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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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13 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I still remember them trying to make Steve Rogers and Bucky a thing. 

I remember when they did the same with Sam and Bucky. It got so frequent and widespread that the actors for those two had to state at one point that “no, they’re just friends” and people turned on them. Shipping culture has always been annoying and has only gotten more insufferable recently. Any two characters sharing screen time can’t just be friends anymore. They just HAVE to be together and if they’re not then that whole show/game/movie/whatever is trash. 


I am refusing to read any review of Bayo 3, but it if wasn’t made explicitly clear that Bayonetta wasn’t a lesbian/preferred women before, then fuck those reviewers for getting upset that their headcanon didn’t happen.


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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

I skimmed it. It's incredibly disrespectful to the games creators and the people who enjoy the series beyond just the "button ramming." 


Here's and excerpt from it about Luka. Only talks about him in context to Bayo 1 and 2, I avoided any spoiler content (tho I didn't see much of that in the article either.)


She claims she thinks Bayonetta was a beacon for people wanting strong femininity in their games but she can't even remember the character who has the second most amount of screen time next to Bayonetta from Bayo 1. 


I don't think she's fucking played them honestly. 

Ok  Luka is actually relatively important in Bayo 1 since he blames what happened to his father directly to Bayo and its his whole schtick through out 1 to get to the truth.  no. 2 Luka isn't a simp.  I'm gonna need them to actually look up the definition of that word because he hated her until he found out what actually happened.  Dude thinks he's cool, he does find Bayo attractive but he's not actively trying to get in Bayo's pants ( though I'm sure if she offered he wouldn't say no)  but ultimately he comes off as a goofy side character who's way in over his head but is able to help out anyway.


And Bayo is still a strong beacon of femininity, the fact that they want to take that away from her is pretty annoying based on whatever slight they feel has been done to her.  She's still strong, she doesn't take shit from no one, she's not trying to look good for anyone in particular besides herself and she's a fucking bad ass.  I don't know what else they want at this point.

Edited by Sonichuman
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8 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Ok  Luka is actually relatively important in Bayo 1 since he blames what happened to his father directly to Bayo and its his whole schtick through out 1 to get to the truth.  no. 2 Luka isn't a simp.  I'm gonna need them to actually look up the definition of that word because he hated her until he found out what actually happened.  Dude thinks he's cool, he does find Bayo attractive but he's not actively to get in Bayo's pants ( though I'm sure if she offered he wouldn't say no)  but ultimately he comes off as a goofy side character who's way in over his head but is able to help out anyway.

He literally babysits Cereza for like 45%, 50% of the game, he's integral lmao. Hes kinda of just there to be a Exposition Dump in Bayo 2 but that still serves a fucking purpose lol.

Edited by RSG3
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28 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Anyone playing Bayonetta for the story surely huffs paint. Anyone looking for political insight in it should proceed to follow these instructions- they can change the word "man" to "pixie-kin" or whatever as needed:

Well, if you take a look at the Bayo subreddit, you'll see how right you are about there being a lot of paint huffers there. It's easily one of the most cringe-worthy fanbases. And good looking out with the Maddox link, I miss that Best Debate In The Universe podcast.

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:


Edit: I think I can guess what the issue is. I haven't read any reviews but the trailers seem to imply Viola maybe  Bayonetta and Luka's child. Instantly I saw Bayonetta/Jeanne shippers lose their shit. I can almost guarantee that's what Polygon is bitching about.

This would be kinda funny if true RSG and I were talking last week about how Viola is giving us Trunks vibes...this would put that more in line with it.

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53 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

I remember when they did the same with Sam and Bucky. It got so frequent and widespread that the actors for those two had to state at one point that “no, they’re just friends” and people turned on them. Shipping culture has always been annoying and has only gotten more insufferable recently. Any two characters sharing screen time can’t just be friends anymore. They just HAVE to be together and if they’re not then that whole show/game/movie/whatever is trash. 

Another example is Brokeback Mountain. Everyone thought Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal were gay, just because they liked to fuck each other in the ass.  Why do people have to make EVERYTHING about homosexuality? 

On God fr fr no cap big facts.

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Just now, iStu X said:

Air buster is the first battle where I’ve had to think about my materia load out. 

