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The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2

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18 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I think the female characters will look excellent just curious about their attire. 

I am not that worried. History proved that costumes sell and bring Capcom a lot of cash.  I actually believe that SF6 will expand on this with multiple cosmetics since SF5 was kinda like "Testing grounds". 


I don't expect vast  customization like say  Soulcalibur , but i can definitely see Capcom trying to expand on their current system to cash in more money. 

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12 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

... Oh you are not talking of Strive, but Lag Fighter V, carry on.


Yeah, this game should be called Ratchet Gear at this point.


In Strive I'm throwing I-No's in questionable connections out of STBT, in this game people jump at me and its like "welp okay".  The netcode is doing the same jitters in this game that happens in strive when you play a dude on 6 frames of rollback adn they double jump...except this game is just doing it on 4 bars.


The best is seeing random mechanics all over again ground projectiles. In guilty gear with those you're like "well I have options". In this game you're like "welp, I bet they made this for games where you could air dash and do shit in the air but they're retarded so its here."


TBH everything feels way worse now because it just fits even less than it did before.


Edit: Also install v-triggers feel even stupider now. I'm beating you so you pressed two buttons and now your everything is better YaY. Like why? Its so fucking janky.

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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

I would love or them to actually make a change on how they do proportions, specially hands and feet, since it ends looking jarring most of the time.



P sure that'll stay the same, it's somehow become the sf aesthetic 


I'm just hoping that if it is re engine, that means all the models will be made in-house. Sfv inconsistent quality in characters with all the outsourcing always made me upset. Capcom can't fuck that up now right? Right...?

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Some more observations I've made from the latest patch.


Ibuki vt2 is +2 on block which has me thinking about her relevance. Not sure if she does enough damage to be considered a threat but be careful out there folks 😃


I think Kolin might be the most nerfed character. Gutted character. Ex vanity step not being invincible until frame 7 is a big rip. Lower damage output. More recovery. Basically took away st.hp as a viable normal.


I know everyone is talking about Urien getting the CapShaft but idk... I think a character that focuses on offense, set ups, and finding as few ways as possible to interact in neutral shouldn't have an invincible reversal move. Aegis coming out slower is wack in my opinion.

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53 minutes ago, elliephil said:


I know everyone is talking about Urien getting the CapShaft but idk... I think a character that focuses on offense, set ups, and finding as few ways as possible to interact in neutral shouldn't have an invincible reversal move.


Specially when he is getting the a top 5 v-trigger for comebacks for free because this game is made wack on purpose.


Cammy still feels good. Tiem to quit ninja gimmicks and just hit some normal buttons that make sense for a bit.

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18 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Cammy still feels good. Tiem to quit ninja gimmicks and just hit some normal buttons that make sense for a bit

She seems to be tuned in the right spot now, in line with others who have increased recovery on normals. The heavy spiral arrow hitbox nerf is kinda dumb, like someone else stated here already. First hit does 70 dmg and the second does 50, it's like they knew this move was gonna whiff in weird spots. Whatever, time to put on our thinking berets 😃





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2 hours ago, Shahenzan said:

P sure that'll stay the same, it's somehow become the sf aesthetic 


I'm just hoping that if it is re engine, that means all the models will be made in-house. Sfv inconsistent quality in characters with all the outsourcing always made me upset. Capcom can't fuck that up now right? Right...?


I am also sure it will remain within the confines of what we have seen with SFIV and SFV.

I know there is a technical reason why they do this (easy to read strikes), but we have seen other games do something similar without looking ugly as hell.


They don't need to remove the stylistic proportions, they just need to not make them look like trash 🤣

Is specially bad when you have a 3d model that looks good like Kolin or Cammy be ruined when they decide to do something like their swimsuit models because they add those trash generic body parts that clash with the rest of the model.


Or poor Lucia that tends to look weird because she has a visible small head in comparison to the rest of the model.

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4 hours ago, elliephil said:

I know everyone is talking about Urien getting the CapShaft but idk... I think a character that focuses on offense, set ups, and finding as few ways as possible to interact in neutral shouldn't have an invincible reversal move. Aegis coming out slower is wack in my opinion

Urien was just a bit too dumb and had to be knocked down a few pegs but he'll still be strong. He's going to be living that Cody life with no invincible reversal or 3 frame. He still has top 5 neutral and one of the best triggers. We'll have to see who the true Urien players are that stick with him.



