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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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22 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

I want to say that's true, but: I bet even if you could increase your dick size, but had to bodybuild it like everything else, most dudes would still walk around with a gummy bear saying "stop shaming".

I mean if most women had to do bench presses to get big titties most of them would be flat chested to. Fuck kind of point is this? Lol

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2 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

I mean there are ways to increase size through surgery but most dudes have came to terms with their size along time ago and risking the loss of a penis for an inch or two just simply ain't worth it 


A bitch just gone have to suck whatever I pull out these jeans, shrimp or not. 🤷🏾‍♂️

I wanna tag a certain someone so bad right now. 😂 



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31 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

I mean there are ways to increase size through surgery but most dudes have came to terms with their size along time ago and risking the loss of a penis for an inch or two just simply ain't worth it 


Those are technically lies. The one surgery that increases lenght doesn't actually do it. Instead they cut a ligament that helps keep your boner standing proud so that more of the organ falls forward. So you technically have "longer" erections but they ain't standing at attention.


A lot of the other methods damage your penis.


What needs to happen though, is that women gotta be upfront about having small vaginas. They can't pack as much in there as they claim they can.

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Ah, wasn't sure of the specifics, but knowing that only makes me double down on not ever gettin surgery. U basically paying to have your dick not even work any more since you're not actually gaining size, a rip off 


I suppose women got in made in a way , they can usually buy the body they want. But I honestly prefer natural women, I detest cosmetic surgeries 

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1 minute ago, HD-Man said:

Ah, wasn't sure of the specifics, but knowing that only makes me double down on not ever gettin surgery. U basically paying to have your dick not even work any more since you're not actually gaining size, a rip off 


There's all sorts of things that are essentially predatory towards men but we just assume they're all gonna be in the psychological right place to sort bad info out. Since the penis is an organ and not a muscle (big difference that men don't understand as to why it applies to your penis), you can't really make it bigger but you sure as fuck can ruin it.


What really needs to happen is that men gotta start flipping the script on women. Women get their vaginal cavities measured at OBGYN. So next time she asks how big your dick is, gotta hit her with counter super like "well just how deep is that pussy"? If she can't answer that question then you know she doesn't get herself checked and by proxy it means she doesn't have healthcare.


Stop dating poor broads that don't got health insurance.



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I could see getting bags under your eyes or a little work here or there and it being fine.  The issue is most women who start "getting work done" completely go overboard and end up looking like a busty barbie with duck lips after a couple of surgeries.  They also tend to have their face stretched so tight that wrinkles would have looked way better on them.  Honestly, I think a woman aging gracefully can be a really hot look if they take care of themselves.  Diane Lane was looking FIIIIIIINNNNNEEE as she got older and to my knowledge she hadn't had much work done if any.

Edited by J-ride
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1 minute ago, J-ride said:

I could see getting bags under your eyes or a little work here or there and it being fine.  The issue is most women who start "getting work done" completely go overboard and end up looking like a busty barbie with duck lips after a couple of surgeries. 


The way society advertises to women is mostly to make all of their totality about their looks. Almost every add is meant to lowkey make them insecure about some normal ass bullshit in order to hustle them.  THEN that shit gets crazy because women become incredibly judgemental of one another on whether or not they are investing in this upkeep.


One of the times my wife had an OBGYN appointment. Anthropology shit kicks in and I gotta start looking at everybody and trying to sort the place out. Mostly women in the lobby, obvs its an OBGYN office. I look at the staff and all the female workers have make up. Like...who are you trying to impress? So you had all the female staff putting on make up for the sake of other women. Think about how crazy that is that in a place where its only women showing up, you still gotta wear make up.


That means women are judging women over wearing make up. You seen women in the wild? They compliment each other on doing their make up well. So the sell is that you are doing this to make yourself feel good....then other women comment to reinforce that you do look good with it or judge you if you don't put it on right.  Men are willing to fuck other men dressed up as dogs; don't act like men aren't going to find you attractive if you don't wear it.


