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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Game seems interesting thus far but I have NO IDEA what the hell is going on in terms of the story.  Feels like the the narrator was talking about the war that happened and then started just naming off names in as epic a fashion he could and I was just like "....WHO!?"


Parries in this game are going to take some time to get used to cause it really feels like there is no wiggle room.  I got one successful parry through out my hours of play time and all the others were either too early or too late.   Went out into the open field and was like "oh this place is actually kinda pretty", wandered over to the right and noticed a bunch of blood spots in a field and went to a few of them.  ".....What is everyone getting bodied by out there?  There's nothing arou- Oh hello dude on a horse"  *notices a life bar fill up at the bottom and the music changes" "....OOOOOHH....*GETS BOPPED IMMEDIATELY*"

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2 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Game seems interesting thus far but I have NO IDEA what the hell is going on in terms of the story.  Feels like the the narrator was talking about the war that happened and then started just naming off names in as epic a fashion he could and I was just like "....WHO!?"


Parries in this game are going to take some time to get used to cause it really feels like there is no wiggle room.  I got one successful parry through out my hours of play time and all the others were either too early or too late.   Went out into the open field and was like "oh this place is actually kinda pretty", wandered over to the right and noticed a bunch of blood spots in a field and went to a few of them.  ".....What is everyone getting bodied by out there?  There's nothing arou- Oh hello dude on a horse"  *notices a life bar fill up at the bottom and the music changes" "....OOOOOHH....*GETS BOPPED IMMEDIATELY*"

I played the game for about 150 hours and I still have no fucking clue wtf went on in terms of story lol.

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29 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

It's been almost 10 years and the bad will built up from right before E3 2013 is STILL fucking them up. Wow.

Its that and them just not pushing any more reasons (read: great exclusive first party games)  as a reason to pick up their console over the others.  They could easily pick themselves out of the rut if that had that to fall back on but their foundation is held up by arguably just 3 pillars and its been that way since Xbone.  So when of their pillars starts to buckle (Halo)  it starts making the foundation even weaker.  Its the reason they got desperate enough to to actually use the plan they've had in their back pocket of just throwing their money around and they haven't seen any returns yet on that investment.

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They could have dug themselves out of the hole with some killer apps, yes. But I still wonder how many are like me. They could have dropped banger after banger after banger and I still wouldn't have picked up an XBOne until it was undeniable. That's what the lead up to E3 did to me. I wonder how many others are like that.

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4 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

They could have dug themselves out of the hole with some killer apps, yes. But I still wonder how many are like me. They could have dropped banger after banger after banger and I still wouldn't have picked up an XBOne until it was undeniable. That's what the lead up to E3 did to me. I wonder how many others are like that.

Oh Xbone was definitely completely off the table for me to even consider after the lead up to E3 shenanigans.  I'm actually considering a Series X for BC purposes and Gears.  Just don't know when or if I'll ever pull the trigger on that.

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I never looked XBox's way again after that E3. Though I don't care, really, it's a little sad that they never put out anything I just HAD to have. I talk about sequential killer apps to win the goodwill back, but they had nothing I cared about.

Edited by axeman61
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After 360 lost its top spot to PS3 (took a while but PS3 did finally become the overall better system to have imo) I never had an interest in buying another microsoft console.  I never bought another sony console but I did want a PS4 for a couple exclusives...kinda still do want one but some of them exclusives are now on PC and I dont wanna pay the price for the console to play like 1 or 2 games.

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The main fuck-up right now I'd say is the long wait on their big IPs that are at home on Xbox---it's years later and STILL no Gears 6....not even preview footage/news that I've seen.  I *think* a new Fable is on the way but it's been a while since I heard anything about that as well....and of course Halo as a franchise is in a sad state of affairs at this point... at least I'm not really into it anymore.  That recent streaming series probably did it no favors...but I was long gone before that point anyway.  Actually it was Gears and Unreal games (or at least Unreal Championship 2 specifically; the one most people probably forgot or never played in the 1st place, sadly) that surpassed it for me--once I was into those, Halo was no longer that interesting.  Halo just couldn't compete with what the other shooters were bringing to the table.'s more frustrating as I think of this now--- Gears 5 came out in 2019.  It would be nice to at least see some previews/teaser clips of what's coming up in part 6.