Same, first boss to make me really start paying attention to the mechanics instead of just passively engaging with them. I think they did a really good job re-imagining that boss.


Also his remix of the boss theme is so fucking *chefs kiss*

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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Polygon gave Bayonetta 2 a 7.5 because she was too sexual. IIRC it would have been a 9 if it weren't for the games sexual nature. That was the last time I visited that sham of a website. Ignore them, they won't get clicks, their ad rates will tank, and they'll go about of business. We'll all be better for it. 


Edit: I think I can guess what the issue is. I haven't read any reviews but the trailers seem to imply Viola maybe  Bayonetta and Luka's child. Instantly I saw Bayonetta/Jeanne shippers lose their shit. I can almost guarantee that's what Polygon is bitching about.


It took you that long? 🤔

I learned to ignore them since day 1 🤣

Polygon is just 0.001% less dumb than Kotaku.


At least Kotaku used to have Jason on their payroll, so they had that for a while.

But Polygon never had anything of value.

Edited by Hecatom
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I personally never got a romantic relationship vibe from Bayonetta & Jeanne personally. Could be wrong, but they seemed like best friends to me. Anytime a fictional character has a close same sex friend these days Twitter wants to make the relationship romantic. I still remember them trying to make Steve Rogers and Bucky a thing. 


You are right, they never had a romantic relationship.

Meanwhile Bayo has always had a flirty thing going with Luka.

Also, when Cereza calls Bayo mom, she musters that she likes the process of baby making but not to make a baby.


So is already implied that she likes having sex with men.


This is why shipper culture is terrible.

Those idiots assume their ships are real, canon be damn.

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haha I was checking out some old pictures of random stuff and came across a snapshot I took of a game called "Count Dookie Fart"... yeah just because of course that name immediately grabs my attention as something naturally I had to look up videos... yeah, this is a real game that exists:

only 99 cents too...

Not Bad Kind Of GIF by MOODMAN

Edited by MillionX
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The queer forcing from fanbases like in the above are extremely frustrating when it comes to men imo. Maybe its because I'm male and women seem to have a fluidity to their friendship/sexual dynamic, ive seen plenty of girls be more then flirty with their female friends. Anyway what im getting at is how men don't seem to be allowed to have close relationships with other men and them not be sexual. Every time men are friends on a level deeper then paper thin someones always declaring them a gay couple. The Cap A/Bucky thing is another example (Funny how it applies to both Caps to, wtf, like Bucky literally cant have a work partner if he isnt trying to dick down Americas ass or something?)like men in fiction (from a viewer response perspective) dont seem to be allowed to have "real" friends. No one they can depend on in their darkest hour, or when things are tough, or when they support, no they also have to stick their dick in em.  Like how Bruce adopts orphans and people like "Oh he totally wants to fuck them" Like eeew why you trying to argue for pedophilia and grooming in a comic book about fighting crime, wtf?

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45 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Some people are upset because they think Platinum has been "queerbaiting":



LMAO, this nigga is seething, since is going on an unhinged  rant/thread to try to prove that Bayo is canonically lesbian, 🤣


Nevermind that both Jeanne and Bayo call themselves sisters.

Edited by Hecatom
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4 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Ok  Luka is actually relatively important in Bayo 1 since he blames what happened to his father directly to Bayo and its his whole schtick through out 1 to get to the truth.  no. 2 Luka isn't a simp.  I'm gonna need them to actually look up the definition of that word because he hated her until he found out what actually happened.  Dude thinks he's cool, he does find Bayo attractive but he's not actively trying to get in Bayo's pants ( though I'm sure if she offered he wouldn't say no)  but ultimately he comes off as a goofy side character who's way in over his head but is able to help out anyway.


And Bayo is still a strong beacon of femininity, the fact that they want to take that away from her is pretty annoying based on whatever slight they feel has been done to her.  She's still strong, she doesn't take shit from no one, she's not trying to look good for anyone in particular besides herself and she's a fucking bad ass.  I don't know what else they want at this point.

A openly lesbian lead? Maybe possible non binary? 🤣

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Seeing the convo it seems that those idiots are serious about it.


Is like Einstein supposedly said.


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.




The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.


I guess that I should never underestimate how stupid twatter is.

Edited by Hecatom
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6 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


I am willing to believe is sarcasm, but then again, is Polygon and Kotaku we are talking about.

