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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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17 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Hey man Fromsoft loves a particular theme. Dunno why pointing that put makes you wanna harm me lmao. 


I want to stress that I don't think BluePoint did a bad job on Demons Souls, in fact I think they did a really good job and I recommend the remake to anyone interested in it. I've just been playing their shit for too long, I recognize when shits changed or when the point is missed. I know the Lore well enough to recognize the small details, I know how to nit pick this stuff. 


Also.inagree with yoy thay I don't think Bloodborne needs a remake. It just needs an upscale and a 60fps release. That's all Bloodborne actually needs. It's a beautiful game still to this day, it just moves kinda muddy. 


I would also absolutly love if they made more Sekiro after Shadows of the ErdTree DLC. 


I never though the High Wall was all that badly designed, it just has some environmental nonsense that can be a little tough to figure out how to get around. 

Just to be clear, I don't actually want to harm you LOL.


Yeah, I know you're on Bluepoint's side. I think - like I said - they could take their learnings and apply it to Bloodborne porting.


I've advanced far past High Wall, and I would put it barely ahead of Farron Keep. I absolutely hated the beautiful looking experience I had on the Wall. Undead Settlement was incredible. I loved that. I find that with DS3, I love all of the environments way more than DS1. Even though I disliked the Wall, it was still better than most environments in DS1. Blighttown, Izalith, Darkroot... It's almost all intolerably irritating and is only saved by the lore and combat. What a shit game. Still top 3 on my list!

8 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Overrated how?


A remake, no, but a remaster absolutely. 60fps, upscale it, maybe even flesh out the Chalice Dungeons a bit more and I'd be happy. It's a Sony IP though so the ball is in their court when it comes to any of this.


A Sekiro prequel doesn't seem like the right idea imo, but if we use the Return ending as the canon ending, then I guess Wolf and divine child's trip to find thr birthplace of thr divine dragon could be something. 

Bloodborne was most people's first Soulsborne experience and they've latched onto it as the peak of the series. I don't mind that being their opinion, but fan demand influences publishers. It won't happen, but suppose we lived in a world where all that outcrying led to a full FromSoft remake of the game and a subsequent port to PC. It would have been a terrible detraction from, say, efforts on a new IP or more Sekiro content.


That only matters, though, if I can prove Bloodborne is overrated, which I guess I can't. I can say, though, that the overwhelming love for the game is often birthed through comparison, and I think people look at their first Soulsborne experience through rose-tinted glasses. Read above to see how I feel about Dark Souls 1, for instance. I hate so much about the game, and yet it's in my top 3 favorite games of all time. There is uniqueness inherent to the genre that lends itself well to defaulting to the top of all game lists. It's just that good. In keeping with that, I think that too many people think too highly of Bloodborne in comparison to obvious improvements that later games make to the formula. DS2 aside, all the Soulsborne games (incredibly) not only build on each other, but get better with time, on average. Your opinions on them are what dictate where they land in your rankings, but I don't think anyone can deny that the games get better with time.


Sekiro is a better experience than DS1, but the non-linearity and relative freedom that DS1 offers would obviously make some people consider that to be the better game.


With that in mind, since subjectivity is all that dictates the ranking of these games, I think FromSoft is better off doing what we both agree on, which is porting and upscaling Bloodborne.


A Sekiro prequel would be fucking awesome though. The rise of Tomoe or at least her journey with Lord Takeru to sever his immortality would be an amazing story. Watching her gain power to the level she ultimately reached from Okami woman to Heavenly retainer would be great, culminating in her training Genichiro. The alternate story of her severing Takeru's immortality would do the standard Souls thing of telling stories as cycles, and could set up the lore for the first Sekiro really well. Remember, in Sekiro we did things with relatively little to go off of besides her and Takeru's notes. We have no idea how they discovered those steps, nor what they mean symbologically or within the broad scope of the story of that world. We could flesh out so much more regarding the Divine Realm and the Dragon!


The Purification Ending also gives room to more content, like you say. It would actually be highly unique of a FromSoft game to tell a story that wasn't cyclical. Sekiro and Kuro being the ones to break the cycle of constant immortality severance by returning the Dragon to its birthplace would be amazing too, and could develop both characters really well. Both options are great, and ideally, we'd get both.



