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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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29 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

i'm not afraid of AI. or even robots replacing mankind since i dont see it as anything other than evolution. the better machine replaces the inferior.

like any product market competition. its how homo sapiens replaced homo erectus. one day homo sapiens will be replaced by a better model. 

I agree completely but could they wait til after I die?

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Another interesting one I heard mentioned on History channel recently... the Permian Triassic extinction event 250 million years ago.... nearly killed everything.  Currently, it is apparently the largest extinction we know of in Earth's history.


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There's a paved trail through the desert near my house and my wife and kiddo and I like to  walk it in the evenings when it's nice out. Along the trail a little ways people have left little pictures and designs made with rocks. There's a heart, then a compass, then today we noticed a new smiley face. I told my wife I wanted to stop and make something, too.


I got, "ABSOLUTELY NOT," and a stern look.


That woman knows me too well 😂

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Heard this on the radio the other day in the car. Before the song started, a girl said that this sounds like a girls' video game



So yeah, fafo. Check out this dog bread. The eyes look like something from a fantasy story/fantasy game:



You know how you clear search history and cookies from browsers then go to the google main page and place the cursor in the search bar then google shows what's trending in search. Well, this came up:



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It would be nice if they can hurry up with that Borderlands movie... I'm just eager to see how much of an (unintentionally) hilarious disaster that will be.  Midget-bro Kevin Hart as Roland and Jaime L. Curtis as Tannis (would've been solid/decent casting for her if were talking about Jaime from the late 80s or even early 90s).... c'mon folks you know this is one hell of a shitbomb on the way to the box office for everyone to laugh at there.

*Yes it did actually shock me that Lilith did not get the "swap" treatment, considering her "unfortunate" status as a redheaded white character, and Hollywood tends to go out of their way to "fix" those characters when going to live action.


Edited by MillionX
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On 4/29/2023 at 12:52 AM, zatalcon3 said:

She probably can be found at her local whole foods. 

Heh. I've remembered you have called me fat and ugly before. I'd like see a face reveal in the future. It's almost as if you have something to hide with telling me to go to "whole foods".  I don't. You are silly anyway.😝 

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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On 4/29/2023 at 1:46 PM, HD-Man said:

I hate the homies didnt come to the bar with me last night. I couldn't do anything woman wise cuz im taken, but the boys would've cleaned up pretty good.


The chicks were staring at me all night and the women there in general were NOT trying to go home if you catch my drift. My boys club constantly club and this the one time they didn't come out lol

Just try to convince them the reality of their situation.. and the fact that it may require more than 3 to pick 1 up.



Black Woman Dancing GIF by Maui Bigelow




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25 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:



what are your thoughts about this?

Literal non issue, Like I guess it sucks for youtube cause it means the government can bully them around to a degree, but means exactly nothing to me as a content creator and changes nothing for me. However youtube been pushing bigger creators to basically become their mouthpiece to try and stop it.




Like its legit doom and gloom over nothing. Effects the end user near to to actual zero. Youtube has sent me like 10+ things trying to get me to "stand up for myself" and contact my local MP and shit, any outrage over it is totally generated on youtubes end and them prompting others to shill for them. I ain't sweating it one bit and business goes on as usual.

Edited by EvilCanadian
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This is random, but I was wrong as hell about Twitter Blue. I thought celebs would make a posturing show about not buying, but pony up later.


Turns out most are sticking to their word, and now it's almost a badge of dishonor to have it if Twitter didn't foot the bill itself. Now, it seems the only people with it are news organizations, govt officials, celebs on subsidy, and some sad mofos who would never be engaged with without Blue pumping their responses to the top.


To this day, I find it amazing that Musk spent 44 BILLION dollars on this, and the best thing one can say is that it didn't implode like people thought it would. How do you bomb the verification feature this hard?

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8 hours ago, axeman61 said:

CSI had an ep revolving around a man who liked to pretend he was a baby as a sexual kink. The episode (King Baby) aired in 2005. I fail to see how this is in any way "new" and springing from the LGBT community.


But you can't expect rational thought from these people.

All he did was expose to the world what kind of porn he looks at. You don't stumble on that feitish by accident, I know, I've been lookin at kinky as fuck porn for 25 years and I've never accidently stumbled on something as niche and specific as that kind of kink. 


You have to look for that kink specifically. 



Edited by RSG3
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Was on Twitter reading about a husband who did a DNA test on his wife after she died and found out the kids weren't his


But get this, the bitch cheating, getting pregnant by another man and letting the husband raise the kids isn't the problem ppl are focused on, the "issue" is the husband is somehow insecure for investigating his hunches


Like, his suspicions were CONFIRMED. Like, wtf are we doing here, ppl? He isn't the problem in this equation unless there's some twist were he was the one who killed her and I missed it.


Other than that, she's in hell where she belongs 🤣

Edited by HD-Man
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Chess events on stream are mostly slow and boring, but the commentators were like hype fighting game commentators slightly after this match defining move that got the championship!!! It's timestamped. Note the time on each of the player's clocks:






Then you have this from the 1990s or early 2000s on an airliner.


One of the comments from this video states:





this problem is not just a chess problem, it's the same thing in every competitive game. The gameplay always boils down to a set meta without much room for creativity. If you watch some professional matches of Street Fighter or Tekken at EVO you'll see the same characters being picked. If you watch League of Legends world championship you'll see the same 10-15 champions being picked. how about a trading card game tournament?? yep same decks over and over. When games become all about winning, the fun goes out of the door.