It starts with make up and then it extends to cosmetic surgery. Unfortunately my daughter got exposed to make up behind my back which made me high key furious. Because you know, women who do make up will inadvertently hustle this shit to other women and UGH fucking horseshit swear to god.

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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Chicks roasting the fuck outta the size of Nelly's manhood but soon as dudes start cracking Lizzo jokes, they gonna be crying about body shaming 😂

Women: My size shouldn't matter

Also women: That nigga got a small dick  🤣







Darc Requiem:  "Pat I'd like to solve the puzzle. These Bitches Are Hypocrites"

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A Council Voted No on Affordable Housing Plan After Chappelle Among Those Against It, Threatened to Pull Business

A housing development in Yellow Springs, Ohio will not include affordable housing in it after Dave Chappelle and other residents voiced concern.

Per the Dayton Daily News, the Yellow Springs council voted no on including an affordable housing component in the planned development. Oberer Homes, the company set to construct the development, made a plan with the village to include duplexes and other affordable housing alongside family homes in a 53-acre area south of Yellow Springs.

After multiple complaints, the village council voted 2-2 on the “planned unit development” zoning. That means there won’t be the affordable housing included, and it will be a development of 143 single-family homes only. Chappelle expressed opposition to the project, and threatened to pull his businesses from the local area including his plans for a restaurant and a comedy club. “I am not bluffing,” said Chappelle. “I will take it all off the table.”


Can someone who knows about real estate chime in here about why affordable housing is bad (if it is)? Twitter (of course) is making this out to be a terrible thing. Saying Chappelle is a rich guy using his money to keep poor people out of his neighborhood. But I know jack shit about real estate and affordable housing (that part seems to be what was targeted). I'm curious, because it's interesting for some reason and I know there's more to the story I'm not seeing. Is this a case of a rich guy keeping poor people out of his neighborhood, or is he right to do this?

Edited by axeman61
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23 minutes ago, axeman61 said:


Can someone who knows about real estate chime in here about why affordable housing is bad (if it is)? Twitter (of course) is making this out to be a terrible thing. Saying Chappelle is a rich guy using his money to keep poor people out of his neighborhood. But I know jack shit about real estate and affordable housing (that part seems to be what was targeted). I'm curious, because it's interesting for some reason and I know there's more to the story I'm not seeing. Is this a case of a rich guy keeping poor people out of his neighborhood, or is he right to do this?

Large amounts of rental properties usually hammer property values, bring in lots of crime, and bring in lots of traffic. Renters are enormously less likely to take care of things (I'm sure at least a few other people here have done cleanup work on rental properties) or give a fuck about their surroundings in general. Of course this is a generalization, but it's statistically very true. My last house had a neighboring house that was a rental- out of the 5 or 6 groups of people who occupied it during my 14 years there, all but one of those groups or families trashed the hell out of the place. The last family literally let the backyard grow over the 6' fence, the whole house reeked of shit and trash, there was near constant yelling, trash thrown everywhere, and cops were there fairly regularly. It took a crew about a month to get the house cleaned, deodorized, and repaired when they left. The people who lived there prior to them literally let one of their friends OD and die on their living room floor on Thanksgiving day. Anyone who has a rental property for long or who has done work for a property owner will tell you that those situations are quite common. It sounds mean, but it's the truth. People move to better areas to get away from (and get their kids away from) others who don't give a fuck, and they (generally correctly) worry that a ton of inexpensive rentals will make their neighborhoods like the ones they spent a bunch of money to escape. 


For the record, the town I lived in had 204 homicides last year and an exponentially higher number of shootings. A substantial chunk of that crime occurred in my old neighborhood, gunshots were a near nightly event the last year I was there (2020).