I just wanted to add that I play these games in offline mode. I can't stand having soapstones everywhere, I hate random invasions, I hate invading, I hate all of it. SINGLE PLAYER. IS. SINGLE PLAYER.


Edited by Dayaan
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The grand misconception being that Souls games are single player games. They are not and never have been lol. 


Oh and that Sekiro is no way a Souls's an action game set in a somewhat open world design. 

Edited by RSG3
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16 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Of course you could. It's deffinitly my own opinion here about Bloodborne.  It's  ones inability to recognize or accept them that inwas critiquing. 

The Frame Rate sucks. 


I don't think the Chalice Dungeons are fine I think they are repetitive and boring. I don't find them terribly compelling and they get worse as you go. The entire set that just chops your health in half can suck my dick lol. 


I also don't like Blood Gens because they turn PVP is a huge grind before you can really participate.  It makes invasions so fucking ass because I'll get invaded by people I can't come anywhere close to being able to compete with because I haven't Chalice Dungeon Dived then did the Gem Grind to be able to. In Elden Ring or Dark Souls I just make my build. I don't like grinding gems because I don't like Chalice Dungeons and so then I don't end up like being invaded which is something in these games I usually really like. Not getting invaded is missing a big part of the game imo, it's why I don't like Elden Rings invasions rules where you can't be solo invaded without using the tongue. The unexpectedness is half the point imo, I use the tongue or summon I expect to get invaded. Kills half the fun imo. 


So Bloodbornes gems ruin the invasion aspect for me, and I don't find the Chalice Dungeons fun enough to engage with the Blood Gem Farm to "fix" the invasion issue. I have to either sprint to the Boss or just accept that I'm probably going back to the Lamp no matter what I do. 


Edit: I'm having contact issues today so please forgive any typos I don't manage to see and fix. 

The thing with invasions is that you won't be invaded unless you're co-opping which already puts you at a massive advantage over the invader because it's going to be at least 2 on 1 and the invader takes a haircut on his health. As someone who does a lot of invading, even with the gems I got from dungeon diving, if I run into a gank squad of two, nevermind 3, I'm already going to be disadvantaged quite a lot. So if anybody needs gems, it's the INVADER.


I can understand that not everyone wants to have to go through all that to build  character (although ill confess to enjoying the process) and that's probably why Bloodborne doesn't have the pvp playerbase ds3 has despite having better combat overall.


But again, the complaints about dungeons and gems really only apply to pvp and most players who play this game are pve players so they aren't going to notice the issues because they aren't affected by them. I agree that 30fps kind of sucks and that to some extent that the dungeons can get samey, but again, those are issues I'd love to see fleshed out a bit better in a remaster.

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That whole BGG thing would be puzzling to me if it wasn't plain what these people are up to. They want it to not exist, for... reasons.


Otherwise, why do you even give a fuck how many white people an organization named BLACK GIRL GAMERS are hiring?


It's so annoying to constantly see these fucking chuds of all types talk that "bootstrap" and "get your own X" shit, but the minute someone does that, they're crying about not being included somehow.

Edited by axeman61
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That shit-show from SBI and now the Black Girl Gamers group; it's the story that just keeps on giving...constant entertainment on a near daily basis at this point.  I love it.  

And so the new adventures begin... Dragon's Dogma 2.


I've already spent close to an hour just trying to decide what kind of character I want to make here... something silly or something more serious in tone...  I started out making a mage (eventual sorcerer) and that's been the only thing I was 100% certain about making... Thief would be my 2nd choice later.  


There's a "dirt" option to make your character have a dirty appearance, which of course is perfect for any of my "shit creature" ideas....I'm looking at a wizard with FULL dirt coverage and tempted to make "Dooko the Foul" my starting character already.  Currently he has green eyes but as I type would make more sense to lean into the concept even further and make the eyes yellow (representing the corn kernels)....and even there I have trouble settling on a name; for a moment I was thinking of just naming the dude "STAIN"; I laughed for a while with that but I still like the name "Dooko" (or "Dookor", "Dookai", Turdak, etc.) for such a character.  These decisions are always a tough call.'s also a mix of my original intention to try and make something like the vampire from Salem's Lot though (; currently he looks a bit similar to that....the monstrous movie version, of course. (that's actually a cooler design than Stephen King's original concept in the book, imo...sometimes I prefer vampires look like obvious monsters)  


...but yeah I think "Dooko" is going to be my first character here... 

