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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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This chick says her BF accused her of bringing me to their house while he's a work. First of all, im on the boat and am not even near the city most of the time. 2nd, I already have a girlfriend, I don't need to creep with yours. 3rd, im not goin to a taken woman's home and potentially gettin myself shot


This is pure insanity. You don't need to be with her if you constantly accusing her of stuff and throwing me in it when I'm minding my own business 😂

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Food and eating out

All food prices are predicted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to increase between 3.5% and 4.5%, with at-home food prices predicted to increase between 3% to 4%, and dining out predicted to increase 4% to 5%. One reason for the food hikes, apart from just inflation making things more expensive for the food industry, is the price of fertilizer increasing worldwide because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to a ZME Science article. They even claim the “end of cheap food” as we know it.


One particular set of food items that are already showing big spikes in prices are proteins, especially eggs, which have been hit particularly hard because of the bird flu outbreak, according to Fortune.


Another place where you might feel a sting from the food department in 2023 is at Costco. Their chief financial officer announced an inevitable increase in their membership cost this year, according to Yahoo. The membership cost hasn’t increased since their last bump in 2017.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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what i know about mozart was that he knew he was one of the best.

tho he admired certain peeps.

he greatly admired bach. he had bach's piano music. the bach booklet that had the major n minor scales exercises that bach wrote. mozart called it his bible.

but he admired bach's 2 composer sons more than their dad. bach had like 20 kids btw. 10 1st wife 10 with his 2nd if i remember correctly.


mozart met beethoven. beethoven was 19. beet played some impromptu music for mozart which greatly imressed him. haydn called mozart the goat too.

oh and mozart was intimidated by haydn's skill which is why he stayed away from composing symphonies. haydn was a beast of the symhony form.


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when i was younger my fav composer was beethoven but later switched to wagner. 

i like wagner's mysticism and atonal shit.

bach to me is ethereal. 

beethoven is brute force.

wagner mystical

berlioz is adventurous

theres so many great musicians. im not listing them all.

that all said.

my fav modern orchestral composers are..

from west:

john williams(star wars), ennio morricone(good bad n ugly), and basil poledouris(conan d barbarian).

from the east:

shunsuke kikuchi(dbz) and seiji yokoyama(saint seiya) and koichi sugiyama(dragon quest)



sooo good

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43 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Biden's house is made of glass


Hold him and Trump responsible.  I really don't care I just want people to have accountability SOMEWHERE.

Can you post the article? They want time to join with an account or some shit. 


Anyway yea been following this. Doesn't sound quite the same. So far it's 12 docs, the Biden Admin called to have them scooped up by the proper authorities and I can't seem to find anything on Biden being aware of them. If he's fucked up then yea jail him along with Trump but doesn't seem to be the case, at the moment anyway. Seems almost the exact opposite situation overall from Trumps, or at least the response has been. 


Something funny seems to be going on tho for sure.

Edited by RSG3
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2 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Can you post the article? They want time to join with an account or some shit. 


Anyway yea been following this. Doesn't sound quite the same. So far it's 12 docs, the Biden Admin called to have them scooped up by the proper authorities and I can't seem to find anything on Biden being aware of them. If he's fucked up then yea jail him along with Trump but doesn't seem to be the case, at the moment anyway. Seems almost the exact opposite situation overall from Trumps, or at least the response has been. 


Something funny seems to be going on tho for sure.

It didn't give me a prompt or anything about when I clicked on it but I'm guessing my adblocker swept it away? 



President Biden’s aides have found a new batch of classified documents at a second location associated with Mr. Biden, a person familiar with the situation said on Wednesday. It was the second such disclosure in three days, and it was sure to intensify Republican attacks.

Republicans reveled in the new disclosures, accusing Mr. Biden of hypocrisy in calling former President Donald J. Trump irresponsible for hoarding sensitive documents at his private club and residence in Florida. This week, the new Republican chairman of the House oversight committee issued a far-ranging request to the National Archives and Records Administration, which is supposed to receive all highly sensitive materials after an administration leaves office, for documents and correspondence.

It is not clear where or when the records were recovered. But Mr. Biden’s aides have scoured various places since November, when his lawyers discovered a handful of classified files, including briefing materials on foreign countries, as they closed a think tank office in Washington. The Justice Department is reviewing the discovery to determine how to proceed.


A White House spokesman and a member of Mr. Biden’s legal team did not immediately respond to requests for comment. A spokesman for the Justice Department declined to comment.

On Tuesday, Mr. Biden told reporters in Mexico City that he was “surprised” to learn in the fall that his lawyers found classified government documents in his former office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.

He said his staff had fully cooperated with the National Archives and the Justice Department.

A day later, NBC News reported that another cache had been found at a different, undisclosed location.

Under government regulations, access to classified documents is limited to people who are currently authorized to see them and the materials must be stored in special security containers to limit the risk of exposing sensitive information. The Presidential Records Act says official documents in the White House — classified and unclassified alike — should be turned over to the National Archives when an administration departs.

