ago when it was on tv but never from the start.  Just like the good ol' days... this brings everything one can expect of a horror slasher film from back then... good quality violence and kills + niiiiice TnA content.  Almost all the girls show some skin and it's glorious... that 1 hot blonde showed a LOT in the sex scene.  It's unfortunate that cutie Danielle Panabaker didn't get a scene like that.  Anyway, the kills in this one are even more brutal than the old movies.  It's like they said "hey let's crank up the violence even more on what Jason does here..." when producing this, and the result is beautiful.


After that I checked out Expendables 2; oh yeah it's been a day of non-stop awesome cinematic violence on my tv screen today.  This is another one my grandpa definitely would've enjoyed--- just inside the first 5 minutes the kill count was already well over 25-ish people; yeah I was trying to keep track for a while.  It was probably double what the first film had going on.  This is what most audiences want to see... get the modern-day preachy bullshit out of my face and just serve up the fanservice.  To me, that's what entertainment is supposed to be.

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That show "Young Sheldon" is still going on.  That amazes me; I never saw the appeal in the first place.  The only reason I watched Big Bang Theory was the cute girls on there... and that was only good enough to get me to watch *occasionally*.  On the times I bothered to watch that show, Sheldon just appears to be annoying to someone eventually would just punch him in the face.... I can't imagine wanting to watch a whole spinoff show about that character.


"How I Met Your Mother" is another one that's worse, imo... successful show that went on for many seasons with a big fanbase... I gave up on that trash after watching 1 episode.


Interview with the Vampire is on---tonight's episode covers when they added Claudia to their little vampire family.  They bumped up the age even more than I thought; she was 17 when they saved her and now she's 19 already.

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2 minutes ago, DangerousJ said: 


Rishi Sunak is UK's new Prime Minister and the first Indian and Hindu one.

Fittingly, this occurs on Diwali -Hindu festival of lights. 

I'm sure he'll last longer and do a better job than the last PM. I've never seen such a disaster of UK Prime Minister in all my life. She wanted to be the next Margaret Thatcher....

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