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ah, seems clear to me----"affordable housing" is bad news since it brings in the "riff raff" of the city.  This is when "Deebo", Pookie & Ray-Ray show up....and very soon, now you have to worry about people breaking into your car, breaking into your house, random violence, trash being just thrown out anywhere because they don't care about that either, etc. etc. etc.  I don't blame him... if I was wealthy/successful on that level... the last thing I want to see is something that will naturally attract the "rats and roaches" of the city to be a little closer to me.  Part of the whole reason to succeed as much as possible is to distance one's self from that asap in life.  


heh, I love this because it's another one of those "ugly" realities in life that a lot of people aren't comfortable with for various reasons.  haha I think people are lying to themselves if they claim to feel "safer" living down the street from opposed to living next to... let's say "Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv"'s house.

Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, Maxx said:

Oof respect to this man. Way stronger than me to come up with material about his son.


Love Tony Baker. He also did standup about his son at the funeral service, and it's not as cringey as it sounds when I say that. It was funny and sweet (to me anyway).


That's going to be on Keep Your Distance Comedy, coming up. Keep Your Distance Comedy shows are overall good, if you guys have money and time to buy and watch them. They do have some dud performances on there*, and comedians repeating material you can hear elsewhere. But I think the good stuff you get balances it out. That may be just me though. Tickets average like 15 or more unless there's a deal, so it's really up to you. The audience they have at the show is very small, in case that impacts your decision.


*"Fun" Fact: Doug Williams, known for the Jamie Foxx "I'm Your Conscience" moment at the Emmitt Smith (sp?) roast, bombed again on Keep Your Distance. It was cringe to watch, but somehow funny looking back.

Edited by axeman61
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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

I’m fully wanting the franchise to die off. Every sequel is worse than the last. 

Well they said this is the conclusion.  I liked the first, Lost World and Jurassic World.  III is ok but Fallen Kingdom made me work hard to suspend my disbelief on top of the really dumb decision at the end of the movie that leads to the fuckery in Dominion.

Edited by Sonichuman
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11 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

I hate when people walk slow up they also take up the whole walk way so no one can pass.


Move your slow ass to the side so that people can get by. 

I will just walk around them only to go slower than they were until they try to pass me; then I’ll purposely start swaying or I’ll stop to “check my phone” or look at something. 


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Rapper DaBaby Filmed Ruthlessly Beating Up His Ex DaniLeigh’s Brother in a Bowling Alley



DaBaby and several members of his crew were filmed beating up his ex-girlfriend’s brother at a bowling alley early Thursday morning.

Footage of the incident has already gone viral, and shows DaBaby swinging at Brandon Bills, the brother of his ex-girlfriend DaniLeigh. 

The video then shows several members of DaBaby’s crew running towards Bills and bringing him to the ground while slipping and sliding on the bowling alley floor.

One clip, of the several circulating online, shows a member of DaBaby’s crew grabbing Bills by his hair and throwing him to the ground as the Rockstar rapper watched nearby.


Bills offered his opinion on the fight, claiming he got jumped after trying to speak to DaBaby “like a man.”


DaBaby and Bills’ sister DaniLeigh had a child together in 2021 and made headlines when they engaged in a spat in front of their daughter that was captured on Instagram Live.

DaniLeigh was charged with two counts of simple assault following the incident, but later moved out of DaBaby’s home and took their daughter with her.

“I left and me and my baby safe,” she wrote in an Instagram Story. “Thank y’all for the support.”

The incident prompted Bills to defend his sister, challenging DaBaby to a fight the next time he goes to the West Coast.


“When you come to the West Coast, bro, which I know you be out here, you’re going to catch this one-on-one fade, bro,” he said. “One-on-one fade to see what happens between me and you. I want to see how gangsta you are, to see how much of a real man you are.”


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Just now, Maxx said:

Lol learn jiu jitsu... You may still get your ass kicked but at least you breaking onw of them mutherfuckers arms on the way out.

I keep getting invites from my one friend to try it out for a free month... I'm fully prepared to get my assbeat but not prepared to get covid just yet

Edited by elliephil
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