Edited by MillionX
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15 hours ago, Dayaan said:


Fans have been demanding a PC port and remaster of Bloodborne for ages and it still hasn't happened, meanwhile while DS has been ported everywhere.


The thing that sets Bloodborne apart other than the combat, is that the setting is unique. I don't generally go a big rubbery one for fantasy settings, so the souls series isn't as compelling to me. Similarly, I find Sekiro 's setting a lot more interesting than Souls.


Youre not considering the fact that there are 3 Souls games vs only one Bloodborne game, so the playerbase is going to be concentrated for Bloodborne. And while I understand what you're saying RE the "love for it being birthed by comparison," there's really only one game like that and it is Bloodborne whereas there are plenty of games with settings and vibes like DS. So really there's not much to compare Bloodborne TO. Like, yeah, in a spiritual sense it makes sense to group DS and Bloodborne together, but outside of the fact that they're made by the same company and that DS3's combat is built off BB's, they couldn't be more different.


RE Sekiro prequel, I guess we'd have to agree to disagree. I remember people saying that they'd love a Castlevania game based on the 1999 war (a significant event in the series' canon) or a Bloodborne prequel based on the events of Loran, but there isn't enough meat to those events that I think they'd make compelling games on their own. Similarly, I don't think Tomoe training Genechiro or helping sever Takeru's immortality is enough to warrant more than a DLC. Part of what makes those events interesting is that there's enough bones there to give you an idea of what happened but not so much that you can't draw your own conclusions about them, which imo is the strength of Miyazaki's brand of storytelling.


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44 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

That whole BGG thing would be puzzling to me if it wasn't plain what these people are up to. They want it to not exist, for... reasons.


Otherwise, why do you even give a fuck how many white people an organization named BLACK GIRL GAMERS are hiring?


It's so annoying to constantly see these fucking chuds of all types talk that "bootstrap" and "get your own X" shit, but the minute someone does that, they're crying about not being included somehow.

Growing up in the South, I'm fully aware of why their needed to be groups for black people to congregate because we were being excluded. The neighboring county to where my mom went to school shut down their public schools for 5 years rather than integrate. That said, some of these groups seem to have lost the plot. Getting together to shit on other groups of people isn't a good look and simply propagating the same behavior that led to their needing to be "black only" groups in the first place. This isn't exclusive to the gaming space. Somewhere along the line a lot groups have lost the plot and have shifted from uplifting their members to denigrating other groups. Which frankly is making things worse. Things are worse now than 20 years ago.


Side note: I'm curious to hear what everyone else's experience was like growing up in "geek culture". I can't speak for anyone else, which is why I'm curious. In my experience we, geeks/nerds, were the group getting shitted on by others. Black/white or male/female wasn't any issue for us. Which were just happy to hang with other people that didn't give us grief for gaming, comics, anime, or being into sci fi. I've heard people say that some time "gatekeeping" is a good thing. When I was younger I would have disagreed vehemently. However seeing what's happened to geek culture, I see their point. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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25 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Side note: I'm curious to hear what everyone else's experience was like growing up in "geek culture". I can't speak for anyone else, which is why I'm curious. In my experience we, geeks/nerds, were the group getting shitted on by others. Black/white or male/female wasn't any issue for us. Which were just happy to hang with other people that didn't give us grief for gaming, comics, anime, or being into sci fi. I've heard people say that some time "gatekeeping" is a good thing. When I was younger I would have disagreed vehemently. However seeing what's happened to geek culture, I see their point. 

I never had an issue with it growing up due to I had so many other hobbies that weren’t “geek” or “nerd” related. I skate boarded, played volley ball, weight training, wrote/directed/starred in home movies my friends and I would make, went to tons of concerts too where I’d meet people. 

I also hated labels, and I still do. So Ive never been a fan of being pigeonholed into being/representing a specific type of person. 

I was very much a social chameleon growing up. I didn’t get along with everyone per se but I had no issues hopping from one clique group/hobby/whatever to another. Usually I’d get along with most the people within those social circles. 

