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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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7 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Was on Twitter reading about a husband who did a DNA test on his wife after she died and found out the kids weren't his


But get this, the bitch cheating, getting pregnant by another man and letting the husband raise the kids isn't the problem ppl are focused on, the "issue" is the husband is somehow insecure for investigating his hunches


Like, his suspicions were CONFIRMED. Like, wtf are we doing here, ppl? He isn't the problem in this equation unless there's some twist were he was the one who killed her and I missed it.


Other than that, she's in hell where she belongs 🤣

Most people in this sad, bitch society will do nearly anything to avoid painting any woman in an even "slightly" unflattering light.  Anything negative will always be some fault or "issue" of the man's never allowed to be the case that the woman was actually a bad person.   It annoys me that so many people cannot and refuse to accept that reality for some odd reason.  Usually, even the act of bringing this up will result in people insulting the dude just for saying something about it....since any negative commentary on a woman or women in general is "big incel energy"....because apparently that particular insult is the peak of what their intelligence can come up with.  


A bitch could literally be up to Jodi Arias or Casey Anthony-level shenanigans and people will still be quick to defend or explain away whatever fucked up thing she did *this time*, and attribute it to a man somewhere.

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

How old are these kids? 


I'm amazed at the casualness with which people say things like this...

He finds out his dearly departed wife cheated AND got pregnant by another man or two, and he's supposed to just step up? Of course it's complicated if they've grown up a significant amount with him as their father. But that's the cold hard truth. It's up to him. If he can't get past that betrayal, it's probably best he gives up guardianship instead of growing resentment and possibly becoming abusive.

Edited by axeman61
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10 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

He finds out his dearly departed wife cheated AND got pregnant by another man or two, and he's supposed to just step up?

No, but he probably shouldn't just abandon them completely either, which is my overall point. Like it's complicated and people should think it through and make wise decisions, not just comfortable ones. 


My point was that people say it like it's so fucking simple. They just casually throw it out as if this is a simple binary issue. It's totally not. It's really really complicated. 


Perfect example of why he should kept this shit off Facebook. Made it even more complicated and stupid then it already was for everyone involved in this overall tragic situation. 

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Talked the guy who was involved in that spill incident last month, he said the company let him get his same spot back AND let him come back from suspension early


This further vindicated my decision to leave that shit company. They took my position and told me I couldn't get it back for a year or even work in the division, but the person actually responsible for the fuel spill pretty much comes back realitively unscathed 🤣

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3 hours ago, Reticently said:

If the dude opted to continue to raise the kids himself, should he be entitled to child support from the biological father?  🤔

No, he's on the hook for the kids legally because he certainly signed the birth certificate. He's have to go to court to attempt to have this undone which is hardly a certainty. The entire system is setup to reward paternity fraud. If she were still alive and they divorced because of this. She could ask for child support and he'd have to pay it.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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6 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

No, he's on the hook for the kids legally because he certainly signed the birth certificate. He's have to go to court to attempt to attempt to have this undone which is hardly a certainty. The entire system is setup to reward paternity fraud. If she were still alive and they divorced because of this. She could ask for child support and he'd have to pay it.

I just mean in the "ideal" case, not what actually happens.  In reality, no one will likely ever know the bio dad's identity.

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4 hours ago, RSG3 said:

No, but he probably shouldn't just abandon them completely either, which is my overall point.



For what I understand, the law either forces you to take all the burden, or just walk away.

I remember another case, where the man in question found out he wasn't the father, but still wanted to be part of his daughters live.

The problem came from the fact that he was relinquishing parenthood due the alimony and child support fees that were ruining him, since he was supporting his new family and the hoe who already remarried.


Another thing is that him not being the actual father opens the possibility that even if he decides to keep the kids, that the mother's family or the actual father[s] can come and take them away.

So even if he decides to still be part of their lives, he can at any time get all of that taken away.


At the end of the day, I think that, yes, the kids are not at fault, but the man shouldn't at any point have to be expected to keep a relationship with the kids.

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2 hours ago, DangerousJ said:


@Sonichumanor anyone who reads IDWs TMNT comics, prepare your buttholes for potential cancellation of your comics in the future.