After Mr. Trump left office, officials with the archives identified sensitive documents that had not been recovered, prompting numerous appeals for their return. The matter was eventually referred to the Justice Department, which conducted a court-approved search of Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate and turned up classified materials, including some bearing the most restrictive top secret markings.

By contrast, the first set of documents found by Mr. Biden’s lawyers was voluntarily returned to the archives in November, and had not been logged as missing. It is not clear if the archives had flagged the new materials.

A spokesman for the archives declined to comment.

The discovery of the second batch raises new questions about the handling of sensitive documents by a Biden team that has prided itself for adhering to norms and rules flouted by his predecessor.


But the circumstances of the two cases appear strikingly different. Unlike Mr. Trump, who resisted returning the records stored at Mar-a-Lago and failed to fully comply with a subpoena, Mr. Biden’s team appears to have acted swiftly and in accordance with the law, immediately summoning officials with the National Archives to retrieve the files. The archives then alerted the Justice Department, according to the White House.

“After I was briefed about the discovery, I was surprised to learn that there are any government records that were taken to that office,” Mr. Biden said in Mexico.

“But I don’t know what’s in the documents,” he added.

On Wednesday, the White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, refused to address the issue, saying it would be inappropriate to comment on a matter under review by the Justice Department.

She also declined to provide details of searches undertaken by Mr. Biden’s legal team after the first batch of files was discovered and did not respond when asked about the possibility that other sensitive materials dating to the Obama era were stored at other Biden-related locations.

“I’m not going to go beyond what the president shared yesterday,” she said. “I’m not going to go beyond what my colleagues at the White House counsel shared with all of you as well.”


Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, whose time in office has been largely defined by two criminal investigations involving Mr. Trump, assigned the preliminary phase of the Biden inquiry to John R. Lausch Jr., the U.S. attorney in Chicago, a Trump appointee.

But the inevitable comparison of the Trump documents case with the Biden matter has put new pressure on Mr. Garland to appoint a special counsel to investigate Mr. Biden’s handling of government files. In November, days after Mr. Trump announced his third bid for the presidency, Mr. Garland assigned a special counsel, Jack Smith, to oversee the investigation into Mr. Trump’s role in the Jan. 6 attack, and the inquiry into whether he illegally kept classified materials at Mar-a-Lago.

Mr. Lausch’s review is aimed at helping Mr. Garland decide whether to appoint a special counsel, which appears increasingly likely, according to people familiar with the situation.

Mr. Garland has been briefed on the inquiry, according to a person familiar with the situation, though it is unclear if he has made a decision.

If the legal implications of this week’s revelations remain unclear, the political implications are more obvious.

Republicans, eager to move on from the rancor of their recent House leadership fight, hope to spin the Biden matter into an attack that sustains a protracted congressional investigation that damages Mr. Biden and blunts the effects of Mr. Trump’s troubles on the party.

On Tuesday, Representative James Comer, Republican of Kentucky, the chairman of the House oversight committee, asked the archives and the White House Counsel’s Office for correspondence about Mr. Biden’s “failure to return highly classified records from his time as vice president.”


On Wednesday, he took another step in keeping with his promise to hold the Biden administration accountable for what Republicans describe as politicizing federal agencies: pressing the Treasury Department for information about Mr. Biden’s family finances.

Republicans reveled in Wednesday’s disclosure.

“It’s clear that Biden’s staff have no idea how many classified documents are in Biden’s former offices and are desperately looking for them,” Tommy Pigott, the rapid response director of the Republican National Committee, wrote in an email.


Yeah Biden actually gave his documents back when they asked for them and it's a paltry fraction in comparison to everything Trump took but if they did find any wrong doing on his part for taking them then I'm perfectly find with him being held accountable for it but that'd have to go quadruple for Trump.

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2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

berlioz is adventurous


Berlioz is one of my favorites. The way he tells a whole damn story with Symphonie Fantastique, from a day in the country, doing drugs, passing out, finding your crush and dancing with her at a ball, to killing her, being found guilty and sentenced to death, being beheaded, and the cavorting with witches in Hell is just too much. The man was a goddamn genius and was ahead of his time.

Edited by DoctaMario
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Biden's house is made of glass


Hold him and Trump rresponsibl

The worst that will happen to Biden is he'll look bad for a second. I don't even think Trump will catch any hell for it.


Funny thing is though, the president can declassify documents, so he and Trump are dumb for not trying to do that before they took them (I'm kidding here, don't take this part seriously.)

5 minutes ago, elliephil said:

Didn't know about her son passing away at 28. Life is cruel sometimes.

They have her son's ashes on the property at Graceland there with Elvis, his parents, and his grandmother. Was really sad as it was suicide. He'd had drug problems I guess. 

Edited by DoctaMario
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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

Berlioz is one of my favorites. The way he tells a whole damn story with Symphonie Fantastique, from a day in the country, doing drugs, passing out, finding your crush and dancing with her at a ball, to killing her, being found guilty and sentenced to death, being beheaded, and the cavorting with witches in Hell is just too much. The man was a goddamn genius and was ahead of his time.

if i remember correctly wagner and liszt were at the premiere of symphonie fantastique in france. it influenced wagner alot. idk about liszt tho.