Oh---that game Chrono Odyssey looks goddamn amazing.... too bad it had to be a MMORPG though

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Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

They could have dug themselves out of the hole with some killer apps, yes. But I still wonder how many are like me. They could have dropped banger after banger after banger and I still wouldn't have picked up an XBOne until it was undeniable. That's what the lead up to E3 did to me. I wonder how many others are like that.

At the risk of sounding like a fanboy, but I have always been more of a PS player since the 1st one. 


I had a 360 but that pos died on me, and suposedly was the model that fixed the issue. 

The Xbone I have keeps collecting dust since there aren't really xox exclussives outside Sunset Overdrive and KI that motivate me to play it. 


There are some 360 games I play due the gamepass, but i dont do it often because for some reason the make the fan sound like a fucking helicopter while the xbone games dont do that lol. 



I play more on the WiiU than the Xbone, lol. 

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Btw, tje kotaku situation is even worse, for example, one of the sr writers posted on Twitter a "meme" of how he felt about theblack listing. 

Said meme was the pic of a pilot from ww with the kill count on his plane, mostly japanese flags. 


They need to keep tabs on the people so they are blacklisted wenever they go. 

Edited by Hecatom
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30 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Btw, for anyone wondering how the studio that made Dishonored and Prey made Redfall (and by extension Deathloop) all the people who made the older games are gone.

They founded their own studio, i forgot the name, but they are the ones that made Weird West. 

Since Redfall is credited to Arcane Austin I figured it was the game developed by the b team.  Like how Bioware's b team developed Andromeda.

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24 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Btw, tje kotaku situation is even worse, for example, one of the sr writers posted on Twitter a "meme" of how he felt about theblack listing. 

Said meme was the pic of a pilot from ww with the kill count on his plane, mostly japanese flags. 


They need to keep tabs on the people so they are blacklisted wenever they go. 



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7 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Since Redfall is credited to Arcane Austin I figured it was the game developed by the b team.  Like how Bioware's b team developed Andromeda.


From what I understand, prior to Death Loop, both studios have been always worked in conjuction in all games. 

But with DL and RF, each studio worked on the games separately. 


That and the key sr staff leaving seems to be one of the reasons why both new games have been lacking in what made the older games special. 

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I could never get into XBox because their stupid naming conventions confused the shit out of me.

XBox. XBox 360. XBox One? Xbox Series X... WTF


I mean, Wii U was terrible too as far as names go, but at least it was easier to stay on top of for me because I love Nintendo.


PlayStation always made sense. First you had the PlayStation. Then they came out with a second one and called it PlayStation 2. And that was replaced by a third one called PlayStation 3. And THEN there was a fourth one called PlayStation 4. 


Oh, and get this, they came out with a fifth PlayStation and guess what they called that? That's right, PlayStation 5. I wonder what they'll call the next PlayStation 🤔

Edited by Chadouken
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It's quite a shame what has happened with that game Redfall... one nitpick that stood out to me right away when watching that guy's livestream of it the other day... the story scenes are mostly just static images of characters.  On this mainstream $70 game in 2023 with what probably had a serious budget... we couldn't get more animated scenes of what's going on in the story for cinematics?  Really bruh?


I'm inclined to disagree with suddenly blaming the game itself for that ign footage; that person still seemed like a bad/inexperienced player, imo....and it lines up with what we've all seen already from the typical "game journalist" person; that's been a running joke in the industry for a while now.


*Taking it back to 2013 with the oldies---- I played Lost Planet 2 yesterday for a while.... yep I still have the disc, and it works just fine on the new X (*didn't mention it before but I recently got one, finally).... a shame this IP has become a relic of the recent past; I doubt it will ever make a comeback.  Part 3 was looking like a mistake in every possible way, and seems to have murdered the franchise....but yeah LP2 was good stuff; I remember playing through it with 2 friends at the time and it was like being the main characters in a big action movie.

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