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4 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Was on Twitter reading about a husband who did a DNA test on his wife after she died and found out the kids weren't his


But get this, the bitch cheating, getting pregnant by another man and letting the husband raise the kids isn't the problem ppl are focused on, the "issue" is the husband is somehow insecure for investigating his hunches


Like, his suspicions were CONFIRMED. Like, wtf are we doing here, ppl? He isn't the problem in this equation unless there's some twist were he was the one who killed her and I missed it.


Other than that, she's in hell where she belongs 🤣

Idk, getting paternity testing while she's alive and you still need to make informed decisions about whether to continue the relationship?  Fair play.


Waiting until she's dead before he gets the nerve to check, then blowing the story up on the internet when the tests come back?  Doesn't sound to me that it's even about her anymore, that's about wanting to sever his relationship with the kids. 


Like, even if you just have to know, putting their mom's dirty laundry on social media after you've essentially orphaned them is a look.

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I get where you're coming from, but he has no obligation to raise kids that aren't his after finding out something horrible like that.


But I'm curious: did the husband himself post it, or is it some chick saying "this dude told me..."? We're talking like the husband himself put it out there, when that might not be the case.

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

How old are these kids? 


I'm amazed at the casualness with which people say things like this...

I'm amazed that people will reward hoe behavior and try to guilt trip a dude into raising children that aren't his. That's a near unequalled level of betrayal. There are too many stories of dudes offing themselves after finding out about shit like this. Paternity fraud is vile and there needs to start being consequences for this shit. Dude got scammed in the worst way possible and people are coming for him. Fuck them and the high horse they rode in on. Let one of them raise the kids.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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8 minutes ago, Reticently said:

The "hoe" is already dead.   Think it's cool to traumatize the kids some more as the person they almost certainly think of as their dad screams that their dead mom was a whore as he boots them out of his life?  Really gonna teach that dead woman a lesson.

He isn't their dad. He didn't traumatize those kids. The kids and him were victims of the mother. It's not about "showing her." Anytime a woman pulls this shit, the dude is expected to raise kids that aren't his and that isn't right period. The entire paternity situation in this country is fucked up and no one cares. The reaction is always "man up". If the guy in the situation wants raise kids that aren't his, it's admirable. It shouldn't be an obligation. The fact that it is treated as such is a problem. It's one of the chief reasons this shit keeps happening. Of course this wouldn't be an issue if paternity tests were mandatory and they should be mandatory.

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46 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm amazed that people will reward hoe behavior and try to guilt trip a dude into raising children that aren't his. That's a near unequalled level of betrayal. There are too many stories of dudes offing themselves after finding out shit about. Paternity test is vile and there needs to start being consequences for this shit. Dude got scammed in the worst way possible and people are coming for him. Fuck them and the high horse they rode in on. Let one of them raise the kids.

It's just weird to me to write off the kids who did nothing wrong. But hey I guess "fuck them kids" 🤷 


I'm just saying it doesn't seem so black and white to me. I'd be hela disappointed but unless the kids are like.....months old I'd still have a built up relationship with them and I don't believe blood is what makes people family so the way people so casually say "fuck them kids" over shit they didn't have an active part in is fucking wild to me. 


And I ain't even high horsing anyone into any kind of behaivor I'm simply saying that shits complicated and the casual way people drop their advice on the situation, especially to just dump some kids into an even more dog shit situation with 0 accord for them as people is just....wild to me man. Sorry it just is. 

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15 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

If the guy in the situation wants raise kids that aren't his, it's admirable. It shouldn't be an obligation.

Okay I see- we're actually arguing about completely different things.


I'm not saying the guy should or shouldn't raise the kids- I can't speak to his state of mind, and either take could be valid for him.


I am saying that airing their mom's dirty laundry to the world *when she's already dead* is salt in the wound for those kids, and not indicating even minimal consideration for them.  It's just spiteful, when it would take no effort at all to just... not put that on Facebook?

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7 hours ago, axeman61 said:

This is random, but I was wrong as hell about Twitter Blue. I thought celebs would make a posturing show about not buying, but pony up later.


Turns out most are sticking to their word, and now it's almost a badge of dishonor to have it if Twitter didn't foot the bill itself. Now, it seems the only people with it are news organizations, govt officials, celebs on subsidy, and some sad mofos who would never be engaged with without Blue pumping their responses to the top.


To this day, I find it amazing that Musk spent 44 BILLION dollars on this, and the best thing one can say is that it didn't implode like people thought it would. How do you bomb the verification feature this hard?



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19 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Okay I see- we're actually arguing about completely different things.


I'm not saying the guy should or shouldn't raise the kids- I can't speak to his state of mind, and either take could be valid for him.


I am saying that airing their mom's dirty laundry to the world *when she's already dead* is salt in the wound for those kids, and not indicating even minimal consideration for them.  It's just spiteful, when it would take no effort at all to just... not put that on Facebook?

Yeah we are talking about talking about two separate things. I personally think these sort of things should be kept in house if possible. Although, this situation would likely blow up at some point. This is the bad part about social media. People get emotional put things out there that they probably shouldn't. 

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