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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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7 hours ago, Emptyeyes_ said:


You know, it's bad to compare yourself to people who seem to be doing better than you on the internet. You don't know their life, and may be creating an unreasonable standard for yourself.


I wonder if the reverse is true as well. I watch a video like this and the dude behind it is so pathetic that I feel better about my life, despite there being a LOT of things I have to work on. I see a lot of people like this online though, and wonder if knowing there's much worse people out there makes me get lax about my problems.


Like, for real. Amouranth is the queen harvester of simps, but to imply she had early menopause coming as "karma" is prime bitch shit. Prime "I see why no woman will touch you" shit.

Edited by axeman61
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It's weird the things and people that the algorithm *tries* to keep pushing on ya... like on facebook, I occasionally keep getting pictures of Anya Taylor-Joy or Taylor Swift, even though I've never gone out of my way to run a search on either of them... and they barely even register on the hotness scale to me... they're in that "blah" category at best, I could say is that "sometimes" Taylor might be mildly cute on occasion... yeah obviously if the opportunity presented itself then I'd hit it but I wouldn't go out of my way, y'know?  Anya has quite an odd look... sometimes she has a bit of that "bug" look.  


...well, and now I guess they'll push MORE pictures into the "feed" because I just said something about them here, I bet.

Edited by MillionX
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On 7/10/2023 at 5:54 AM, axeman61 said:

You know, it's bad to compare yourself to people who seem to be doing better than you on the internet. You don't know their life, and may be creating an unreasonable standard for yourself.


I wonder if the reverse is true as well. I watch a video like this and the dude behind it is so pathetic that I feel better about my life, despite there being a LOT of things I have to work on. I see a lot of people like this online though, and wonder if knowing there's much worse people out there makes me get lax about my problems.


Like, for real. Amouranth is the queen harvester of simps, but to imply she had early menopause coming as "karma" is prime bitch shit. Prime "I see why no woman will touch you" shit.

I agree. I've read the comments about her getting "divine intervention", which is pretty sad to me. 


This is coming from a person who sleeps around alot. People are so shallow and stuck up on what life should be for everyone. Sheep I tell you. Everyone is just  not the same.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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11 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

So everyone, the last two months have been a hell of a ride. Life threw my family a curve ball. While my soon-to-be son is good, my wife was diagnosed with cancer. I checked out of almost everything in the latter half of May. I haven't said anything in this space because while it's hard to say it, it's much tougher to read it.


One of those facts that you never thought you'd learn is that you can have chemo while pregnant with very little risk to the child in the 2nd/3rd trimester (around 2%). Everything is on the up and up. The baby is healthy and tracking normally. My wife (all things considered) is doing remarkably well with the treatment.  The medical team has been nothing but stellar, and the support we've gotten has been awesome.


We're having our baby shower this coming weekend, and we've switched it to virtual (since my wife is immuno-compromised). Again, we've got nothing but love from family and friends. Coming to this space has been good as it's a refuge from the grind since we found out. I've also been super reflective. The old adage goes, "Be kind because you don't know what others are going through." I was already pretty empathetic, but this has kicked it up a notch.


Still have a few things to prep for (e.g., reviewing what's left on the registry and the daddy-do list) since he'll be here in a month. It's all coming together beautifully. 


Thank you all for being great play cousins!

Message me your guys’ registry. 

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11 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I heard about some crazy motherfucker who threw their mom's ashes on stage @ Pink. I dunno if their mom was into Pink like that, but that sounds totally disrespectful. Not to mention creepy AF (literally throwing dead people)

I saw the video, Pink was not amused. 

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5 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Well, my uncle that had throat cancer died yesterday.

It is sad, but at the same time a relief, since he was already declared beyond saving and it was basically only getting his suffering being prolonged.


My mother travelled to USA to be with him and support another aunt and my uncle's wife.

I think it hurts them the most since even they already knew, they still had a little hope that maybe he could be saved.


Another thing that is sad is that my aunt that died on february endured over a year to care for him on his process.

She battled cancer for 25 years and was declared to not have more than 6 months to live around 2021 to 2022, and lasted beyond that because she wanted to ensure that my uncle would be in good shape after his treatment.

She died 2 weeks after my uncle supposedly was free of cancer.


And perhaps he could have beat cancer if not because when it was discovered that he still had some left, he couldnt get the treatment because he was weake and had a severe infection which was what at the end stopped the procedure and was what probably in part, killed him.


With this is the 4th sibling my mother loses to cancer, and I think that 8th family member that dies to it just on my mother side.



My mother in law has a friend who grew up in a town with a Fruit Of The Loom plant and literally ALL her siblings have died from cancer. She had some a scare that turned out to be nothing on her thyroid. Sucks to hear this man, I hate that for you.

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ah that brings back some recent memories--- I watched clips of DSP having trouble with that boss and it was killing me, because whoever put together the "this is how you don't play" montage of it... they had cartoon sound effects added to the visual of that big creature beating his character's ass as DSP was getting increasingly frustrated... shit was absolutely hysterical, man.... 


...and once again I'm thankful that Phil and the legion of people that have made memes of him over the years exist to provide such golden entertainment value.

Edited by MillionX
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7 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I spent a week stuck on that fucking thing and then got a few minutes further only to realize I then had to fight TWO of them at once. Fuck every single ape in that game 🤣

One of the best bosses in the game. Nothing like finally beating g him, sighing in relief and then he gets the fuck back up haha. Was so happy I happen to be with my brother he finally got to phase 2, shit had me howling lom. 