We can't never be sure how stupid they are.

I would’ve thought that too, but she on goes on about it in more posts.


Apparently straight men can’t find an impossibly tall woman in a skintight outfit kicking ass when Moon River’s playing (which is also apparently a gay thing). 

She would then mute the thread, but not really because she’s still blocking people who says otherwise.

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Just now, BornWinner said:

I would’ve thought that too, but she on goes on about it in more posts.


Apparently straight men can’t find an impossibly tall woman in a skintight outfit kicking ass when Moon River’s playing (which is also apparently a gay thing). 

She would then mute the thread, but not really because she’s still blocking people who says otherwise.



This is the problem with those idiots.

For them, everything is about sexuality and sexuality is basically their whole identity to the point that for them this is explicitly gay, queer or whatever.



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I kinda don't get at all what this woman is trying to say in this post since it feels...pretty cut and dry?

You don't think straight men would fine anything interesting in a subjectively attractive woman who's clothes get torn and come off for a brief few seconds?  I'm confused.  Am I a straight man not supposed to find this interesting?   Also saying something like "I don't believe straight men are into this, sexually" is a weird thing to say coming from someone who has They/Them pronouns.  You don't want other people putting you in a box so why are you doing it to others?

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Just now, Sonichuman said:

You don't want other people putting you in a box so why are you doing it to others?


Because it was always about putting people into boxes, it was just not putting them into the previous ones.


Skimming through the thread, she and the other turd brains pose it that is all about the subtext, text, meta text (they don't make their mind/agree on this)

According to them is pure queer stuff, so if you are straight and you like it, then you are queer then and not really straight 🤣


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2 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


Because it was always about putting people into boxes, it was just not putting them into the previous ones.


Skimming through the thread, she and the other turd brains pose it that is all about the subtext, text, meta text (they don't make their mind/agree on this)

According to them is pure queer stuff, so if you are straight and you like it, then you are queer then and not really straight 🤣


Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable


It's the most confusing thing....she's bucking on a angel centaur and the camera goes right up to show her ass bucking on it with her moaning.  Straight men don't like this?  I'd almost want to ask them what does she think straight men like?


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3 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable


It's the most confusing thing....she's bucking on a angel centaur and the camera goes right up to show her ass bucking on it with her moaning.  Straight men don't like this?  I'd almost want to ask them what does she think straight men like?



They are so minuscule on brain matter.

It doesn't surprise me why they don't understand the difference between art/fanart having lesbian/yuri elements for fan service and the actual characterization in game/any media of the same chars, seeing this ius the kind of train of thought they default to.




Something similar happens in anime/manga, where those kind of idiots push for their head canon.

For example, in the Yowamushi Pedal manga, the kids are the typical shonen best friends, but those idiots keep arguing that the kids are gay, because as RSG3 said, a man can't have friends now without wanting to put his dick on the butt of the other.


Edited by Hecatom
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6 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

I know what I said. Bisexuality isn't in vogue right now and you and I both know that 


It has never been in vought.

Gays, lesbians and Trans hate them because they think they are posers or some shit like that 🤣




It is why they changed Freddy Mercury, a bisexual man into a gay man in the movie.

Edited by Hecatom
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10 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable


It's the most confusing thing....she's bucking on a angel centaur and the camera goes right up to show her ass bucking on it with her moaning.  Straight men don't like this?  I'd almost want to ask them what does she think straight men like?


This isn't surprising. Most women are just as clueless about men and most men are about women.

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Damn that also reminds me when some people were also calling Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero (both deceased wrestlers) gay since Benoit broke down after Eddie died and were swearing that a man can only suffer like that if they had passionate feelings for the other guy. And we are talking about people who actually existed and not fictional characters too


It was quite sickening really

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^haha I didn't know anyone "shipped" Benoit and Eddie... that's strange to say the least.  I never got the whole "shipping" thing either way; it's odd to me when people are imagining 2 fictional characters together when the story does not show or at least hint that this is the case.


...anyway---so that game The Textrocist is now on sale on Steam for 3 bucks!  Oh yeah I'll go ahead and jump on that one; the gameplay concept of it is quite interesting to me....can't really go wrong for such a cheap price.  Hollow Knight and Witcher 3 (7.50 I think) are also on sale at the moment.

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