Edited by iStu X
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54 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

That whole BGG thing would be puzzling to me if it wasn't plain what these people are up to. They want it to not exist, for... reasons.


Otherwise, why do you even give a fuck how many white people an organization named BLACK GIRL GAMERS are hiring?


It's so annoying to constantly see these fucking chuds of all types talk that "bootstrap" and "get your own X" shit, but the minute someone does that, they're crying about not being included somehow.

You act as if the woman at the head of this isn't already on record saying that she doesn't hire whites and that we don't have labor and discrimination laws on the books that were put in place to protect people like her in the first place.

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Ohhhh yeah I remember those days clearly, when certain "geeky" things were not considered "cool" and accepted like they are in recent/modern times.  At best it would be a case of most of the other dudes at school just not caring what you're into if it's not basketball, football, "gettin bitches" or drinking and smoking weed. 1 negative isn't just the fear of being was also how lonely the experience would be, if you're the 1 dude in the whole school that does things like draw dragons and other fantasy world creatures and comic characters instead of knowing which teams made it to the Final Four or who won last night on Monday Night Football.


The real roast sessions were about actually being the classic definition of a "nerd" though--- and I'm sure that hasn't really changed so much even now.  If you're one of the smart kids then you were seen as "Urkel" and thus forever labeled as a "lame".  My dad always told me that it was this way even back then when he was a kid (actual baby boomer gen there)....that if you were a nerdy kid, you definitely had to be somewhat "in the closet" about that shit or else.... play dumb just to fit in and be cool, as pathetic as that sounds.


oh yeahhh today is the day---Reforge Gaming just went live with the Stellar Blade demo now:

well... the demo is only 16 gigs apparently....ha, I actually have room then...

Edited by MillionX
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18 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

So you were one of those people bullied me when I was a 4'8" 83lb 11 year old that disappeared completely when I was a 5'10" 175lb 14 year old? 🙃

Nah man,  I'm just playing 😂


My nickname on the school bus was Bookworm. I had an hour long ride both ways in my country-ass Louisa County. So I read fantasy books 😆 

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4 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Nah man,  I'm just playing 😂


My nickname on the school bus was Bookworm. I had an hour long ride both ways in my country-ass Louisa County. So I read fantasy books 😆 

Hour long....damn man. When I lived on a tobacco farm my bus ride wasn't even that long. Although it took me like 15 to 20 minutes to walk from the bus stop to the trailer my parents were renting. So if you include that it was an hour 😁

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3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

The thing with invasions is that you won't be invaded unless you're co-opping which already puts you at a massive advantage over the invader because it's going to be at least 2 on 1 and the invader takes a haircut on his health. As someone who does a lot of invading, even with the gems I got from dungeon diving, if I run into a gank squad of two, nevermind 3, I'm already going to be disadvantaged quite a lot. So if anybody needs gems, it's the INVADER.

How about not making the system shit for either player? The only being invaded while co-oping sucks dick lol. I hate that shit in Elden Ring to, its one of my big knocks against an otherwise amazing game. The Invader needing blood gems because every invasion is a lopsided affair kind proves my point that the invasion system in this game isn't very good. 


How about just let people fucking invade? If people dont want to be invaded they can be pussies about it and log out. 


3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

But again, the complaints about dungeons and gems really only apply to pvp and most players who play this game are pve players so they aren't going to notice the issues because they aren't affected by them. I agree that 30fps kind of sucks and that to some extent that the dungeons can get samey, but again, those are issues I'd love to see fleshed out a bit better in a remaster.

Well I do want to engage with it, I am not most players, and when engaging with those systems the majority of people who do, do not like them. When people actually start to engage with those systems most people walk away disappointed. 


I most certainly do not enjoy them and they make the game worse for me. I lose out on a huge part of the experience I enjoy because they made engaging with that experience unfun and grindy as fuck. 


They really need to drop the "you have to be co-oping to be invaded" shit to. Its bad. It's bad for invasions, it's bad for players, it makes every invasion a lopsided affair. Worst of all is that it removes the unpredictability of invasions which just nueters the fuck out of them. I rarely co-op in my world, i get summoned instead. This means I beat Elden Ring without ever once getting invaded. Not once. Took me over 100 hours to see the credit scroll and not one single fucking invasion in my world. 


