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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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36 minutes ago, MillionX said:

...annnnd another one of those gigantic reviews keeps popping up in my recommended list.. "The End of Victorious" by Quinton Reviews. 

This 8 hours and 5 minutes long, folks.  Uhhh NAH, bruh....get out of here with that "Peter Jackson film" sized video.  They can recommend that shit all they way in hell I'm watching alllll that.

Not Funny No GIF

It's probably another rant/essay on why Arianna Grande was the breakout star and not Victoria Justice

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1 minute ago, AriesWarlock said:


Looks like Tesla is also rising prices


The cost of everything is going up frankly. Either side can screw us, but you have to wonder still why I can only get a car from a dealership and not from the OEM. I think in some ways having a direct-to-consumer model will provide more competition in the space.

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I read some where in the internet that there are people who take jacking off to the next level by baking an apple pie just so they can fuck it. 


I really do not understand why anyone would do that regardless of having no ability to have mutual sex with a female. There is a lot of ugly fat girls in this world who  are probably also using food to feed to their hormones. You both can help each other. Make this a goal to go no hand, no imagination, no baking pies or pizza just for the sake of jizzing on it. Feel the realness through an undesirable looking female that you can easily be taken home from your local target shops or whole foods. 

Edited by zatalcon3
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This is random and punching on an old topic, but that G4/Amouranth shit is extra funny to me because that shit won't increase ratings that much. As much as trolls triggered Frost into making that rant, a person that looks to G4 for dick beating material is a fool in this day and age. So I bet most people saying that shit were indeed just trolling. Like, am I wrong? Maybe I just watch too much porn, but I can't see a hot girl increasing viewership for any show that much in this day and age when you can see plenty of hot girls doing teasing/fucking anywhere. Hell, now the hot girls have their own shows/streams and people know where to find them.


I mean, can you add a hot girl and get viewers? Yes. But you'll be dead in the water if that's what you're banking on. So they're switching up gears and allowing that shit for absolutely nothing.

Edited by axeman61
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Never ending power would be nice to have. If I had just one power, it would be Absolute Condition; a power where everything is MAXXED out. 


Since I am Han Chinese, I am also Chinese Royalty. I am also Filipino Royalty. There are two many things pointing to my Divinity. Maybe I will rule the Universe? 


As for Maxx's question about being compensated for having Japanese Royal blood, I doubt Japan would give me anything for it because the Japanese looks down on mooching off of the government. A Royal asking for a handout just looks stupid and weak for a Royal. 

Edited by Seth Vega
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7 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:


Looks like Tesla is also rising prices


A lot of the regions we have issues with have large deposits of conflict materials that are necessary for electronics and batteries. Afghanistan for one is one of the areas with the largest amounts of these minerals. As EV start being more of a thing, these minerals are probably going to become the new oil because they're probably finite themselves and there'll be a rush to get them. Between that and the chip shortages, electronics will probably go up in price too.

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i think i just accidentally discovered the inspiration to akira toriyama's 7 dragon balls. i'm well aware of the fact goku is based off of the chinese myth of the legendary monkey king that has a magic staff, came from space, and rides a flying cloud.

but i think he got the idea for his 7 dragonballs from herge the creator of tintin. a very popular european comic strip of the past.




cant be..just coincidence.


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Senate Surprisingly Passes Bill to Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent by Unanimous Consent 👀


The U.S. Senate caught people off guard and voted unanimously Tuesday to make Daylight Saving Time permanent, proving that government can still work for the people.


Two days after most of the country participated in the pointless exercise of gaining back an hour of daylight that should have never been lost, senators did their jobs.


Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) asked for unanimous consent as he proposed a resolution to end the ordeal. There were no objections.



Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) celebrated its passage with an emphatic “Yes!” as her colleagues each agreed to bring about the conclusion of our century-long national nightmare. The Arizona Democrat, whose state does not participate in the clock madness, presided over the vote.


Rubio explained his rationale for bringing the bipartisan Sunshine Protection Act up for a vote.

“Just this past weekend, we all went through that bi-annual ritual of changing the clock back and forth, and the disruption that comes with it,” Rubio said. “And one has to ask themselves after a while, why do we keep doing it? Why are we doing this?”

“I think the majority of the American people’s preference is just to stop the back and forth changing,” he added. “We see an increase in heart attacks, and car accidents, and

pedestrian accidents in the week that follows the changes.”


Rubio also argued that keeping making Daylight Savings Time permanent will help combat childhood obesity and work to prevent some crimes.

“If you look at the way we live in this country, you want to have the ability to spend more time in the evenings outdoors,” he argued.


Rubio said he hopes the House will quickly act to pass the bill and that President Joe Biden will sign it.

“I know this is not the most important issue confronting America, but it’s one of those issues where there’s a lot of agreement,” he also said.

If passed by the House and signed by Biden, the American people will have to adjust their clocks for the final time in November of 2023.



Great news! Fall back was always fun, spring ahead always sucked. It's annoying as hell having the sun come up at 5 A.M. and darkness fall at 5 P.M. This will help with kids who have trouble adapting their sleep schedules.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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54 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

so what does that mean that we dont haveta spring ahead fall back our clocks anymore? tbh idk wtf daylight savings time is.

It basically means that the spring forward will be permanent in 2023. Daylight savings was originally used for farmers to co-ordinate their work based on how much sunlight was available, depending on the season.

Edited by elliephil
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This is random, but are any of the premium versions of the food delivery apps (like Grubhub, Uber Eats, and Doordash) worth it in you guys' eyes? I ordered out during the winter about once every week or so. The gaps in between might have been longer. But I see my usage dropping down with the snow going away. I still wonder this though.

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23 minutes ago, elliephil said:

It basically means that the spring forward will be permanent. Daylight savings was originally used for farmers to co-ordinate their work based on how much sunlight was available, depending on the season.

What's confusing is that it states that Daylight Saving Time will be permanent, but it says the final time we'd adjust our clocks would be November 2023. We usually end Daylight Saving Time when we "fall back" to regular time for the winter in November. 

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1 minute ago, Chadouken said:

What's confusing is that it states that Daylight Saving Time will be permanent, but it says the final time we'd adjust our clocks would be November 2023. We usually end Daylight Saving Time when we "fall back" to regular time for the winter in November. 

Yeah I saw that too. Weird wording. I guess this is the farewell tour to Daylight Savings lol

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