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2 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Nah, for starters, it makes 0 sense to assume that what Epic does for their game will reflect what Capcom will do for theirs.


Going by the data leaks they're approaching this from the same background though, i.e. making the product as little "offensive" as it can. I'm 100% convinced that Cammy's SFVI default costume will not be a leotard that shows off her ass. Whether or not they will release the classic costume as DLC is another question, but probably very likely.


In any case, I hope the female characters look more like REmake 3 Jill and less like drug-abuse Trish from DMC5.

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30 minutes ago, delete_me said:

Going by the data leaks they're approaching this from the same background though, i.e. making the product as little "offensive" as it can. I'm 100% convinced that Cammy's SFVI default costume will not be a leotard that shows off her ass. Whether or not they will release the classic costume as DLC is another question, but probably very likely.


In any case, I hope the female characters look more like REmake 3 Jill and less like drug-abuse Trish from DMC5.


The leaks only pointed that they had a person who made some presentations about it.

After the leaks we had games like the Monster hunter ones, where you can see that they have not applied any of that shit.


Not to mention, dlc for their ongoing games that also don't adhere to that.

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Monster Hunter never had any sexualised or lewd content though. Maybe an armour that showed some midriff at most but that's a far cry from Cammy's leotard.

Also, they did remove any kind of implied sexual innuendo regarding Ashley in the VR version of RE4, resulting in multiple cutscenes being cut short or altogether.



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9 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Nah, for starters, it makes 0 sense to assume that what Epic does for their game will reflect what Capcom will do for theirs.


I was trolling Darc, y'know...


6 hours ago, delete_me said:

Going by the data leaks they're approaching this from the same background though, i.e. making the product as little "offensive" as it can. I'm 100% convinced that Cammy's SFVI default costume will not be a leotard that shows off her ass. Whether or not they will release the classic costume as DLC is another question, but probably very likely.

On the other hand... Hot Ryu is the default look now.


Shatter all expectations.

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4 hours ago, delete_me said:

Monster Hunter never had any sexualised or lewd content though. Maybe an armour that showed some midriff at most but that's a far cry from Cammy's leotard.

Also, they did remove any kind of implied sexual innuendo regarding Ashley in the VR version of RE4, resulting in multiple cutscenes being cut short or altogether.




So, she is no longer equiped with ballistics?

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20 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:


So, she is no longer equiped with ballistics?


Nope – well, visually she is but it's not mentioned anymore. IIRC due to those changes there's actually no direct interaction between Luis and Ashley in the game anymore. They also cut out the dialogue at the end on the jetski when she asks Leon to stop by at her home.


It's all a little pathetic IMO. Take a classic as-is or leave  it be.

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Just now, Mr.Cipher said:

I still don't get why Capcom makes hands and feet this big.
It just looks stupid at this point.
Especially when you have the same character have yeeti feet the size of a small country in one outfit and in the next they have normal human size.


The technical reason is that it makes easy to read the different attacks made by the opponent.

The thing is that while is understandable, they fuck up the presentation.

Other games also do something similar, but manage to do it in a way that doesn't look horrible.

Is specially terrible when like i mentioned before, they add the generic parts to charavters that usually have some form of wardrobe over their limps, like Kolin, Cammy, Falke for example.


They look putrid, lol.

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1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

"Hello Witness Projection? Yes, its your boy Darc, I need to call in that favor. My boy Hecatom is about to be mobbed by the Juri fandom. I'm gonna need you to get him a new identity."

I am sure that the Juri fandom like her despite her horrible yeti feet on the game, and not because of it, at least the vast majority.

Those feet sure look like kryptonite for any feet lover.


Only someone like this would love whatever that capcom tries to pass as feet, even less a woman's feet



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10 hours ago, HeavensCloud said:

Urien was just a bit too dumb and had to be knocked down a few pegs but he'll still be strong. He's going to be living that Cody life with no invincible reversal or 3 frame. He still has top 5 neutral and one of the best triggers. We'll have to see who the true Urien players are that stick with him.