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10 hours ago, HD-Man said:

This chick says her BF accused her of bringing me to their house while he's a work. First of all, im on the boat and am not even near the city most of the time. 2nd, I already have a girlfriend, I don't need to creep with yours. 3rd, im not goin to a taken woman's home and potentially gettin myself shot


This is pure insanity. You don't need to be with her if you constantly accusing her of stuff and throwing me in it when I'm minding my own business 😂

Have you and her BF met face to face or he at least saw what you look like? 

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13 hours ago, Chadouken said:

Biden sucks big donkey balls.

I'm not particularly into politics and religion, but I tend to believe humans aren't all that different, should you take the craziness of them away. I think the issue with trying to overexaggerate the logic and reasoning behind said differences, to where it's reduced to an unauthentic role play having other people's expectations run your life, are the underlining issues. I think if we can't reach an absolute, being confined so much to subjectivity, rooted from objectivity due to our fallibility, then we should evaluate what we've put so much effort into structuring and establishing our differences in the first place. To me, at least. 

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27 minutes ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

I'm not particularly into politics and religion, but I tend to believe humans aren't all that different, should you take the craziness of them away. I think the issue with trying to overexaggerate the logic and reasoning behind said differences, to where it's reduced to an unauthentic role play having other people's expectations run your life, are the underlining issues. I think if we can't reach an absolute, being confined so much to subjectivity, rooted from objectivity due to our fallibility, then we should evaluate what we've put so much effort into structuring and establishing our differences in the first place. To me, at least. 

Or maybe he just sucks big donkey balls 😂

Edited by Chadouken
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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

Lol that police officer that got her cheeks clapped by the whole department is wild, took on the whole squad . She was married too 😂

She was taking it for the team!


But seriously, as someone who has traveled for work this happens a ton.  I've had multiple married co-workers just offer it up to me the second we were alone and they thought no one would find out about it.  But I am absolutely not interested in that AT ALL.  If the company finds out it's always the man that gets fired, the woman gets to skate consequences EVERY FUCKING TIME.


IMO you fuck around with  a married woman you are BEGGING to get shot.

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KAB, a Swedish mining company, reported that more than 1 million tons of rare earth oxides have been found near Kiruna, in northern Sweden. This would make it the largest known deposit of valuable rare earth metals in Europe.
The elements are necessary for the construction of electric cars and wind turbines.
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ha, yeah... so much of that piss clip was too funny... like how hype the dude was after getting up from being pissed on by this woman, pumping his fist in the air to the music, as she walked off pulling her pants up.  There was also the steam coming up from her hot piss since it was apparently cold out there.  


I pissed from the rooftop of a building one time; heh that was great... I bet it looks hilarious if one were to shit from a rooftop of a tall building


...y' a kid there was one friend of a friend I remember who dropped a deuce into the trashcan downstairs in church one time; we laughed a long time about that.  It was one of those "I bet you won't..." type of things kids do....naturally we didn't believe he would actually do it...but yeah...he squatted a bit over that can and a few seconds later we heard the sound of it dropping in there, like a shitty "THWOMP".  I'm not sure what that guy is up to these days.  I still wish we could've seen the reaction of whoever noticed that shit later. 🤣

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28 minutes ago, MillionX said:

I pissed from the rooftop of a building one time; heh that was great... I bet it looks hilarious if one were to shit from a rooftop of a tall building

Dude... My buddy and I were drunk one night and he lived across from a park with a playground. He had the bright idea of pissing down the slide in the middle of the night. So we did. Next morning I felt awful about it, until he called me and said he was watching a fat kid try to climb up the slide and was licking his hands to make them stick better. We laughed so fucking hard 😂


There's a reason I don't drink anymore.

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7 hours ago, J-ride said:

She was taking it for the team!


But seriously, as someone who has traveled for work this happens a ton.  I've had multiple married co-workers just offer it up to me the second we were alone and they thought no one would find out about it.  But I am absolutely not interested in that AT ALL.  If the company finds out it's always the man that gets fired, the woman gets to skate consequences EVERY FUCKING TIME.


IMO you fuck around with  a married woman you are BEGGING to get shot.

I made it a habit to not fuck around with coworkers. Or rather, i was trying to when i was about 19 until I starting seeing coworkers get in trouble for it thats when I was like "Nah, this aint worth it." I like money too much to risk it on some bird box. Never shit where you eat


And yea, married ppl off limits. They could kill you and legally get off due to an insanity plea. Just got date someone who's single and avoid all that

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I don't normally like the youtube "shorts" but Double Toasted had a laugh about that MODOK reveal


Yeah, I realize there's not much chance on MODOK looking cool in live he's a rather silly looking character in the first place.... one of those characters that may just be better off left to comics, animation and videogames but never live action.

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