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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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On 3/14/2022 at 9:54 AM, zatalcon3 said:

dont you just hate fat people who don't take a shower? 


I just sat next to this fat guy on the bus he smelled bad. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt, looked about his late 40s, white, and had a yellowish baseball cap. 


He was very fat and ugly. 

I can't help but feel the Wattpad twist coming right after this post.


"And it was love at first sight. He was bad news, but he was my bad news."

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1 hour ago, Maxx said:

Jussie smollett is free? Can anyome explain this? 


A one-page order unceremoniously released by the Illinois Appellate Court today in a 2-1 decision granted the motion from the former Empire actor’s lawyers for a stay of the sentence. Denied an appeal by the sentencing judge last week, the defense team sought to set Smollett free while his appeal on five felony convictions is pending.


The Appellate Court judge agreed, citing that Smollett likely already would have served his jail time sentence before his appeal had gotten very far. The order also noted that the actor had never been convicted of a violent crime. In fact, the paperwork’s only real demand was that Smollett put up a $150,000 personal recognizance bond.


Since they are appealing the conviction, and getting to the appeal court would take a long time, the court agreed to let him out until the appeal happened. If they lose the appeal his ass goes straight to jail.


He doesn't have any violent convictions so there's no risk to society. Smollet isn't a threat to anybody and the appealing that takes longer than what his sentence is.

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1 minute ago, Sonero said:


Since they are appealing the conviction, and getting to the appeal court would take a long time, the court agreed to let him out until the appeal happened. If they lose the appeal his ass goes straight to jail.


He doesn't have any violent convictions so there's no risk to society. Smollet isn't a threat to anybody and the appealing that takes longer than what his sentence is.

ahhhh ok makes so much more sense now

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26 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Can I get a break down? 

You have to click on it to get the full picture.  She's trying to clown her own boy for playing Melee and not paying attention/fucking her/etc (assuming this is what she wants since she specifically puts that she's on the bed naked).  So random dude comes in and proceeds to clown dude as well.  So then she says to random twitter guy to stfu and who asks him ( put this on public twitter...this wasn't what you wanted?)  So random twitter guy goes "aight I had the gun pointed at just ya boy but now you are catching a bullet too".  That latter part is what you are seeing now.


Edit:  welp she just checked herself into the Twitter hospital


Edited by Sonichuman
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today i was thinking about how perhaps the anime wolf's rain has prob the best soundtrack in a anime show. then i was thinking about how good that story was. that i could remember it. then i started thinking about other animes ive watched through the years. then i noticed i couldnt remember most stories of most animes. then i realized 90% of the animes ive watched are trash. which is why i cant remember their plots. jut forgettable white noise. then i started thinking about how much that anime has infiltrated young people's culture. how..when you go to deviantart its young kids just doing anime bullshit. 95% of deviant is anime related. an entire generation of under 30 atists lost. doomed to copy anime forever wasting their time instead of trying to do something new original invented art styles. its just copy pasting anime trash.

then i went to use the wallpaper engine app. and i search and all it a sea of more anime wallpaper dookie.

sighh its depressing. 

keep in mind i dont hate anime. the art form. the cartoons. or mangas. i just hate the cultural grip it ha on people under 30.

like its the only thing that exists.

yunno theres other art out there than just anime. you dont haveta  just draw anime. or put up anime in wallpapers.

smh. sorry if im ranting but i'm exhausted with anime. tired of it being used in more places than it should. every wallpaper, meme, and artwork. just enough already. invent something new and different. draw from your imgination. stop copying that style already. its like grafitti artists that just copy the same shit over n over instead of inventing something original.

why does every grafitti artist draw words.? yunno you can make a grafitti art without words dontcha? like keith haring for example.

its sickening seeing the same style over n over everywhere i go. regardless of what style.


Edited by VirginDefiler
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This year, I got a 5K raise, which doesn't equate to much more than 150 extra a month after benefits and such. Almost as if on cue, my apartment building wants 130 extra in rent per month if I want to stay on a 12-month lease. If I want a 15 month lease, that'll get me close to what I'm paying now. Even though it's just a one bedroom, I like this place. Now I might have to look into other places. An extra 130/month if I want to stay at 12 won't break the bank by a long shot, but I'm dogshit scared of what the next price hikes are going to be. Small as it is in the grand scheme, this is an insane increase compared to previous years.


Is rent jumping up higher than normal for you guys too?

Edited by axeman61
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45 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

This year, I got a 5K raise, which doesn't equate to much more than 150 extra a month after benefits and such. Almost as if on cue, my apartment building wants 130 extra in rent per month if I want to stay on a 12-month lease. If I want a 15 month lease, that'll get me close to what I'm paying now. Even though it's just a one bedroom, I like this place.

If you like the place why not do the 15 month lease? That's a lot of videogames you could buy with the extra $$!

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6 hours ago, axeman61 said:

I'm probably going to. Still worried about future hikes though. I don't know how the economy works, so I don't know if this is just Landlords flexing or it has anything to do with inflation. I know rent's never going to go down though.

As the cost of everything- material and labor- goes up, so will rents. Also, real estate prices have gone through the roof, which means property values will/are as well. As property values go up, so will property taxes. And that's without even factoring the endless levies that most urban or affluent areas gleefully pass. 


If you're interested in learning about economics, here's a fantastic place to start. It's well written, very easy to understand, and not a huge book. I'd go as far as saying getting a grasp on these concepts changes the way most people will think about pretty much everything material.

Edited by Camacho
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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

So guys, if you go over a friend's house and see a roach, do you point it out, try to kill it or pretend not to see it and be on edge the rest of the day anytime something even slightly touches you? 

Pick it up and drop it on his leg. Clean up.

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My biggest red flag has always been women who go hang out places when they have no reason to be there. The ones that do are always cool, the ones that don't always gotta be on some bullshit.


There's rarely been a time where that situation hasn't lead to issues; from the person being a dumb tart to somebody needing to simp for her.



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3 hours ago, J-ride said:

Ever notice how most of the women who are walking/talking red flags wear a uniform so you know exactly the kind of trouble they are going to cause you?

She looks like the type that would stop in the middle of it, crying about some past memories, and want to have a 7 hour conversation that would include a lot of yelling at you. Not trying to be your psychologist with benefits, fuck outta here....


If anything, she probably climbed into bed and didn't say anything expecting him to suss the situation out and being mad he didn't. I've always told my wife and exes too, "If you think you're being obvious, chances are, you ain't."

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

If anything, all these trans athletes blowing out records in women's sports shows why men and women need separate categories. They're basically just proving all the dissenters right.

Anyone who wasn't an idiot and looked at the times of high school boys vs college women could have told you that the female athletes were going to have a bad time.  Men are physically superior and it's silly to pretend that's not the case.

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