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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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ah, I did not realize this until now... probably would've helped against Margit I'm sure...or anywhere else where you can summon is annoying that you can't just summon anywhere, imo... in just about all other games I've played where summoning is an ability, you can do it anywhere if you have enough mana to do so....maybe they just thought this would be too overpowered and abusable if the player can do it whenever they want.

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13 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Velma in Multiversus huh? Odd choice but I'm sure they'll make her interesting to play 

So she is.



Kinda forgot about this game.  WB has been super strict with this. They won’t let the people they invite for testing show anything of the game at all or they will be banned for future tests. 

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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

ah, I did not realize this until now... probably would've helped against Margit I'm sure...or anywhere else where you can summon is annoying that you can't just summon anywhere, imo... in just about all other games I've played where summoning is an ability, you can do it anywhere if you have enough mana to do so....maybe they just thought this would be too overpowered and abusable if the player can do it whenever they want.

From's rules of summoning/invading definitely make you have to jump through a lot of hoops. It's frankly kind of annoying.

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49 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

From's rules of summoning/invading definitely make you have to jump through a lot of hoops. It's frankly kind of annoying.

It's actually extremely lenient in this game. They are a little picky about the NPC summons that Million is talking about, but a lot of those are really OP, especially if you keep up with upgrading them, but actually summoning another player is probably the absolute easiest it has ever been. 


Edit: Add a jump button does make platforming a lot nicer but it's still dog shit to ask the player to jump onto thin platforms that if they don't land on exactly right they slide off the side the to their death. It's been over 10 years now, fucking fix this shit or stop asking me to do delicate platforming if you are not going to accommodate it. Sekiro got this shit right, there is no excuse for this anymore. 



Edited by RSG3
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4 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

Game devs show a lack of professionalism as Elden Ring receives rave reviews.


First guy worked on User Experience for Battlefield 2042, second worked on quest design in the Horizon series. The tweet ends up getting deleted and the second guy privated his account when people started calling them out.

Rebecca is right about the PC version though. 

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I don't get the quest design one. Eldin Ring and Horizon both have fantastic quest design, they just go about doing them really differently. That's an odd complaint to me. 


Rebecca is on point. 


Ubisoft should probably shut the fuck up. In general they make the most bland open worlds with the most one dimensional quest design, and they just churn that shit out yearly. Yea may have a different name on the cover but Far Cry and Assassins Creed really aren't that different in the long run. 


Oh an the UX in Battlefield fucking sucks. Its god damn terrible and how he thinks he can whine about someone else's UX after 2042 is absolutely astounding. It's user experience is so fucking bad EA is making it F2P just to cling onto what few users they even still have. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, BornWinner said:

Game devs show a lack of professionalism as Elden Ring receives rave reviews.


First guy worked on User Experience for Battlefield 2042, second worked on quest design in the Horizon series. The tweet ends up getting deleted and the second guy privated his account when people started calling them out.


I am not seeing the disrespect, though. In the thread they express they love the game, but feel the UX feels very outdated. They make valid points




Edited by AriesWarlock
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41 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

I am not seeing the disrespect, though. In the thread they express they love the game, but feel the UX feels very outdated. They make valid points

I’m not seeing it, at least concerning OP. He basically starts with why is this game doing well despite me not liking this feature and doesn’t say anything else. He then explains that it feels like it hasn’t been playtested and that’s it. That would be some awful criticism since it doesn’t explain why it feels awful like the other guy you linked. Whether he likes the game or not is fine, it’s just not a good look to be User Experience at another company and barely explain why the UX in this game is awful .

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9 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

DA fuck is this UX anyhow? 

It's short hand for User Experience. It's about how someone interacts with the game, like the guy complaining because has to hit triangle to dismiss a pop up notification when he picks up a new item. You know, to let you know you've never seen it before. After then it always pops on the right hand side of the screen. 


1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:

They make valid points

Hard disagree, his complaint is really petty for exactly the reason I explained above. He sounds really salty that critics aren't bothered about dismissing a message like he is and didn't deduct points (cuz the score is what really matters I guess, not the actual content of the reviews, Yay for aggregate websites!!!) for it to score better then whatever fucking project he worked on. 

Edited by RSG3
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5 minutes ago, Wellman said:

Which is weird because after they had issues with the PC port of Dark Souls (might have been 2, I forget) you would think they try a bit better to make those ports work.

There is a decent chance it's the DRM fucking shit up. Not sure how much but they are using one called EasyAntiCheat and it's apparently pretty terrible. I think this is their first time using it so maybe they didn't know? 


Despite making PC releases they are still a Japanese company that really focuses on closed architecture, you know Consoles. Platinum Games has the same problems they really don't have exp with open systems like PC seems to be a huge hurtle for Japan for some reason. 


Edit: Also not trying to say that EasyAntiCheat explains everything because it definitely doesn't there are some engineering issues on console to. Their streaming pipeline for graphics needs work. 

Edited by RSG3
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32 minutes ago, Wellman said:

Which is weird because after they had issues with the PC port of Dark Souls (might have been 2, I forget) you would think they try a bit better to make those ports work.

The original PC port of Dark Souls had issues. Mainly, it had no native 1080p. The game would just stretch the 720 image and call it a day. The game was unplayable in that resolution unless you used a fan patch.  

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sheeeittt, I'm not even sure how to get around any fight with the giant bears....they're fast (of course...seems to be From's usual idea of making a tough enemy "eh just make them 1000x faster than the player character.") and even at range they're still dangerous because of a wind projectile they can throw.