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Sen. Blumenthal Grills PGA Tour Execs On Whether Players Will Be Able to ‘Speak Their Mind’ About the Saudis After Merger Goes Final


During Tuesday’s U.S. Senate hearing on the agreed partnership between the PGA Tour and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund — the operator of LIV Golf — Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) took issue with the agreement’s non-disparagement clause.


Non-disparagement clauses prohibit employees from saying anything negative about a company. Because several high-profile members of the PGA Tour — including golfer Rory McIlroy and Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan — have called out the Saudis for their human rights issues, Blumenthal was concerned that those criticisms would be silenced should the agreement be finalized.


“Are you bound by the non-disparagement clause that is very specifically stated in the agreement?” he asked PGA Tour Chief Operating Officer Ron Price.

Price said they aren’t bound “in this form” and clarified that such clauses are common in most business dealings. Blumenthal then turned to Jimmy Dunne, a member of the Tour’s policy board who played a major role in the agreement.


When Dunne didn’t give a direct answer, Blumental pressed them to give a commitment that no one will be barred from criticizing the Saudis.

“I would like to have a commitment from both of you that the final agreement will not prevent players or PGA Tour executives from commenting on or criticizing actions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” he said. “Will you make that commitment?”


Price stressed that they already have freedom.

“It would certainly be an objective we would seek, Senator,” he said, “and, I would add that the framework agreement does not prevent our players from speaking their mind on any matters. They’re open.”


Blumenthal’s rebuttal was that things could change between now and the final agreement.

“It doesn’t now, but you can’t commit that the final agreement will not require them to avoid any such disparaging statements?” Blumenthal said.

“We do not anticipate it having that,” Price said of the agreement.


“Will you commit that it won’t have that?” Blumenthal fired back. “That you will not agree to it if it does?”

Price claimed that he “wouldn’t recommend it to the policy board for approval” if such a restriction were in place.

Dunne reiterated Price’s point, stating the board would take Blumenthal’s concerns into consideration.


Senator Tuberville Faceplants When Told White Nationalists Are Racists: ‘That’s Your Opinion’

Edited by AriesWarlock
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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

I spent a week stuck on that fucking thing and then got a few minutes further only to realize I then had to fight TWO of them at once. Fuck every single ape in that game 🤣

Under 10 attempts 😤!


Haven't progressed much further after beating him. It'll take me a while. The first half of his first phase is the hardest. Anything after that is mad easy.

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18 hours ago, RSG3 said:

One of the best bosses in the game. Nothing like finally beating g him, sighing in relief and then he gets the fuck back up haha. Was so happy I happen to be with my brother he finally got to phase 2, shit had me howling lom. 

Imo it's one of the weakest, at least the first phase. There are so many epic boss fights in this game, that the Guardian ape feels mini boss tier to me. But maybe this is just the salt talking 😂


Although with that said, I'm pretty solid on the headless ape fight now.

16 hours ago, Dayaan said:

Under 10 attempts 😤!


Haven't progressed much further after beating him. It'll take me a while. The first half of his first phase is the hardest. Anything after that is mad easy.

I love the game but every single boss fight has been a production for me. I've been told the first run is always the hardest and I have a feeling I'm going to be playing this game a lot, but there have been a couple fights that I almost put it down. But I guess the fact that I've still stuck with it is a testament to its quality

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Update on my stock trading/investing Journey. I went long on JOBY stock. A leader in the Electric vertical take off and landing (EVTOL) Aircraft race. Bought in at 5.25 and averaged up to 6.51 with 400 shares.


Currently trading at 10.30 to 10.40 range. Up over 50%. I also bought into DFLI 6 weeks ago. Put in $1000 but it dipped hard. But didn't panick. I just waited until I saw what was believed to be the bottom. Then bought the dip until I averaged down to 1.60. Every week. Then my patients paid off. 


News dropped that gave it a nice run to 1.86. But I sold at 1.75 for a 10% gain on $8500. So now my account is 2k in the green. Well technically I'm still 8k in the red. This is recovering from the first 10k account I blew up. So I'm not in the green until I recover that. So 8k to go.


My current trade. Is HOLO. A company focused on R&D and applications of holographic tech. I got burned bad on this in my original 10k portfolio. Bought in at 2.06 it crashed to 1.31. But has now recovered over a 100% from there. It had a pull back so I bought $1000 worth of shares at 3.17 in pre market this morning. Currently up 7%.

Edited by BB_Hoody
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44 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I can confirm just about every single boss fight, be it a big epic boss or a mini boss, is a huge production. You have to learn movements because you die so fast. Kinda reminds me of old Treasure Games where it's kind of just a boss rush mode disguised as a game. 


The thing with that is though that after you get through a boss and learn whatever it is they're trying to teach you with that boss fight, it makes you so much better at the game after that. But it can get really frustrating getting to that point.



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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

The thing with that is though that after you get through a boss and learn whatever it is they're trying to teach you with that boss fight, it makes you so much better at the game after that. But it can get really frustrating getting to that point.



Yea for sure, and Sekiro is deffinitly a game where it's really recommended to take a break when you're getting frustrated. Letting what you've learned sink in and then coming back fresh can make a HUGE difference in this game. 


Sekiro is kinda like a fighting game tournament setting where in yoyr mental fortitude can be drained really fast cuz the games asking you to concentrate so hard so often. It's even like a Shmup in that regard, or just any game that demands lots of focus st almost all times. 

Edited by RSG3
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