Transformers and GIJOE publishing rights were lost by IDW last year. However the future doesn't look too bright for long term publication.

Yeeeeeeaaahh...I remember seeing something that IDW was having a hard time.  I don't know to the extent if it'll effect Sonic comics or not cause as far as I know the Sonic comics are doing fine.  Would really suck if IDW took a dive and took the comics with it cause I've been really enjoying what they've been doing.

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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

For what I understand, the law either forces you to take all the burden, or just walk away.

It does and it's BS, Darcs completely right in his position, as are you, I'm talking from more of a social position, not a legal one. 


Probably wasn't very clear on that tho. 

Edited by RSG3
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30 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

It does and it's BS, Darcs completely right in his position, as are you, I'm talking from more of a social position, not a legal one. 


Probably wasn't very clear on that tho. 


As you said, the subject is very complex, so is not a black and white thing.

But I think that as someone else said, is better to have the man in question leave if so desires, since if being forced to stay can lead to other can of worms situations like him killing himself, becoming bitter and being a negative figure on the kids lives, etc.


Sometimes the best option can be to walk away, at least for a while, so the person can collect his thoughts and sort his feelings, so they can be separated from what he feels about the kids and the situation around them.

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First Republic Becomes Next Major American Bank to Fail, JP Morgan Chase Takes Over Assets



JP Morgan Chase is set to take over the failed First Republic bank after it collapsed in the third major bank failure in the past two months in America.


In a statement, the United States national banking regulator, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), announced on Monday morning that the San Francisco-based bank had indeed failed after First Republic customers withdrew around $100 billion of deposits over the past few days as its stock price collapsed.

In a deal orchestrated by the government, JP Morgan will “assume all of the deposits and substantially all of the assets of First Republic Bank,” including the 84 offices previously operated by First Republic across eight states, which will open as branches of JP Morgan Chase on Monday.

According to the FDIC, First Republic Bank had an estimated $229.1 billion in total assets as of April 13th as well as $103.9 billion in total deposits, meaning that it was the second largest bank failure in American history.

The banking regulator said that all deposits will continue to be insured by the FDIC and that customers do not need to make any changes to retain their deposit insurance.

The collapse of the First Republic Bank is predicted to cost the Deposit Insurance Fund about $13 billion, as it struck a loss-sharing deal with JP Morgan Chase.


The chief executive of JP Morgan Chase Jamie Dimon said on Monday that the government had “invited” the major bank, among others, to “step up, and we did”. Dimon claimed that the takeover would “modestly benefit” JP Morgan Chase and that the assets acquired would be “complementary” to its existing holdings.



Deciding if I should open an account with a credit union 🤔

Edited by AriesWarlock
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Of all the rings she wanted it was from Pandora the Infinity Stones ring. She didn't want a typical ring and wanted something different from the norm. We had the ceremony out in the Nevada Desert just about 20ish miles out from Vegas. Had a bottle of Champagne shared with family and some wedding donuts. Back at the air BnB and going to enjoy some pizza and quality time. Imma peace out for the rest of the night. 

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Pennsylvania has an old "Quaker marriage" option where you just sign some paperwork and don't even need an officiant.    We took some friends to a pretty spot in a local park to witness the paperwork getting signed, then went to a nice but not too fancy restaurant after to celebrate.


I don't think we spent even $400 getting the whole thing done, if you don't count the rings.

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10 minutes ago, Reticently said:

It's kind of a weird thing to feel good about, but my media back-log is so huge the strike will probably be over long before I run out of stuff to watch.

In that same boat. Better Call Saul is the ONLY popular show I'm caught up on.


Maybe that's a testament to writers and a reason we need more pay for them. Still, my backlog could block a tsunami at this point.

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22 hours ago, Chadouken said:

Find the address of the real father and drop them kids off on his doorstep with a note that says, "Yours."

Some friends of mine did this to another friend of ours who pulls a lot of women when their son was born a few years ago. They left their son on his porch with a note, rang the doorbell, then hid somewhere to video his response, and the response was GOLD 😂😂😂

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