I tried beating Preceptor Miriam again just now... it's still just an absurd fight, considering she can 1-shot me instantly from full health with that magic arrow shot...which doesn't even have to be a direct hit, btw....splash damage is a one-shot too.  It's also a fight that can last a long time, since her last phase involves her teleporting around pretty much non-stop....which is quite the problem considering she can teleport with the one-shot arrow ready for you.  Some have had luck by climbing up to the rafters at the final phase, but there's rats up there AND she can always just hit you with the arrow while you're climbing up.  I'm seeing in various places online that I'm not the only one thinking this character and fight are complete bullshit.  Oh and running past her to go upstairs first is also a problem on occasion...because it's possible for her to still hit you through the floor because of the splash damage explosion on the arrow. = boom you're dead again.

Also...that one-hit shot she has slight homing capability too.


ha, I tried poison darts just now trying to build damage over time...nope; she just perfectly dodges 99% of that shit.  Basically you're a regular human fighting Ultra Instinct Goku.  No, you won't win.


Currently level 39 now... 30 points on Int...Mind is only 17; I should focus on bumping that up for a while.

Edited by MillionX
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44 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Wonder what happened?

Perhaps SE trying to maximize profit and that leading into the game design suffering.


What is sad, is that now people are trying to justify that as a sign that Platinum should steer away of trying to do a live service game as a way to create a source of steady revenue for their studio, lol.

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

Wonder what happened?

From what I can gather by my brief poking around is Platinum had something in mind with a clear roadmap and development cycle which Square had signed off on but then Square changed their mind late in development which fucked up everything for Platinum who essentially had to start over



Edited by iStu X
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I looked up Multiversus just to see if I can get any news and apparently this game has been MASSIVELY leaked.  Voice lines have been found in the betas which spoile several characters. Either by one character mentioning another character by name (for example Harley calling out REDACTED) or currently unconfirmed characters having their own lines. I'll list these characters in the spoiler below. Some of them were leaked prior to this.



Taz (Looney Tunes)

Marvin the Martian (Looney Tunes)

Raven (Teen Titans)

The Joker (Batman)

Iron Giant

Lebron James 

Rick (Rick & Morty) 

Morty (Rick & Morty)

Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)

Gizmo (Gremlins)

Scooby Doo 

Black Adam (Shazam)

Poison Ivy (Batman)

Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)

Craig (Craig of the Creek)

Static (Static Shock)

Nubia as a skin for Wonder Woman (Wonder Woman)

Being a datamine, I expect some of this stuff to not stick or not come to fruition for some time. Still, at least it some new info for this game.



Oh and while they didn't show a trailer for Velma, she was found in a playable state and someone posted a video that I ended up saving.




Edited by BornWinner
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29 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

I looked up Multiversus just to see if I can get any news and apparently this game has been MASSIVELY leaked.  Voice lines have been found in the betas which spoile several characters. Either by one character mentioning another character by name (for example Harley calling out REDACTED) or currently unconfirmed characters having their own lines. I'll list these characters in the spoiler below. Some of them were leaked prior to this.


  Reveal hidden contents

Taz (Looney Tunes)

Marvin the Martian (Looney Tunes)

Raven (Teen Titans)

The Joker (Batman)

Iron Giant

Lebron James 

Rick (Rick & Morty) 

Morty (Rick & Morty)

Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)

Gizmo (Gremlins)

Scooby Doo 

Black Adam (Shazam)

Poison Ivy (Batman)

Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)

Craig (Craig of the Creek)

Static (Static Shock)

Nubia as a skin for Wonder Woman (Wonder Woman)

Being a datamine, I expect some of this stuff to not stick or not come to fruition for some time. Still, at least it some new info for this game.


  Hide contents

Oh and while they didn't show a trailer for Velma, she was found in a playable state and someone posted a video that I ended up saving.






The pornomancers will have a field with her 3d model.

Not that it matters now, that some blessed souls that apparently works in the film industry made some nice quality 3d models from Scooby Doo based on their lastests look from the movie.







Edited by Hecatom
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The wildest shit I saw from the Multiversus leaks is Naruto and The Hulk. I hear WB has the license to use Naruto and they do in fact develop those Lego Marvel games so I suppose it's not totally out of the realm of possibility 


Idk wth is going on with this game but I'm liking what I'm hearing so far 🤣

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6 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

they do in fact develop those Lego Marvel games so I suppose it's not totally out of the realm of possibility 

Travelers Tales makes all the Lego games. They have no affiliation with DC or Marvel.


edit: shit. I’m dumb. Travelers Tales parent company is a subsidiary of Warner. 

Dr House Oops GIF

Edited by iStu X
Link to comment, Godrick is definitely more manageable than Margit, imo... there's an npc summon which of course helps occupy his attention so you can get away with all kinds of cheap hits.  Of course another part of the mix is my character just being generally much stronger at this point.


I'm 65 hours in at this point.


oh yeah...I got the "Raya Lucarian Robe"!  This is the very cool dark blue mage's robe with the red sash thing with gold trim!  I've been looking forward to getting that.  I'm about to fight another boss, but there's no grace area before it...?!  I barely even made it here, in this area with tons of mages and living giant teapots(!) and other things.  


behold, how cool that shit looks


Edited by MillionX
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hell yeah I beat that giant wolf boss...seemed to be a battle of glass cannons... my "sling rock" spell was doing some serious damage, but any time he hit me it was a critical situation as well.... my wolf spirits came in handy once again as I hit him with all those magical crack rocks....carving off BIG chunks of that style too since I have the fresh mage's robe, looking ever so dapper.

The Wire GIF


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