Trying so hard to please people who had more then enough ways to disengage with that system that theyve kind of ruined it. System sucks now. 

Edited by RSG3
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So, in the Gamestop the other day... I noticed a Mindflayer figure... but immediately the frustration hit.  It was one of those accursed Funkopops though.  😞 They're just so ugly.  I will always prefer a toy figure to be as accurate as possible to what the character normally looks like.  Funkos in particular all have that same ugly style, and I've hated it since day 1.  It always looks terrible.  


Dragon's Dogma---I finished making my character and the pawn.... I made the pawn a cute pale-skinned redhead type with niiiiice thick legs and big tits.... the pawgy-pawn of dreams.  I probably should have gone with a cuter face but it's decent enough.  I made her an archer; it definitely was to be either that or a fighter since my main character right now is a mage.  

*I should've based it on some famous hot girl... back in part 1 I remember making my pawn based on Nina Dobrev as Elena/Katherine from Vampire Diaries.


*just thought...that would be really cool if they had an "illithid/mindflayer" type of head in customization.  Y'know....why stop at letting us be a race of cat people in addition to the normal human types?  They should've gone wild with that more... let me be an illithid, or a lizard person, demons, angels, djinn, orcs and goblin folks.... if I was running the show here you'd have basically everything on the table as an option for your character.

Edited by MillionX
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Shit, someone called me a geek or a nerd back in the day and the fists would fly.  I was quick to beat someone up when I was a kid.  Most of my friends were the same way.  Run your mouth and you get chin checked.  So it wasnt that big of an issue.  I mean, we liked fighting so it was as good an excuse as any other.

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9 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Shit, someone called me a geek or a nerd back in the day and the fists would fly.  I was quick to beat someone up when I was a kid.  Most of my friends were the same way.  Run your mouth and you get chin checked.  So it wasnt that big of an issue.  I mean, we liked fighting so it was as good an excuse as any other.


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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

You act as if the woman at the head of this isn't already on record saying that she doesn't hire whites and that we don't have labor and discrimination laws on the books that were put in place to protect people like her in the first place.

What, specifically, did the woman at the head of BGG say? People are talking like she said she doesn't hire white people, when that was another woman at another studio (the ones doing Rise of Hydra). The only ones I see saying the head of BGG explicitly doesn't hire white ever are anti-woke channels, going off a tweet where Black Girl Gamers told black women content D&D creators to hit them up for some brand thing. I'm just seeing this stuff though, so it's possible I missed something.

Edited by axeman61
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1 hour ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Shit, someone called me a geek or a nerd back in the day and the fists would fly.  I was quick to beat someone up when I was a kid.  Most of my friends were the same way.  Run your mouth and you get chin checked.  So it wasnt that big of an issue.  I mean, we liked fighting so it was as good an excuse as any other.

Stuff It Holly Holm GIF

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

 The only being invaded while co-oping sucks dick lol. I hate that shit in Elden Ring to, its one of my big knocks against an otherwise amazing game. The Invader needing blood gems because every invasion is a lopsided affair kind proves my point that the invasion system in this game isn't very good. 


How about just let people fucking invade? If people dont want to be invaded they can be pussies about it and log out. 


Well I do want to engage with it, I am not most players, and when engaging with those systems the majority of people who do, do not like them. When people actually start to engage with those systems most people walk away disappointed. 


I most certainly do not enjoy them and they make the game worse for me. I lose out on a huge part of the experience I enjoy because they made engaging with that experience unfun and grindy as fuck. 


They really need to drop the "you have to be co-oping to be invaded" shit to. Its bad. It's bad for invasions, it's bad for players, it makes every invasion a lopsided affair. Worst of all is that it removes the unpredictability of invasions which just nueters the fuck out of them. I rarely co-op in my world, i get summoned instead. This means I beat Elden Ring without ever once getting invaded. Not once. Took me over 100 hours to see the credit scroll and not one single fucking invasion in my world. 


Trying so hard to please people who had more then enough ways to disengage with that system that theyve kind of ruined it. System sucks now. 