Oh yes, Urien is still strong imo. He has so many tools. I saw something where he lost some confirms into Aegis which seems kind of overkill. I guess will not confirm into Aegis in certain circumstances which is really dumb for a move that hits mid.


Edit: Just checked now, max range works, anything closer will whiff.

Edited by elliephil
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I know he's been out for forever but what's the go-to solution to deal with Abigail's run? I just lost to someone (he was Diamond btw., so I'm not alone) who basically just alternated between all three run follow-ups all round long and the only times I managed to do some damage was when I accidentally guessed right and blocked the punch, which I know is really punishable. But I feel like there has to be a better solution than pray to guess the right 33%. I remember people saying t just jump forward but then he just flips and is full screen and it all starts over again.

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7 minutes ago, delete_me said:

I know he's been out for forever but what's the go-to solution to deal with Abigail's run? I just lost to someone (he was Diamond btw., so I'm not alone) who basically just alternated between all three run follow-ups all round long and the only times I managed to do some damage was when I accidentally guessed right and blocked the punch, which I know is really punishable. But I feel like there has to be a better solution than pray to guess the right 33%. I remember people saying t just jump forward but then he just flips and is full screen and it all starts over again.

Neutral jump will beat everything except Abigail punch. Backdash will beat throw, punch, and the flip usually depending on your character's backdash speed. Multi hitting moves will work but aren't a guaranteed way to deal with it every time and can be pretty risky. (jab xx dp, ex moves, etc.)


When I was learning to fight him, I tried to pay more attention to the spacing. Up close will usually mean throw or punch. Full screen (or even half screen) will almost always be a flip. Forward jumping when he is just outside of punch distance takes practice but is worth learning.

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3 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

What? They are censoring Cammy for SF6?

We don't know shit about SF6, aside what you can see in the trailer


Beyond it it's all speculation as we speak


But the concern that SF6 will be deformed to please (or at least not trigger) some specific group of loud american wierdos, is a realistic possibility

I think there was also some leaked document about future Capcom strategy saying bunch of stuff about how not trigger teh sjw , but not sure how official thing it was and how much we should consider it, as it was about a generic "future games" and SF6 may be a bit less affected... as a start it survived becoming full realistic crap, keeping good amount of stylization, guess at least is something


On the other hand (literally) Capcom seen how much money they did with Chun/Juri lonely fappers, and sure as fuck they're not willing to lose it to avoid some pink haired fat woman tweet about" Street Fighter 6 ©"


Personally i think they will play coward/hypocrite/smart at same time, doing both

Standard designs will change for everybody (they changed fucking Ryu), and they will probably use that chance to redesign some of the females in less fanservice way, so bunch of pink haired people in america that were'nt even going to buy SF anyway will not use Cammy's thong as excuse to get internet histerical about toxic masculity or something


Alt designs, specially DLC money ones will offer chance to get old "nostalgia" designs or do the usual collection of half bare tits and butts we are used to


Standard designs is what get 90% of spotlight, by the time you get nostalgia/fanservice DLC stuff, the outrage crowd will have already moved to something else more new and trendy lol



Short version:

Possible speculation is you will probably not get Cammy-in-thong as standard because "sensibility", but you will be almost surely be able to buy DLC Cammy-in-thong alts paying extra money

Edited by CESTUS III
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1 hour ago, delete_me said:

I know he's been out for forever but what's the go-to solution to deal with Abigail's run? I just lost to someone (he was Diamond btw., so I'm not alone) who basically just alternated between all three run follow-ups all round long and the only times I managed to do some damage was when I accidentally guessed right and blocked the punch, which I know is really punishable. But I feel like there has to be a better solution than pray to guess the right 33%. I remember people saying t just jump forward but then he just flips and is full screen and it all starts over again.

Don't feel bad, I'm figuring this out too. I hadn't seen an Abigail in ages. I just kept throwing the one I ran into. Not the best strat, but it gave him pause at least. The worst thing is knowing the response to do and it not being second nature. I rather NOT know how to deal with something than to know and still fail. The latter is far more frustrating for me.

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