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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Sega backs off a bit from Block Chain gaming, still into NFTS


Capcom still thinking about Megaman, just don't have any ideas at the moment




SF6 has sales have topped 2 mill


Nice good shit Capcom!

Edited by Sonichuman
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4 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

People won't stop buying MK8. They were clearly ready to move on but people kept buying it, so they went back and added more DLC. I can't even blame them at this point. MK8 is the Top 10 like every month in North America and damn every week in Japan.

I can't blame them either.  I had planned to get Mario Kart 8 Deluxe eventually but when Nintendo said, "Hey, were dropping a TON of extra tracks via wave updates" I was like, welp, time to once again part with $60. I freaking love the game but I would LOVE to see Nintendo bring back their other racing IPs.  I boot up Smash Ultimate, pick an F-ZERO stage and reminded of all the absolute BANGER tracks this series has. Then you got the underrated GOAT song from 1080° Snow Boarding Golden Forest to slap fools around to. Just imagine what these games could be like on the Switch with everything Nintendo has learned over the decades. 

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7 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

They're really trying to come for Yong Yea


Shit like this is real cancel culture/parasitic woke shit I hate. Not what comedians and the like cry about nowadays.


YongYea may be the least problematic YouTuber I've ever seen, but the second you get a little fame, these parasites wanna go digging.


This will turn into nothing, but I SERIOUSLY hate this behavior.

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42 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Shit like this is real cancel culture/parasitic woke shit I hate. Not what comedians and the like cry about nowadays.


YongYea may be the least problematic YouTuber I've ever seen, but the second you get a little fame, these parasites wanna go digging.


This will turn into nothing, but I SERIOUSLY hate this behavior.

The take he had back in day doesn't even sound that bad to be honest based on the thread.  I can easily see how someone could think that with no historical context and based purely context clues.

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Just now, Sonichuman said:

The take he had back in day doesn't even sound that bad to be honest based on the thread.  I can easily see how someone could think that with no historical context and based purely context clues.


To begin with, his take is not really ignorant, since it is correct.

It is used as an amicable word among peers, and only considered an slur when an outsider (aka whites) use it.

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17 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

The take he had back in day doesn't even sound that bad to be honest based on the thread.  I can easily see how someone could think that with no historical context and based purely context clues.

Assuming the thread is true, it IS a bit silly that he was living in the US for a while and didn't get that word being controversial. But it isn't like he was dropping N-Bombs left and right either.

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3 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Assuming the thread is true, it IS a bit silly that he was living in the US for a while and didn't get that word being controversial. But it isn't like he was dropping N-Bombs left and right either.


It is not that he didn't get it was "controversial", but that he gave in examples on how, based of context, the meaning/intent of the word could be different.

Specially when we can see it used in media, games, series, movies, music, where the people using it, show that the context matters.


His take, is correct, since his examples of words we use in spanish aling with it.

For example, in my country, the word Maje, means stupid, but depending of the context can be used as an endearing word towards friends.

And like nigga, there are people that regardless the context don't like it to be used towards them or around them.

The same with the words Verga and Pija, which mean dick, that we have a lot of variants to mean drunk, to hit, that something is cool, that something is lame, etc., so its context matter to understand what someone is saying, and if they are either insulting you or praising you.


If someone tells you you are "la pija", you are being insulted.

If somene tells you you are "la mera pija" you are being praised.

If you say you are "a pija" you are drunk/out of your mind.

etc, etc

Edited by Hecatom
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On 7/6/2023 at 11:33 AM, purbeast said:

Anyone have any recommendations for more recent games that are on switch they'd recommend?  I'm looking for indie style metroidvania or similar to that style, possibly rogue like or souls type, mainly to play while on a flight.  I still haven't beaten Zelda but I can only play that game for like 2-3 hours and would prefer to have some variety.  I'm pretty bored with Zelda and doubt I'll even beat it.

Have you played Dead Cells? It's a roguelike. Amazing game, pretty easy to pick up and can be very challenging, but there's also a custom mode where you can create builds of the weapons you've already unlocked as well as tune the difficulty a little if you want to. It's a game you can play for a few minutes at a time or get real deep with it.  Can't recommend it enough.