I think they do it that way because of how much people complained about getting stomped in Undead Burg in DS1. They nerfed it pretty hard in DS2 to where the invader couldn't heal at all and in 3 where they can just resummon phantoms over and over, so comparatively I guess it could be worse. But invasions are a fairly unpopular mechanic among the pve crowd these days.

I don't know if you saw how positively apoplectic people got about invasions when Elden Ring came out but I've never seen a saltier more angry and entitled group of gamers. A lot of stuff to the effect of "I paid for this game, my friend and I want to coop and these try hards are ruining our game" type stuff. Someone even made a mod for PC that would shut off invasions altogether it got so bad.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Yup. It's a sad state of affairs. The truth is invasions will just never be the same as they used to be. The organic interaction they had with the earlier games is just never coming back unfortunately. 


Least they made participation not a huge ass grind this time. Take what you can get I guess. 



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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

What, specifically, did the woman at the head of BGG say? People are talking like she said she doesn't hire white people, when that was another woman at another studio (the ones doing Rise of Hydra). The only ones I see saying the head of BGG explicitly doesn't hire white ever are anti-woke channels, going off a tweet where Black Girl Gamers told black women content D&D creators to hit them up for some brand thing. I'm just seeing this stuff though, so it's possible I missed something.

I got the head of BGG confused with the woman working on the Black Panther game, so that's my mistake.


But, if you go to the BGG site, there's no white or Asian people in their group shots. Maybe they hire them and don't admit to it, but I'd be hard pressed to believe if a white or asian person walked in trying to get hired that they'd hire them. Sounds like it's the typical "'diversity' just means 'more people like us'" thing

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4 hours ago, axeman61 said:

That whole BGG thing would be puzzling to me if it wasn't plain what these people are up to. They want it to not exist, for... reasons.


Otherwise, why do you even give a fuck how many white people an organization named BLACK GIRL GAMERS are hiring?


It's so annoying to constantly see these fucking chuds of all types talk that "bootstrap" and "get your own X" shit, but the minute someone does that, they're crying about not being included somehow.


1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

What, specifically, did the woman at the head of BGG say? People are talking like she said she doesn't hire white people, when that was another woman at another studio (the ones doing Rise of Hydra). The only ones I see saying the head of BGG explicitly doesn't hire white ever are anti-woke channels, going off a tweet where Black Girl Gamers told black women content D&D creators to hit them up for some brand thing. I'm just seeing this stuff though, so it's possible I missed something.

I saw the discorse going on in Twitter but was trying to gather information about it because it looks like people are trying to lump them in with SBI when this doesn't feel to be the same case.  That game ValiDate is minority centered and from what I understand everyone in that game is purposefully flawed.  Pretty sure you're not really supposed to like that character unless that's a thing you vibe with.  Whether the game is actually good or not is a dif story and mostly irrelevant.  As far as I've seen so far the people accusing BGG haven't really put anything like with the SBI.  I'm not saying it can't or won't happen in the future but at this moment they're lacking some evidence on actual racist comments coming from  the people in charge.  Far as I understand BGG is just supposed to be a safe space for black girls to connect with each other and network, that's the main goal of the group.  They do have consulting on there but that's not their main thing.  They've consulted on what appears to be a grand total of at least 2 games...1 being Forspoken on which they have on their website and ValiDate game.


I'm reserving judgement on this until people actually find something showing where they themselves are actually being racist or prejudiced against people cause the first thing I saw that seemed to get the ball rolling on this outrage was some dude on twitter upset that as a white guy he couldn't be a part of BGG which is interesting thing to be upset about.   I'm black but I'm a dude and I wouldn't really be a part of this either...neither would I care or want to to be honest.  They're trying to build a brand and get more black women into gaming without having to deal with a ton of vitriol ( which has come anyway).  If something does come out then I'll change my mind on this but for now I don't agree with the people trying to lump this in with SBI.

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@SonichumanThe only thing I've seen regarding BGG is a woman claiming they fired her for not hating on white people. Now that could be someone just saying shit on Twitter, she could have an axe to grind, or she maybe on the level. The only reason I don't doubt that she actually worked there is because I think it would have came up by now.  With BGG pursuing legal action against That Park Place, I'd think they would have said something if wasn't a former employee.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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