5 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

The never ending story continues

Someone needs to tell Macron that it isn't 1992 anymore lol


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58 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Have you played Dead Cells? It's a roguelike. Amazing game, pretty easy to pick up and can be very challenging, but there's also a custom mode where you can create builds of the weapons you've already unlocked as well as tune the difficulty a little if you want to. It's a game you can play for a few minutes at a time or get real deep with it.  Can't recommend it enough.




I've played the shit out of Dead Souls lol.


I looked at all the other recommendations and none of them really appealed to me.  I may possibly check out that stealth ninja game but not sure yet.  


Thanks for all the suggestions though either way!

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Curse of the Dead Gods is another one I enjoyed... though not quite as addictive as Dead Cells, imo... but still fun and I like the concept with "curses" inevitably affecting the character as you go further into those tomb/dungeon areas.  It's currently on sale on Steam so probably on sale on the other platforms as well.  


There's a newer one called Have a Nice Death that was on Steam/pc but also appeared on Switch recently:


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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

I've played the shit out of Dead Souls lol.


I looked at all the other recommendations and none of them really appealed to me.  I may possibly check out that stealth ninja game but not sure yet.  


Thanks for all the suggestions though either way!

Katana Zero is another one. Kind of a puzzle game disguised as an action in a way and it has a real good story too.

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2 hours ago, purbeast said:
3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Have you played Dead Cells? It's a roguelike. Amazing game, pretty easy to pick up and can be very challenging, but there's also a custom mode where you can create builds of the weapons you've already unlocked as well as tune the difficulty a little if you want to. It's a game you can play for a few minutes at a time or get real deep with it.  Can't recommend it enough.




I've played the shit out of Dead Souls lol.


I looked at all the other recommendations and none of them really appealed to me.  I may possibly check out that stealth ninja game but not sure yet.  


Thanks for all the suggestions though either way!

Give this game a look



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8 hours ago, RegH81 said:

Probably the same sick MF that decided it was cool to let Metropolis Zone have 3 acts.

Metropolis Zone wouldn't even be that bad if it wasn't for the the the person who decided to put 3 enemies with disjointed hit box attacks in specific parts of the level where you have to deal with their bullshit.  Max is kind of lucky he picked Knux for that long ass climb with the starfish enemies cause if he was sonic he'd have to go back and reset the screw everytime he got knocked down lol.  Then there's the placement of a Crabfist in a narrow corridor where the margin of error to get past and keep your rings is low.  On top of the Mantis enemies tossing heat seaking claws at you when you are trying to climb up screws in some places.  That place used to be an absolute nightmare as a kid.

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I actually love Metropolise Zone buuuuuut it does have some issues. It has some if the worst enemy placement in the series, and it has that one screw room where if you get knocked off the screw you're fucked. You can't reset the screw and the room can't be back tracked out of. Your only option is to wait for a time out. It's absolute bullshit. 


Otherwise I fucking love Metropolise Zone. Awesome level design and gimmicks, the visual theme is awesome and the tracks are some of my favorite in the entire series. 


Man I love Sonic 2. 

Edited by RSG3
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14 hours ago, purbeast said:

Already beat that game when it came out.  It was pretty cool.

Oh! You tried Getsu Fumaden? It's a rogue like that has some in common with Dead Cells. Not quite as snappy as DC but it's a pretty excellent game especially in the rogue like genre.

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3 hours ago, Hecatom said:



What the fuck is up with people calling out Sonicfox on the random?  What the fuck is going on lmao.  I mean I don't even know if SF has hands in MK2 but I highly doubt that this dude coukd actually fight someone who knows what their doing.  I'm hoping someone calls him out somehow and it somehow gets recorded but I doubt it.

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Just now, Sonichuman said:

What the fuck is up with people calling out Sonicfox on the random?  What the fuck is going on lmao.  I mean I don't even know if SF has hands in MK2 but I highly doubt that this dude coukd actually fight someone who knows what their doing.  I'm hoping someone calls him out somehow and it somehow gets recorded but I doubt it.


That post needs to become a copypasta 🤣

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